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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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3 hours ago, mesquite said:

Again, I will attempt to give the resistance members a clue about his tweets.

Owning The News in 140 Characters


Another super dodgy site.  You seem to be drawn to these like moths to a light. LOL


From their site, about them:


It happened because the mainstream media and corporate journalism outlets are bought off by shady interests and they don’t tell the truth. We got sick and tired of it. That’s why most of our writers are completely incapable of getting a job anywhere else.


It's getting old to hear others calling news sites untruthful.  It goes against our democracy, and is helping to tear the country apart.  Understandable why these guys can't get jobs anywhere else!  Clickbait.


Right...this site was founded by somebody from Breitbart.  Figures. 





Breitbart Alumni Launch 'Populist-Nationalist' Group

Now, however, Howley and other Breitbart News alumni are starting their own group designed to enforce Trump’s agenda, combined with a planned media arm.


He said he envisions the project as an “advocacy organization that is going to advocate for Trump administration policies that generally fall under a populist-nationalist window.”



Love how they say they are independent, but are actually far from it.  Talk about being fake. LOL

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9 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Well; Trump did get into power and and those who find this difficult to accept will have to accept it. Ridiculing the President of the United States like a load of children who haven`t got their own way won`t change anything.  One poster asked me; am I suggesting Thailand is a model of democracy that the USA should emulate? My answer to that is not completely, but I would like to see some of Thailand`s immigration laws implemented in the west, that`s for sure.

You could have said, if you were around in Italy in the 1930's:  "Mussolini is the boss. You're just gonna have to accept it."   Or Cambodia in the 1970's;   "Pol Pot is in charge.  You're just gonna have to accept it and do what he says."   To quote one of Trump's closest aides: "Trump is now the president.  His positions will not be questioned."


8 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Really?    Is he getting oral sex from the interns?

Not that we know of - though he's figuratively shafting Americans in places where the sun don't shine.  He's also causing destruction to the environment and Americans' safety.  I just watched an interview with a woman who is head of a committee which oversees scientific vetting at the EPA.  Orders from on-high are gutting the committee (and cancelled all 4 of their up-coming meetings) to the point it's non-functional.  Trump doesn't want to hear from (and doesn't want policy influenced by) scientists.  He has his ideas, and that's it.  Who needs silly scientists advising American institutions - when there's Trump to tell everyone how to think.


5 hours ago, heybruce said:

Trump treats the presidency, and his life, like a reality TV show:  The ultimate goal is to stay in the public eye, and it doesn't matter how it's done.

Another top goal:   Keep getting richer.  The main way to do so; keep borrowing and laundering money from Russian oligarchs (American banks won't loan to him or to Kushner).   Other ways: rent out rooms and convention spaces to foreign dignitaries and the RNC - at Trump hotels/resorts.


2 hours ago, mesquite said:

Not my party.  Trump all the way!

Trump all the way to denigrating the presidency and the US.  Is that what you want?  I don't.  I happen to like the country that allowed me to become a citizen at age 12 (from Denmark).  It saddens me that a significant portion of voting Americans were so easily duped by such a dangerous dufus.  Either they were duped by his many lies (and dazzled by a pussy-grabbing snake-oil-salesman), or those who voted for him actually want to see America go down the tubes.  It has to be one or the other, or both.   



Edited by boomerangutang
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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

 I will tell you that Trump insiders conspired with Putin and agents to bombard the US with vindictive lies about HRC, which helped sway the election in Trump's favor.

You will tell us this, but there is no proof.


10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Liberals aren't so easily duped.  Liberals actually use their brains to discern what may be true or not.  In contrast, right-wingers believe everything that fits with their philosophy, because they want to believe it.

Now you are just having a laugh.

Although to be fair, there are plenty on both sides of that equation, on both the right and left.

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18 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

You will tell us this, but there is no proof.


Now you are just having a laugh.

Although to be fair, there are plenty on both sides of that equation, on both the right and left.

Liberal body slam 



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1 minute ago, PattayaJames said:

You will tell us this, but there is no proof.

There is proof.  With more to come.  I believe many on this site were saying all this was a lie last year.  Now it's proven to be true.  Russia did interfere in the elections with the intent to have an impact on the elections.  More to come!






New reports raise some big questions about Michael Flynn and Russian hackers

The Wall Street Journal describes how one Trump supporter reached out to hackers — and dropped Flynn’s name.



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18 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

There is proof.  With more to come.  I believe many on this site were saying all this was a lie last year.  Now it's proven to be true.  Russia did interfere in the elections with the intent to have an impact on the elections.  More to come!



On collusion, that is no ware near proof.

Good luck with that :coffee1:

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35 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

And a smack down from that article:



"It is a sad day when the president of the United States encourages violence against reporters," CNN said in a statement.


The statement also said Trump is "involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."



P.S. He's back at his course in Florida.  Trip paid for by tax payer dollars. 



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1 minute ago, PattayaJames said:

On collusion, that is no ware near proof.

Good luck with that :coffee1:

Not yet.  But we've come a long way since November.  Hard to argue with that.  Even Trump had changed his talk and admits Russia did the hacking. :cheesy:


More to come.  Much more.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

And a smack down from that article:


P.S. He's back at his course in Florida.  Trip paid for by tax payer dollars. 



I think he is at another one of his resorts.   Not in Florida.

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Just now, PattayaJames said:

On collusion, that is no ware near proof.

Good luck with that :coffee1:

The fact is that you are doing the same as Trumps team. The investigation is still ONGOING ! When would a law enforcement agency give an indication that it has evidence against people while the investigation is still being conducted. The matter to consider is that the investigation is still ONGOING and if  there were no evidence the investigation would stop. You have absolutely no idea what the 'proof' is that has or has not been obtained, but suffice to say at this time it is ongoing and if Trump had nothing to be worried about he would have made no noise.

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14 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The fact is that you are doing the same as Trumps team. The investigation is still ONGOING ! When would a law enforcement agency give an indication that it has evidence against people while the investigation is still being conducted. The matter to consider is that the investigation is still ONGOING and if  there were no evidence the investigation would stop. You have absolutely no idea what the 'proof' is that has or has not been obtained, but suffice to say at this time it is ongoing and if Trump had nothing to be worried about he would have made no noise.


The leaks keep leaking and there are so many great leaks and it's amazing and I just refuse to believe that if they had something really good like that, that wouldn't leak because we've been getting all these other leaks. 

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1 minute ago, PattayaJames said:


The leaks keep leaking and there are so many great leaks and it's amazing and I just refuse to believe that if they had something really good like that, that wouldn't leak because we've been getting all these other leaks. 

But the people doing the leaks clearly want to see Trump go down and in this case they want nothing to interfere with that possibility. Trump is looking at the cell next door to Bernie Madoff and no early warning or setoff due to a technicality will be given. The FBI will have their pound of flesh for Comey and the crap they took from Trump.

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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

 I will tell you that Trump insiders conspired with Putin and agents to bombard the US with vindictive lies about HRC, which helped sway the election in Trump's favor.


1 hour ago, PattayaJames said:

You will tell us this, but there is no proof.


1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

There is proof. 


39 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

On collusion, that is nowhere near proof.


36 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Not yet. 

Glad we finally cleared that up. 

Edited by PattayaJames
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