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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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5 hours ago, mogandave said:

All the buffoon has are his lies and deceit. That the deplorables continue to buy into his idiocy is telling. They don't care that he's lying as long as he spreads their hate.

Iowa’s Top Newspaper Just Welcomed Trump With An Unpleasant Surprise


“Mr. President, the campaign is over. You won. Now is not the time to rally. Now is the time to sell your policies, listen to Americans with a stake in those efforts and govern.”



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7 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


Gotta have grounds, and despite 9 months of looking, nothing yet.

Can one of you people who keep on asserting this - and I'm sure you are doing it with reason - please share with us the results so far of the FBI's confidential investigation and Mueller's confidential investigation. I'm sure you wouldn't be making such assertions unless you knew for a fact that no evidence to the contrary has been unearthed.  Thanks in advance for indulging my request.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Can one of you people who keep on asserting this - and I'm sure you are doing it with reason - please share with us the results so far of the FBI's confidential investigation and Mueller's confidential investigation. I'm sure you wouldn't be making such assertions unless you knew for a fact that no evidence to the contrary has been unearthed.  Thanks in advance for indulging my request.

Do you honestly think that if any evidence had been found that it wouldn't have been produced?    You do??   OK, understood.

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1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:

Do you honestly think that if any evidence had been found that it wouldn't have been produced?    You do??   OK, understood.

Yes, I honestly believe it because that's the way these investigations work. Investigators really doesn't want their potential targets to know what evidence has been dug up.  The reasons for that are obvious.

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13 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Do you honestly think that if any evidence had been found that it wouldn't have been produced?    You do??   OK, understood.


Do you think the investigators are going to release their findings before they are finished going through all the leads? What would be the reason for doing that?  

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19 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Do you honestly think that if any evidence had been found that it wouldn't have been produced?


Yet, another Trumpeteer who is under the delusional impression that prosecutors and investigators reveal evidence and sources,

to the public during an ongoing investigation.





Dunning Kruger.

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24 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Do you honestly think that if any evidence had been found that it wouldn't have been produced?    You do??   OK, understood.


3 minutes ago, iReason said:


Yet, another Trumpeteer who is under the delusional impression that prosecutors and investigators reveal evidence and sources,

to the public during an ongoing investigation.





Dunning Kruger.

I think this shows that F4UCorsair thinks that the investigators, being sportsmen and sportswomen, don't want to enjoy an unfair advantage over the targets of their investigation. I mean, what is law enforcement if not just a big game?

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Do you think the investigators are going to release their findings before they are finished going through all the leads? What would be the reason for doing that?  

Historically such investigations take a very long time. As far as formal investigations on trump matters those are actually rather recent as well. Let the process play out. If trump is so clean why is trump so enthusiastic about trying to crush the investigations and cut them short?
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Press briefing crackdown worries Trump allies


"The briefings, regularly conducted four or five times a week in both the Obama administration and in the early weeks of the Trump administration, have been held far less frequently of late."


"And when the White House does give a briefing now, it’s increasingly conducted off-camera."


"White House press secretary Sean Spicer has made just seven total appearances before the media in the 18 working days since President Trump came back from his first international trip, an unusually low number for a press secretary."



They have deteriorated into the bunker mentality now.

Running scared.

They seem to believe that if they hide, it will all go away.  :laugh:


It's just getting started...


Lovin' it.  :thumbsup:

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The ignorant inept one is off and running again trying to fire up his equally ignorant base with another massive lie:


Mexico's Government Replied To A Trump Tweet After He Called It The Second Deadliest Country In The World


"President Trump on Thursday claimed Mexico is the second deadliest country in the world, behind only war-torn Syria,

prompting an official rebuke from Mexico's government asserting Trump's statement was not true."


"Mexico was just ranked the second deadliest country in the world, after only Syria," Trump said in a tweet."


"While Mexico does have a significant problem of violence, Mexico is NOT the second most violent nation in the world,"

statement from Mexico's Foreign Ministry read."





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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:


Gotta have grounds, and despite 9 months of looking, nothing yet.


As has been mentioned before, all the intelligence agencies agree that Russia attempted to hack voting machines, planted fake news, attacked the DNC server, and in general did as much as possible to influence the election.  Yet according to Comey and AG Sessions, Trump has taken no action regarding this direct assault on the US democratic system.  So how about dereliction of duty for grounds for impeachment?  He's been derelict in many ways, but this one borders on treason.

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Donald Trump: Americans Who Don’t Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be ‘Brought To Justice’


Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.



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7 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Donald Trump: Americans Who Don’t Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be ‘Brought To Justice’


Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.



It's a pity he doesn't have a warmer relationship with Angela Merkel. Otherwise, he could ask her to recommend some Stasi alumni to help create a USA network of citizen informers.

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In a stunning move that shows just how much Donald Trump is stressing out over his Russia scandal, America’s incompetent POTUS went on an unhinged Twitter rant this morning in which he blamed former President Barack Obama for Russia’s election interference, and accidentally made himself look bad in the process.



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3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Gotta have grounds (to impeach), and despite 9 months of looking, nothing yet.

Here's what you call 'nothing'....


>>>  allowing people to continue to work in the Oval Office who lied on their security forms

>>>  telling top secrets to Russian agents

>>>  blatant obstruction of justice

>>>  self-enrichment due to his office, each day, directly breaking 'Emoluments Clause'

>>>  accused of laundering oligarch millions of $$'s (ok, not convicted yet, but stay tuned)

>>>  Threatening a government employee ('you better hope there aren't any tapes')

>>>   Allowing a Turkish/Russian agent (Flynn) to attend top security meeting for nearly 3 weeks after knowing he was a secret paid agent.

>>>  Not upholding his Oath of Office ('...uphold the laws of the land') by doing all he can to trash ACA.


.....and there's more.  

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Russian hackers targeted Dallas County servers before presidential election


"Russian hackers took aim at Dallas County's Web servers, possibly trying to access voter registration rolls, 

before the November presidential election, officials said Wednesday."


"If the hackers had been able to manipulate or delete the county's registered voter database — which contains names, dates of birth and addresses for 1.3 million voters — that could have caused chaos on Election Day, said Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price."


"In early October, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security alerted local elections offices about roughly 600 Internet Protocol addresses that were suspicious and possibly linked to Russian hackers, the county scanned its system for those IP addresses and found 17 matches that had tried to gain access to its servers Pippins-Poole said"


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Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

Attackers said to take measure of voting systems, databases (sub-title)


"Russia’s cyberattack on the U.S. electoral system before Donald Trump’s election was far more widespread than has been publicly revealed, including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states as previously reported."


"Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter."


"The scope and sophistication so concerned Obama administration officials that they took an unprecedented step --

complaining directly to Moscow over a modern-day “red phone.”



39 states.

Where's your leader speaking out about this,Trumpeteers?

Not a peep.



The man is a disgrace.

And complicit?  :whistling:



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Lovely group of people.






Heller won't back Senate GOP health care bill

Almost immediately, the pro-Trump group America First Policies decided to launch what a source with the group says will be a major television, radio and digital ad buy against Heller -- a remarkable attack on a member of Trump's own party whose seat is endangered in 2018.


Heller said it is a "lie" that the Senate Republican health care bill would lower premiums.







When politicians take money from megadonors, there are strings attached. But with the reclusive duo who propelled Trump into the White House, there’s a fuse.




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22 hours ago, iReason said:


Yet, another Trumpeteer who is under the delusional impression that prosecutors and investigators reveal evidence and sources,

to the public during an ongoing investigation.





Dunning Kruger.

Yet the lefties here are demanding impeachment NOW!!  We agree....there is insufficient evidence NOW, despite the dopey, lame, lunatic demands for impeachment.


There may never be sufficient evidence, but in four years the left will still be demanding impeachment.


I'm not American, so couldn't give a tinker's cuss if he is or isn't, but for f**** sake, why demand impeachment now, and at the same time say investigators don't yet have sufficient, or aren't prepared to release evidence.


Get with the program folks.


Give it a break.

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1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:

Yet the lefties here are demanding impeachment NOW!!  We agree....there is insufficient evidence NOW, despite the dopey, lame, lunatic demands for impeachment.

There may never be sufficoent evidence, but in four years the left will still be demanding impeachment.


I'm not American, so couldn't give a tinker's cuss if he is or isn't, but for f**** sake, why demand impeachment now, and at the same time say investigators don't yet have sufficient, or aren't prepared to release evidence.


Get with the program folks.


Give it a break.

So, I guess if you haven't been calling for impeachment you're not a lefty. Because I haven't been.  So I guess I'm not a lefty. I did instruct you, though, in how an investigation works.  I'm sure this generalization you're indulging in now is not at all a deflection aimed at steering attention away from the fact the you didn't, and possibly still don't, understand how an investigation works.

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's what you call 'nothing'....


>>>  allowing people to continue to work in the Oval Office who lied on their security forms

>>>  telling top secrets to Russian agents

>>>  blatant obstruction of justice

>>>  self-enrichment due to his office, each day, directly breaking 'Emoluments Clause'

>>>  accused of laundering oligarch millions of $$'s (ok, not convicted yet, but stay tuned)

>>>  Threatening a government employee ('you better hope there aren't any tapes')

>>>   Allowing a Turkish/Russian agent (Flynn) to attend top security meeting for nearly 3 weeks after knowing he was a secret paid agent.

>>>  Not upholding his Oath of Office ('...uphold the laws of the land') by doing all he can to trash ACA.


.....and there's more.  

So why hasn't it happened??  All those grounds,  but no impeachment.


This response will be good.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, I guess if you haven't been calling for impeachment you're not a lefty. Because I haven't been.  So I guess I'm not a lefty. I did instruct you, though, in how an investigation works.  I'm sure this generalization you're indulging in now is not at all a deflection aimed at steering attention away from the fact the you didn't, and possibly still don't, understand how an investigation works.

Thank you for your patronizing 'instruction', but it isn't, and wasn't required.  I do know.

You, as an individual may not be calling for impeachment, but many of the left are.

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1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:

Thank you for your patronizing instruction, but it isn't, and wasn't required.  I do know.

You, as an individual may not be calling for impeachment, but many of the left are.

"Many of the left" vs. Y"et the lefties here are demanding impeachment NOW!!" 

Do you see a difference?

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's what you call 'nothing'....


>>>  allowing people to continue to work in the Oval Office who lied on their security forms

>>>  telling top secrets to Russian agents

>>>  blatant obstruction of justice

>>>  self-enrichment due to his office, each day, directly breaking 'Emoluments Clause'

>>>  accused of laundering oligarch millions of $$'s (ok, not convicted yet, but stay tuned)

>>>  Threatening a government employee ('you better hope there aren't any tapes')

>>>   Allowing a Turkish/Russian agent (Flynn) to attend top security meeting for nearly 3 weeks after knowing he was a secret paid agent.

>>>  Not upholding his Oath of Office ('...uphold the laws of the land') by doing all he can to trash ACA.


.....and there's more.  

6 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

So why hasn't it happened??  All those grounds,  but no impeachment.


This response will be good.

Well it could be because the relevant parties are still waiting on the results of the investigation. You know, the investigation you asserted hasn't found anything yet.



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18 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

So why hasn't it happened??  All those grounds,  but no impeachment.


This response will be good.

Because impeachment must be done by Congress, and the Republicans control Congress.  Even Republicans politicians that hate Trump are afraid of the 30% to 40% of die-hard Trump supporters; they are a minority in the US but a majority in the Republican party.


Unless Trump does something to piss-off his supporters (possible) impeachment will have to wait until the Democrats control Congress.


If you are unaware of how US government works, and don't care, why are you posting here?

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