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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Featuring yet another patriotic American member of the resistance, Nick Offerman.





The Founder’s Nick Offerman: ‘Being American means that I have to stand up and march’

The Parks and Recreation star’s new film charts the rise of McDonald’s head honcho Ray Kroc. He talks about resisting the rise of another capitalist narcissist 


You’re also very American. What does it mean to be American right now?

Boy, the mantle has grown much heavier in recent weeks. It’s a hard pill to swallow that part of being American means people with very disagreeable worldviews sometimes win the vote. And so, to me personally, being American means that I have to stand up and march and shake my fist and employ my invaluable powers of dissension.





His twitter page. Much resistance content:









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34 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump's approval rating is actually 54%, better than several other president's.



First of all, whatever the specific poll numbers, nobody is denying that the USA is deeply divided about trump or that there isn't an extremely visible, large, and persistent anti-trump RESISTANCE movement.

Rasmussen if of course a right wing biased organization, not that it matters. See above.

That is what THIS thread is about ... the anti-trump RESISTANCE movement.

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19 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Wow.  This just in from Trump.  What a nut.  Absolutely terrible.






He needs to be stopped.

I really hope he cuts down on federal funding for UC Berkeley and any other school doesn't boot the student THUGS off campus that take part in these riots. Enough is enough. If they're going to continue to allow people to squelch conversations and suppress free-speech then I'm happy to see him do this and so are the rest of us 'plebs'.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump's approval rating is actually 54%, better than several other president's.



That poll has been debunked as not highly accurate and very biased.  I'll stick with CNN's.





He went on to explore other factors which may have explained the effect such as the use of a likely voter model,[75] and claimed that Rasmussen conducted its polls in a way that excluded the majority of the population from answering


Blumenthal noted, "My bottom line: These sort of pollster ratings and rankings are interesting, but they are of very limited utility in sorting out "good"








Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly

On Tuesday, polls conducted by the firm Rasmussen Reports — which released more than 100 surveys in the final three weeks of the campaign, including some commissioned under a subsidiary on behalf of Fox News — badly missed the margin in many states, and also exhibited a considerable bias toward Republican candidates.



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12 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

That poll has been debunked as not highly accurate and very biased.  I'll stick with CNN's.





It has not been "debunked". You quoted only negative coverage and ignored positive reviews - very "Trump resistance-like". By the way, CNN polls have come under plenty of criticism too.



Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen wrote in 2010 that Rasmussen has an "unchallenged record for both integrity and accuracy."[41]Slate Magazine and The Wall Street Journal reported that Rasmussen Reports was one of the most accurate polling firms for the 2004 United States presidential election and 2006 United States general elections.[40][66][not in citation given] In 2004 Slate magazine "publicly doubted and privately derided" Rasmussen's use of recorded voices in electoral polls. However, after the election, they concluded that Rasmussen’s polls were among the most accurate in the 2004 presidential election.[40] According to Politico, Rasmussen's 2008 presidential-election polls "closely mirrored the election's outcome."[67]


More at link:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmussen_Reports

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2 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

I really hope he cuts down on federal funding for UC Berkeley and any other school doesn't boot the student THUGS off campus that take part in these riots. Enough is enough. If they're going to continue to allow people to squelch conversations and suppress free-speech then I'm happy to see him do this and so are the rest of us 'plebs'.

Are you aware of the actions Berkeley is taking against these violent protesters?  They will be booted off campus. 


Freedom of speech only goes so far.  This guy was over the top.  I hope you agree with that.  Please research a bit about the speaker also.  He's a nut and spews hate and violence.  Like Trump, he brings it down upon himself.  Sometimes you really do reap what you sow.





The day after a scheduled appearance at UC Berkeley by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos erupted in violence and ended before it began, campus officials condemned the actions of agitators who invaded the campus and disrupted nearly 1,500 peaceful protesters. They also praised small groups of Berkeley students who organized themselves to begin cleaning up debris.


UCPD has launched an investigation of last night’s riotous actions, instigated by some 150 masked individuals with paramilitary tactics, including hurling Molotov cocktails, setting fires, throwing fireworks at police, pushing barricades into windows and damaging campus and city property.


“The violence was an attack on our fundamental values, which are maintaining and nurturing open inquiry and an inclusive, civil society — the bedrock of a genuinely democratic nation,” said Chancellor Nicholas Dirks. “We are now, and will remain in the future, completely committed to free speech not only as a vital component of our campus identity but as essential to our educational mission.”




Not sure they could do much more about this.  So, why should their funding be cut? 

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23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Are you aware of the actions Berkeley is taking against these violent protesters?  They will be booted off campus. 


Freedom of speech only goes so far.  This guy was over the top.  I hope you agree with that.  Please research a bit about the speaker also.  He's a nut and spews hate and violence.  Like Trump, he brings it down upon himself.  Sometimes you really do reap what you sow.




Not sure they could do much more about this.  So, why should their funding be cut? 

Good , I hope they are. And I didn't say that they wouldn't do anything about it. IF they don't do anything about it then their funds should be cut.


Freedom of speech has NO limits. All speech should be protected no matter how much you disagree with it because limiting freedom of speech is a slippery slope. Fortunately hate speech isn't recognized in the US.

"First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me
And there was no one left To speak out for me"

Familiar with that quote? I've heard hundreds of stories of Europeans over the last year or two getting thrown in jail or fined for simply stating an opinion that went contrary to the mainstream opinion.


These violent rioters and protestors in general apparently don't understand the Streisand effect hahaha because if they did they'd realize they were doing more harm than good for their cause.


And here we go again with the conflation of words and action. Speech can and NEVER will be violence. Why is that so hard to understand? I guess that's why so many people on the left think it's ok to hurt people for different opinions because they were never taught the difference between actions and words.


Oh I don't need to research him. I started watching his speeches around a year now, about when I started transitioning from a liberal to a conservative for exactly the same kind of rational you're bringing to this conversation. 

Once I realized Trump's opposition was arguing from emotion rather than facts and evidence, I started paying more attention to Milo : ) along with Stephan Molyneux, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Anthony Brian Logan etc.. 

Let this be a lesson to everyone who thinks violence or at the very least suppression of free speech is justified because of a differing opinion. You're just going to push people to the other side.


"Like Trump, he brings it down upon himself.  Sometimes you really do reap what you sow."

What a disgusting thing to say. Remember that next time when someone who you disagree with destroys your property or god forbid severely injures you in an attack. You brought it on yourself for believing something they didn't agree with right?

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In the context of this thread, the approval ratings don't really matter. Even if trump had 90 percent approval rating a RESISTANCE movement would still be relevant especially considering trump is actively attacking democratic norms in the USA. Putin may say he has 90 percent approval but that doesn't mean there aren't good reasons to RESIST him, though there it is basically too late as he has TOTAL power. 

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On ‎03‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 0:37 AM, Luckysilk said:

Most Americans I speak with are completely fed up with the noise the left is making and are getting on with life, giving the office the respect it deserves.


The louder they become the more deaf the silent majority will become, it is apparent many on the left are suffering some sort of mental illness by attacking every single move our new President makes - perhaps it's the previous 8 years of failure that has them bent out of shape. 


Unfortunately Trump did not win the popular vote, so as America is not North Korea, the majority of the people is right to speak out loud and resist against "alternative facts"

Also , when someone like Stephen Bannon, ex Breitbart - manipulâtes public opinion with fake news,  tells the  media to 'keep its mouth shut'. That's a threat, and we are far from 1st Amendment.

Active Resistance against WH propaganda is a  matter of mental health !





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1 hour ago, Opl said:


Unfortunately Trump did not win the popular vote, so as America is not North Korea, the majority of the people is right to speak out loud and resist against "alternative facts"

Also , when someone like Stephen Bannon, ex Breitbart - manipulâtes public opinion with fake news,  tells the  media to 'keep its mouth shut'. That's a threat, and we are far from 1st Amendment.

Active Resistance against WH propaganda is a  matter of mental health !





Another poster (apologies I forget whom) made the best point regarding this issue of President Trump not having a majority.


The Super Bowl isn't won by yardage.....


President Trump was elected with OUR system and you can say things about a mandate until the cows come home, the point is he WON and the Republicans control the government.


As for the resistance - go for it I'm deaf to all your shouting, the fake tears, the media, the selfish minority set on vandalism, the lefties in Hollywood and the polls.......it's all old news.

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2 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Another poster (apologies I forget whom) made the best point regarding this issue of President Trump not having a majority.


The Super Bowl isn't won by yardage.....


President Trump was elected with OUR system and you can say things about a mandate until the cows come home, the point is he WON and the Republicans control the government.


As for the resistance - go for it I'm deaf to all your shouting, the fake tears, the media, the selfish minority set on vandalism, the lefties in Hollywood and the polls.......it's all old news.

Sorry this is too important to be compared to Super Bowl,

The legitimacy of Trump is questionnable :
1. with only 23% of the popular vote Trump obtained the majority of the votes of the E.C  : Trump is the least popular President - that is a fact.

2. It is established that Russia interfered in the electoral process ; during his campaign he had already spread rumors and lies. Since at the WH he continues to play with "alternative facts" - There are doubts about the sincerity of his policies.

3. Trump is entangled in colossal and inextricable conflicts of interest (he runs a financial empire and a country). The risks of corruption are therefore major. Trump is the first US president not to practice financial and fiscal transparency

4. Trump claimed to be the anti-Washington and anti-Wall Street candidate. He surrounded himself with guys who made all their careers in Washington or Wall Street... anti-establishment he said .. Trump is the pruner of the prudential system of banking regulation (It will also be necessary that Trump and its Cabinet refuse to support with public funds banks that will go bankrupt. At the next crisis, the pension funds will collapse, which will put on the straw millions of retired American in particular but not only). See you at the next financial crisis caused by the greed of Trump and his billionaire buddies. Condolences for his core defenders who have learned nothing from the previous financial crisis and who will be the victims of the next.



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On Wednesday, February 01, 2017 at 11:23 PM, Ulysses G. said:
On Wednesday, February 01, 2017 at 11:12 PM, beechguy said:

Actually I wasn't a big fan of Trump, but after watching the pathetic theatrics of the left, I like him more everyday. If the Dems want change, I would suggest they quit electing idiots, like Pelosi, Schumer, and Franken. Hopefully they will get moved out of the way, for people like Tulsi Gabbard and the next generation. 


That is how I feel. He is screwing up occasionally, but IMO the good far outweighs the bad and he is often maligned unfairly.

Exactly agree. He's not a good speaker, he's confusing but he's on the right (no pun intended) path.


But I hope they keep Schumer - his crocodile tears were so hilarious I laughed out loud so much that nearly spat my tea. biggrin.gif 

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

You are making his point.

It does not matter, I'm not fighting, I'm just wondering how the Greatest Nation on Earth can carry on, with an Electoral System that reverses the results of the votes, and an Electoral College that does not quite fullfill its mission as defined by Hamilton.  That's all!  I'm sorry for America to be now lead  finally by someone like S. Bannon. It's a paIn, really.

Anyway I do not vote in the US, I'm just an interested bystander. Therefore, I've read a lot about ...

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8 minutes ago, Opl said:

It does not matter, I'm not fighting, I'm just wondering how the Greatest Nation on Earth can carry on, with an Electoral System that reverses the results of the votes, and an Electoral College that does not quite fullfill its mission as defined by Hamilton.  That's all!  I'm sorry for America to be now lead  finally by someone like S. Bannon. It's a paIn, really.

Anyway I do not vote in the US, I'm just an interested bystander. Therefore, I've read a lot about ...

With all due respect, don't be sorry for us, worry about your own country. 

We have support from all over the world. I've met many people from different countries, not to mention all the 'e-support' over the last few months that were excited, supportive and optimistic about Donald J. Trump.

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In every speech and video I have seen of him after he took over the white house he looks weird to me.  

Like he is thinking  "I am the boss" , "how did I end up here", "I'm gonna fxxck this planet", "love me or die",  "you're fired" and finally "Make war not peace"  



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42 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

With all due respect, don't be sorry for us, worry about your own country. 

We have support from all over the world. I've met many people from different countries, not to mention all the 'e-support' over the last few months that were excited, supportive and optimistic about Donald J. Trump.


So I understand you will agree with me that Trump is POTUS not leader of the free world  as long as he is inspired by Putin and Bannon.- This era is now over.  


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Eric Trump’s business trip to Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills


"By financing part of the trip, the US state de facto supports a commercial operation that will allow the US president and his family to get richer. For Richard Painter, a former White House lawyer with George W. Bush, the fact that Eric Trump appears with state security agents even has an economic and political interest in the Trump affairs: he sees " A subliminal message saying that if you do business with this company you will get closer to the Trump administration and be on good terms with the US And the presence of Secret Services exacerbates this message."










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20 minutes ago, Opl said:

Eric Trump’s business trip to Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills


"By financing part of the trip, the US state de facto supports a commercial operation that will allow the US president and his family to get richer. For Richard Painter, a former White House lawyer with George W. Bush, the fact that Eric Trump appears with state security agents even has an economic and political interest in the Trump affairs: he sees " A subliminal message saying that if you do business with this company you will get closer to the Trump administration and be on good terms with the US And the presence of Secret Services exacerbates this message."




Boo hoo. Totally standard procedure for family members to receive protection.

So what? :passifier:

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On 2017-02-04 at 1:42 PM, Luckysilk said:

Another poster (apologies I forget whom) made the best point regarding this issue of President Trump not having a majority.


The Super Bowl isn't won by yardage.....


President Trump was elected with OUR system and you can say things about a mandate until the cows come home, the point is he WON and the Republicans control the government.


As for the resistance - go for it I'm deaf to all your shouting, the fake tears, the media, the selfish minority set on vandalism, the lefties in Hollywood and the polls.......it's all old news.

"After Republicans spent eight years using filibusters and cloture votes to obstruct President Barack Obama’s agenda, prominent Republicans now are advocating for eliminating it"




We will treat Trump and the republicans the same way they did with Obama. Obstruct!



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On 2/4/2017 at 6:30 AM, Rigby40 said:

I really hope he cuts down on federal funding for UC Berkeley and any other school doesn't boot the student THUGS off campus that take part in these riots. Enough is enough. If they're going to continue to allow people to squelch conversations and suppress free-speech then I'm happy to see him do this and so are the rest of us 'plebs'.


The school took decisive action against the inappropriate actions of some of the people who took part in the protests. It was a small group overall.  The school has no blame in this at all. To threaten the funding is ridiculous and inappropriate and was without any investigation or consideration at all.  He isn't the parent and these aren't his teenage children who are misbehaving!!

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14 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:


This is VERY worrying 


It explains many things


How can this be stopped before something really terrible happens?


Can the men in the white coats just take him away quietly?


I have no time for Pense but he's an intellectual power house in comparison 

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17 minutes ago, Grouse said:

This is VERY worrying 


It explains many things


How can this be stopped before something really terrible happens?


Can the men in the white coats just take him away quietly?


I have no time for Pense but he's an intellectual power house in comparison 

Don't worry many people, especially of Trumps age, need reading glasses.


Trump realises the Islamist threat, even if you don't. Europe is waking up to it too, we can only hope it is not too late.



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50 minutes ago, Grouse said:

This is VERY worrying 


It explains many things


How can this be stopped before something really terrible happens?


Can the men in the white coats just take him away quietly?


I have no time for Pense but he's an intellectual power house in comparison 

And anyone who doesn't understand the analogy, as it relates to Middle East/Arabs, etc. is rather ignorant. Try going and living there, and being involved for 15 years.

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1 hour ago, amykat said:


The school took decisive action against the inappropriate actions of some of the people who took part in the protests. It was a small group overall.  The school has no blame in this at all. To threaten the funding is ridiculous and inappropriate and was without any investigation or consideration at all.  He isn't the parent and these aren't his teenage children who are misbehaving!!

That's all fine and dandy. He was and should be ready to pull funds IF they didn't do anything about it, which I already said in another post.

But this was happening all over campuses last year and a lot of them DIDN'T do anything to stop the protesters from threatening speakers and disrupting speeches. Depaul Univesity as one of many examples.

Good on Trump for putting his foot down. If schools like Depaul want to keep this kind of behavior up they better start looking for funding elsewhere.

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