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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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6 hours ago, Strange said:


Several times, sounds like a lot, but when you have like 500++ Businesses its not even noteworthy. Its literally part of the business plan. 


Trump himself did not intentionally defraud people with Trump U, its one of those things where his name was on something run by other people. Its not like he was there signing the checks and looking at spreadsheets, designing course plans etc.. 


You see this right?


In all honesty, these 2 things are nothing but clickbait non starters. 


Lying? Well I don't think thats hardly anything confined to Trump, Republicans, Democrats, Progressives, etc... Its across the board. Trump did it, Hillary did it... 


"If like your plan, you can keep your plan" <-------- Remember that Gem? Im still suffering from that one. 


As far as Goldman Sachs, its a nothing burger. Gonna have to wait and see how it plays out, but to assume that "Goldman Sachs" is in "The White House" and "Republicans" are only in politics to "Serve Themselves" is so small minded its unreal. 


Seems like you wish to argue that all of these cases (and many others) these were small, isolated instances which do not reflect on Trump's ethics and business style.


Even if you want to claim he didn't know, wasn't involved - there's got to be a measure of accountability for things done in one's name. In political context, the phrase often used is plausible deniability. And as we all know, that's gonna take you just this far.


And no, I don't see it. Trump's campaign often repeated the idea that he will somehow replicate his own personal success at the country's service, and to the country's benefit. Would this come with not being responsible when things go wrong or do not turn up as expected? Can't see how the whole "someone used his name" thing is going to hold water.


As for lying, Trump lies more often than the others, by a long shot. The main difference is that he doesn't seem to care much when he's caught lying. A new normal is being set.


The reference to Goldman Sachs was probably more to do with Trump's "drain the swamp" promises. So far his appointments are pretty much anything but.

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7 minutes ago, Strange said:


You realize that this means absolutely nothing? Its mind boggling to me that people can not understand this. This phenomenon is the exact reason that the Electoral College was created. To keep tyranny out of the land from huge population centers. It does not usually happen like this, but this was not a usual election was it?


I would have supported HRC if she won by these terms as well because I support the EC system. 

No, the reason the electoral college was created was to allay the fears of the slave states that they would be outvoted by non-slave states.


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49 minutes ago, Strange said:


Because most people (spare me the KKK Nazi Groping Rapist nonsense) voted trump knowing full well that it meant a whole bunch of unknowns. It meant getting Republicans back in play. It meant busting HRC back out on her ass where she belongs. 


Illegal Immigrants, while not really a big deal themselves, are a problem from south of the border. People seem to get a tear in their eye for Alejandro farming somewhere for pocket change, but clearly forget and overlook the cartels in Juarez hanging people from overpasses and beheading people in Texas and the extreme terrorist level violence & mafia drug business coming out of Alejandro's home country. Non americans will never understand this as they are not exposed to it. Liberals choose to ignore it as it does not fit their agenda. Mexico is a country that has Thailand beaten 1000 fold on drugs, violence, corruption, murder, you name it, its there in extreme abundance. Even their own government can not control it and fear these cartels. 


Key Positions? So what? These key positions are not there to self serve the people holding them. Its easy for the simple minded and easily led to believe it, but honestly, by that logic, it applies to both parties. Its not a exclusively Republican thing. 


Economy? What economy? You mean "everything obama has done in the last 8 years"? In all honesty that would be a big fat nothing. Obama gets credit or sitting in the presidents chair and everything "getting better" around him. 


Foreign Policy? Again, what? People should be a little nervous if they are on the US taxpayer tit. 


You asked me what "something" would look like... Well I can't really answer that because I'm not nearly as soft as the "resistance" but things that literally effect a majority of Americans negatively. There is absolutely nothing a person or group of people can do for 300,000,000 people without any negative effect on SOMEONE. The electoral vote was won by Trump and Democrats are just gonna have to weather the storm. They had their chance and blew it, very hard. 


I get it, there is concern. But the hysteria and "protesting" is a bit knee jerk isn't it? 


I didn't make the alluded references to Trump's supporters. Ever. So spare me your "spare me". While at it, you may want to consider that you do not represent most people who voted for Trump, and doubtful that you possess any accurate figures as to motivations. If that's your opinion, you're welcome to it - just pointing out it ain't a fact.


The illegal immigrant tirade is pretty much lost on me. That's not one of the things I often go on about, because I know it to be a problem. May have different views on how it ought to be approached and handled. So now that we got yet another red herring out of the way...


The point made was that there are quite a lot of issues concerning Trump which represent legitimate topics for discussion and criticism. In the response above, the former "nothing happened" denial was replaced by a pretty irrelevant tirade - which fails to address the apparent free pass fantasy some of Trump supporters believe in.


The reference to key positions was with regard to the persons appointed. Some lack relevant experience, some got rather problematic backgrounds and ideas. Some are representatives of the "swamp" Trump was on about. According to the free-pass brigade, these key appointments should not be discussed and criticized. Why? "Because the Democrats....". And sure, they are all good people without a shred of personal interest in anything.  Right.


Economy as in Trump making statements about his alleged future policies, as in Trump directly intervening in some cases. That should not be discussed and criticized as well. Why? "Because Obama....".


Foreign policy as in Trump meeting up representatives of foreign countries with whom he's got business connections, as with Trump making uncoordinated diplomatic maneuvers vs. the PRC even prior to taking office. As with running all over the board with his public statements on foreign policy and security issues. This should not be discussed and criticized.  Why? "Because some foreigners..."


As for "what something would look like" - it was a rhetorical question. To expand, there are already serious issues meriting criticism of Trump. They are not likely to go away once he takes office, and in all likelihood are going to be the tip of the iceberg.


You go on about hysterical people. I didn't sign up for any hysterics. In fact, got told off on this front by a couple of the resident "resistance" members. So pretty please, with sugar on top - spare me the petty nonsense labeling. 

Edited by Morch
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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, the reason the electoral college was created was to allay the fears of the slave states that they would be outvoted by non-slave states.



Ur quoting an opinion piece from the washington post. Its a deep subject. You should do better. 

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41 minutes ago, rabas said:


I don't care what Trump thinks, I provided real scientific studies on the issue, please read, not a word from any politician.

And you quote the Washington Post, the most biased of them all?

The National Enquirer of Swamp politics?


Ah, another "I don't care". The new normal at work.

The Washington Post headline is irrelevant to the content - which actually details peer reviews and criticism of the article you linked. There are several links to sources included. But let's go back a step - what you actually posted was there was "not a word". Guess even showing that there were a lot of words can't be accepted.

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37 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:
47 minutes ago, Strange said:


You realize that this means absolutely nothing? Its mind boggling to me that people can not understand this. This phenomenon is the exact reason that the Electoral College was created. To keep tyranny out of the land from huge population centers. It does not usually happen like this, but this was not a usual election was it?


I would have supported HRC if she won by these terms as well because I support the EC system. 

No, the reason the electoral college was created was to allay the fears of the slave states that they would be outvoted by non-slave states.



No, the reason the electoral college was created was to account for imbalances between the independent states, and note that the states are  still independent with their own governments, laws, etc. The obvious imbalance at that time was slavery. As you may know slavery ended in 1865 after a rather heated national discussion. Only the 3/5ths person rule would no longer be applicable.


The entire federal government from the ground up is all about checks and balances, again because of the many concerns of the 50 members.

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7 minutes ago, Morch said:

You go on about hysterical people. I didn't sign up for any hysterics. In fact, got told off on this front by a couple of the resident "resistance" members. So pretty please, with sugar on top - spare me the petty nonsense labeling. 


Ur right. My apologies. Ur a good poster and I wasn't really attacking you, just ranting AT you and it was a bit undeserved. 


There are things to be concerned about with Trump, and I get it, but its the hysteria that boggles my mind. 

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22 hours ago, Strange said:


Ur right. My apologies. Ur a good poster and I wasn't really attacking you, just ranting AT you and it was a bit undeserved. 


There are things to be concerned about with Trump, and I get it, but its the hysteria that boggles my mind. 


Thanks, a rarity on this forum.


However, we're still left at an impasse, because non of your previous posts explains the odd position that Trump be given a free pass. Every president (or president elect) gets a lot of coverage, and a log of criticism. Some more than others, for a whole lot of reasons. If Trump is hailed as an unusual leader, and is also recognized as having flaws - what's the big deal with him coming under scrutiny?


Further, regardless of how acute a threat some see Trump, it is perfectly legitimate for those opposing him not to be supportive of his politics, policies, conduct and agenda. The expectation that he be given a chance to prove himself is relevant only for those not seeing this very thing as a potential threat. Trump supporters sometimes come up with such pearls as "you just want him to fail" - well, duh... on some matters of course I (and others) do. Trump's version of what makes America great is not scripture, and holding different, or even opposing views does not make one anti-American.

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34 minutes ago, Morch said:

Thanks, a rarity on this forum.


However, we're still left at an impasse, because non of your previous posts explains the odd position that Trump be given a free pass. Every president (or president elect) gets a lot of coverage, and a log of criticism. Some more than others, for a whole lot of reasons. If Trump is hailed as an unusual leader, and is also recognized as having flaws - what's the big deal with him coming under scrutiny?


Further, regardless of how acute a threat some see Trump, it is perfectly legitimate for those opposing him not to be supportive of his politics, policies, conduct and agenda. The expectation that he be given a chance to prove himself is relevant only for those not seeing this very thing as a potential threat. Trump supporters sometimes come up with such pearls as "you just want him to fail" - well, duh... on some matters of course I (and others) do. Trump's version of what makes America great is not scripture, and holding different, or even opposing views does not make one anti-American.


I see what ur saying. I get it. I feel the same way about HRC. 


As far as the free pass thing, well, the pass does not exist, free or otherwise. Trump is president elect. The media and progressives are going to use anything and everything, any little bit of meat on the bone, to stir shit. As far as the MSM goes, they don't give a shit if its the 'entire truth' or flat out misleading. Thats all I have been seeing for months now. If thats the kind of legitimate scrutiny and coverage ur talking about, then its a bunch of garbage. 


All I'm saying is for the "resistance" and any other hysterical people to take a breath, have a xanax or something, calm down, and save it for something meaningful. Right now its nothing. Nothing has happened. But the liberal agenda is to scream FIRE at any opportunity and flail around like a fish out of water. 

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3 hours ago, Strange said:


I see what ur saying. I get it. I feel the same way about HRC. 


As far as the free pass thing, well, the pass does not exist, free or otherwise. Trump is president elect. The media and progressives are going to use anything and everything, any little bit of meat on the bone, to stir shit. As far as the MSM goes, they don't give a shit if its the 'entire truth' or flat out misleading. Thats all I have been seeing for months now. If thats the kind of legitimate scrutiny and coverage ur talking about, then its a bunch of garbage. 


All I'm saying is for the "resistance" and any other hysterical people to take a breath, have a xanax or something, calm down, and save it for something meaningful. Right now its nothing. Nothing has happened. But the liberal agenda is to scream FIRE at any opportunity and flail around like a fish out of water. 


Ironically, they never screamed fire when their own house was burning and they're giving the arsonists a free pass..

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On 12/12/2016 at 10:57 PM, Strange said:


I see what ur saying. I get it. I feel the same way about HRC. 


As far as the free pass thing, well, the pass does not exist, free or otherwise. Trump is president elect. The media and progressives are going to use anything and everything, any little bit of meat on the bone, to stir shit. As far as the MSM goes, they don't give a shit if its the 'entire truth' or flat out misleading. Thats all I have been seeing for months now. If thats the kind of legitimate scrutiny and coverage ur talking about, then its a bunch of garbage. 


All I'm saying is for the "resistance" and any other hysterical people to take a breath, have a xanax or something, calm down, and save it for something meaningful. Right now its nothing. Nothing has happened. But the liberal agenda is to scream FIRE at any opportunity and flail around like a fish out of water. 


Right now its nothing. Nothing has happened.


Not an impasse, then, but a complete circle - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/954761-the-anti-trump-resistance-takes-shape-governments-supposed-to-fear-us/?page=13#comment-11414756


You just keep repeating that there's "nothing". Things are pointed out, and you go off on rants against whatever but. Seems like you're still lumping any criticism of Trump as representing your version of the "resistance". In essence, saying there's "nothing" to anything is pretty much a free pass.

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On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 2:43 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


When will the Trumpy-boys get over the election. They are still campaigning for their idol whose feet of clay have already been exposed to the real world. Yet still this off topic nonsense. The anti-Trump resistance is  not about reversing the election. It is about protesting and opposing the scam that has been perpetrated on citizens.


The perpetuation of fake news and ideologically tainted attacks that was part of the Trump scam is continuing here. People reading the post above may feel free to review the Community Reinvestment Act 1977 and its various amendments up to 2008 and make up their own mind about President Clinton's 'culpability' in the Global Financial Crisis that occurred after 8 years of Baby Bushes regime. The absurdity of the above claims are glaringly obvious.


And it wouldn't be a right wing-nut rant without throwing in the term illegal immigrant and the totally fake and disproven claims about their alleged voting. Illegal Immigrants cannot exist in nature. A person cannot be illegal. Actions are illegal. These people are undocumented aliens.


But hey, anything to wind up the angry old white men waiting for Trump to deliver their American Dream that fell out of their reach in their high school years.

We got over the election weeks ago, but we are still celebrating the demise of the pants suited one.

Far as I'm concerned he is fast turning to the dark side, but regardless, as long as it's not her it's all good.

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On ‎12‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 10:00 PM, Morch said:


Thanks, a rarity on this forum.


However, we're still left at an impasse, because non of your previous posts explains the odd position that Trump be given a free pass. Every president (or president elect) gets a lot of coverage, and a log of criticism. Some more than others, for a whole lot of reasons. If Trump is hailed as an unusual leader, and is also recognized as having flaws - what's the big deal with him coming under scrutiny?


Further, regardless of how acute a threat some see Trump, it is perfectly legitimate for those opposing him not to be supportive of his politics, policies, conduct and agenda. The expectation that he be given a chance to prove himself is relevant only for those not seeing this very thing as a potential threat. Trump supporters sometimes come up with such pearls as "you just want him to fail" - well, duh... on some matters of course I (and others) do. Trump's version of what makes America great is not scripture, and holding different, or even opposing views does not make one anti-American.

I don't see that Trump is being given a free pass, as he has done nothing yet except choose people to fill the cabinet. By all means criticise them, but the habit of some on here to pronounce doom on the USA despite Obama still being in charge is not valid criticism.

I do get the feeling that many on here want the US to fail completely so they can dance in the ashes of their own country while saying " I told you so".

For myself, I am worried that the office has begun to corrupt him even before he sits in the big chair. However, I will wait and see. As for her, she was corrupted by Washington long ago.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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On Monday, November 21, 2016 at 7:14 PM, Jingthing said:

We have the constitutional right to dissent. Accept that. Reality plain and simple. 


Accepting that he will be our president is not the same thing as worshiping him, Il Duce style. 


I accept that he legally won, even though Hillary Clinton now leads in the popular vote by about 1.7 MILLION votes. 


And you have a constututional right to also vote for a loser, align yourself with losers or in fact become one.


Trump won, get over it. You lost. Im sure you are used to it. You can go on as much as you like with you rhetric. Nobody is listening, nobody cares.


If you really have such knowledge and wisdom, stand for presidency yourself but stop whinging! Get a life.

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7 minutes ago, Reigntax said:


And you have a constututional right to also vote for a loser, align yourself with losers or in fact become one.


Trump won, get over it. You lost. Im sure you are used to it. You can go on as much as you like with you rhetric. Nobody is listening, nobody cares.


If you really have such knowledge and wisdom, stand for presidency yourself but stop whinging! Get a life.

Congratulations! That one post was such a perfect storm of world class idiocy mixed with personal attacks that it earns INSTANT ignore list status. Enjoy!

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't see that Trump is being given a free pass, as he has done nothing yet except choose people to fill the cabinet. By all means criticise them, but the habit of some on here to pronounce doom on the USA despite Obama still being in charge is not valid criticism.

I do get the feeling that many on here want the US to fail completely so they can dance in the ashes of their own country while saying " I told you so".

For myself, I am worried that the office has begun to corrupt him even before he sits in the big chair. However, I will wait and see. As for her, she was corrupted by Washington long ago.


Almost any criticism related  to Trump is flatly rejected by his supporters on this forum. It doesn't matter which tone is applied or which issue is concerned. That's a free pass. Not accepting that his current actions, pronounced future policies, appointments, statements or conduct are relevant as subject matter is simply plugging ears and pretending to not hear. Alleging there is "nothing" in the face of reality is another instance of obtuse denial. Even sillier when at the same time commending these very "nothing" things.


That you, and others, equate between Trump's "success" and the country's success is a point of view, not fact. Trump may succeed and yet it is possible for his "success" to be a failure from other people's point of view. Not sharing Trump point of view is not tantamount to wishing America to fail. 






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1 hour ago, Reigntax said:


Yes, take your bat and ball and go home with your tail between your legs. When it comes to idiocy, who am I to argue with an practitioner having such excellence on the topic.


Seriously, how many thousand anti Trump posts is it now? You dont know the man, never will, he doesnt need your advice. We can all be thankful for that.


You don't know the man either. You never will. He still got your support. We can all wonder about that.

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It seems there is a hard time finding local marching bands for the inaugural parade.


DC-Area Marching Bands Opt to Sit Out Trump's Inaugural Parade



And it looks like they are also begging celebrities to attend (other than Ted Nugent and Kid Rock).


Trump Team Scrambles for A-List Inaugural Performers: ‘They Are Willing to Pay Anything’ 



How about an Ambassadorships in exchange? I hear Thailand is nice.


Trump’s Team Reportedly Offered Ambassadorships to Talent Bookers in Exchange for Inauguration Singers



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3 hours ago, muffy said:

You are either with PRESIDENT TRUMP , or against him , but he WON ,:stoner:

We know he won. If he hadn't, the resistance would only need to be against the anti-Clinton media empire he had planned on doing when he lost (which he expected). 

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On 12/11/2016 at 9:17 AM, ilostmypassword said:

Do you realize that Hllary Clinton that almost 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Donald Trump?


This would be like me saying that yeah my team lost but they gained more yards on offense.


So what?

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Ken Burns provides a response:


We must try to remember that this level of vulgarity, of blatant lying, of demonizing whole groups of people, nearly always backfires, that real change will come when middle class whites, Hispanics and blacks realize they share more in common with each other than those in whose interest it is that they stay divided. This has been a successful strategy for generations in this country: why not blame the other, who might take your job, rather than blame the boss who laughs all the way to the bank.



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Hail Mary for the electors!




Was that Hot Lips?  Gee, if only they'd got as worked up about the corrupt primary. It's like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.



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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

We won't go back!






It was a 2 horse race. There were only ever 2 possible outcomes.

Refusing one of them, is truly pathetic. 

There was only 1 acceptable result in your eyes. How is that democratic??????

A quote from your link "Stand Up for Democracy" :cheesy:

Edited by kevkev1888
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Some interesting ideas about the resistance:





In the Age of Trump, We Are All Playthings of the Gods
However, in light of what Trump has been up to since he won – or, rather, since Hillary lost – the election, stopping him is now a more immediate and urgent priority.

How can he be stopped?   Massive, non-violent resistance, as much of it as possible, is indispensable.  But it will be difficult, if not impossible, to sustain significant mobilizations of anti-Trump activists for four long and dreadful years.  Trump’s vileness will help keep the spirit of resistance alive, especially if it escalates, but, no matter how awful he gets, the passage of time will ware people down.

This is why now is the time to start thinking about how to hurt Trump in what he cares about most – his bottom line.



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On 12/15/2016 at 3:24 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

We got over the election weeks ago, but we are still celebrating the demise of the pants suited one.

Far as I'm concerned he is fast turning to the dark side, but regardless, as long as it's not her it's all good.


I do not understand the visceral hatred of your anti-HRC clique to the woman. Unless it is because she is a woman and most of you guys have some lingering bitterness over your divorces. Thinking back over the decades, I guess one could be offended by here 90's hair styles. I was not attracted to the character in Primary Colors as played by Emma Thompson. I am not a resident of New York State, so I didn't pay a lot of attention to her Senate record but what I noticed of it demonstrated that she has some significant political skills. Then there is her tenure at State. During that time, I had the misfortune to engage with a number of State Department officials. Universally they were puffed up morons with their heads up their behinds. But I think that is organizational culture and not something driven from the Secretary. I still have some dealing with them in various countries and they still seem to represent a particular institutional mindset.


I do not get outraged over Benghazi and the emails thing was of such insignificant silliness that it doesn't bear mentioning.


I have long thought that the 'vast right wing conspiracy' comment was accurate and prescient. I believe that the decades long smear campaign is informing your view of HRC, the Clinton's generally and the Clinton led Democrats.


I believe you are not American, so this further mystifies me.


In any event, they are now history and are were made irrelevant to the American political process on 9 November. They may make a comeback in some form as the Democrats reform and the resistance to donald  grows and learns how to be effective.


I am afraid your nihilism was misplaced. I am a fan of challenging the power of elites and of killing sacred cows but all the anarchic energy was sucked up in a scam by a self promoting con man. That you are just seeing this now is troubling. Most of us recognized it from the beginning. There is no evidence in any of donald's past that he or any of his douche brood have ever given a stuff for the 'little man', 'the common man', 'the battler'. In fact, his entire current business model is predicated on taking money from such people buy selling them the illusion of the Trump brand.


Obama talks about the conservatism of American institutions. Perhaps they will intercede and mitigate donald's chaos but a true nihilist would have struck at the core - the WASPs and their 'work ethic'; the Ownership of Capital and the rise in income inequality; and the maintenance of a monoculture that oppresses minorities. Bernie might have done it. He would not have been allowed to go far enough. But what you get with donald is the reinforcement of this core that benefits a privileged few, increasing numbers of them inheriting such privilege and possibly cementing this core for the next generation.


All in exchange for not having to put up with 'that woman'.

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