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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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Shame on the BBC for being so one sided.


They can't help themselves. There is not much difference between BBC bias and suppression in favour of Clinton, and the ‘safe space’, ‘trigger warning’ and ‘micro-aggression’ foolishness which is the other behavior these snowflake protestors enjoy.


Both are saying: you are not allowed to say anything which challenges or upsets our precious feelings and beliefs in any way.

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If you did this when Obama got elected, you would be labeled a racist.  I guess now you are just labeled a  DWR.  "Disgruntled Welfare Recipient" .  Because now they know the gravy train has ended. No more free stuff from the Dems.  Might even have to get a job! 

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7 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

Since when is marriage a right ? Many gays I know are opposed to marriage and simply want a civil union but that "right" was taken away from them. 

In the U.S. context same sex marriage became a right when the Supreme Court ruled about it.

Similar to when that same supreme court did that for INTERRACIAL marriages, forbidding states to ban it.

So you see, my dear, stripping away rights and legality of EXISTING marriages is an outrageous action, as I'm sure you would agree in the case of interracial marriages, but sounds like you think it's OK to do that against same sex marriages. 

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3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Poster with the least cred on T-V when discussing politics ???


Can be safely "ignored" by any other members with at least a pee for a brain.

Such as these?

 The faces of the soon-to-be-looking-for-jobs-on-Craigslist Obama staffers.

Schadenfreudelistic! :sorry:

Edited by Boon Mee
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America got the president it deserves! Trump can't be any worse than Reagan, Bush junior, Obama were. He has upset the Apple cart that is the establishment. They don't know how to deal with him.


What is even a bigger joke is that you had the French PM phone the German PM to discuss how they will react to Trump winning. Then Merkel goes on TV to make conditions as to what she expects from Trump in regard to the relationship the EU would have with the USA!


Give the guy the benefit of the doubt, he can't make any worse of a job than previous presidents have! He might even turn out to be better than some. He too will find out that you can't do everything you would like.


Obama's "yes we can" was a big "no we can't" he had no idea about foreign politics for one thing. It seems making a deal with Iran so they could keep their nuclear program, was the best he could do?


Interesting times ahead!  





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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Agreed. In a country that treats it's vets so badly, they treat uni kids like little princes and princesses. Something has gone badly wrong in the US. I hope Trump can fix some of it, starting with the vets.


The BBC is still trying to attack Trump as much as they can. Interviewing protesters that hate Trump, but no one that supports him.

Shame on the BBC for being so one sided.

Should be sold off to the highest bidder and half the news staff made redundant.

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

In the U.S. context same sex marriage became a right when the Supreme Court ruled about it.

Similar to when that same supreme court did that for INTERRACIAL marriages, forbidding states to ban it.

So you see, my dear, stripping away rights and legality of EXISTING marriages is an outrageous action, as I'm sure you would agree in the case of interracial marriages, but sounds like you think it's OK to do that against same sex marriages. 


People on my wife's Facebook page howling with laughter over the protests against a democratic election outcome. this after the US has been so preachy toward the Thai government about restoring democracy. Something about red water buffaloes...

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1 minute ago, CharlieK said:

America got the president it deserves! Trump can't be any worse than Reagan, Bush junior, Obama were. He has upset the Apple cart that is the establishment. They don't know how to deal with him.


What is even a bigger joke is that you had the French PM phone the German PM to discuss how they will react to Trump winning. Then Merkel goes on TV to make conditions as to what she expects from Trump in regard to the relationship the EU would have with the USA!


Give the guy the benefit of the doubt, he can't make any worse of a job than previous presidents have! He might even turn out to be better than some. He too will find out that you can't do everything you would like.


Obama's "yes we can" was a big "no we can't" he had no idea about foreign politics for one thing. It seems making a deal with Iran so they could keep their nuclear program, was the best he could do?


Interesting times ahead!  





Nothing to add to the discussion but a hoary old cliche.

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5 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


People on my wife's Facebook page howling with laughter over the protests against a democratic election outcome. this after the US has been so preachy toward the Thai government about restoring democracy. Something about red water buffaloes...

They sound ignorant of the specific U.S. issues. Sounds like you're living in your own odd bubble, especially based on your ridiculous assertion that trump won't kill Obamacare or pick far right wing SCOTUS justices (he has a list). 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

They sound ignorant of the specific U.S. issues. Sounds like you're living in your own odd bubble, especially based on your ridiculous assertion that trump won't kill Obamacare or pick far right wing SCOTUS justices (he has a list). 


I didn't say he won't. I said I'm working under the assumption that just about everything he has said is subject to revision.

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I find it quite amusing  how people from countries other than the U.S.A. have such opinions as to how the U.S. should govern itself and who should be elected.  While in America,  I know of no one that gives a Crap about who runs someone else's  country.  Probably couldn't tell you who is in charge of most if any EU countries.  I don't think it is due to ignorance.  I think it is more of, Americans have absolutely no reason to give a "Rats Ass" about it.  Americans have reached the boiling point. They are sick and tired of taking care of your sorry asses.  How about you all learn to take care of your own business and let America get on with hers.

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Just now, OMGImInPattaya said:

Nothing to add to the discussion but a hoary old cliche.


did I hit a nerve? What is there to add to this discussion, Just like Brexit you have one half of the population protesting the result. 


If my comment is a whorei cliche, it doesn't say much for  American politics!  

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Potential for violence in Portland, Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC, DC, and Philadelphia. All except Philadelphia, a Dem stronghold in a state choosing Trump, are in states that went for HRC. So, I guess my reaction is: who cares. Burn it all down, if you want to. 

Edited by Usernames
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8 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


did I hit a nerve? What is there to add to this discussion, Just like Brexit you have one half of the population protesting the result. 


If my comment is a whorei cliche, it doesn't say much for  American politics!  

No...it's been posted a dozen times since the election so not very original and the product of a not very supple mind.

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Unfortunately, America can expect ever-increasingly violent protests over the next 4 years.  America has never elected such a megalomaniac since Nixon in '68.  You all remember how that ended up with the protests, killings, bombings and criminal charges?  Most of Trump's voters were just angry and fed up, and had no idea what Trump really stands for.  Many of the protesters didn't support Clinton.  They aren't upset that the election didn't go their way.  They are upset that someone who is only interested in personal power and wealth could be elected as their President.  There would be no protests had any of the other Republican field been elected.  This isn't going to end well and it will be interesting how Trump handles the daily protests throughout his term in office.

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34 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Looking at that photo I thought something seemed missing. Worked it out as where are the African Americans? Only 4 definite and 1 might be. I guess Obama wasn't that keen to employ black people on his staff.

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10 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Unfortunately, America can expect ever-increasingly violent protests over the next 4 years.  America has never elected such a megalomaniac since Nixon in '68.  You all remember how that ended up with the protests, killings, bombings and criminal charges?  Most of Trump's voters were just angry and fed up, and had no idea what Trump really stands for.  Many of the protesters didn't support Clinton.  They aren't upset that the election didn't go their way.  They are upset that someone who is only interested in personal power and wealth could be elected as their President.  There would be no protests had any of the other Republican field been elected.  This isn't going to end well and it will be interesting how Trump handles the daily protests throughout his term in office.

Keep telling yourself and all your friends that...bodes very well for additional Republican gains in 2018 and a second Trump term in 2020 ?

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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2 hours ago, Credo said:

Thailand should adhere to democracy and democratic principles.   


Many people in the US are not happy, but many are.   The opposition conceded the election gracefully, the president has invited the president-elect to the Whitehouse to start the transition.   So, I am not sure who's not accepting democracy.   There are no troops on the streets, no soldiers, no tanks.  There are some protests, but that's a part of democracy and freedom of expression.


I wasn't a fan of DT, but he won fair and square, and now the US will give him a chance to take the mantle, not necessarily happily, but he will have the chance to prove himself.   


It's not fair and square when Donald get 300,000 (0.2%) less votes than Hillary and still becomes the president, that <deleted>-up way of counting used turns US in to an undemocratic country!

One man, one vote!

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They sound ignorant of the specific U.S. issues. Sounds like you're living in your own odd bubble, especially based on your ridiculous assertion that trump won't kill Obamacare or pick far right wing SCOTUS justices (he has a list). 

The same obamacare that Bill Clinton said was " a crazy system” and “the craziest thing in the world” ... Written by insurance and pharmacutical lobbyists. .. it is overpriced and imploding as premiums and deductables rise and rise.

Sent from my SM-A510F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Agreed. In a country that treats it's vets so badly, they treat uni kids like little princes and princesses. Something has gone badly wrong in the US. I hope Trump can fix some of it, starting with the vets.


The BBC is still trying to attack Trump as much as they can. Interviewing protesters that hate Trump, but no one that supports him.

Shame on the BBC for being so one sided.


Nothing here against university students in the USA or anywhere.


No problems about veterans getting the best possible health and medical care -- as a past VA user myself I am totally satisfied over a decade of visits at various VA medical centers and other facilities. 


All for national defense and security too of course. I also know the Pentagon gets far more than higher education does in respect of the federal budget and national resources. Include the Veteran's budget and you've got another $182 billion for 2017 on top besides.


The federal veteran's medical care facilities throughout the country are a single payer (no fee) system of 170-plus hospitals and hundreds of clinics and subclinics. The U.S. Government owns and operates it, so there's always going to be some bureaucracy, no matter who is Potus or Sec/Dept Veteran's Affairs.


The American civilians out on the streets in numerous cities across the country and who come from all walks of life are exercising their Constitutional right to petition the government for redress of grievances. They protest Donald Trump, not the election itself. They defend the Constitution, they do not attack it.


Indeed and of course, Hillary Clinton made the concession call to Donald Trump on election night. 

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49 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Unfortunately, America can expect ever-increasingly violent protests over the next 4 years.  America has never elected such a megalomaniac since Nixon in '68.  You all remember how that ended up with the protests, killings, bombings and criminal charges?  Most of Trump's voters were just angry and fed up, and had no idea what Trump really stands for.  Many of the protesters didn't support Clinton.  They aren't upset that the election didn't go their way.  They are upset that someone who is only interested in personal power and wealth could be elected as their President.  There would be no protests had any of the other Republican field been elected.  This isn't going to end well and it will be interesting how Trump handles the daily protests throughout his term in office.

Trump is a populist. He'll approve a shedload of tax cuts to make everyone happy, probably increase welfare, and slap the bill on the debt. Congress will approve it because it means they and their mates get their grubby hands on even more money.

Then in four years time they will all start saying how bad the Debt is and it's all Obama's fault.


You read it here first.



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1 hour ago, zaphod reborn said:

Unfortunately, America can expect ever-increasingly violent protests over the next 4 years.  America has never elected such a megalomaniac since Nixon in '68.  You all remember how that ended up with the protests, killings, bombings and criminal charges?  Most of Trump's voters were just angry and fed up, and had no idea what Trump really stands for.  Many of the protesters didn't support Clinton.  They aren't upset that the election didn't go their way.  They are upset that someone who is only interested in personal power and wealth could be elected as their President.  There would be no protests had any of the other Republican field been elected.  This isn't going to end well and it will be interesting how Trump handles the daily protests throughout his term in office.


The majority aren't scared of the snowflakes threats.


The snowflakes don't have the attention span.

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1 hour ago, Usernames said:

Potential for violence in Portland, Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC, DC, and Philadelphia. All except Philadelphia, a Dem stronghold in a state choosing Trump, are in states that went for HRC. So, I guess my reaction is: who cares. Burn it all down, if you want to. 


Since the Democratic Party Potus Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act  of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, no white majority has ever voted Democratic party for Potus.


In every election since 1964, the majority of white voters have voted for the Republican Party nominee for Potus in the general election. It really went big time in 1980 when Reagan ran successfully as the R party nominee (and of course since). 


Trump broke all previous records for the Republican nominee concerning the white vote. (I'd suppose that would include the AWM pig farming shitkicker vote.)

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