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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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On 5/12/2017 at 9:38 PM, boomerangutang said:

                Bunker down, White House.  Anything, (tweet or utterance or text on paper) which emanates from the white house will be assumed to be additional cover-up and lies.   .....and they all get paid taxpayer money to lie to us.    


               Unfortunately, because he's prez, we all have to take his utterances & tweets seriously.   If he was just a corrupt businessman buffoon like before, we could laugh off all his dumb-ass ridiculous statements. 


                       P.S. Intelligent services from dozens of countries now have more credibility than the US's, even tho the US probably spends much more for its 17 security agencies.   If a country like Norway, for example, wants to get reliable data on what the Russkies or Chinese or Iranians are doing.   They won't ask US services, as the US has very low credibility now.   They'd be smarter to ask the Israelis, the Poles, the South Africans, .....heck maybe even the Somalis have better intelligence right now, than the top agencies in Wash. DC.    




Lots of wasted comedy value in Olbermann's usual hyperbole presentation. 74 episodes and still no doomsday. Maybe next time. Trump calling Russians to hack HRC is bad. Olbermann assuming to speak for the American people and calling on foreign services to do the same is good. Them double standards.


And as for the P.S of the above post - more like BS. The credibility of  US intelligence services is not wholly dependent on Trump's shenanigans. Most of the US intelligence community is not supportive of Trump's various assertions with regard to the Russian intervention, and all carry on duties with a a much wider scope than the above, partisan view, suggests.

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59 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

We're doing this again.

In my opinion, you're not thinking this through and/or don't see the potential evil of trump. 
How could trump do such a thing?

In a war scenario. Prompted by a terrorist attack, whether real or not.

I really don't get your POV.

In my opinion, you still hold on to the fantasy that trump is just another president that acts predictably. 

Anyone watching just the events of the last week would understand differently. 

It's an objective reality that trump has strong authoritarian tendencies. It doesn't take all that much imagination to consider if/when pushed against the wall, he may go full on with that. 

Yes it is a big TEST of the American democracy if we can manage to keep such a dark force in check. So far, mixed results. Look at the republican party .. most weak and shameful reactions to his outrages. 
Whenever dark forces arise in history there are always voices saying, it's not that bad, it can't possibly get that bad. I put you in that camp. In the fullness of time, you may be right, but you're quite potentially wrong. 

And we'll keep doing it, until such a time your fantasies will come true. Hopefully, we'll be at it for a long while.


On the contrary, I'm looking at it from a realistic point of view. For a successful coup there needs to be any combination of subservient minded public, high public approval of leadership (or alternatively, extremely low approval rating - depending on point of view), support from effective security agencies.


There is no mass popular support of Trump, as members of the "resistance" routinely inform. And even Trump's supporters aren't all all-out with everything he does or might do. How many of them 40% or so still expressing a level of approval would go along with the scaremongering scenarios you tout? Not nearly enough.


Assuming that US law enforcement, military and security agencies will just do Trump's bidding, whatever it is, doesn't convey a whole lot of trust in their integrity or commitment. I just don't see that they were all brainwashed in 3-4 months to a degree they'll mindlessly participate in such an effort.


And if you insist on postulating a hypothetical conspiracy theory black flag operation which will create favorable conditions - who'll carry it out? Who'll vouch for its authenticity? The same intelligence and law enforcement agencies Trump spurned? I don't think so.


And you can keep that mantra alleging an idea I did not propose. You've got little else to go on. Put me in whatever imaginary camp you like. My point is not so much about the danger represented by Trump, but on the ridiculousness exemplified by some of the responses.

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Poll: Trump approval ticks down, partly due to drop among base


"A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday showed President Donald Trump's approval rating back down following a bounce in mid-April.

"The poll, taken May 4-9, pegged Trump's approval at 36% compared to 58% who said they disapprove of his performance as President."
"Nearly all interviews were done ahead of the news that Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday."



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Here's one that appears to have slipped under the radar:


Reince Priebus: “Older People Should Pay 5 Times More Because They’re 5 Times As Sick”


“The fact to the matter is, we want everybody to have a healthcare system in place that treats everyone fairly."


"So, in reality, the reason why older people should pay 5 times more than they’re paying right now is because the current system isn’t realistic."


"They are, in fact, 5 times sicker than the rest of the population, which is why they ought to pay more."




What a simpleton.

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Trump Says He Was ‘First In His Class,’ Evidence Is Released Showing That’s A Lie


President Trump has maintained for quite some time that he graduated “first in his class” at Wharton in 1968. He has repeated the claim several times to various publishers and news agencies, including the New York Times who he accuses of “fake news.”



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ACLU files FOIA request seeking evidence of Trump's voter fraud allegations


"The American Civil Liberties Union filed a Freedom of Information Act request Thursday seeking any facts or evidence supporting President Trump’s claims that the 2016 presidential election was muddied by widespread voter fraud."


"Dale Ho, the director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, called Trump’s establishment of a commission to review alleged voter fraud and suppression a “boondoggle” and part of his plan to “spread his own fake news about election integrity,” The Hill reported."


“This FOIA demands that the government release the factual basis and evidence supporting the president’s allegations.”



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Trapped in trumpland.

Obviously most concentrated in D.C. and some thaivisa threads.

But it's also a widespread thing.



Trapped in Trumpland: Washingtonians say politics follows them everywhere, even to the strip club


“The political tensions are about more than who won or lost an election,” said Ballard of the American Psychological Association. “Being bombarded with news updates, social media chatter and arguments with friends and co-workers can reinforce stereotypes about Republicans and Democrats, perpetuating an ‘us-versus-them’ mentality and driving a wedge between people.”



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7 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Says He Was ‘First In His Class,’ Evidence Is Released Showing That’s A Lie


President Trump has maintained for quite some time that he graduated “first in his class” at Wharton in 1968. He has repeated the claim several times to various publishers and news agencies, including the New York Times who he accuses of “fake news.”




Funny. There will be a lot more "reveals" coming out I am sure.



Well, it turns out, Trump didn’t graduate first in his class as he claims. In 1968, the Daily Pennsylvanian published a complete list of the 56 students who were on the Wharton Dean’s List that year – and nowhere can Trump’s name be found. That means, not only was Trump not first in his class, but he wasn’t even anywhere near the top 15 percent............................<snip>................Trump has previously suggested that he had an MBA from Wharton’s prestigious graduate school, opting to tell people he went to the “famous” Wharton. But, that too, was a lie. They’re pretty much known for their business graduate degrees, and Trump played on that prestige when he spoke with people. In reality, Trump never attended any graduate studies there, and only transferred in during his junior year to enroll in their undergraduate program for two years.


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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


Funny. There will be a lot more "reveals" coming out I am sure.



No, no more reveals.  This is over  This is over and gone, nothing to see here, the man said so himself. 

I knew that Watergate was important when Nixon said on TV "the American people are tired of Watergate."  Some people a least try to learn from the past.  But, like a lot of guys say "mine's different."


But now with the pursuit of this voter fraud stuff, entertain the possibility that what gets revealed becomes something that disgraces the GOP, possibly implicating THEM in voter fraud.  Regardless of how you lean you gotta admit this is entertaining stuff.


BTW, I suspect Trump has diabetes, all that stuff with junk food is just props, we don't see him actually eating it. ("Ok, no more pictures.  And get that crap out of here!")  All that goofy stuff with the gastroenterologist was suspicious IMO. 


This is sort of like Veep combined with the Marx Brothers. 



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Roger Stone contradicts Trump: I spoke with him ‘very recently’


"Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone says that he spoke with President Trump “very recently,” disputing Trump's own claim that he hasn't spoken with Stone "in a long time."


“I’m not going to contradict the president and I’m not going to say when I spoke to him — but I would say this, I have spoken to him very recently,” Stone, a potential subject for ongoing investigations into ties between Russia and Trump's campaign, said Friday on ABC’s “The View.”


“I’ve always taken the position that private conversations between myself and the president, which are occasional — that they have to remain confidential.”





The web of lies grows...

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The Widening Blast Radius of the Fox News Scandal

The metastasizing Ailes affair is spilling over into the politics of New York, Virginia and the White House.



"As a federal investigation of the network reportedly grows in scope and more lawsuits pile up alleging a toxic corporate culture, Fox’s problems are increasingly spilling outside its walls and creating ramifications for local and national political figures as new allegations emerge and old ones are dredged up."

"Meanwhile, several people familiar with the arrangements have told Politico that President Donald Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, and longtime confidant Roger Stone coordinated with Ailes to monitor and undermine the ousted Fox chief’s perceived adversaries."

"Bannon has also collaborated with Jim Pinkerton, a former Fox News contributor who for years authored the anonymous blog “The Cable Game” to tout Fox and attack its rivals on behalf of Ailes."




Exclusive: Federal probe of Fox News expands


"The U.S. Justice Department's investigation of Fox News has widened to include a second law enforcement agency."


"Financial crimes experts from the United States Postal Inspection Service are now involved, according to four sources connected to the investigation."


"Mail fraud and wire fraud cases are part of the USPIS purview."


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Q&A Transcript: Interview with Donald Trump

The Economist talks to the President of the United States about economic policy


"Some people think this is a negotiating tactic—that you say very dramatic things but actually you would settle for some very small changes. Is that right?: "

"No, it’s not, really not a negotiation. It’s really not. No, will I settle for less than I go in with? Yes, I mean who wouldn’t? Nobody, you know, I always use the word flexibility, I have flexibility."




:blink: Uh, the inept one just defined negotiating.

Does anyone really want a clown who spouts gobbledygook like this in charge?


Read on for more of the word salad buffet served up in the article...

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14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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Clapper: US institutions 'under assault' from Trump


"Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Sunday that he thinks US institutions are under assault from President Donald Trump."


"I think in many ways our institutions are under assault both externally -- and that's the big news here is the Russian interference in our election system -- and I think as well our institutions are under assault internally," Clapper told anchor Jake Tapper on CNN's "State of the Union."


"Pressed if he meant US institutions were under assault internally from the President, Clapper responded, "Exactly."



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33 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

The End Of Trump


The question is no longer whether there are grounds to impeach Donald Trump. It is when enough Republicans will put their loyalty to America ahead of their loyalty to their party.



Yeah, that is the question, but so far the republicans are showing their true colors. Party and power over country. Shamefully sleazy. Hopefully, all of them will be made to PAY for that villainy in the next elections. 

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

If they're looking to make it easier to sue for libel, Trump is in big trouble.

Well there is the big huge double edged sword. The bill is clearly designed so Trump can sue or rather threaten to sue newspapers and in the threat he hopes to shut them up, BUT he opens himself to exactly the same lawsuits if for example he calls certain media outlets 'fake news' or says things like "New York Times fake news will go out of business soon", the NYT have every right to sue for such statements if Trump is going to play silly.


Goodbye First Amendment. Hey America do you feel great yet? Land of the free etc.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, that is the question, but so far the republicans are showing their true colors. Party and power over country. Shamefully sleazy. Hopefully, all of them will be made to PAY for that villainy in the next elections. 

Jeff Sessions Caught in Major Lie; One Senator Has Already Demanded His Resignation.


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Intel community chatter: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell caught red handed in Trump-Russia scandal


Over the weekend, credible leaks from the U.S. intelligence community have sprung afoot, ranging from Donald Trump and three advisers being caught on tape admitting to treason with Russia (link) to Rudy Giuliani trying to cut a deal against Trump (link). Now comes chatter that GOP leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell may have been nailed as well.



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Three months in, chaos grips Donald Trump’s White House


In Friday’s White House press briefing, a reporter told Press Secretary Sean Spicer he’d spoken to a former FBI official who was alarmed by Donald Trump threatening former FBI Director James Comey via Twitter. The reporter’s source said the president, in his words, “is simply ‘out of control.’”


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Report: Trump revealed highly classified info to Russians


President Trump revealed highly classified intelligence information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador while meeting with them last week at the White House, The Washington Post reported.



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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

Report: Trump revealed highly classified info to Russians


President Trump revealed highly classified intelligence information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador while meeting with them last week at the White House, The Washington Post reported.



Any country that shares intelligence with USA spooks is not very intelligent. How can this possibly surprise anyone? 

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" As the meeting concluded, the wire service Getty released photos credited to Tass showing all three men standing together in a chummy moment...."

" The reason we know about Trump's meeting with a key figure in the Russia probe (Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak) .. is because of the Kremlin.. "




Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump lavrov"

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