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Drunk European Goes On Soi Buakhao Rampage


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Bars operating after hours still serving people who are already drunk. The  police need to start cracking down on this type of behavior and arrest this man. The next step is to close the bars that stay open past the legal closing time, arrest and fine the owners. Eventually, they will get the message when the Army continues their raids. It's just a matter of time. Pattaya has been attracting the World's worst. It's no wonder Thai people think all Westerners are suspect.

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4 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

The question is what was the beer bar doing open at 6am

He should bring charges againt the irresponsible Thai bar owner for staying open past legal hours and enticing him to drink!

Those sneaky Thais! Always luring sophisticated farangs into bad behavior!!

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4 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

The question is what was the beer bar doing open at 6am

No! Not a question at all. The question is what beer was they were serving the poor man. Have been trying a lot of brands, but never got a far out experience like this.
Must be some really good shit! New? LOL

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8 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Beer bars open at 6am?

Customers still in the beer bar at 6am means it never closed from the night before maybe??
I'm surprised the BIB didn't ask the manager a few questions...

unless of course it was a private party & the morning cleaner accidentally left the door open??

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Just now, RaggaTwin said:

Freaking imbecile.  Let's hope he's permanently blacklisted.

That could be a fair assumption, and a protective act for preserving the rest of the population.

Just look at the pictures. The question if is that´s only his own blood or how many he managed to hurt?

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No mention of it being drug-induced crime because it's alcohol fueled.

The reason:  because nearly all Thai men, including judges, drink alcohol, and they don't consider it a drug.


However, if the man was seen smoking pot during his rampage, the media would have a big headline:  "DRUG INDUCED RAGE !"   or   "DRUGGED ON GANJA, A FARANG PICKS BLOODY FIGHTS  !"



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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

No mention of it being drug-induced crime because it's alcohol fueled.

The reason:  because nearly all Thai men, including judges, drink alcohol, and they don't consider it a drug.


However, if the man was seen smoking pot during his rampage, the media would have a big headline:  "DRUG INDUCED RAGE !"   or   "DRUGGED ON GANJA, A FARANG PICKS BLOODY FIGHTS  !"




Exactly.  Thailand, like everywhere else, has it's fair share of native nutters.  They really don't need foreigners adding to the pile.

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12 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

No mention of it being drug-induced crime because it's alcohol fueled.

The reason:  because nearly all Thai men, including judges, drink alcohol, and they don't consider it a drug.


However, if the man was seen smoking pot during his rampage, the media would have a big headline:  "DRUG INDUCED RAGE !"   or   "DRUGGED ON GANJA, A FARANG PICKS BLOODY FIGHTS  !"



Now we are here again! Is the point you are trying to make Thai-specific? No, it´s not, but still you try to put in the words Thai men to make it look like that.

I can just tell you that almost all over the world in general men are drinking alcohol, and in many countries women too. Therefore it´s not especially seen as a drug in
other countries either. The reason for that is that it´s so common use of it, and also not illegal, so people just forget about it. Just as I say, not Thai specific.

My guess is that you probably are one of the people here that always hit hard on Thai´s, because you even try to do it here. Just get it! It has nothing to do with Thai´s,
or maby you want to accuse the people that sold the beer to him or what ever he had been taking. 

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50 minutes ago, RaggaTwin said:

Fair play to the RTP.  Knock them all you want, but the lunatic was successfully carted off to the monkey house. 


Freaking imbecile.  Let's hope he's permanently blacklisted.


Yes should be some screening of these naughty  Norwegians.

First off,   is to pass the 3 beer test.

Most fail. :giggle:

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I am not accusing the Thais of doing anything wrong. However, there is a closing time which is normally not later than 2 AM.  The owner of the open beer bars that keep selling alcohol to obviously drunk customers  are fuelling the problem.  Since the police obviously cannot enforce the closing law- it is time for the new sheriff in town to take over that responsibility. Maybe when these people who cannot handle alcohol find out they cannot get it 24/7 they will move onto other countries. Thailand doesn't need this type of tourist. The only thing a bar gets after 1 AM is someone else's drunks and problems.  If you can't make your profit before legal closing time you shouldn't be in the business.

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

I am not accusing the Thais of doing anything wrong. However, there is a closing time which is normally not later than 2 AM.  The owner of the open beer bars that keep selling alcohol to obviously drunk customers  are fuelling the problem.  Since the police obviously cannot enforce the closing law- it is time for the new sheriff in town to take over that responsibility. Maybe when these people who cannot handle alcohol find out they cannot get it 24/7 they will move onto other countries. Thailand doesn't need this type of tourist. The only thing a bar gets after 1 AM is someone else's drunks and problems.  If you can't make your profit before legal closing time you shouldn't be in the business.



You seem to be a very serious guy who’s even thinking about the job of Thai cops? Thailand doesn’t need this type of tourist?


So many people are on a holiday where they had to save money for a whole year.


And judging bar owners when they close their bars in Thailand is totally insane.

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Sorry- I don't care how long someone saved money to come to Thailand- This person was out of control and he showed that he cannot handle alcohol.  If he did this in his home country he would be jailed and charged with possible destruction of property and public drunkenness Thailand does not need this type of tourist who has no respect for the country or its property.

As far as when bars can close- if the powers in charge want bars to stay open all night so be it. However, there is a legal closing hour and because bar owners have decided to ignore it that does mean the law is wrong. As the son of a former bar owner- I can tell you definitely that most bar owners who stay open past the legal hour have to deal with people already drunk and other problems related to alcohol. That is not arrogance- that is fact.

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Just now, Thaidream said:

Sorry- I don't care how long someone saved money to come to Thailand- This person was out of control and he showed that he cannot handle alcohol.  If he did this in his home country he would be jailed and charged with possible destruction of property and public drunkenness Thailand does not need this type of tourist who has no respect for the country or its property.

As far as when bars can close- if the powers in charge want bars to stay open all night so be it. However, there is a legal closing hour and because bar owners have decided to ignore it that does mean the law is wrong. As the son of a former bar owner- I can tell you definitely that most bar owners who stay open past the legal hour have to deal with people already drunk and other problems related to alcohol. That is not arrogance- that is fact.

Unfortunately all you say is just speculation. Do you know for a fact that it was only alcohol that created this behavior? Seem to take a lot for granted. have clear an strong solution and just don´t seem to care about much at all.
How about that for dinner? If this man wanted to be angry and totally go into the maniac syndrome, he would have found a way to buy the alcohol day time and drink it evening anyway.

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4 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Say what you like about the RTP but who would have their job? Blood all over the place and a good 50% chance he has HIV. They were not even wearing gloves. What do they teach them at arresting school? Everywhere else in the world the cops wear gloves even just to touch someone ie search.


If you look closely at the picture, you can see that one was wearing gloves and trying to bandage his wound, whilst the others tried to hold him still.


Just another idiot giving Pattaya a bad name and the police their have a hard time every day with stupid drunks like this. Its not a fun job.




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6 hours ago, JAFO said:

Another fine upstanding foreigner sustaining the "Beautiful" image of Pattaya. 


Obviously came here for the temples, the food, the weather, the thai smile and buddhist* peace and tranquility..... :coffee1:


* amulet clown....

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