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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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On ‎13‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:15 PM, surangw said:

all these demonstrations ( riots) is making America seem like some of the under developed countries


- comparison Trump / Duterte

- Trump Family Business / Nepotism

- restriction on press coverage ( meeting with Japan's Abe)


yes , it's painful to watch how with Trump's election those comparisons arrise more often.   

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14 minutes ago, Opl said:


- comparison Trump / Duterte

- Trump Family Business / Nepotism

- restriction on press coverage ( meeting with Japan's Abe)


yes , it's painful to watch how with Trump's election those comparisons arrise more often.   


You're grasping at ridiculous straws. Wait until he has assembled his cabinet and has been sworn in.


It is not surprising he's playing games with the press, who treated him very badly and still do. Trump will sort them (the media) out in due time.

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On 11/17/2016 at 7:37 PM, JAG said:


I have to ask again, how is it right that one candidate can win substantially more votes (1 million +) than the other yet not win the presidential election?


So far the only answers I have seen here boil down to " because she was not the candidate I wished to win", and "because it means that the cities will decide the election." Well if the vast majority of electors live in the cities (80.7% according to the 2010 census), and one is to assume that the intention is that every vote counts, then that will inevitably be the case. As an outsider it looks frankly like a classic case of gerrymandering.


I really cannot imagine that the drafters of the US Constitution wished for or envisaged such an anomaly.


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.  The reason we have the electoral college has been explained a number of times. Our founders were astute enough to see that city populations far outnumber the rural areas thus have their own way to benefit only their own interests. 

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40 minutes ago, Gary A said:


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.  The reason we have the electoral college has been explained a number of times. Our founders were astute enough to see that city populations far outnumber the rural areas thus have their own way to benefit only their own interests. 

It's amazing how this simple concept has not gotten thru to some.

Not Rocket Surgery! :post-4641-1156694083:

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

seems to be the case….just watched a documentary via TVO called My Life As A Millennial


the most educated group….with the worst employment prospects in decades….spend years going from one intern job to another…have broadcast journalism degrees but cleaning hotel rooms to get by….totally underemployed….if these are the folks protesting trump, it's pathetic.

Edited 2 hours ago by JHolmesJr


Millennials in USA and China definitely have tons of stuff in common.


Each in real point of fact share almost all the same concerns -- flashy cars, store-bought clothes, IPads, living with and mooching off wealthy parents, being professional students and more.


Each also lives under a Rube Goldberg system to select their respective leader.


In CCP China the 205 chosen ones that are the Central Committee vote to decide the President (and the PM). In USA 538 Electoral College Electors choose the Potus.


CCP Central Committee members are 'elected' by the National People's Congress and in USA the national people's congress is gerrymandered Republican for time eternal.


Don't discount all millennials in either place however cause many of 'em are in the streets also. You just don't hear about it in CCP (except for Hong Kong).


In Taiwan millennials created the Sunflower Revolution that seized the parliament building for a month and in the ensuing election in January this year put the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party in the presidency and majority control of parliament for the first time.


Better dayze are coming all around, sooner or later. The Electoral College and Donald Trump look to be the catalyst to some coming raucous changes nationally and perhaps on the other side of the world. The USA-China Meltdown Syndrome.

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Indeed, Trump doesn't know what he's going to do or what he can or can't do.


Same for either side here and there -- neither really knows.


But Trump is the personality type of being predictable, i.e,. he is a wildman.


It is nonetheless absurd that Potus should be someone who will be spectacular whichever way it goes and turns out. The Greek Golden Mean has applied for millennia because it is the proven viable path for an established system of government and society. 


Yes there are revolutions and other kinds of upheavals. But when it is Potus draining the swamp and he doesn't see the alligators closing in around him we're going to have to throw him a lifeline.


This side however will do the right thing by having an anchor attached. 

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On 11/10/2016 at 10:58 AM, lovelomsak said:

Appears many American oppose Democratic process. Trump won the election case closed. Get on with life in a democratic country. To protest an election is absurd to say the least. The people have spoken.Work with what you have.Like they say here on ThaiVisa about Thailand if you do not like it go somewhere else.

That's the caveat with "democracy". It is frequently more akin to "mob rule". This time, a group of redneck, white trash racists, misogynists and low information yahoos put a demagogue in the White House. After George W. Bush all the rules were thrown out the window. Being "Presidential" counts for nothing anymore. Cut throat politics at its worst.

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4 hours ago, Gary A said:


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.  The reason we have the electoral college has been explained a number of times. Our founders were astute enough to see that city populations far outnumber the rural areas thus have their own way to benefit only their own interests. 

You think so? I asked a simple question, set in a specific context. 


It was answered, by a number of people.  Some of those answers helped me understand why this has happened. In fact your answer after your initial crack was one of them.


4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

It's amazing how this simple concept has not gotten thru to some.

Not Rocket Surgery! :post-4641-1156694083:


On the subject of comprehension: "Rocket Surgery" - is that an old "Bushism", or a new "Trumpeting"?

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Neither but keep on Keep-on-Trumpin-copy_thumb%25255B2%25255

LOL That's the millennials Hybrid of Rocket Science and Brain Surgery.  Maybe Rocket Surgery could be a "growth industry."  You'd just have to operate very, very, very fast... LOL :passifier:

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anti Trump protest in Berlin:  Move your ass, and do something for the people’

People from all corners of the world living in Germany came out to publicly show their disgust for the new United States president-elect, Donald Trump, during the early evening of Saturday, November 12th.




Marche contre Trump samedi à Paris : "Contrer sa haine avec des messages d'amour"


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9 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

That's the caveat with "democracy". It is frequently more akin to "mob rule". This time, a group of redneck, white trash racists, misogynists and low information yahoos put a demagogue in the White House. After George W. Bush all the rules were thrown out the window. Being "Presidential" counts for nothing anymore. Cut throat politics at its worst.


Good job we have a number of sensitive caring individuals such as your good self to lead us in a righteous direction.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sorry, world.


The question now is what now?:coffee1:


The Provisional People's Pattaya Liberation Front (not to be confused with the Provisional Pattaya People's Liberation Front) will be meeting soon to issue further instructions.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Exactly right. Do the people that are advocating the EC voters renege and elect her instead have any idea of the repercussions that would ensue if such happened?


Guess they do not, because there's no precedent, as far the electoral college goes. Faithless electors, yes, elections results swings, no. Then again, I'm sure some would like to speculate, and possibly to hint at a threatening backlash.


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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:


The Provisional People's Pattaya Liberation Front (not to be confused with the Provisional Pattaya People's Liberation Front) will be meeting soon to issue further instructions.

 No, not really. But there will be a response and a persistent one. 

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7 hours ago, joeyg said:

Note: Dozens have been arrested and a handful of police injured, but, as Reuters reports, neither Obama nor Clinton has called for an end to the protests.


Douchebags!!! That's my medical opinion... :passifier:


Far from calling an end to the protests, Obama has endorsed it:




“And I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that hasn’t been subject to these protests. So, I would not advise people who feel strongly or who are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent.”


When has another president-elect been subject to such protests as we've seen over the past 10 days?

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7 minutes ago, tropo said:

Far from calling an end to the protests, Obama has endorsed it:




“And I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that hasn’t been subject to these protests. So, I would not advise people who feel strongly or who are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent.”


When has another president-elect been subject to such protests as we've seen over the past 10 days?


Obama has stirred up political unrest and riots his entire Admin.


Its called his "Healthy Dialogue Initiative.


It was named in honor of gwb's "Healthy Forest Initiative" which was also exactly the opposite of its name.

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Violent people always attach themselves to political demonstrations.


The protesting demonstrators are exercising their Constitutional rights. No one has any reason under the sun to deny the demonstrators the right all of us have in USA. 


The people who'd been saying Potus Obama was going to declare martial law to keep the Democratic Party in power by either he or HRC are the usual suspects in whinging about demonstrators.


You still don't get it that Donald Trump is the most unpopular Potus-Elect in the country's history. Hollering against the protesting demonstrators is testimony the Right Sector has zero comprehension why Trump is the most unpopular Potus-Elect in the history of the office.


The most unpopular.



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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Violent people always attach themselves to political demonstrations.


The protesting demonstrators are exercising their Constitutional rights. No one has any reason under the sun to deny the demonstrators the right all of us have in USA. 


The people who'd been saying Potus Obama was going to declare martial law to keep the Democratic Party in power by either he or HRC are the usual suspects in whinging about demonstrators.


You still don't get it that Donald Trump is the most unpopular Potus-Elect in the country's history. Hollering against the protesting demonstrators is testimony the Right Sector has zero comprehension why Trump is the most unpopular Potus-Elect in the history of the office.


The most unpopular.




Nothing to disagree with there. All true. It is also true that had Hillary Clinton been elected she would have been the most unpopular Potus-Elect in the history of the office.


The most unpopular.




It is only my opinion because it did not come to pass, but I think had Hillary been elected instead, there would be much fewer people protesting now and those that did, rather than being labeled as "Americans exercising their constitutional rights" they would be labeled as racists, misogynists and whatever other derogatory name you like.

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These are not "low information" voters. They know all to well who are the protected class in America and who are the unprotected:






Do nothing to stop this from happening. Protect those who preyed on these people and you get Trump. Not that things would be any different under Trump but ignore the needs of the governed long enough and they will lash out.

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10 hours ago, JAG said:


On the subject of comprehension: "Rocket Surgery" - is that an old "Bushism", or a new "Trumpeting"?


Its creative efficiency and just what the politicians in this country need. 


Its rocket science AND brain surgury with half the effort and space.


Just the application of this single process could have resulted in the ACA Legislation being halved by  10,000 pages. Still too long for Pelosi to have bothered reading, but a start in the right direction.


Makin' America Great Again !





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On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Kasset Tak said:

The American Democrats lead by Obama and Clinton cried/s that Thailand should adhere to democracy after the military took power, now the American Democrats cries that Trump got elected to president... if you can't accept democracy in your own country then you shouldn't even bother how other countries are governed!
Democracy - Rule by the People... and frankly more people are happy now with the boys in green than they were when the puppet and her master was running the show! 


No they are not. It is not possible for people to express their true feelings. CM seems like a city under occupation. People livevin fear.

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5 hours ago, Opl said:


Timothy Snyder : What we do now  - How to preserve the ideals of liberal democracy in the face of a Trump presidency.



There are lots of ideas being knocked around now. 

A significant portion of the population realizes that there MUST be a non-traditional and persistent opposition to trump well beyond normal political channels, given he controls the entire federal government and the vast majority of state governments as well.

Learning from history?


In the days since the election, there have been many calls for anti-Trump forces to remain resolute in their resistance. “If the presidency of Donald Trump inspires anything, it should be a fierce spirit of opposition,” Leon Wieseltier wrote last weekend in these pages. “The proper response is steely resolve to wage the fight of our lives,” Jonathan Chait wrote in New York magazine.



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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There are lots of ideas being knocked around now. 

A significant portion of the population realizes that there MUST be a non-traditional and persistent opposition to trump well beyond normal political channels, given he controls the entire federal government and the vast majority of state governments as well.

Learning from history?



If that translates to a general opposition to government overreach that is applied to all future governments, then it could hardly be a bad thing. If it's just because "my" candidate didn't win then it's just politics as usual.

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