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Govt approves 10 year visas for foreigners over 50 

Jonathan Fairfield

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19 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Strange.. I post this news, with the exact same info.. Thread closed.. Not enough information.. Then Thaivisa posts it.. 

Cant see what people are whining about.. 100k a month for a 10 year visa, in 2 blocks of 5... Just superb. 


Hope its still in force when I cross 50.. 


    We don't all have 100K Bhat a month coming in.  There are a lot of us who only have 65K a month retirement income.  I only have 76K Bhat a month coming in ... .   So I guess us poorer guys might have to pick up and move to Cambodia or India or Sri Lanka or the Philippines or somewhere else..  Or if we were coming back to Thailand soon after living there before.. ... we can forget it...         Bye...Bye Thailand.   It was nice...     

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2 minutes ago, newnative said:

Too many TVers are getting overly upset, I think. Take a breath and relax.  As I said in an earlier post, my Thai partner read the article that's in Thai and having read it sees the 10 year visa as an option for some, not a requirement.  But, that's just the view of a Thai reading an article in Thai.  The real decider for me is the fact that it is reserved for certain countries; if you believe it is a requirement, then retirees from all the other countries have to leave because they can't even meet the first requirement of country origin.  Does anybody really think the Thai government would eliminate retirement visas for all the other countries when they've had them for so long?  And, when they are competing with other countries to attract both tourists and expats?  I just don't see it.  Might they someday require expats to have either health insurance or a savings account with X amount in it to cover a hospital visit?  That would be more likely to happen than discriminating against and publically kicking out a huge group of people based on their country  of origin. 


What you say makes sense, but I coudnt help noticing that Russia is not on any of the lists. In some of the news articles its a very extensive list, almost like they have been left off the list on purpose.

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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It sounds like they are copying the Malaysian program. SO FAR, the text implies this will be REPLACEMENT program for the current O-A visa and current annual extensions at much lower levels.

Very bad news for many of us.

If so, any chance of GRANDFATHERING those in the current levels that can't meet the new ones? 

The Malay retirement system is much more friendly, providing a mandatory National Insurance Program at a very reasonable rate.

Malaysia is just much more civilized (1st world) all around!

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9 minutes ago, Mousehound said:

As stated above by some, this will most likely an option, and as such a good move for those that have the monies.  As retirees get older they tend to spend less.  However, health costs tend to go up.  Getting insurance could be the problem.  Unfortunate if you are committed to Thailand and then  few years down the track have insurance refused. 


the official text clearly says REPLACEMENT, not just on "additional option"

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3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:


BKKpost says "extending" the exsisting 1 year visa



I will let my Thai buddy read the original text released by the government later to determine. But then again, what eventually comes into effect is another story. It could well be that they test the waters first and make amendments, same as it happened in the recent past. Luckily It does not affect me until Nov 2017 anyway. A lot of time to continue working on my PLAN B

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3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:


BKKpost says "extending" the exsisting 1 year visa

Better you take and read the original posted today from the government (official but in thai):

- They never speak about a replacement,

- This concerns ONLY the VISA O-A done abroad (nothing to deal with the 3 month VISA O done in Thailand + 1 year extension)

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The name of this website is THAIVISA.

I think many of us are really hoping that the management of this website can step up to the plate now and get us the clearest available information about this visa news. 

It's simply not clear yet.

Nobody should act like it is.


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4 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

Better you take and read the original posted today from the government (official but in thai):

- They never speak about a replacement,

- This concerns ONLY the VISA O-A done abroad (nothing to deal with the 3 month VISA O done in Thailand + 1 year extension)


Where is that official page to find?



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Just now, Jingthing said:

I think many of us are really hoping that the management of this website can step up to the plate now and get us the clearest available information about this visa news.

As I said yesterday, Thaivisa made a mistake to forward this unverified and bad translated news.

Thaivisa should have wait today, and only translate the thai version of the governement.

It's pretty clear today. All that mess for nothing !

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Still sucks because the '2 year' OA-long stay was a great option for those of us that visit home country every couple of years. I was planning on applying for one myself in March 2017 but maybe they will phase it out. I will wait and see,

Edited by tonray
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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I agree with all but the last half of your closing sentence.  Thai gov't wouldn't take house from a Thai woman.



I don't think that would just outright come and take the house.  They would offer her tons of credit cards and loans which would eventually mean that she looses the house and it goes back into the hands of the elite.  


Stuff like this is done at the macro level.  Generally (no pun intended) there isn't some general sitting there licking his lips wanting to get a specific house (though, that could happen too).  It's more about the macro level thinking which is that the poor should be poor and the rich have the right to take wealth from the poor by whatever means necessary.  


For instance, something like 80% or more of the farmable land in Thailand is owned by about 20 families.  That's not by accident.  Most Thais used to own the land they farmed but now they rent it because they lost it due to debts or greed (or debts resulting from greed).  


And when you factor in the fact that the government is constantly manipulating the price of rice and allows the middlemen and exporters to offer prices that have zero correlation to the world market price of rice, it's quite obvious that there was a coordinated transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.  


When they had the huge worldwide rice shortage a few years back, one of the lessor publicized stories was the fact that although rice prices had gone sky high, farmers weren't getting much more than they were before the rice shortage.  The middle men had locked them into a low price so they and the exporters made out like bandits while the cost of farming actually increased for the farmers.  


It looks like democracy but Thailand is really more like a feudal system once you peek under the covers.  


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Not sure why anybody is complaining about income requirements.


I'd happily hire anybody at my overseas corporation with a salary of 100,000 baht. You would need to pay me 105,000 baht per month if you want this job.


Or person X and person Y can both setup corporations in Hong Kong. Person X hires person Y and pays them 100,000 a month. Person Y hires person X and pays them 100,000 a month


Voila, person X and Y now both have a salary of 100,000 baht, all done 100% legally.

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5 hours ago, the guest said:

I think it proves, that making long term plans in Thailand is not wise when your an expat. Your stay here could at any time be revoked.




Again, you have a country that is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt in the world, has averaged a forced change of government (i.e. coup) every four years since it has been a democracy, is insanely xenophobic, has a long, long history of blaming foreigners for their problems, and is teetering on the edge between third-world and developing nation.  


Only a fool would spin the wheel and hope they died before those factors didn't eventually turn against them.  You get better odds playing roulette in Vegas.   


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3 hours ago, i claudius said:

After reading the article and ,reading some of the alarmist rubbish on here , i am off for dinner ,

this looks like just another spin on the elite card , do any off you honestly think that the Thai govt are going to force thousands of "Farangs" onto planes leaving behind their wives and kids ,with the western newspapers taking picture of the weeping hordes of family members crying as their husbands and fathers are booted out? never to be seen again , even they are not that stupid.

They have shown repeatedly that they are NOT concerned about our problems or the consequences of their decisions upon us. We have never been welcome here and this is merely another example of that attitude in action. Make it hard on these evil farang carpetbaggers who are spending money in our economy while taking NOTHING out of it. Yes, let's kill that goose that is laying our golden eggs and when the inevitable economic problems begin, we can blame it on the farangs. Well played, gentlemen.....well played.

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I am sorry, but I cannot read 40 pages of comments.


Given the budgets deficit looming (rice support scheme and lower tourism revenues), I think the govn't is trying to mitigate and get a chance to win the election. The recent waiving of the visa fees for Chinese,... will help put money back in the coffers too. Not sure how many will pour 3 mill. in the banks, but I am sure the banks can use the money too to support the economy. Whoever thinks that the people running the  show are dumb .

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2 minutes ago, Aforek said:

or the foreigners who come to Thailand for a long stay with an other visa and who desire to change their visa , first time for 5 years and able later to have 5 years more ...( personal translation, but my GF told me I have nothing to fear )

Yes and "and who desire to change their visa"

than means that there is no "forced replacement" =

- you can still use and go on with your 3 month VISA O + n X 1 year extension (no change in requirements)


- you can go to Bangkok and apply for a new 2 X 5 years VISA O-A (with all those new requirements)

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3 minutes ago, mcfish said:

What happened to all the guys that insist they can read and speak fluent thai?
So far there has been only two translations and they are from wives. So much BS on TV LMAO!

Perfectly clear for me now ! JUST A NEW OPTIONAL 2 X 5 years VISA O-A

And I dont understand why TV is waiting so long to translate the government announcement ?

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5 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

Yes and "and who desire to change their visa"

than means that there is no "forced replacement" =

- you can still use and go on with your 3 month VISA O + n X 1 year extension (no change in requirements)


- you can go to Bangkok and apply for a new 2 X 5 years VISA O-A (with all those new requirements)



you are right , the real word is not " replace " but "change" ( it's the farang who decide )

as I told, it's my own translation ( the short text ), but it's not difficult thai , but it's a long text and I called my GF, and after I read by myself because she did'nt translate much



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3 minutes ago, Aforek said:



you are right , the real word is not " replace " but "change" ( it's the farang who decide )

as I told, it's my own translation ( the short text ), but it's not difficult thai , but it's a long text and I called my GF, and after I read by myself because she did'nt translate much



This is so common with the "press" here. Lost in translation stuff that they think doesn't matter, that matters A LOT. 

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