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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Who is saying protest is bad? It's the rioting and the destruction and the assaulting people that offends most.


Fully agree!

So when are you going to condemn the racist assaults against many minority groups by the white supremacist who rose fully to the surface because of Trump? Or do they only get whats coming to them and therefore that doesn't offend you?

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19 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:



So when are you going to condemn the racist assaults against many minority groups by the white supremacist who rose fully to the surface because of Trump? 


I condemn white racists, but they were around long beforeTrump ran for president. He is not responsible for what these scum do.

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15 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I condemn white racists, but they were around long beforeTrump ran for president. He is not responsible for what these scum do.


I am happy to read that you condemn this scum, but its a bit naive to think that Trump is not at all responsible for the racist hatred rising so fully to the surface at the moment. He has not condemned any of the white supremacist groups, but rather his prejudice remarks have encouraged hate against Muslims and Mexicans and his birther rants were founded on racism against African Americans! The fact that Bannon is the first person he chose for his presidential team, should make it clear to any objective person what his position is on racism in America.

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1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Fully agree!

So when are you going to condemn the racist assaults against many minority groups by the white supremacist who rose fully to the surface because of Trump? Or do they only get whats coming to them and therefore that doesn't offend you?

Changed my mind. Not worth my time responding.

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23 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Actually, Trump has denounced David Duke and the KKK. He is against ILLEGAL aliens and possible terrorists from abroad. He has no problem with Mexican Americans or law-abiding Muslim Americans.


True he did, but it took a while because when he initially got the endorsement of Duke the only thing he could say was "who is David Duke, I dont know him".

I never said that Trump has problems with all Muslims or Mexicans, he himself would probably say: "I am  their biggest friend, nobody is a bigger friend to Muslims and Mexicans than me!", but his rhetoric about Muslims (like "no Muslim entering the country until we know what the hell is going on", or his prejudice about Mrs Khan not being allowed to talk for herself because she is Muslim) and the rapist/murdering Mexicans remarks, have fueled the racist groups in America (as well as abroad) to launch Trump as their champion.


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Obama whilst visiting Germany was asked whether he would advise the protesters to stop. His answer was to waffle but basically it was 'no'.


"I would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign. I wouldn’t advise them to be silent. What I would advise, what I advised before the election, and what I will continue to advise after the election, is that elections matter; voting matters; organizing matters; being informed on the issues matter."

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3 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

Obama whilst visiting Germany was asked whether he would advise the protesters to stop. His answer was to waffle but basically it was 'no'.




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From your link...Obama was responding to the question below which did not reference violence, so why would he tell people to stop protesting, it's a legal right for non violent protest.


"You’ve spoken a great deal about what you’ve characterized as kind of a crude form of nationalism perhaps on the rise. I’m wondering if you would advise some of those protesters at home to stop demonstrating against some of the charged rhetoric that has been used by Donald Trump?"

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From your link...Obama was responding to the question below which did not reference violence, so why would he tell people to stop protesting, it's a legal right for non violent protest.
"You’ve spoken a great deal about what you’ve characterized as kind of a crude form of nationalism perhaps on the rise. I’m wondering if you would advise some of those protesters at home to stop demonstrating against some of the charged rhetoric that has been used by Donald Trump?"

I would have thought that anyone not living inside a bubble would realize violence comes with the territory when liberals protest the result of a democratic election.

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5 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


too late, you did respond, and just say "I condemn racism" would have had less characters than what you typed now. So I guess that makes your position on the issue clear......


Hmmm what part of him telling you your not worth a reply

prompted your twisted interpretation ? All this reply of yours achieved was to compound his original point

Edited by mania
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On 11/17/2016 at 11:02 AM, JAG said:

Whilst I fully endorse your point, I do feel that you chose a poor example.

In Bill Clintons case your supposition is entirely possible!:smile:


         For decades, I've known ultra-liberals who will believe anything outlandish; Nessie, Crop Circles, planets aligned.   Now I'm finding right wingers are just as eager to be gullible, ....maybe more so.  


        BTW, the vast majority, perhaps 99.9% of the people demonstrating against Trump, are completely sincere in their abhorance of Trump and his plans to kick America in the balls (debilibate it).   All this talk of payments and buses re; protesters is right wingers trying to dilute the fervor of the demonstrators.  I know, and they probably also know that the demonstrations won't compel Trump and his henchmen to step down.  Yet, it's venting, plain and simple.  I'd be there with them, if I was in the US.  


If right wingers want to infiltrate the protests and cause problems, who's to stop them?


If right wingers want to publish BS on the internet and twitter in order to dilute the sincere angst of the protests, who can stop that?   You can't.  I can't.    But I can see through the BS a lot clearer than conspiracy-embedded right wingers.    You see what I mean; about Trump being the ultimate DIVIDER ?!  Everything he's been doing for the past 17 months, and everything he'll do for the next 4 years will be more of the same:  Idiocy and Divisiveness.  

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To give further proof at how right wingers are so easily duped into believing false news; below is a URL with a photo of Michelle and her husband standing next to each other, each pledging allegiance to the flag WITH THEIR LEFT HANDS OVER THE RIGHT SIDES OF THEIR CHESTS.  


To the average gullible right winger, it looks as though the Obamas are dummies who don't even know an American is supposed to honor the 'pledge of allegiance' using their right hands over their hearts.


....yet the caption proves how the picture was photoshopped - in order to cast aspersions at the Obamas.



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        Here's another fake story circulated by right wingers, this one trying to show that Obama used his childhood name when going to University while claiming he was a 'foreign student'.  In point of fact, Obama quit using his stepfather's last name when he was 10 years old.  The ID card shown, is a complete fabrication.  Indeed, the University didn't even use bar codes (as shown on the fake card) until years after Obama graduated.   Yet, right wingers will lap it up as gospel truth, as their mean-spirited gullibility knows no bounds - when it comes to disparaging Obama, his wife, HRC or the protesters who are justifiably pissed off that a dangerous bumbler cheated his way to the presidency.



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