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Govt approves 10 year visas for foreigners over 50 

Jonathan Fairfield

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think of all the retirees that HAD 3mil baht when they moved to thailand but then bought a condo, figuring to live rent free and that the money they show each year would be grandfathered to future changes and live off thousand dolar a month pensions.   i forsee alot of condos being put up for sale in the near future.


and for all those 50 somethings gloating that they can show 3 mil in a bank account no problem, i wonder  how many will be able to remain if the figure is upped to 6 mil sometime before they need to buy their next 10 year visa?


globalization, inflation and corruption;  the three defining characteristics of this century so far.

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Just been reading the local newspapers Thai rath. Got the google translate on again. Not the best translation software but it gives you a jist of what is being written.

So have a read. Seems some Thai's want retiree's to have a minimum of 10 million in the bank before they are allowed a visa to stay.

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18 minutes ago, kharmabum said:

think of all the retirees that HAD 3mil baht when they moved to thailand but then bought a condo, figuring to live rent free and that the money they show each year would be grandfathered to future changes and live off thousand dolar a month pensions.   i forsee alot of condos being put up for sale in the near future.


and for all those 50 somethings gloating that they can show 3 mil in a bank account no problem, i wonder  how many will be able to remain if the figure is upped to 6 mil sometime before they need to buy their next 10 year visa?


globalization, inflation and corruption;  the three defining characteristics of this century so far.

Re. the first para, funny you should say that.


There's a group of 'condos' recently built along 'the beach' near where I live.  They were occupied for a while, but for some reason they're empty now apart from the odd tourist renting one of them.


Of course some of them might still be occupied, but not around when I walk past them.

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So this is how they see us, we come to 'eat and sleep' in Thailand, this implies we steal food or get it free somehow, we take food from poor Thai people. And of course we sleep on the street, a  'burden to society'!!


Same weird paranoia tells immigration that every foreigner under 50 who comes to Thailand for longer than a month comes here to work, the limit on entries per year is directly due to suspicion that Europeans travel here for employment.  Why on Earth would European come here to work, to do what?


Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the new 10 yr visa will replace current scheme, and rules change for everyone currently on 1 yr extension. 









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i never underdstood the burden to society argumant here.  i mean, refugees are a burden to society because gooberments give them money, housing and free healthcare.  if a farang goes broke in thailand, does the gooberment give them money, housing and free healthcare?  i don't think so.  from what i've heard, if you show up to an emergency room bleeding out they won't even touch you till they run your credit card or verify your insurance.  you go broke in thailand, your embassy sells you an overpriced oneway ticket back toyour home country, to be paid back at a later date, w/interest.LOL

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1 hour ago, whitemouse said:




Thailand wants wealthier visitors and residents, but what Thailand fails to understand is that it is in no position to choose.



Thailand can choose who they want because if so many Europeans and Americans fly half way around the world to live in a place with completely different language, different religion. food (rice) and culture, there must be something that foreigners don't like about the poorer countries nearer to their home countries.


Why don't Europeans/Americans retire somewhere nearer to their countries like Latin America etc. where the religion, food are not so alien?


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5 hours ago, smutcakes said:


Retiring in Thailand and having the ability to show 3 million baht in capital and having health insurance is not affluent. 


Well, that's just a matter of degree, isn't it. What do you consider affluent? The drafters of this new visa did use the word "affluent".


Irrespective of what you personally consider is affluent, it just goes against the general nature of retiring in Thailand, which is well known as a low-budget retirement option. I don't think too many multi-$$ millionaires will be clamouring to buy this new visa.

Edited by tropo
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10 hours ago, nasa123 said:

And Phuket Immigration tell in the News paper maybe every most take a trip out from Thailand and make a new Vise, This was they writhing from Immigration in Phuket : It also has yet to be made clear whether foreigners already staying in the country on the existing one-year “retirement O-A” visa would be able to apply to stay in the Kingdom under the new visa rules without leaving the country.

  • Phuket Immigration said nothing it was an officer that refused to be named.
  • Your highlighted quote refers to people with a 1 year permit to stay that they received from a 1 year non-immigrant 'O-A' visa entry. There is no way that existing 1 year 'O-A' visa holders will have existing permission revoked or their visa cancelled. All that is unclear is whether or not new 1 year 'O-A' visas will be available in the future.
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7 minutes ago, xng said:


Thailand can choose who they want because if so many Europeans and Americans fly half way around the world to live in a place with completely different language, different religion. food (rice) and culture, there must be something that foreigners don't like about the poorer countries nearer to their home countries.


Why don't Europeans/Americans retire somewhere nearer to their countries like Latin America etc. where the religion, food are not so alien?




Americans and Europeans fly half way around the world cos Thailand is cheap, and climate is tolerable. 


 But go ahead, become picky, and you will be left Indians and Chinese only, is that your intention? Because you will never, never be a choice of wealthy Westerners, they live in California, Hawaii, Florida, and summers they spend in South of France. After you are ready to compete with those places can you afford to choose who you let in.



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Thailand can choose who they want because if so many Europeans and Americans fly half way around the world to live in a place with completely different language, different religion. food (rice) and culture, there must be something that foreigners don't like about the poorer countries nearer to their home countries.
Why don't Europeans/Americans retire somewhere nearer to their countries like Latin America etc. where the religion, food are not so alien?

Most retired expat North Americans do choose Latin America.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes and needs to be topped up after 5 years.


19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Bank method new visa back up to 3 million after 5 years if spent down to 1.5 million on allowed spending classes.

There are no details about that in the cabinet proposal, and I haven't seen any official announcements that would suggest you are right. I think you are wrong.


I am guessing, but I think they can only issue a 5 year visa, due to a regulation I have never found evidence of, and that they will automatically issue a second 5 year visa. Exactly as they do with the TE scheme.

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I agree its not certain what this all means and it is wise to wait and see.However what is really disappointing is the obvious delight displayed by several posters at the discomfort even fear felt by many elderly expats whose lives, would be ruined (at a minimum) if the worst scenario is realized.Smdh.

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52 minutes ago, elviajero said:


There are no details about that in the cabinet proposal, and I haven't seen any official announcements that would suggest you are right. I think you are wrong.


I am guessing, but I think they can only issue a 5 year visa, due to a regulation I have never found evidence of, and that they will automatically issue a second 5 year visa. Exactly as they do with the TE scheme.


The Thai version has more detail on conditions than the English version. Same  http://www.thaigov.go.th website, select Thai language, go to the same cabinet meeting, but you must download a docx file with a numerical number name, the announcemt text  is not on the page itself. (I'm not sure TV allows a link to a thai page)


If your Thai is not so good, compare the English and Thai versions, find the section number of interest then google translate.


Edited by rabas
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maybe they'll come up with a plan like western banks have for retired people. reverse mortgages.  like if you own a condo but can't meet the 3 mil bank requirenment they'll allow you to stay so long as they take possesion of your property when you pass.


after all, their goal is not to ruin peoples lives. it's to bleed them dry.  can't do that if they all leave.

Edited by kharmabum
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13 minutes ago, chang50 said:

I agree its not certain what this all means and it is wise to wait and see.However what is really disappointing is the obvious delight displayed by several posters at the discomfort even fear felt by many elderly expats whose lives, would be ruined (at a minimum) if the worst scenario is realized.Smdh.

Wait and see

Wait and see

Wait and see

4 days to go!

I can see you flying home turning to the person sat next to you "Wait and see"

Make concrete decisions now. Not one article in the Thai news can explain this new visa. After 3 days no official word. Discomfort is not being given by a few silly posts but by Thai officials who have provided no details.

I love Thailand, 99% love you back, it's the 1% that doesn't care. Imo

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1 minute ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Forget about income, but I'm surprised most people over 50 don't have 3m baht saved up.

Most probably do but they don't want to lock it up in a Thai bank.

Or it may be locked in other vehicles that would trigger a penalty or tax event to move it. 



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12 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Wait and see

Wait and see

Wait and see

4 days to go!

I can see you flying home turning to the person sat next to you "Wait and see"

Make concrete decisions now. Not one article in the Thai news can explain this new visa. After 3 days no official word. Discomfort is not being given by a few silly posts but by Thai officials who have provided no details.

I love Thailand, 99% love you back, it's the 1% that doesn't care. Imo


Some of the people who could be adversely affected here wont be physically up to the flight home.It's as serious as that and they literally have no alternative but to wait and see.

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1 minute ago, tomacht8 said:

I will clap my hands when that is an add on, and the other visa types are not touched.

Yeah, sure, but it seems quite possible it will replace the current O-A visa, so if that happens, it will not be a pure add on. 

It's also a red flag that medical insurance requirements and/or raised financial levels might be coming to all retired status expats if not now, then later. 

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8 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Forget about income, but I'm surprised most people over 50 don't have 3m baht saved up.


Really some expats are living from pension payment to pension payment believe it or not.

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3 minutes ago, chang50 said:


Really some expats are living from pension payment to pension payment believe it or not.

It's a case by case basis.

It's good that Thailand has offered retirement options to people without income. Most retirement visa offering nations don't. 

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