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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

The audacity of the man child is incredible. He thought that the leader of the free world, the number 1 office in the USA - the worlds number 1 military power would be easier than being a reality TV star. It says it all really. Simply shocking. How can he be taken seriously. Let him go back to his old life ........after 10 years in jail for treason.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

He thought that the leader of the free world, the number 1 office in the USA - the worlds number 1 military power would be easier than being a reality TV star. It says it all really. Simply shocking. How can he be taken seriously. Let him go back to his old life ........after 10 years in jail for treason.

Wasnt he involved in a few businesses as well, rather than just being a reality TV star ?

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Wasnt he involved in a few businesses as well, rather than just being a reality TV star ?

Oh silly me, I forgot, running a 'few' businesses where you have been given a million (then 200 Million) and screwing them all up with a US record for the number of law suits against him counts.  Do us all a favour please. 99% of the world thinks he is a chump for saying what he said. Are we now graced with finding one of the 1%?

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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Do us all a favour please. 99% of the world thinks he is a chump for saying what he said. Are we now graced with finding one of the 1%?

You have no way of knowing what the World thinks, so, you must be making those statistics up .

  Also, I am not 1% of the World, closer to 1 /7 00000000  % of the World (or whatever)

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Trumps 100 Days, what has been achieved?


Go here and have a laugh at the 100 day contract that Trump drew up for his voter base. This was Trumps idea (the one that says the 100 day point is a ridiculous marker). See how many things Trump has actually achieved.




If you aren't one for reading then Olbermann will help you out!



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22 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:


Well, no one is really "ready" to be POTUS. The point is being aware of it when running for office and assuming the post.

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100 days down.

Are we really going to have to stomach a full term (or two?) of this clown show?:crazy:


He has nothing of the sort. He is just an ogre, the hell-mouth incarnate, a shockingly incompetent, weak-kneed, kindness-abhorring con man incapable of a single complex thought, a charlatan merely using the most powerful office in the land to rape the U.S. Treasury and launder mountains of cash through his own businesses. But wait, our president does “tell more untruths than any president in American history,” says Texas A&M political scientist George Edwards, editor of the scholarly journal Presidential Studies Quarterly. Does that count as an accomplishment?


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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

Just listened to Trump's speech at his rally in Pennsylvania, a truly appalling representative for the Office of President of the USA.



It was disgraceful. I see he is back in full swing - when someone protests he shouts "get him out"! The man is a disgrace to the office. If you are not one of the retards that support him you are his enemy. Opposing views to his are not permitted.


I hope after this every single journalist is motivated to going the extra mile and uncovering the information required that will put this Neanderthal and his family in jail - quickly.

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Compare to trump's odious fascist style rally in Pennsylvania, deliberately done to diss the White House Correspondent's dinner.



The same old horrible trump.



Trump’s 100-Day Speech Mimics His Presidency: Rambling, Lies, and Egomania

The commander in chief also acted as if he hadn’t suffered huge setbacks while in office, promising that the wall along the Mexican border will be built. And he vowed to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, continuing to promise that his new plan will include features that he must now by now are pretty much impossible. But that doesn’t matter of course. “We are all made by the same almighty God,” Trump said near the end of the speech. “We will not fail, we will never fail, we are Americans and the future belongs to us.” Yes, he had used that same line in his speech at CPAC, and yes, it is creepily reminiscent of a song sung by a young Nazi in Cabaret.


Perhaps learn from history? Still time to resist.


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Here's a term we're going to hear a lot of in future headlines:


. . . . . . . . . //////   PRESIDENTIAL PARDON  //////


                      Already, it's almost certain Flynn will get one.  Pence too.  Possibly also Manafort and Carter.   Certainly Kushner will get a P.Pardon when it's shown he broke several laws (including money laundering?) and lied on his security forms (yes, the same security clearance forms which the WH refuses to release to the Congress). 


                        Trump will wait until the 11th hour in each case.  In other words, when one of those conspirators get sentenced to prison, Trump will intervene to bail them out.  Lots of soldiers are going to fall on their swords for Trump.  It's not as painful when you know the Dufus in Chief can keep you from getting punished with just a wave of his presidential hand.


                          One interesting scenario is:  TRUMP CAN ISSUE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR HIMSELF !!!!!


                      Doing that could wind up being the biggest headline of 2017, if Trump doesn't start a war with N.Korea.  Oh waitakotonpikinminute .......that's why Trump is rattling swords with Kim.  


Another prediction from the all-seeing Boomers:  I think military hostilities are more likely to break out, within the next 2 years, between the US and China re; the S.China Sea (76% possible), than between N.Korea and Uncle Sam (53% possible).  



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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's a term we're going to hear a lot of in future headlines:




Already, it's almost certain Flynn will get one.  Pence too.  Possibly also Manafort and Carter.   Certainly Kushner will get a P.Pardon when it's shown he broke several laws (including money laundering?) and lied on his security forms (yes, the same security clearance forms which the WH refuses to release to the Congress). 


Trump will wait until the 11th hour in each case.  In other words, when one of those conspirators are just about to testify, Trump will intervene to shut them up.




That could wind up being the biggest headline of the year, if Trump doesn't start a war with N.Korea.  Oh waitakotonpikinminute .......that's why Trump is rattling swords with Kim.  


Did you get the crystal ball on sale?

The North Korea situation was there even before Trump. And I don't think Mattis &McMaster will go along with starting a war aimed at deflecting investigations into ties with Russia.

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25 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's a term we're going to hear a lot of in future headlines:


. . . . . . . . . //////   PRESIDENTIAL PARDON  //////


                      Already, it's almost certain Flynn will get one.  Pence too.  Possibly also Manafort and Carter.   Certainly Kushner will get a P.Pardon when it's shown he broke several laws (including money laundering?) and lied on his security forms (yes, the same security clearance forms which the WH refuses to release to the Congress). 


                        Trump will wait until the 11th hour in each case.  In other words, when one of those conspirators get sentenced to prison, Trump will intervene to bail them out.  Lots of soldiers are going to fall on their swords for Trump.  It's not as painful when you know the Dufus in Chief can keep you from getting punished with just a wave of his presidential hand.


                          One interesting scenario is:  TRUMP CAN ISSUE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON FOR HIMSELF !!!!!

So the first thing that needs to happen is Impeachment. Get him out of the Presidency first, THEN charge the others. Can an acting President issue Presidential pardons? I don't think so.

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14 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So the first thing that needs to happen is Impeachment. Get him out of the Presidency first, THEN charge the others. Can an acting President issue Presidential pardons? I don't think so.

Can an acting president make new legislation using only executive orders ? I don't think so, but it doesn't stop him.

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57 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Can an acting president make new legislation using only executive orders ? I don't think so, but it doesn't stop him.

I mean that if they impeach Trump first and get him out, Pence will be acting President and should be unable to issue Presidential pardons.

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" The President Of The United States prefers to get his information from Fox News, and would rather not read anything because reading bores him." While signing an executive order in the White House, President Donald Trump revealed his attitude towards reading the executive orders that he is signing, and it confirms reports that Trump is not reading what he is signing as president."


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3 hours ago, Morch said:

Did you get the crystal ball on sale?

The North Korea situation was there even before Trump. And I don't think Mattis &McMaster will go along with starting a war aimed at deflecting investigations into ties with Russia.

                      I made it clear, earlier, that I'm just predicting what I think will happen in ensuing months.  You can do the same.  I've been right, often.  I predicted, last summer, that if Trump got elected, he would use his real estate as much as possible to make as much money as possible (compelling visiting dignitaries to stay at his resorts, etc).  In his 1st month, he doubled the membership fee for Mar-a-Lago to $200k.


                               If you don't think Trump's top brass buddies will make messes overseas in order to shield/deflect from Trump's legal problems, then we don't agree.  Already, the 59 Tomahawks (which accomplished nearly nothing) and the MOAB were useful in deflecting from Trump.   They bought him a few weeks.   Indeed, every time Trump does or says something which isn't ridiculous or wrong, his supporters say "He's Acting Presidential."  Low bar.


                           That's like saying little bratty Tommy, by not barfing on grandma, which he usually does when she visits, is acting polite.


3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

So the first thing that needs to happen is Impeachment. Get him out of the Presidency first, THEN charge the others. Can an acting President issue Presidential pardons? I don't think so.


1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

I mean that if they impeach Trump first and get him out, Pence will be acting President and should be unable to issue Presidential pardons.

                              Pence, if prez, will pardon Trump in a D.C. minute.   However, Pence also has some serious illegal shit on his shoes, that he's tracking all over the Oval Office.  I'll make another prediction:  Pence will be on his lying ass, much like Spiro Agnew was during early days of Nixon's election in the early 1970's.


                   Flynn thought he could lie for the 100th time, and fall on his sword for both Pence and Trump.  It won't work.  There's too much proof that Pence has been lying, and.... of course Trump has been also.  Dereliction of Duty is too mild a description of what those lying SOB's have been doing daily.

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It's not all that hard to hit a few things, when shooting off that much. In this sense, you're bound to be correct on Trump sometimes. As for being right "often" - doubt that's the case, considering the hyperbole. 


As far as I am aware, neither Mattis, nor McMaster are mentioned in the context of the Russian ties investigations. Both joined the administration later on, and were not counted among Trump's circle of confidants. To assume that the short time serving  under Trump would be enough to fully subvert them into docile lackeys would require more than biased ramblings. Similarly, the same ramblings do not make a strong case when it comes to claims about the attack in Syria. 


I'm not a Trump supporter and I never said he acted presidential. This has zero to do with what was posted. Ramblings.


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

I believe he'll get sworn in right away as President. I'm pretty sure that's what happened with Gerald Ford.

Rachel Maddow Explains How Mike Pence Is Going To Go Down With Trump For Russia Scandal



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The net is closing. From Fridays Guardian.


Complete with court documents!



UK was given details of alleged contacts between Trump campaign and Moscow



It was not previously known that the UK intelligence services had also received the dossier but Steele confirmed in a court filing earlier this month that he handed a memorandum compiled in December to a “senior UK government national security official acting in his official capacity, on a confidential basis in hard copy form”.................


Between March and September, the December memo alleges, the hackers used botnets and porn traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs and steal data online from Democratic party leadership. Two of the hackers had been “recruited under duress by the FSB” the memo said. The hackers were paid by the Trump organisation, but were under the control of Vladimir Putin’s presidential administration.



I cannot wait to see these Charlatans go down. Not long now, follow the money and Donald will be in a supermax before you can say 'Mara Lago The Winter White House". By next Winter Donald will be in the shi*e House.

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Fact check: 100 days of Trump whoppers


"Donald Trump — whom we crowned the “King of Whoppers” when he was a long-shot candidate in 2015 — has held true to form during his first 100 days as president of the United States."


"Here’s a chronological listing of the whoppers Trump has told during his first 100 days: "




An unfamiliar word to the Trumpeteers.

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