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Thailand: 8 Killed, 13 Injured in One Day in 3 Separate Traffic Accidents


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39 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Education is not the answer. In my country most people tailgate dangerously while driving at high speed on rural roads, and they all had compulsory education.

Other than punishment, I don't have an answer. Perhaps making everyone travel by public transport till effective self driving cars are cheap enough for everyone.

No of course not. Education has never been the answer to anything! Are you for real? So a better education for a driver license with driver lessons and real theory lesson with a written mandatory test would not change anything? In your country everybody, and so on. Is the death toll same high per capita in your country as it is in Thailand? Maybe that question tells you something about the importace of education.

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2 hours ago, cooked said:

I didn't say it was false. I am saying yes, yes , yes we know that a lot of Farangs think that Thais are lazy, stupid and selfish, I get bored with reading this stuff all the time. I drive a LOT and maybe because I can think like a Thai none of this bothers me, I just expect it.

Some of us might think that they can remember a time inn the UK and Italy when people drove just as they do in Thailand today.

Some of us might think that the fault lies in a completely inadequate attitude towards road safety training and awareness. I can remember road safety ads from 60 years ago ('don't be an amber gambler', 'look right, look left, look right again' etc). Never saw even one road safety ad here, who's fault is that?


Safety ads are rare here but I have seen some. The best we (Ferangs w Thai spouses & children) can do is play the 30 year old public information films from our homelands to our families regularly and back it up with graphic local examples like the footage in the OP. 


In the time that I have been here I have tried very hard to promote road safety, even giving away Dashcams, Hi Vis Vests, Booster seats but have long realised that i'm pissing in the wind. My wife and kids toe the line at home (Samui) but drop their guard surprisingly quickly in the home village (Issan),  especially if i'm not there too.


Re the latter; 'Face'  seems to outrank safety because no one complies in the sticks & anyone doing so appears soft.


Here's an example of an old clip from UK:



Edited by evadgib
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4 hours ago, cooked said:

Thanks for letting me know, gee I didn't know any of that. Don't stop there, tell us what else you hate about Thailand and when you are leaving.

Imperfect vs perfect. I think it will turn into a stalemate argument. Make love not war guys. Go hug your wife and kids if you have any enjoy the sunshine that ceases to shine for the deceased. 

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The thing that strikes me about all this lack of driving skills and downright dangerous driving, among many other daily occurancies is the total lack of self preservation !!!  they clearly either dont care or dont consider what could happen if the oncoming vehicle fails to stop !  surely they dont want to be smacked by an oncoming pickup traveling at 80+ kph ?

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3 minutes ago, rijb said:

How do police expect to reduce moving violations (and accidents), without moving?  


Checkpoints/roadblocks fill their pockets.  


But, they're not saving very many lives.

Unfortunately here saving lives does not pay the bills. A few lucky ones like the PM make it to the top of heap heaped full of medals. 

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49 minutes ago, fish monger said:

Natural selection.........

Hmm could be a 50-50 draw in most cases. The good guy gets killed but the bad guy survives to hit the road another day. Sometimes when your number is up your the good guy and the bad guy walks. Then again natural selection is never perfect. I still know a lot of Aholes walking around today that should have been weeded out years ago. As my old grandmother used to say "The good die young" 

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4 minutes ago, Daily Donnet said:

The thing that strikes me about all this lack of driving skills and downright dangerous driving, among many other daily occurancies is the total lack of self preservation !!!  they clearly either dont care or dont consider what could happen if the oncoming vehicle fails to stop !  surely they dont want to be smacked by an oncoming pickup traveling at 80+ kph ?

I think I hold the world speed record for crossing the zebra line. I often think the buggers speed up once the see my crossing. Is there a pick off point system here. Its the only logical conclusion I can come to when looking at the alarming road death count. No points for the injured I guess. 

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i'm thai and i'm also totalling scare being on the road every minute. there are increasingly and so many careless and misbehave drivers.


adding to the problems,  are poor road conditions, not-functional policemen, and number of motorcycles on the streets.


in my personal notice, pickups designed for carrying tonnes of goods, could also play part since they are over-powered for passenger-vehicle purpose.   most pickups here are used as passenger-vehicles, not for loading goods.


Edited by zeazon
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37 minutes ago, laislica said:



So many posters refer to "The Rules of the Road".

Let's get this straight, the rules are Asian Rules and NOT Western Rules.

Traveling on Thai Roads is an almost hallucinatory potion of sound, spectacle and experience. It is frequently heart-rending, sometimes hilarious, mostly exhilarating, always unforgettable -- and, when you are on the roads, extremely dangerous.

Asian Rules are somewhat different to what we, from the west expect.
As a guide, most Indian road users observe a version of the Highway Code based on a Sanskrit text.
These 12 rules of the Indian road are published for the first time in English and I'm sure that you will see many similarities to Thai style driving:



    The assumption of immortality is required of all road users.


    Indian traffic, like Indian society,is structured on a strict caste system. The following precedence must be accorded at all times. In descending order, give way to:

    Cows, elephants, heavy trucks, buses, official cars, camels, light trucks, buffalo, jeeps, ox-carts, private cars, motorcycles, scooters, auto-rickshaws, pigs, pedal rickshaws, goats, bicycles (goods-carrying), handcarts, bicycles (passenger-carrying), dogs, pedestrians.


    All wheeled vehicles shall be driven in accordance with the maxim: to slow is to falter, to brake is to fail, to stop is defeat. This is the Indian drivers' mantra.


    Use of horn (also known as the sonic fender or aural amulet):

    Cars (IV,1,a-c):

        Short blasts (urgent) indicate supremacy, IE in clearing dogs, rickshaws and pedestrians from path.
        Long blasts (desperate) denote supplication, IE to oncoming truck: "I am going too fast to stop, so unless you slow down we shall both die". In extreme cases this may be accompanied by flashing of headlights (frantic).
        Single blast (casual) means: "I have seen someone out of India's 870 million whom I recognise", "There is a bird in the road (which at this speed could go through my windscreen)" or "I have not blown my horn for several minutes."

    Trucks and buses (IV,2,a):

    All horn signals have the same meaning, viz: "I have an all-up weight of approximately 12.5 tons and have no intention of stopping, even if I could." This signal may be emphasised by the use of headlamps.

    Article IV remains subject to the provision of Order of Precedence in Article II above.


    All manoeuvres, use of horn and evasive action shall be left until the last possible moment.


    In the absence of seat belts (which there is), car occupants shall wear garlands of marigolds. These should be kept fastened at all times.


        Rights of way:

        Traffic entering a road from the left has priority. So has traffic from the right, and also traffic in the middle.

        Lane discipline (VII,1):

        All Indian traffic at all times and irrespective of direction of travel shall occupy the centre of the road.


    Roundabouts: India has no roundabouts. Apparent traffic islands in the middle of crossroads have no traffic management function. Any other impression should be ignored.


    Overtaking is mandatory. Every moving vehicle is required to overtake every other moving vehicle, irrespective of whether it has just overtaken you.

    Overtaking should only be undertaken in suitable conditions, such as in the face of oncoming traffic, on blind bends, at junctions and in the middle of villages/city centres. No more than two inches should be allowed between your vehicle and the one you are passing -- and one inch in the case of bicycles or pedestrians.


    Nirvana may be obtained through the head-on crash.


    Reversing: no longer applicable since no vehicle in India has reverse gear.

Truly funny and you sure spent a lot of time to make my day thank you. You only got 2 likes I guess its an ill humor day. Some days I am amazed at all the likes some comments get that I do not deem worthy but I do not take my fellow man to task his humor his vote. They must be good humor days like in the ice cream.  Cast not they pearls before _____

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Truly funny and you sure spent a lot of time to make my day thank you. You only got 2 likes I guess its an ill humor day. Some days I am amazed at all the likes some comments get that I do not deem worthy but I do not take my fellow man to task his humor his vote. They must be good humor days like in the ice cream.  Cast not they pearls before _____


Thanks for your appreciation.

I was just hoping to lighten up the mood of the thread he he.


It's very sad that it continues to be so dangerous on the roads here but IMHO,

there's nowt that us mere Farang can do about it!






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5 minutes ago, laislica said:


Thanks for your appreciation.

I was just hoping to lighten up the mood of the thread he he.


It's very sad that it continues to be so dangerous on the roads here but IMHO,

there's nowt that us mere Farang can do about it!






Yes your right get out the popcorn its like watching "The Running Man" over and over again. 

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Unfortunately, whenever this topic raises it's ugly head the comments are invariably the same as when it last appeared, and those comments are usually: Alcohol, drugs, ignorance, lack of police action ie being proactive on the roads, the me me me attitude, poor driving standards, the totally useless driving licence procedure, ad infinitum.


Let's face it, there is bugger all we can do about it, just drive with due care and attention ourselves and hope upon hope that some of our good driving skills rub off onto those sharing the roads with us.


Or failing that, buy as many amulets as you can, have your car blessed by the monks and keep your fingers crossed that you get home after your day out in Bedlam :jap:

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18 minutes ago, Daily Donnet said:

The thing that strikes me about all this lack of driving skills and downright dangerous driving, among many other daily occurancies is the total lack of self preservation !!!  they clearly either dont care or dont consider what could happen if the oncoming vehicle fails to stop !  surely they dont want to be smacked by an oncoming pickup traveling at 80+ kph ?




Think Spain, say 50 years ago?

Then they started getting gas powered vehicles, before it was a horse or donkey....

The animal knew the way home if the rider was drunk or sober.....

There were no serious accidents cos nothing moved that fast and animals ain't stupid.


I get that feeling here, that the vehicle is in control and the driver only has to point it in any required direction.

That the vehicle will take care not to crash into any other object.


I live in Spain for the summer and return to Thailand for the winter and I can tell you that in Spain the TV has regular ads about road safety. They have serious crack downs on road worthiness of the vehicle, use of seat belts, non use of mobile phones, alcohol etc. etc. and they ARE rigidly enforced!

They have speed control cameras on motorways with warnings before them.

They have road side warning notices that warn you that you are entering an accident prone area, and more.

In fact, it seems you can't drive more than a few metres without seeing some sort of road sign about the max speed, overtaking, a bend coming, a school zone, hospital zone etc etc.


In Thailand there are few if any road signs of that sort because, well, everyone knows...

That in the city it's 80Kph and outside 90Kph..... See, no need for the expense of signs....

Anyway, your ox cart don't go too fast?




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7 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Unfortunately, whenever this topic raises it's ugly head the comments are invariably the same as when it last appeared, and those comments are usually: Alcohol, drugs, ignorance, lack of police action ie being proactive on the roads, the me me me attitude, poor driving standards, the totally useless driving licence procedure, ad infinitum.


Let's face it, there is bugger all we can do about it, just drive with due care and attention ourselves and hope upon hope that some of our good driving skills rub off onto those sharing the roads with us.


Or failing that, buy as many amulets as you can, have your car blessed by the monks and keep your fingers crossed that you get home after your day out in Bedlam :jap:

Personally I like to cut the odds slightly in my favor by not owning a car. I am to old for the game of vehicular chicken. Even when I sit down to a meal of chicken I wonder about the poor chicken if he had a good life or not before being sacrificed up to my taste buds. 

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44 minutes ago, Daily Donnet said:

The thing that strikes me about all this lack of driving skills and downright dangerous driving, among many other daily occurancies is the total lack of self preservation !!!  they clearly either dont care or dont consider what could happen if the oncoming vehicle fails to stop !  surely they dont want to be smacked by an oncoming pickup traveling at 80+ kph ?

Did Hyde ever know what Jekyll was doing?

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4 hours ago, cooked said:

Thanks for letting me know, gee I didn't know any of that. Don't stop there, tell us what else you hate about Thailand and when you are leaving.

When was there somebody saying something about hating something or the country? You asked and you got an answer! Non existing proper education is another reason.
You seem like a very angry person. Better calm down before you drive. LOL

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This is indeed terrible,but the loss of life here is not counted,because there is no compassion or intent to change the way it is.

People die.mai phen rai.

I expect a post soon trying to blame our plastic princess on some of it.

RIP,but unfortunate,you will all be forgotten by tomorrow.:sad:

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3 hours ago, cooked said:

I didn't say it was false. I am saying yes, yes , yes we know that a lot of Farangs think that Thais are lazy, stupid and selfish, I get bored with reading this stuff all the time. I drive a LOT and maybe because I can think like a Thai none of this bothers me, I just expect it.

Some of us might think that they can remember a time inn the UK and Italy when people drove just as they do in Thailand today.

Some of us might think that the fault lies in a completely inadequate attitude towards road safety training and awareness. I can remember road safety ads from 60 years ago ('don't be an amber gambler', 'look right, look left, look right again' etc). Never saw even one road safety ad here, who's fault is that?

So you agree with Lotusboy. Very well, might I ask you, when are you leaving?

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19 minutes ago, Get Real said:

When was there somebody saying something about hating something or the country? You asked and you got an answer! Non existing proper education is another reason.
You seem like a very angry person. Better calm down before you drive. LOL

BS Here,s what was written: "

"Do you have all day?

Alcohol, stupidity, Alcohol, ignorance to other traffic users, Alcohol, Drugs, Alcohol, no road markings, Alcohol, "me first", Alcohol, no lights or markers on the road, Alcohol, no seatbelts, Alcohol etc. etc. etc. etc."

Now who is being angry? I saw this remark and it seemed to me to come from an angry frustrated person.

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2 hours ago, cooked said:

What chip is that, prithee?


Here's a quote from Lotusboy: "

"Do you have all day?

Alcohol, stupidity, Alcohol, ignorance to other traffic users, Alcohol, Drugs, Alcohol, no road markings, Alcohol, "me first", Alcohol, no lights or markers on the road, Alcohol, no seatbelts, Alcohol etc. etc. etc. etc."

and a couple of other posters have gone along in the same chip on their shoulder vein.

They only thing I have written that might be construed as negative was in comparing driving here with that in the UK and Italy 50 years ago. I also get accuse of not living in Thailand and not driving a car at all. This has nothing to do with the price of onions but yes, I live here and drive a lot.

Sorry young man, I can't let you get away with that. You asked"cooked" what else he hates about Thailand and when is he leaving. I for one am sick of hearing that.

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1 hour ago, zeazon said:

i'm thai and i'm also totalling scare being on the road every minute. there are increasingly and so many careless and misbehave drivers.


adding to the problems,  are poor road conditions, not-functional policemen, and number of motorcycles on the streets.


in my personal notice, pickups designed for carrying tonnes of goods, could also play part since they are over-powered for passenger-vehicle purpose.   most pickups here are used as passenger-vehicles, not for loading goods.


I am glad to see your Thai and your seeing the problem go forth and multiply your thinking maybe it is a one body at a time conversion thingee. 

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8 hours ago, cooked said:

26 000  fatalities a year = 70 per day. Sorry about the people involved but what <deleted> is this about?

It is 29,000 a year = 80 a day , just a joke 

and if they die in the hospital or on the way it is then not a road death.

hop thailand can fix it , the government in the next 3 years is going to make it a lot harder to get a license, never to late to change.

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49 minutes ago, cooked said:

BS Here,s what was written: "

"Do you have all day?

Alcohol, stupidity, Alcohol, ignorance to other traffic users, Alcohol, Drugs, Alcohol, no road markings, Alcohol, "me first", Alcohol, no lights or markers on the road, Alcohol, no seatbelts, Alcohol etc. etc. etc. etc."

Now who is being angry? I saw this remark and it seemed to me to come from an angry frustrated person.


I am happy 24/7. Look......... :smile:

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2 hours ago, transam said:

Yep, even where I am I rarely see a traffic cop, and there are zillions of them...So, where are they, why isn't there commanding officers giving out tasks daily to the troops...


Any idiot can see folk will do what they like if there is no officialdom loitering out there to nab 'em.....

Because they're all out collecting bribes from all their business connections...

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11 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

It is 29,000 a year = 80 a day , just a joke 

and if they die in the hospital or on the way it is then not a road death.

hop thailand can fix it , the government in the next 3 years is going to make it a lot harder to get a license, never to late to change.

Those in control must get traffic cops to do their job....THAT'S IT........NOT sit in their sideline business's........DO THEIR JOB..........Then things will change....

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Those in control must get traffic cops to do their job....THAT'S IT........NOT sit in their sideline business's........DO THEIR JOB..........Then things will change....

Yes I agree, But until the thai government start to get  serious about the people that die on the road not one thing will happen.

hop soon but .

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5 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Yes I agree, But until the thai government start to get  serious about the people that die on the road not one thing will happen.

hop soon but .

But people in motorcades don't die on the road, and they're the only people who matter in Thailand

Edited by SaintLouisBlues
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