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Trump considering woman, openly gay man for leadership posts


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11 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Liberal: " Willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas"

Sounds ok to me.

Yes we are witnessing the liberal respect and acceptance of opinions different from one's own on the streets each night of protesting and rioting. Your definition of liberals may have been correct a century ago but it has certainly become the opposite of your description.

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17 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Indeed. A post chock full of the same lies, distortions and exaggerations that the liberal media have relied on to smear Trump for months. No wonder the American people ignored this nonsense and elected him president.


Indeed I need a therapy dog?


I understand that its hard to swallow for some people that the majority of the voters for Trump are your "average people" who look after their own family welfare and are not part of the racists minority who voted for Trump. They are the  "working class"  who can't care less about Muslims or "building a wall", they are the white, brown, and black people, they are the Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Jewish people who are out of a job, have their house foreclosed, can't afford healthcare, and are sick and tired of banks being bailed-out, and global trade deals being made that kill their opportunity to ever get out of the hole.

When Trump laid out his plans for jobs, healthcare and fixing/rebuild highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals, while as a bonus suggested to swipe the establishment clean, he laid out the liberal, socialist ideals, (all things Bernie Sanders started before Trump took it over from him) These are the things that attracted the working class to him.

It is therefore rather pathetic that that view is being deemed as liberal media lies, distortions and exaggerations by a Trump supporter. But then again, you might be one of the minority Trump voters which might mean that actually taking care of the American people is the last thing on your mind.....

Edited by DriveByTrucker
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13 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

You couldn't make it up!




Honorable man or more money to be made outside than in?


And yet he had no issues running for the Republican ticket....Who are these people?!

Edited by Morch
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6 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Yes we are witnessing the liberal respect and acceptance of opinions different from one's own on the streets each night of protesting and rioting. Your definition of liberals may have been correct a century ago but it has certainly become the opposite of your description.


Isnt the opposite of liberal conservative? So liberals nowadays are actually conservatives.

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Obama chose a man to head the FBI from the Republican bench.  Look how good that fared for the Dems.  FBI chief Comey, after conferring secretly with Guiliani, hatched a plan to float a false-flag story linking HRC to the email account of the ex-husband of one of Hillary's friends.  The rest is campaign dirty tricks history.

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On 11/15/2016 at 9:01 AM, elephant45 said:

He also won the popular vote. That article is incorrect. We gave Obama a chance, lets give him due and see what happens.


Most recent count:  HRC garnered about 1 million votes more than the Trumpster.


On 11/15/2016 at 9:44 AM, CMNightRider said:

I believe winning or not winning the popular vote is a mute topic at this point.  Trump won this election and he is going to be the next president of the United States.

Trump hasn't even moved into the White House yet, and is already displaying great leadership qualities by seeking out the best and most qualified to be part of his administration, regardless of gender, religious, and sexual preferences.

In spite of the liberal, left-wing nut cases wringing their hands and weeping over Hillary losing this election, Trump will make America great again.  God Bless Trump and his supporters. :-)


For over a week, I've been trying to think of one good thing that will come from a Trump presidency, and I can't.  Maybe I'll be proved wrong.  I hope so.   Actually, it rests upon the perspectives of the beholders.   If deep divisions, distrust, and fear among Americans is what his fans want, then they'll see that as vindication. They'll probably also cheer when poorly funded schools get poorer and environmental protections get trashed.

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44 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


For over a week, I've been trying to think of one good thing that will come from a Trump presidency, and I can't. 


I can. His Supreme Court picks will save it from leaning too far left. The end of the Obama agenda and the Clinton machine. The military will be rebuilt. Those are what we know already. 

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On 15/11/2016 at 6:21 AM, webfact said:

Bannon, Greenblatt said, "presided over the rise of Breitbart as a haven online" for the "alt-right." The website under Bannon's leadership "trafficked in the some of the worst tropes, not just only against Jews — but the anti-Semitism is real — but also against other minorities, particularly Mexicans and Muslims."


I wonder how long it takes for the final few (one digit) percentage of main stream media readers / listeners / viewers / believers to realise the b.s. they are fed with by the very same MSM (Including AP). Yes, you are owned, deal with it, wake up!


Note: Jared Kushner married Ivanka Trump, daughter of businessman and U.S. president-elect Donald Trump, in a Jewish ceremony on October 25, 2009. Ivanka Trump converted to Modern Orthodox Judaism before marrying Kushner.


Do you really, really believe that DJT would assign a Jew-hater as his senior advisor? Really? I mean, really?

I wonder how long it takes for TV to finally switch their "news" links from propaganda to real, interesting and challenging news outlets.

Yes, I confess, the links provided here have a certain entertainment value, I get it, but it also starts to become boring to constantly and so easily to debunk these fake "news", again, again and again.

Edited by Andreas2
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13 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Hillary Clinton’s Popular Vote Lead Expands to Over 1 Million.


Clinton currently has 61,964,263 votes compared with Trump's 60,961,967




In reality the argument is not the College system, its about Trump when he wasn't expected to win. If Trump won the popular vote and Hillary had won the election, no doubt Dem supporters would be very happy and would not be saying "it's not fair on Trump, lets change the system."  

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can. His Supreme Court picks will save it from leaning too far left. The end of the Obama agenda and the Clinton machine. The military will be rebuilt. Those are what we know already. 


         We don't agree on the Supreme Court picks.  Not by a country mile.  As for the military, it's already bloated.  The military can spend $1,000 on something that you or I would spend $50 on, which would be just as good or better.  Plus, you or I wouldn't waste money by the truckload, like the military does.  Just throwing money at something doesn't make it better.   


        Related money wasting:  How much will it cost Trump and his family/entourage to fly back and forth from D.C. to NYC each week?  Not to mention outfitting Trump Tower as the President's 2nd residence.  ....$10 million?   No sweat for Trump.  He loves spending other peoples' money foolishly.  If precedence is any indicator, Trump will charge rent from the taxpayer for the entire Trump Tower and all the security apparatus.  He did similar (charging donaters) for multiple inflated rents and jet costs during his campaign.   


3 hours ago, Linzz said:


In reality the argument is not the College system, its about Trump when he wasn't expected to win. If Trump won the popular vote and Hillary had won the election, no doubt Dem supporters would be very happy and would not be saying "it's not fair on Trump, lets change the system."  


       Yes HRC supporters would be happy if she had won.  However, Dem supporters aren't saying "it's not fair."  The vast majority have accepted (albeit somewhat grudgingly) the election outcome.  That's 180 degrees different than Trump and his supporters who were shouting, for weeks leading up to the election, that it would be rigged against them,  ....and who were gearing up to litigate massively, if it was close in HRC's favor.

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