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Thailand’s Justice Minister Stands Firm on Removing Krathom and Marijuana from Narcotic Drug List


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39 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Do you know,i was waiting for a post like yours,about alcohol.Isnt it just a little bit boring now? you can make as many cases for drugs as you can booze.You just seem one of the 'na,na nana,na' group.Drugs can kill as much as booze can,inadvertently,or decidedly.In both societies there will be those who over use,and those who can keep it to a modicum.You,old son,are one of the 'lets get on the band wagon of judging everything by your own opinions.I bet there are many people on this forum who can have a drink,and dont want to bash any body,and pot heads,who wont drive their car because they know its dangerous.

You need to stop being such a child with the ,"yeah, ok,but what about booze then" you are simply repeating an old,old, argument that can never be  settled.

My post contained a whisper of humour,but you couldnt see that.

So,go home,put on your Salvation Army uniform and stand on the corner of Klang and 2nd and preach to those that will listen.

Btw,Your no relation to William Boothe are you.(if you dont know who he was,look him up)




But, this thread is about cannabis.

You seem to imply other rather harder drugs which aren't on topic in this thread.





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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

100% agree.  The law should be DUI.  Driving under the influence.  Whether it's alcohol, pot, medicine, whatever, you are impaired and should be illegal to drive.  They should make pot like alcohol.  Regulate it.  But not put somebody in jail for 10 years for possession....or extort big amounts of money.

Agree. Lighting up an e.cig is 5 yrs. rape is 10 yrs n if u confess n plead guilty it gets reduced to 5, a few yrs in prison n get amnesty pardon. 


Cannabis only relaxes u when consume unlike alcohol has different effects on different ppl. 


If alcohol is not a drug then dont call a cannabis one. its a herb

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Once again,my original post was meant to contain a little humour.I dont do maryjane,nor do i chew krathom.I really dont care if they decrim it or not.Its not on my menu.But up until,what might be now,its been illegal.Booze is easier to obtain because it is sold quite openly and the government gets a revenue from it.People can have a habit (not necessarily an addiction)for a puff just as they can a habit for a drink.It doesnt mean to say that all puffers will become addicts and that all drinkers will become  alcoholics.Some people become alcoholics due to a family tragedy,or some other disaster in their lives,its a temporary place to hide.I dont think that applies to puffers.There will never be a satisfactory result in the everlasting,argument about drinkers and puffers.And thats all i have to say about it..Except that if you are a puffer,a chewer,or a drinker,just be careful as you cross the road.

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8 hours ago, jaltsc said:

“He believes the move is necessary because the government has failed to curb them.


I agree with this move, but the logic baffles me.


Is he going to remove road rage violence, murders, etc. from the crime list because the government has failed to curb them?

The war on drugs has actually made the problem worse.  This cannot be said in any other area of the law. 

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The one thing that bugs me about the whole drugs issue is simply that potheads get to practice their pleasures completely tax free. I want to get a nice bottle of wine or whiskey I pay my taxes included in the price. My pleasure makes a contribution to the coffers of government which they are free to use to 'develop' the country. 


Make drug users pay tax! The only way that drug users (dealers)  will pay tax is if their businesses, products and customers are made legal and taxable


Tax pot smokers! 



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7 hours ago, silent said:

Those were examples and the question was more about logic wasn't it?

Read some history. There have been many laws that have been eliminated because time and people's opinions changed. 

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35 minutes ago, HerbalEd said:

Read some history. There have been many laws that have been eliminated because time and people's opinions changed. 

Please Mr. sensor, that's two now that the logic and my sarcasm has gone completely over their heads and made cracks about my intelligence. Is it ok if I let loose and do the same to the next one without what I have to say being considered as confrontational?

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I am a foreigner, a guest in this country so I actually have no business commenting. However, in the USA I Know California, Arizona, DC and several other states have joined Colorado & Oregon in legalizing marijuana for recreational use, But TrumpaLumpas proposed Attorney General is anti medicinal pot. Thai farmers will not be allowed to export to USA as the import laws are federal. 


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The article said:

"The reclassification will not, as some people have attempted to portray, see the return of Thailand’s once well deserved reputation as one of the world’s happy, hippie, ganja-toking capitals."


In other words, the good ol' days.

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The one thing that bugs me about the whole drugs issue is simply that potheads get to practice their pleasures completely tax free. I want to get a nice bottle of wine or whiskey I pay my taxes included in the price. My pleasure makes a contribution to the coffers of government which they are free to use to 'develop' the country. 
Make drug users pay tax! The only way that drug users (dealers)  will pay tax is if their businesses, products and customers are made legal and taxable
Tax pot smokers! 

Sure why not if its legal then at least there is quality too. I dont see why it should not be taxed.
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Once again,my original post was meant to contain a little humour.I dont do maryjane,nor do i chew krathom.I really dont care if they decrim it or not.Its not on my menu.But up until,what might be now,its been illegal.Booze is easier to obtain because it is sold quite openly and the government gets a revenue from it.People can have a habit (not necessarily an addiction)for a puff just as they can a habit for a drink.It doesnt mean to say that all puffers will become addicts and that all drinkers will become  alcoholics.Some people become alcoholics due to a family tragedy,or some other disaster in their lives,its a temporary place to hide.I dont think that applies to puffers.There will never be a satisfactory result in the everlasting,argument about drinkers and puffers.And thats all i have to say about it..Except that if you are a puffer,a chewer,or a drinker,just be careful as you cross the road.

Thing is MJ as you call it is less damaging has less bad side effects than drinking and its illigal. That is the stupid part also alcies keep putting down those that use MJ while in reality the are using a hard drug while MJ is a soft drug.

My beef with MJ is that it kills my diet. So not a big fan of it.

But whatever drug yes alcohol is a drug you use. Dont use it and drive. Your right about that.
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I am a foreigner, a guest in this country so I actually have no business commenting. However, in the USA I Know California, Arizona, DC and several other states have joined Colorado & Oregon in legalizing marijuana for recreational use, But TrumpaLumpas proposed Attorney General is anti medicinal pot. Thai farmers will not be allowed to export to USA as the import laws are federal. 


Hopefully any tourists arriving from the states where it is legal realize if they are randomly drug tested in Thailand, they will be arrested and jailed and forced to go to rehab if convicted. Plus deportation and blacklisting is possible.

Having traces of marijuana in your system is a serious crime and can remain in your urine for 90 days.

Whereas meth stays in your urine for only 3 days. So it is less risky to smoke meth than marijuana if you are worried about random urine tests.

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8 hours ago, Briggsy said:

The trouble with these threads is that the topic quickly gets shifted to the legalisation particularly by the pro-cannabis side.


My point is the thread is discussed as if Thailand were a developed Western nation with a firm rule of law, without endemic corruption and the ability to make mature decisions in the national interest and not in the interest of powerful lobby groups.


I would like to see more posters focusing on the legalisation of drugs in a Thai context and not in an American or European context which is largely irrelevant here.


Deluded response.

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1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

Everyone seems to be concerned about drunk drivers on this site. Just wait until they have Pot Heads and Drunk drivers on the roads.

I'm sure driving under influence of alcohol is much more dangerous than under weed. People who smoke, tends to drive slower and more defensive. Under alcohol it's exactly the opposite. But, you might be surprised how many drivers driving around already while they high. Weed is very popular under Thais.


I had an neighbor from Russia. He used to smoke every day on his balcony. I don't care about. My only concern was, sometimes the some went directly into my condo. And then probably trough my door. So, someone might think, I'm the one who smokes and call the police. Who knows. Luckily he leave :)

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3 hours ago, Mr0Yallow said:

I am a foreigner, a guest in this country so I actually have no business commenting. However, in the USA I Know California, Arizona, DC and several other states have joined Colorado & Oregon in legalizing marijuana for recreational use, But TrumpaLumpas proposed Attorney General is anti medicinal pot. Thai farmers will not be allowed to export to USA as the import laws are federal. 


I am a foreigner residing in this country and have every right to make comments as long as I am not being deliberately offensive in doing so.


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18 hours ago, fruitman said:


There's enough money in rice and rubber as long as you produce it on an efficient large scale and sell to the right customer.


Thai mariuhana is full of seeds which lowers the quality, they better improve that first.

back in the budha stick exporting days the best in the world came from thai..... they could grow it then so im sure its not a big leap to do it again!!!

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18 hours ago, honcho said:

back in the budha stick exporting days the best in the world came from thai..... they could grow it then so im sure its not a big leap to do it again!!!


There is still top thai sticks in this country.


And if it is legal there is gonna be  much more varieties.


Can u imagine Thailand with Netherland style coffeeshops and top end product......dreaminnnnnnnnnnnnnn :)


Good times ahead.


PuffPuffPass(only if it is legal,of course!!!)

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On November 21, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Grubster said:

I challenge you to find a doctor that would say you are better to drink alcohol than smoke pot. I don't smoke pot but many of my friends back home do everyday and they have all their lives, while working hard happily retired, married with no domestic brawls at home.

    Have you ever seen a story say " he came home after smoking pot and beat the wife and kids" ?  No you haven't and never will .

             There maybe some unknowns but they must be well hidden as they have millions of life long pot users coming into clinics every day and can't seem to find these horrible unknowns. At the same time they are telling millions of Alcohol users to prepare for death your pancreas, liver, throat, etc are shot from drinking. The prisons are loaded with guys that committed horrible crimes when drunk, that would otherwise never have done. Very few go to prison for something they did because they were stoned on pot.

   Yes sir you are very ill informed. I would say not informed at all about this subject.  Ask a doctor,  Ask a cop,  Ask a wife.


I have heard this "pot is not as bad as alcohol" a thousand times, frankly it's boring and I cannot be bothered to get into a debate with you about it. I have as much information as I want to gather on this subject and my opinion is I am against, I am entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to yours. So go and bang your drum somewhere else, I've heard it all before.

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4 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

I have heard this "pot is not as bad as alcohol" a thousand times, frankly it's boring and I cannot be bothered to get into a debate with you about it. I have as much information as I want to gather on this subject and my opinion is I am against, I am entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to yours. So go and bang your drum somewhere else, I've heard it all before.

OK but please post me when you hear of a pot smoker causing a death on the road ok.

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3 minutes ago, Grubster said:

OK but please post me when you hear of a pot smoker causing a death on the road ok.

Quote- (took me 20 seconds to find this)

 "After the accident, Mary Gaston learned that the driver of the car that hit her son’s motorcycle, 33-year-old Caleb Floyd, admitted he had been smoking pot. He was eventually convicted of vehicular homicide and sentenced to three years in prison."




Would you like me to send you links on evidence of mental health issues for people who use it in excess?


perhaps you should do some more reading and inform yourself,,, 

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11 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Quote- (took me 20 seconds to find this)

 "After the accident, Mary Gaston learned that the driver of the car that hit her son’s motorcycle, 33-year-old Caleb Floyd, admitted he had been smoking pot. He was eventually convicted of vehicular homicide and sentenced to three years in prison."




Would you like me to send you links on evidence of mental health issues for people who use it in excess?


perhaps you should do some more reading and inform yourself,,, 

No thanks Im sure you are right. Good Bye

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