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Video: Netizens impressed with Thai father for not fleeing the scene - and raising his child well!


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Praise for the driver, he did the right thing, many would have fled the scene...

teaching his child was a good thing too, the only worrying thing was judging by the sound of the child's voice he/she was very young

but old enough to know that "daddy will have to own up that" obviously has a grasp on how Thailand works already!!

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59 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

If Daddy had slowed down and let the guy cut in this accident wouldn't of happened.

IMO Daddy was driving at an appropriate speed and was in the process of passing a slower vehicle ahead in the centre lane. The white sedan made a dangerous lane change and in return received an involuntary PIT maneuvre.Guys like the driver of the white sedan passing on the inside often meet the undertaker head on. I trust he was shaken but not stirred.

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6 hours ago, thequietman said:

Daddy should have moved his truck to the hard shoulder. Daddy has a wife and a child in that truck in the fast lane. Daddy did stop, well done, but daddy should think of his family first. 

No daddy should turn his flashers on and stay in that lane warning drivers from behind of the danger which is probably what he did.

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10 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Why would he do that as the other guy had a hundred meters clear in front to get by.

I retract that after further review but the guy did have some room and should not expect other drivers to make up for his foolishness.

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41 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Why would he do that as the other guy had a hundred meters clear in front to get by.

I don't wish to nit-pick, but look at the video again. I seriously doubt that there was 30 metres between the front of the pickup and the rear end of the silver Isuzu truck in the center lanewhen the white car made his move. . This accident IMHO was entirely the fault of the driver of the white sedan that rolled.

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Today I wasnt involved in an accident

I never stole anything today

I didnt commit murder

I havent been corrupt

And the list goes on and on.. So many things I didnt do today!


Who do I call to get myself on the media to tell my story of how I didnt do illegal or immoral things today?

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The guy has every right to drive in the far right lane.  He was driving with the flow of traffic and over-taking slower traffic on his left.  It's the nut jobs who drive at excessive speeds and weave in and out of traffic who are the danger, exactly like the white car that flipped.  Imho, there are many farang TV members who I'd rather not see on the road either if they drive like the idiot who flipped his car.  Go back and review the video.  If you think otherwise, you're probably a danger to everyone on the road and I suggest ya'll stay out from behind the wheel.  "Daddy" is driving like a safe, sane, responsible driver. 

Edited by connda
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9 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

So the driver was "complemented" for not fleeing the scene. Wow !!


Any half decent person would not flee the scene.

But seems to be all too common with Thai drivers. 

Much better behaved than Simon Wellings frim england who slammed into the backof a pick upinChiang Mai driving his benz killing two thai women and RAN OFF.

Hecalled into the police two days later telling them that it was someone else and they would be coming in to surrender soon.

Noone ever showed up.

Where are you Simon?


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2 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

I don't wish to nit-pick, but look at the video again. I seriously doubt that there was 30 metres between the front of the pickup and the rear end of the silver Isuzu truck in the center lanewhen the white car made his move. . This accident IMHO was entirely the fault of the driver of the white sedan that rolled.

see my retraction above.

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10 hours ago, khunpa said:

LOL! Thailand really is AMAZING!


Now people are even being praised for not fleeing traffic accidents. Whats next? People will get medals for not stealing, while shopping at Tesco?



and the Royal Thai Police will get cash rewards for actually arresting suspects in a case which is made famous on social media?

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7 hours ago, Tatsujin said:


Yes, I'd agree in the "west", here tho the hard shoulder is simply an extra lane where they drive even faster so not much safer in my eyes.


You're also not supposed to "move" any vehicles that have been involved in any accident until Police and insurance have seen their positions I think.



This is wrong, you can move your vehicle, NOTHING in the law tell that you cannot move it.

This is stupid Thai urban legend.

Only when people are injured you should not move your car, but I fuxx the law and will save my passenger life first ANYWAY.



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So fleeing the scene when some idiot causes you to have an accident would be regarded s normal behaviour, but remaining there, as required by law, is particularly exemplary.  I think I need another decade or two here to get things straight in my head.


Many drivers feel once they are past you, everything behind is irrelevant, including the 12 foot or so of their own vehicle.

Edited by jacko45k
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21 hours ago, thequietman said:

Daddy should have moved his truck to the hard shoulder. Daddy has a wife and a child in that truck in the fast lane. Daddy did stop, well done, but daddy should think of his family first. 

Absolute rubbish. Look at the vid. The car is clearly going faster than the silver car in the left lane (0:03) and was in fact closing on the traffic ahead. The guy in the white car is an idiot who has absolutely no clue. Look at this (0:08). Could've slowed down a bit staying in the same lane or moved into the left lane which looks clear but no "I'll do this".. :burp:

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