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Trump bucks protocol on press access


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3 hours ago, mania said:


What country are you from?

How large a population?

Is it divided into States etc with State laws as well as Federal laws?


Why not?  Because America is a Republic not a Democracy.....

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 

Good explanation.That explains why the Republics of Korea and China get annoyed with the United States of America claiming to be a democracy, while in reality, it's which to have for lunch.

That said, to be more politically correct with my commentary if he's chosen to be President he too needs to grow up and accept responsibility as Commander in Chief. Which requires taking the silver spoon out of his mouth and in spite of all he did before to dodge service, walk the walk, stand up straight like a proud American and act like a man more than a spoiled rich kid who only does what he wants. 


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34 minutes ago, silent said:


That said, to be more politically correct with my commentary if he's chosen to be President he too needs to grow up and accept responsibility as Commander in Chief. Which requires taking the silver spoon out of his mouth and in spite of all he did before to dodge service, walk the walk, stand up straight like a proud American and act like a man more than a spoiled rich kid who only does what he wants. 



That said 555

another key boarder with a crystal ball & balls to give advice to one who has run for and won the election for President of the USA


Yes I am sure he would need your valuable advice Mr Big

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5 hours ago, mania said:


Oh that is rich.....see what you attempted there?

known as the liberal flip flop

my answer that you quoted was a reply to your posted claims that basically you "assumed" Trump won because voters were too stupid to see obvious thing....

see here yours......




Now you want to post saying I am the one assuming 5555

Also in the same breath claim you have no dog in the race.....

yeah your posts show otherwise.....your probably one of the usual suspects with a few logins.......


ok ok thanks all clear now....while I am not one for using ignore function neither do I suffer fools gladly.....don't mind me if I no longer dance with you 


The liberal flip flop.... how sad.  I'm actually now ashamed of myself for even responding to any of this narrow-minded drivel. 

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10 hours ago, JLCrab said:

A large number of Republican National Security experts signed a letter opposing Mr. Trump as President.



The Change(dot)org petition is in no way binding on anything. But if some Republican electors have great respect for persons who signed that letter, who knows?

I'm assuming that link is a joke?

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54 minutes ago, mania said:


That said 555

another key boarder with a crystal ball & balls to give advice to one who has run for and won the election for President of the USA


Yes I am sure he would need your valuable advice Mr Big

555555555555 Good come back. Did you think of that all by yourself like the man now known internationally as the Tweeter in Chief https://www.reuters.tv/v/k4G/2016/11/11/trump-incites-tweetstorm-after-bashing-protesters

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5 hours ago, Gary A said:

By the way, what happened to all the financial experts who predicted that the stock market and the dollar would collapse if Trump were elected? You people read too much press garbage.

The markets went down for a day IMHO because markets do not like the uncertainty as to whatTrump is going to do but then the markets rebounded over the certainty that Trump himself doesn't know what he wants to do and doing nothing is just fine with markets.

Edited by JLCrab
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7 hours ago, Strange said:


Cute, name calling.... Must have hit a nerve. Feels good over here. 


This is why I don't usually don't debate anything with the English. They are incapable of viewing things from an American perspective, but continually feel they know whats best for America and the World. 


News Flash - No One Cares. 


7 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

I ain't American


7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Then you are simply a time waster in the discussion.


Thanks for clarifying.


To borrow a phrase from the famed, JT, "Welcome to the Ignore List buddy"  ;-)

Good point.  I'm not American either, but have been (mostly) understanding of the Trump election vote and posting against the anti-Trump demonstrations.


Please forgive me for having an opinion on these subjects - in the same way I (sort of :lol:) forgive those non-Brit voters commenting on the Brexit vote.

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2 hours ago, silent said:

Good explanation.That explains why the Republics of Korea and China get annoyed with the United States of America claiming to be a democracy, while in reality, it's which to have for lunch.

That said, to be more politically correct with my commentary if he's chosen to be President he too needs to grow up and accept responsibility as Commander in Chief. Which requires taking the silver spoon out of his mouth and in spite of all he did before to dodge service, walk the walk, stand up straight like a proud American and act like a man more than a spoiled rich kid who only does what he wants. 


Frankly, I'm sick of this garbage about Trump dodging service. What service did Obama have; what service does Clinton have; what service did Bill have?

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7 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

Clinton is a snake, and I'm not a liberal.  But it's extremely difficult for Trumpians to grasp anything beyond left/right, liberal conservative.  Thinking beyond that makes the brain go tilt.  "man of mystery"?  Sad.

You're kidding right?!


I'm hearing left/right/liberal/conservative (and the odd marxist) definitions thrown around by those on both sides of the debate!

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7 hours ago, Strange said:


Cute, name calling.... Must have hit a nerve. Feels good over here. 


This is why I don't usually don't debate anything with the English. They are incapable of viewing things from an American perspective, but continually feel they know whats best for America and the World. 


News Flash - No One Cares. 

We all get to comment on the election. Whatever the US does affects us all.

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17 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Wow!  Various people who held senior national security/foreign policy positions from Nixon to G W Bush  think they are a respected source of opinion?!


2 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

Yes -- they represent experience. 

Experience of 'screwing up' badly?


The letter you posted should have been made very obvious before the election (or perhaps it was, I didn't follow the pre-election coverage), as it would likely have resulted in even more voting for Trump.....

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7 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

Clinton is a snake, and I'm not a liberal.  But it's extremely difficult for Trumpians to grasp anything beyond left/right, liberal conservative.  Thinking beyond that makes the brain go tilt.  "man of mystery"?  Sad.


Why would you want to insult a snake? I have a lot of respect for snakes.

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12 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Experience of 'screwing up' badly?


The letter you posted should have been made very obvious before the election (or perhaps it was, I didn't follow the pre-election coverage), as it would likely have resulted in even more voting for Trump.....

You may easily be dismissive of all those persons who signed that letter but it may not be so easy for Mr. Trump to do so as -- while there may be others with experience in national security who did not sign that letter -- he might not be able to assemble a team to do the daily grind of such matters while writing off a large component of 40 years of experience in Republican Administrations.

I think  -- rather than some of these persons now approaching the Trump transition team for a job -- the Trump transition team may be approaching those persons and saying Please Help Us!

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24 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Good point.  I'm not American either, but have been (mostly) understanding of the Trump election vote and posting against the anti-Trump demonstrations.


Please forgive me for having an opinion on these subjects - in the same way I (sort of :lol:) forgive those non-Brit voters commenting on the Brexit vote.


I don't mind at all, but obviously you missed where that English "Sir" called me a fool, and prompted that response. It is annoying when a non-American comes in with insults like he knows whats best for America and its Citizens and refuses to look at anything from an American Perspective. 


I dont comment on Brexit stuff. 


19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

We all get to comment on the election. Whatever the US does affects us all.


Where did I say you can't comment? 


What the US Does in the Election cycle may effect you, but there is nothing you can do about it. 


Also, what, exactly, has the USA done to effect you personally, and in any real notable way? 

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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Frankly, I'm sick of this garbage about Trump dodging service. What service did Obama have; what service does Clinton have; what service did Bill have?

I guess to me if he can be the only one of that trio with the audacity to mock someone else's ability because his plane got shot down and was captured which therefore according to the commander in chief means he didn't really see much active service either, he'll always deserve a kick in the ass. By all means though, it's a free country and you're welcome to idolize who you choose. To me it's proof that one man's garbage can rise to be a national treasure. 

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42 minutes ago, Strange said:


I don't mind at all, but obviously you missed where that English "Sir" called me a fool, and prompted that response. It is annoying when a non-American comes in with insults like he knows whats best for America and its Citizens and refuses to look at anything from an American Perspective. 


I dont comment on Brexit stuff. 



Where did I say you can't comment? 


What the US Does in the Election cycle may effect you, but there is nothing you can do about it. 


Also, what, exactly, has the USA done to effect you personally, and in any real notable way? 

Invaded Iraq

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44 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:
1 hour ago, Strange said:

I don't mind at all, but obviously you missed where that English "Sir" called me a fool, and prompted that response. It is annoying when a non-American comes in with insults like he knows whats best for America and its Citizens and refuses to look at anything from an American Perspective. 


I dont comment on Brexit stuff. 



Where did I say you can't comment? 


What the US Does in the Election cycle may effect you, but there is nothing you can do about it. 


Also, what, exactly, has the USA done to effect you personally, and in any real notable way? 

Invaded Iraq


The Iraq invasion effected you, as a non-us citizen, in a negative way? How? 

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Some of a long series of off-topic posts has been removed and a number of members have been placed on suspension.   This topic is about Trump's relationship with the press.   Continuing to post in an off-topic manner will result in more suspensions.



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On Friday, November 11, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Jingthing said:

He's a con man.

What did people expect?

The people didn't elect a president. 
They elected an authoritarian dictator.

Of course he's not going to have normal press access.

Authoritarian dictators never do unless it's their own completely controlled press. 



But at least he was elected unlike in other countries when certain people just decide they are taking over.

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Ofcourse, a fair and impartial press should have access to the most powerful man in the world, President-elect Trump, so that Americans can be provided complete transparency and accountability. 


Now, if only we can find a fair & impartial press. 


Obviously we will need to look outside of the US.


Its an interesting topic since hillary supporters are clamoring for such transparency yet had zero concern when hillary's private email account was intententionally maintained for just the opposite--complete secrecy and avoidance of personal responsibility to the American public.

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:



Now, if only we can find a fair & impartial press. 


Obviously we will need to look outside of the US.


^^^^^^This^^^^^ +1


I have many Democratic family members who voted Dem

They know my stance as well

We discuss and laugh about the election as well as seriously


But all of them now agree that the MSN has been so blatantly trying to incite with their one sided opinions. Has them realizing how the media has become a wicked puppet in the USA. They just no longer watch these stations


All of them while agreeing freedom of the press/speech is set in stone also think these have gone way to far. In the USA we have laws that state...if a person goes to a bar and gets drunk & is then allowed to drive off with reduced capabilities and kills someone....then the bartender that served them the drinks that got them to that state can also be held liable 


Seems we need something similar in this misinformation age

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7 minutes ago, mania said:


^^^^^^This^^^^^ +1


I have many Democratic family members who voted Dem

They know my stance as well

We discuss and laugh about the election as well as seriously


But all of them now agree that the MSN has been so blatantly trying to incite with their one sided opinions. Has them realizing how the media has become a wicked puppet in the USA. They just no longer watch these stations


All of them while agreeing freedom of the press/speech is set in stone also think these have gone way to far. In the USA we have laws that state...if a person goes to a bar and gets drunk & is then allowed to drive off with reduced capabilities and kills someone....then the bartender that served them the drinks that got them to that state can also be held liable 


Seems we need something similar in this misinformation age


Mythical families marching to the usual loony tune rants against the media mythical enemy though this one wrapped in a bow. Seriously though, good for a laugh.


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