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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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8 hours ago, heybruce said:

Well he imposed additional sanctions, closed two Russian compounds in the US and expelled 35 Russians suspected of involvement in intelligence activities.  https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/29/us/politics/russia-election-hacking-sanctions.html?mcubz=0  But why let facts get in the way of a post?


5 hours ago, Rob13 said:

You keep saying that. Right now the facts are surfacing  that Obama knew of the problem and chose to minimize it. Another fact is the US democracy is built on free elections and that was under attack during his administration and he thought it was just too big a problem for a lame-duck POTUS to deal with. Before the problem can be solved it first needs to be identified and looked at thoroughly. Giving Obama a pass doesn't benefit anybody. He screwed up and it's a much bigger mess because of his oversight.



Nothing helpful.  probably blame  everybody else and stir up  chaos and try to keep himself out of trouble. 

We're making some progress, you've gone from Obama did nothing to Obama chose to minimize the problem.  However if you look at my post and the link you'll see that he took carefully considered actions, overt and covert, designed to immediately penalize Russia and set the stage for further actions should a responsible person enter the White House.  Unfortunately a very irresponsible person entered the White House.  Had Obama been able to predict the future I'm sure he would have done more, but then  if Trump had been able to predict that being President is hard he probably wouldn't have run.


Accept it, Obama did far more about Russian interference in the election than Trump has done and is likely to do.  Inaccurately criticizing Obama with the accusation that he did nothing is a deflection.  Trump, after months of denial, has now switched to inaction.  Failing to ensure the integrity of future elections should be an impeachable offense, but that won't happen with Republicans controlling congress.

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10 hours ago, heybruce said:


Accept it, Obama did far more about Russian interference in the election than Trump has done 

 I agree with Obama, he didn't do enough to stop the russians. Obama's legacy is now  being remembered as the pres who knowingly left the door open while the Russians were attacking the elections. Bit ironic after he started his administration with a Nobel prize.

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Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."






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16 minutes ago, Opl said:

Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."


Excellent.  But when shown, the Trump supporters will just say: "But he won the election!"  "But he's better than Obama and Hillary."  And they are totally missing the point.  Like the article says, in denial.  Sad times for the US.  And getting worse.

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19 minutes ago, Opl said:

Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."






Opinions are not facts.

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14 hours ago, heybruce said:


We're making some progress, you've gone from Obama did nothing to Obama chose to minimize the problem.  However if you look at my post and the link you'll see that he took carefully considered actions, overt and covert, designed to immediately penalize Russia and set the stage for further actions should a responsible person enter the White House.  Unfortunately a very irresponsible person entered the White House.  Had Obama been able to predict the future I'm sure he would have done more, but then  if Trump had been able to predict that being President is hard he probably wouldn't have run.


Accept it, Obama did far more about Russian interference in the election than Trump has done and is likely to do.  Inaccurately criticizing Obama with the accusation that he did nothing is a deflection.  Trump, after months of denial, has now switched to inaction.  Failing to ensure the integrity of future elections should be an impeachable offense, but that won't happen with Republicans controlling congress.


4 hours ago, Rob13 said:

 I agree with Obama, he didn't do enough to stop the russians. Obama's legacy is now  being remembered as the pres who knowingly left the door open while the Russians were attacking the elections. Bit ironic after he started his administration with a Nobel prize.

Stop editing my post to out of context snippets.  You are attempting to cover up the fact that you were dead wrong when you posted Obama did nothing.  To do so you are trying to make a topic about Trump into a "But, but, but.....Obama!" topic.  Just like a good Trumpie.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

point out one that is an opinion. 

1. She is a crook. (Yes, an opinion)

2. Not really interested. (Just my opinion)

3. He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted. (Opinion, and not really 100% possible given the size and scope of his businesses, Trump is the brand. Known before he was elected)

4. He may have appointed some Goldman Sachs executives. However he is not in their pockets. (Opinion)

5. Theocratic loon Mike Pence, white supremacist Steve Bannon, Dr. Ben Carson, the world’s greatest idiot savant brain surgeon. (Opinion)

6. Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, whose only “qualifications” were the massive amounts of cash she donated to his campaign. (Opinion)

7. These things take time. (Opinion)

8. He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the Generals did? (did he?) All his Generals said it would be a terrible idea (did they?). 

9. Don't know and can't be bothered to check on this one.

10. He now gets all his information from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars. (Opininon) 

11. While he has played some golf, he has also been working at Mar a Lago. to call all his visits there holidays is, yes, an opinion.

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:


Stop editing my post to out of context snippets.  You are attempting to cover up the fact that you were dead wrong when you posted Obama did nothing.  To do so you are trying to make a topic about Trump into a "But, but, but.....Obama!" topic.  Just like a good Trumpie.


I'm with you on the cutting bits of posts thing - annoying and disruptive to discussion, such as it is. With regard to the issue at hand, I think that there's a difference between saying Obama did not do anything (which isn't correct, obviously), and between opining that the actions taken weren't enough (for whatever reasons). Not an all or nothing thing. And of course, the topic is actually about the so-called "resistance" to Trump, rather than Trump himself. Labeling anyone not fully on-board isn't going to get this "resistance" anywhere.


Then there's this:




Guess he's a "Trumpie" too, eh?





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6 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

1. She is a crook. (Yes, an opinion)

2. Not really interested. (Just my opinion)

3. He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted. (Opinion, and not really 100% possible given the size and scope of his businesses, Trump is the brand. Known before he was elected)

4. He may have appointed some Goldman Sachs executives. However he is not in their pockets. (Opinion)

5. Theocratic loon Mike Pence, white supremacist Steve Bannon, Dr. Ben Carson, the world’s greatest idiot savant brain surgeon. (Opinion)

6. Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, whose only “qualifications” were the massive amounts of cash she donated to his campaign. (Opinion)

7. These things take time. (Opinion)

8. He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the Generals did? (did he?) All his Generals said it would be a terrible idea (did they?). 

9. Don't know and can't be bothered to check on this one.

10. He now gets all his information from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars. (Opininon) 

11. While he has played some golf, he has also been working at Mar a Lago. to call all his visits there holidays is, yes, an opinion.

You're missing the point.  And twisting it a bit.  Here's point #1:



1. He called Hillary Clinton a crook. You bought it. Then he paid $25 million to settle a fraud lawsuit.


That's an opinion by Trump, but a fact he said it, a fact many bought it, and a fact he paid $25 million.  So no, it's not an opinion. It's a fact.  Just like the rest.  And a fact many Trump supporters seem to want to ignore now????  Especially as they fell for it. LOL

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

You're missing the point.  And twisting it a bit.  Here's point #1:



That's an opinion by Trump, but a fact he said it, a fact many bought it, and a fact he paid $25 million.  So no, it's not an opinion. It's a fact.  Just like the rest.  And a fact many Trump supporters seem to want to ignore now????  Especially as they fell for it. LOL

I only labeled the Hillary is a crook part, as an opinion. Yes he called her that, and yes he paid out, that don't mean he is guilty though, but in the circumstances, he did not want to fight it. Understandable.


Care to discuss some of the other points, in more detail?


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8 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

I only labeled the Hillary is a crook part, as an opinion. Yes he called her that, and yes he paid out, that don't mean he is guilty though, but in the circumstances, he did not want to fight it. Understandable.


Care to discuss some of the other points, in more detail?


But that's the point.  He called her a crook (lie, opinion, BS, etc) and said he would jail her. That was a huge campaign promise and rallies were filled with chants of "lock her up!".  He was partially elected because of this, and all the other items listed.  None of which he's acted upon and has actually backed away from.  Right?  That's OK, but let's agree he lied about this.  Which is a fact, not an opinion.  And the basis of that article.  The FACT Trump has lied.  And many are not holding his feet to the fire for these lies.


If we get agreement on this one, we can go to others.  If not, I'm wasting my time.



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23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

But that's the point.  He called her a crook (lie, opinion, BS, etc) and said he would jail her. That was a huge campaign promise and rallies were filled with chants of "lock her up!".  He was partially elected because of this, and all the other items listed.  None of which he's acted upon and has actually backed away from.  Right?  That's OK, but let's agree he lied about this.  Which is a fact, not an opinion.  And the basis of that article.  The FACT Trump has lied.  And many are not holding his feet to the fire for these lies.


If we get agreement on this one, we can go to others.  If not, I'm wasting my time.


Yes, he called her that, and yes he paid out, that don't mean he is guilty though, but in the circumstances, he did not want to fight it. Understandable.

I don't see it as a huge campaign promise,  it was rhetoric against his opponent. But OK he did not "lock her up!", so we can agree he backed away from that. Rightly so.

He softened his approach on many things, not unusual when it comes to campaign vs reality.

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4 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Yes, he called her that, and yes he paid out, that don't mean he is guilty though, but in the circumstances, he did not want to fight it. Understandable.

I don't see it as a huge campaign promise,  it was rhetoric against his opponent. But OK he did not "lock her up!", so we can agree he backed away from that. Rightly so.

He softened his approach on many things, not unusual when it comes to campaign vs reality.

Remember when he said Medicare should be able to negotiate prices with big pharma? He surrendered on that.

China would be declared a currency manipulator on day one? He surrendered on that.

He was going to provide better and cheaper health insurance for everyone? Trumpcare looks like it's going to do the opposite of that.

He repeatedly denounced the influence of Goldman Sach alumni on government. His chief economic advisor was number 2 at Goldman Sachs. His treasury secretary is an alumnus.

He promised a 1 trillion dollar infrastructure program. Now it's been trimmed down to 200 billion and most of the money for that is supposed to come from private investors.

There's lots more where that came from.

The only group he seems to have kept his promises to mostly are the social conservatives. Particularly the people who are against abortion and birth control. He's done some horrific things to please them.



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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Remember when he said Medicare should be able to negotiate prices with big pharma? He surrendered on that.

China would be declared a currency manipulator on day one? He surrendered on that.

He was going to provide better and cheaper health insurance for everyone? Trumpcare looks like it's going to do the opposite of that.

He repeatedly denounced the influence of Goldman Sach alumni on government. His chief economic advisor was number 2 at Goldman Sachs. His treasury secretary is an alumnus.

He promised a 1 trillion dollar infrastructure program. Now it's been trimmed down to 200 billion and most of the money for that is supposed to come from private investors.

There's lots more where that came from.

The only group he seems to have kept his promises to mostly are the social conservatives. Particularly the people who are against abortion and birth control. He's done some horrific things to please them.



There is a long way to go on all this, it has only been 5 months. Lets see in 4 or 8 years. I am happy to discuss the facts vs opinion in the following: 


Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."


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1 hour ago, Morch said:


I'm with you on the cutting bits of posts thing - annoying and disruptive to discussion, such as it is. With regard to the issue at hand, I think that there's a difference between saying Obama did not do anything (which isn't correct, obviously), and between opining that the actions taken weren't enough (for whatever reasons). Not an all or nothing thing. And of course, the topic is actually about the so-called "resistance" to Trump, rather than Trump himself. Labeling anyone not fully on-board isn't going to get this "resistance" anywhere.


Then there's this:




Guess he's a "Trumpie" too, eh?

No, he's a grandstanding opportunist, presenting himself as a tough on Russia Democrat.


I didn't call Rob13 a Trumpie, I pointed out that his deflections were the kind that Trumpies employ.


With the benefit of hindsight it's easy to say Obama didn't do enough.  However information on meddling came in increments, and much of it could not be revealed without also revealing important intelligence.  I recall a news story about intelligence agencies being furious that Putin's involvement leaked out, it showed that they have a source or sources deep inside the Kremlin.


Obama confronted Putin, put sanctions in place, and initiated a program for covert cyber retaliation which could be used by his successor.  Unfortunately his successor is Trump, who has proven to be as much a clueless idiot as he was during the campaign.  It's easy to say now that Obama should have done more, however even now I don't know of anyone saying what should have been done.

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7 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

There is a long way to go on all this, it has only been 5 months. Lets see in 4 or 8 years. I am happy to discuss the facts vs opinion in the following: 


Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."


Why wait 4 years?  He's already backed off the campaign promise of going after China for currency manipulation.  Right? 






In Major Reversal, Trump Says China ‘Not Currency Manipulators’

“They’re not currency manipulators,” Trump told the the Wall Street Journal during an Oval Office interview.



That would be called lying.  Or, telling porkies on stage just to get elected.  There are soooooo many to list.  In case you want a list, here they are.  No opinions here.  Just facts.


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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

No, he's a grandstanding opportunist, presenting himself as a tough on Russia Democrat.


I didn't call Rob13 a Trumpie, I pointed out that his deflections were the kind that Trumpies employ.


With the benefit of hindsight it's easy to say Obama didn't do enough.  However information on meddling came in increments, and much of it could not be revealed without also revealing important intelligence.  I recall a news story about intelligence agencies being furious that Putin's involvement leaked out, it showed that they have a source or sources deep inside the Kremlin.


Obama confronted Putin, put sanctions in place, and initiated a program for covert cyber retaliation which could be used by his successor.  Unfortunately his successor is Trump, who has proven to be as much a clueless idiot as he was during the campaign.  It's easy to say now that Obama should have done more, however even now I don't know of anyone saying what should have been done.


That's one way of looking at it. Not saying it's wrong. Certainly there were ample reasons for not going head on with Russia on this at the time. And on the other hand, if it was, indeed, as great a threat to the US...but we're running in circles on this one. Granted Trump's handling (or rather, the opposite) of this is the major issue. Because even if Trump supporters want to blame Obama for not doing enough, then there's their candidate and the current US president, not doing anything whatsoever (and that's polite speak).


What is obvious is that Putin's timing was calculated and astute. Same goes for assessing the US reaction, both in terms of actual response and public opinion effects.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


That's one way of looking at it. Not saying it's wrong. Certainly there were ample reasons for not going head on with Russia on this at the time. And on the other hand, if it was, indeed, as great a threat to the US...but we're running in circles on this one. Granted Trump's handling (or rather, the opposite) of this is the major issue. Because even if Trump supporters want to blame Obama for not doing enough, then there's their candidate and the current US president, not doing anything whatsoever (and that's polite speak).


What is obvious is that Putin's timing was calculated and astute. Same goes for assessing the US reaction, both in terms of actual response and public opinion effects.

We're on the same page on that. Trump, after months of denial, is now doing nothing about he issue other than blaming Obama.  Funny that he hasn't blamed Putin; has he ever said anything bad about Putin?


It's long past time for Trump to prove he's not Putin's puppet and actually do something to defend Democracy in the US from outside interference. However I'm not holding my breath.

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7 minutes ago, heybruce said:

We're on the same page on that. Trump, after months of denial, is now doing nothing about he issue other than blaming Obama.  Funny that he hasn't blamed Putin; has he ever said anything bad about Putin?


It's long past time for Trump to prove he's not Putin's puppet and actually do something to defend Democracy in the US from outside interference. However I'm not holding my breath.


I don't think he will do anything about it, other than if compelled to or to save his own skin (read ego). Would be more to the point trying to predict the spin...Kinda expect it to be as epic as "I'm not a crook".

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21 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

No opinions here.  Just facts.

Have you gone off the idea of defending the following as facts not opinion?


Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."


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2 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Have you gone off the idea of defending the following as facts not opinion?


Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."


That's not one of the items listed.  Yes, that's his opinion.  But the 11 listed items are facts.  No arguing that.  Right?


Edit: And no arguing the fact Trump has lied many, many, many times.

Edited by craigt3365
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6 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

That's not one of the items listed.  Yes, that's his opinion.  But the 11 listed items are facts.  No arguing that.  Right?

OK lets move on to number 3.


3. He said he’d divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest. (This is the only fact here) You bought it. He is still heavily involved in his businesses (is he? Opinion), manipulates the stock market on a daily basis (Opinion. You think he is insider dealing and making statements to move the market for personal gain?), and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted (Opinion, and not really 100% avoidable given the size and scope of his businesses, Trump is the brand. Known before he was elected).


Can't wait for you to explain to me how number 5 is fact not opinion. 

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49 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

There is a long way to go on all this, it has only been 5 months. Lets see in 4 or 8 years. I am happy to discuss the facts vs opinion in the following: 


Robert Reich Pens Brutal List of 11 Trump Facts You Need to Show Hard Headed Trump Supporters

" Anyone who still supports Trump is simply in denial.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich decided to make a list of things Trump has done to help remind any remaining Trump supporters why the man is a crook."


Nice shot at deflection.

And of course your justification for waiting is ridiculous unless you believe that his words have no connections to his actual program.In that case, how does it make sense to support such a person? It seems your approach has more in common with Roulette. The Russian kind.

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3 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

OK lets move on to number 3.


3. He said he’d divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest. (This is the only fact here) You bought it. He is still heavily involved in his businesses (is he? Opinion), manipulates the stock market on a daily basis (Opinion. You think he is insider dealing and making statements to move the market for personal gain?), and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted (Opinion, and not really 100% avoidable given the size and scope of his businesses, Trump is the brand. Known before he was elected).


Can't wait for you to explain to me how number 5 is fact not opinion. 

Wow.  OK.  Let's go slow.  He did say he'd divest.  He didn't.  Fact.  And anyone who voted for him bought it.  That would be called a lie.  Luckily, we seem to agree on that one.


He is still heavily involved in his business.  Why?  Because of the above!  If he didn't divest, he's still involved.  With his family running the operations and Trump profiting off it.  Rates have gone up at his resort, new trademarks are being acquired in various countries, etc, etc, etc.  So yes, that's a fact.


Can't really agree that he manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, but yes, he has done that at least one time.  Fact.  Read this.  It's called stock manipulation and people go to jail for this.




In recent months, President-elect Trump has posted a variety of Tweets, usually critical, about a number of major U.S. stock exchange listed companies, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, Ford, General Motors and Toyota.  The Tweets had an immediate impact on the stock values, especially when Trump’s comments were negative.  In many cases, short-sellers jumped in and profited as the stocks dropped in price. His Tweets directly caused harm to stockholders who may have planned to sell stock on those days and sent shock waves through the financial markets, causing some investors to accuse him of stock manipulation.





When Donald Trump Hate-Tweeted Lockheed Martin, Hedge Funds Were Ready


Insider trading?  I guess so.  Seems an investigation might be firing up.






Dems request insider trading investigation into top Trump adviser

Eight Democratic senators requested Tuesday that government regulators open an investigation into top presidential adviser Carl Icahn for allegedly using his position to conduct insider trading and manipulate the renewable energy markets.



And last, you say this in response to the final issue:


and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted (Opinion, and not really 100% avoidable given the size and scope of his businesses, Trump is the brand. Known before he was elected).

If he divested, he wouldn't have a conflict of interest!  That's what he promised during the elections! LOL  And yes, it was known this would happen before the elections.  Yes, you bought into his lie.  Guess what?  It's dodgy as heck and may well be illegal.  But hey, he beat Hillary and he's better than Obama. LOL






He could comply with the law and sell off his interests in his own name in an arm’s-length transaction. Or he could flout it.


Trump could honor the name law by doing what every president since the 1970s has done voluntarily: sell off his assets, in particular his interests in his brand, and replace them with holdings in a blind trust, the contents of which would remain unknown to him; or he could replace them with Treasury bills and index funds whose value he couldn’t affect in any direct way, as President Obama has done.



Hmmmm....seem to be all facts.  I don't see opinions here at all.

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