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Some acts of kindness I have experienced in the last few days


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5 hours ago, alex8912 said:

I think a large percentage of TVF posters are negative and probably outwardly nasty old men who get what they deserve in LOS.


That's negative too.



Absolutely correct it is very negative. It is very common on this forum to see  Posters critical of certain Thai aspects be slammed by those DELETED. Can't they see their hypocrisy?

Edited by seedy
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It's not the Tshirt; it's your bike! I have been riding my bike around Thailand for a few years now. Wherever I go and the occasions I need help, it's amazing. Mend a puncture B15. Free water, pump my tyres up for free, fix my computer onto the bike free, put some chain oil on free. When I go into Temples to look around the Monks want to talk with me about me and the bike, I get looks of admiration almost every day from well-meaning Thais either walking or on their motorbikes.

You might find it odd but I very rarely have problems with the traffic and the otherwise bad driver attitude.

I like it here!

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5 hours ago, samsensam said:

where i come from it's the norm for people to help each other, so much so that it's not note worthy.


it says something when an act of kindness is so unusual that people feel the need to comment on it.


Some of the kindness you find here is not unusual in more sparsely populated areas, and maybe you are from such area, but those of us coming from larger cities are generally surprised by the hospitality we receive because we are in “city environments” and there is a language barrier.


Once I was in downtown Bangkok, a Thai caught up with us because he overheard that my friend needed a toilet, so he offered us to use his, as he lived around the corner. I think most people in a city overhearing someone needing a toilet would think “not my problem”, rather than go out of their way to offer up their own.

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AMEN!!!! Good on you for the post. Me Too. Cheers. Some losers are just losers no matter where they live.  I want my ashes spread on OUR soil when it is my time to go. I have NO affiliation wit my family or home country. I AM HOME in SouthEast ASIA where I died as a teenager during the VIETNAM WAR, enough said!!! Thank you.


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Stay away from the tourist areas and most Thais will be nice and respectful , if you respect them back.  Unfortunately the bad side of the coin is there too, try to argue with a Thai and you can't win .

When I lived and worked in Greece I could  discuss politics, and lots of different topics freely , we could have arguments that went on for hours (Greeks loves a good discussion) but it would never end up as a problem .


In Thailand you need to know your limitations as a foreigner, sometimes I have a problem with that part of the Thai culture, and yes I miss Greece.. 




Edited by balo
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1 hour ago, ChrisKC said:

It's not the Tshirt; it's your bike! I have been riding my bike around Thailand for a few years now. Wherever I go and the occasions I need help, it's amazing. Mend a puncture B15. Free water, pump my tyres up for free, fix my computer onto the bike free, put some chain oil on free. When I go into Temples to look around the Monks want to talk with me about me and the bike, I get looks of admiration almost every day from well-meaning Thais either walking or on their motorbikes.

You might find it odd but I very rarely have problems with the traffic and the otherwise bad driver attitude.

I like it here!

Hi CrhisKC yes you're right someone on a bike (whether Thai or a especially a falang) is definitely a novelty and gets me many inspiring calls from guys at the back of pick-up trucks. I'm talking of the Lycra'd-up mob (I prefer cotton meself) not the little old ladies on their single-gear bikes with the enormous baskets in the front. Drivers do tend to stop and let me pull out when I want to go left at the lights for example - usually

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2 hours ago, balo said:

Stay away from the tourist areas and most Thais will be nice and respectful , if you respect them back.  Unfortunately the bad side of the coin is there too, try to argue with a Thai and you can't win .

When I lived and worked in Greece I could  discuss politics, and lots of different topics freely , we could have arguments that went on for hours (Greeks loves a good discussion) but it would never end up as a problem .


In Thailand you need to know your limitations as a foreigner, sometimes I have a problem with that part of the Thai culture, and yes I miss Greece.. 




The problem with the "tourist areas" is that most Thai people automatically think of a foreigner as a tourist but as many of us know, many thousands are not tourists. Talking of "respect" I don't wait for them to respect me first - I am the one to engage with them; old, young and children alike; they like that, especially when I speak Thai with them.

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9 hours ago, samsensam said:


where i come from it's the norm for people to help each other, so much so that it's not note worthy.


it says something when an act of kindness is so unusual that people feel the need to comment on it.



I think it is nice when people have pleasant experiences and to share with those who like that, compared with the majority of subjects on this forum are of the complaining sort and usually provokes rather than inspires.

Not all people come from where you do!

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On 11/13/2016 at 7:03 PM, KhonKaenKowboy said:

I know what you mean.  Very considerate people.  I was just crossing the street in front of one of the top universities in the country.  A Thai man actually had the decency to flash his lights on his pickup truck before he stepped hard on the gas just giving me enough time to jump into a mosh pit of freshmen girls standing on the side of the road.

I suspect he knew you.

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8 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

The problem with the "tourist areas" is that most Thai people automatically think of a foreigner as a tourist but as many of us know, many thousands are not tourists. Talking of "respect" I don't wait for them to respect me first - I am the one to engage with them; old, young and children alike; they like that, especially when I speak Thai with them.

Yes many of us are not tourist but we are  

Aliens just want out money and not us .

most Thais are very respectful people but you have some who not care about us not a lot just a few like DELETED .

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Maybe the OP was not charged as many of us are being ripped off in other ways.


Example:  I go to Mickey D's for breakfast on Sunday morning and the order came to 155 Baht. I gave the cashier 1k Baht. She handed me back 645 Baht. (One 500 Baht note, a 100 Baht note, two 20 Baht notes, and a 5 Baht coin.) That was 200 Baht short !!!  


It was not any accident by miscounting out 100 Baht notes....  and when I pointed it out to her she acted like it was my fault.

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53 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

Maybe the OP was not charged as many of us are being ripped off in other ways.


Given I've never been short-changed here, have never heard a complaint about it over the years from my many falang friends, and given what seems to be a rather contrary response from most of the posters on this thread, I'd have to conclude that short-changing rarely happens here (and I'd have no reason to believe it happens here any more than anywhere else).


However, to be fair, perhaps you could advise about the underlying survey you took to enable you to graduate your asserted experience to the "many of us."


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20 hours ago, georgemandm said:

I for one have never had a problem with Thais , I think most are very good and respect people but like all  people around the world you will have problems with some .

of what I have seen and read most of the problems are with the ex thai wife or the ex thai girlfriends and not the thai people.


I'd wager that most of these men also had problems with non-Thai wives and girlfriends in their previous locales, too.

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21 minutes ago, CMBob said:


Given I've never been short-changed here, have never heard a complaint about it over the years from my many falang friends, and given what seems to be a rather contrary response from most of the posters on this thread, I'd have to conclude that short-changing rarely happens here (and I'd have no reason to believe it happens here any more than anywhere else).


However, to be fair, perhaps you could advise about the underlying survey you took to enable you to graduate your asserted experience to the "many of us."



Well to be honest I have been short changed at Rimping a few years ago by 100 Baht but didn't realize that until after I left. I usually don't count my change too closely but have started since reading on here about how many times this has occurred to others....  I only count the notes as a few coins don't bother me.


Survey???  Hmmmm.....  I didn't conduct any but let me start a new thread to see how many have.... pay attention...

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Although I seldom agree with you, that, in my opinion, is right on!  And it is not just wives and girlfriends, but people in general.


Many times, and this is aimed at no one in particular, people can be short changed and they don't know it.  That is the goal of the person that is doing it ON PURPOSE.


When people only deal with Thais inside Chiang Mai city then generalize about all Thai people from those experiences, they are often wrong.


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Everybody loves FREE stuff.......free healthcare, free anything!!!!  this is not an act of kindness, it is you telling yourself you deserve things for free and the universe needs to give you free stuff!!!!!!


If I were you, I would hand out 100 baht to 100 random people today....


then we will see if you became a better person from getting free stuff!!!!


i am serious in a joking way.....I have helped families with rent to the tune of 5000 baht in the last three months....so i talk the talk and walk the walk.....different families, i didn't know them, but i knew they had some very bad luck and needed help.  


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1 minute ago, hml367 said:


Although I seldom agree with you, that, in my opinion, is right on!  And it is not just wives and girlfriends, but people in general.


Many times, and this is aimed at no one in particular, people can be short changed and they don't know it.  That is the goal of the person that is doing it ON PURPOSE.


When people only deal with Thais inside Chiang Mai city then generalize about all Thai people from those experiences, they are often wrong.


Ditto.  But I'd note that 99% of the experiences I'm aware of - mine and those of friends - occur here within the city of CM and we don't seem to have the problems so often broadcast by the vocal minority.  Maybe we're lucky or, just perhaps, it's partly a matter of attitude.


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1 hour ago, NancyL said:


I'd wager that most of these men also had problems with non-Thai wives and girlfriends in their previous locales, too.

Yes I agree but it is about thailand not about other locales try not and get off what it is about it happens to many times on TVF 

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