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Leaders react to Trump’s plan to pull out of TPP trade pact


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Leaders react to Trump’s plan to pull out of TPP trade pact




WASHINGTON: -- World leaders have reacted to Donald Trump’s announcement that the US will quit the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal on his first day as President.


TPP was designed to bring down tariffs, but Trump has described the agreement, which was signed by 12 countries covering 40 percent of the world’s economy, as a ‘‘potential disaster’‘. He has vowed instead to negotiate separate bilateral trade deals.


In Buenos Aires, barely an hour before Trump’s announcement, Japan’s Shinzo Abe reacted to the potential news warning that the trade pact would be pointless without the US.


“ TPP is meaningless without the United States.This would disturb the fundamental balance of benefits, which is also why re-negotiation is impossible.” Abe said.


Beijing also reacted strongly to Trump’s plan to pull out of the deal.


China’s Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang said: “We hope that these trade deals will follow the World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules and be helpful to the multilateral trade system. Also, we hope these agreements can reinforce rather than thwart each other.’‘


Australia’s prime minister Malcolm Turnbull also responded, vowing to push on.


“So Mr Trump and his new Congress will have to make their own decisions in America’s interest. That’s their judgment to make, but can I say to you that it is very clear that from Australia’s point of view, getting access, greater access for Australian exports, whether it is goods or services to those big markets is manifestly in our interest.

It is manifestly delivering more jobs, better jobs and stronger economic growth in Australia.”


During the APEC summit in Peru’s capital Lima last weekend, Turnbull expressed his hope that Trump might have a change of heart regarding the trade pact.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-23
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32 minutes ago, webfact said:

During the APEC summit in Peru’s capital Lima last weekend, Turnbull expressed his hope that Trump might have a change of heart regarding the trade pact.

Well as Trump has had a change of heart on every single thing he has so far promised during the campaign then it would not be surprising. When he sees the opportunity for 'Trump Trailers' and 'Trump Containers' and sets his 3 little piggies off to the trough again then the TPP will be flavour of the month with the USA once more.

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China will fill the role and use the cash to expand it's military using all the  military tech it stole from USA defense, and the USA will pay in an utter loss of power.  Americans will pay more for goods, and that money will go to the government.  It's simply siphoning cash from the American public.  Corporations will not move back to the USA.  Those days are over until the entire world is on equal footing.  It's basic economics.  It takes many years to negotiate 1 trade deal.  He is going to negotiate dozens?  Wake up people, and educate yourselves!

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All Trump is doing is making China more powerful.  US' loss is China's gain


As far as I can tell, Trump is giving support to Russia and China, and making the US economically weaker.  That might be good for the global economy and a true reflection of the enormous debt that has provided foundation for the US economy, but in 4 years, his supporters will be giving out a huge "WT@?".  If he doesn't get impeached, Trump is going the way of Bush #1.

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1 hour ago, Redline said:

China will fill the role and use the cash to expand it's military using all the  military tech it stole from USA defense, and the USA will pay in an utter loss of power.  Americans will pay more for goods, and that money will go to the government. 


TPP was a green light to increase imports. Lower cost, yes, but since the goods were manufactured overseas, where is the money coming from to pay for them. America needs manufacturing jobs, mining jobs, coal job and oil jobs, not cheaper imports. The technology is there to clean up the aftereffects of burning coal and oil. Spend some of the government subsidies on those rather than pouring it into biofuels (waste of fresh water), wind and lithium batteries for the solar plants.  What  terrible environmental nightmare it's going to be dealing with the lithium waste.

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2 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

All Trump is doing is making China more powerful.  US' loss is China's gain


As far as I can tell, Trump is giving support to Russia and China, and making the US economically weaker.  That might be good for the global economy and a true reflection of the enormous debt that has provided foundation for the US economy, but in 4 years, his supporters will be giving out a huge "WT@?".  If he doesn't get impeached, Trump is going the way of Bush #1.

Like your previous electoral predictions were so on the money.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

but can I say to you that it is very clear that from Australia’s point of view, getting access, greater access for Australian exports, whether it is goods or services to those big markets is manifestly in our interest.

Yes its imperative to get rid of more good paying jobs. It is in our best interest as we must show the workers who/we are in charge. They have become to uppity  with their wage and benefits demands this should teach them a lesson. It will cost us jobs but big business will be able to operate more freely with lower wages and pollution environment standards. Its a lose win situation. 

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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I don't think TPP is a good thing in Trump's presidential ambitions.  It doesn't fit in with his plan for the future of the USA as he sees it. He is in the big chair now (or will be shortly) and he has to try to at least follow through on one of his commitments.

He has the power to do so.

Many of his other promises will be much harder because he will face pushback from democrats, more normal republicans, and indeed public opinion. 

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42 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I don't think TPP is a good thing in Trump's presidential ambitions.  It doesn't fit in with his plan for the future of the USA as he sees it. He is in the big chair now (or will be shortly) and he has to try to at least follow through on one of his commitments.

Letter to Donald Trump

Please do not  hide your light under a bushel let it shine. Ah yes Donald what are your "ambitions"

We await breathlessly for you to "flesh" them out. Quote  It doesn't fit in with his plan for the future of the USA unquote. We hate to bother you but what are your "plans" as yet they are not self evident. I know you like to spring surprises on us but it is not our birthday so spit it out. Do not speak with forked tongue. Please do not wrap up your ideas as a present and put them under the tree. 


Disheartened ardent admirer of the truth that is. 

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59 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I don't think TPP is a good thing in Trump's presidential ambitions.  It doesn't fit in with his plan for the future of the USA as he sees it. He is in the big chair now (or will be shortly) and he has to try to at least follow through on one of his commitments.

While watching baseball following through on your swing either means a home run or you strike out. Donald does not look like a home run hitter. 

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11 minutes ago, Chicog said:


They will, once American wages are considered "cheap labour".



Your right Chicog. But first Trump must rub workers noses into poverty make em bleed. He must show them the hopelessness of it all truly break their spirit. I think American corporations will at least bring their overseas trillions back to the US as I can smell fear among their ranks as the EU is chasing them for a cut. Prosperity has a way of attracting the attention of the hungry and desperate countries do desperate things. A good example is Greece letting the Chinese in the door. Watch the Silk Road on Channel Asia on Tuesday and Thursday very very enlightening. The Silk Road only benefits China and no one else. Its one big con game. 

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Typical fear mongering by the usual suspects....a strong usa benefits china and other asian countries....who else is gonna buy their cheap crap otherwise.  I think mr trump is right to negotiate separately with each country....easier to keep track of things....no hanky panky. 

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11 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

....a strong usa benefits china and other asian countries


Damn right given the overwhelming amount of debt the USA has with China.  Will they ever be able to pay them back?  With Trump in charge I wouldn't hold your breath!


And it is true that the American people are very fond of buying cheap crap!

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3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Your right Chicog. But first Trump must rub workers noses into poverty make em bleed. He must show them the hopelessness of it all truly break their spirit. I think American corporations will at least bring their overseas trillions back to the US as I can smell fear among their ranks as the EU is chasing them for a cut. Prosperity has a way of attracting the attention of the hungry and desperate countries do desperate things. A good example is Greece letting the Chinese in the door. Watch the Silk Road on Channel Asia on Tuesday and Thursday very very enlightening. The Silk Road only benefits China and no one else. Its one big con game. 

Are the Trump redneck supporters really going to pay 3 x the price to buy US made T-shirts made by US salaried labor? Or are they still going to shop in Walmart?

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14 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

Are the Trump redneck supporters really going to pay 3 x the price to buy US made T-shirts made by US salaried labor? Or are they still going to shop in Walmart?

I think we are getting to the point can US workers afford to buy Chinese TShirts regardless of where they sell them. Looks like the Chinese Silk Road is coming to Ohio. The Chinese guy that controls 24% of the car windshield market is buying an old GM plant there. Here is the wage structure.  Welcome to Chinarica. Yes American workers are starting to bleed and here are the great jobs the newly elected golden haired boy promised if you vote for him. I am surprised he has not tweeted yet taking credit for this. Would these jobs qualify you for a mortgage on a $300,000 house? Ten percent of the jobs at the plant are held by Chinese employees. As for wages, the Fuyao jobs start in the $12 (C$16.12) to $15-an-hour (C$20.15) range. The old GM jobs at the same factory paid $30 (C$40.31) an hour.

Edited by elgordo38
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7 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:


TPP was a green light to increase imports. Lower cost, yes, but since the goods were manufactured overseas, where is the money coming from to pay for them. America needs manufacturing jobs, mining jobs, coal job and oil jobs, not cheaper imports. The technology is there to clean up the aftereffects of burning coal and oil. Spend some of the government subsidies on those rather than pouring it into biofuels (waste of fresh water), wind and lithium batteries for the solar plants.  What  terrible environmental nightmare it's going to be dealing with the lithium waste.

I don't agree with all of the TPP, but stopping it instead of amending it will be only empower China, and hurt the American people.  The jobs you speak of are NOT coming back to the USA.  Coal is obsolete as an energy source, unless the corporations use new tech to clean the emissions.  It's way more expensive than natural gas, which we have absolutely massive amounts.  Manufacturing in America is mostly gone for good.  People wont even be working in factories in the next 10 years~everything will be automated.  There are oil jobs in the USA, but oil is going to stay cheap, so economics will decide that fate.  There are thousands of other issues.  We need educated solutions, not election promoting policies the have no basis in common sense.

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37 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

Are the Trump redneck supporters really going to pay 3 x the price to buy US made T-shirts made by US salaried labor? Or are they still going to shop in Walmart?

They are going to wear the same shirt 'Make America Gr at A  in"  Oh I have that shirt too, but mine is missing different letters!  How many more years?  

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Typical fear mongering by the usual suspects....a strong usa benefits china and other asian countries....who else is gonna buy their cheap crap otherwise.  I think mr trump is right to negotiate separately with each country....easier to keep track of things....no hanky panky. 

He doesn't have time to negotiate with every country.  Another broken promise for sure.  He hasn't even started and he's breaking them.  He's going to just say "I didn't think anybody really believed me".  Just grab her pu**y ha!

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8 minutes ago, Redline said:

I don't agree with all of the TPP, but stopping it instead of amending it will be only empower China, and hurt the American people.  The jobs you speak of are NOT coming back to the USA.  Coal is obsolete as an energy source, unless the corporations use new tech to clean the emissions.  It's way more expensive than natural gas, which we have absolutely massive amounts.  Manufacturing in America is mostly gone for good.  People wont even be working in factories in the next 10 years~everything will be automated.  There are oil jobs in the USA, but oil is going to stay cheap, so economics will decide that fate.  There are thousands of other issues.  We need educated solutions, not election promoting policies the have no basis in common sense.

Maybe you could channel your avatar with a medium. I am afraid even he would not have an answer for this one. If you read my post above about the refurbished Chinese factory coming to Ohio and its wage scale that is pretty well it for jobs with a 2005 pay schedule maybe even 2000 that will come to America. The glory days are over. These jobs pay $15 to 20 an hour to start and the Chinese are not known for overpaying people. They are presently also building a string of factories in Greece (they are opportunists) and the Greeks are unhappy with the wage scale and non union clauses. They want to get their made in Greece Chinese products into the EU and this is just another avenue of entry. They are doing this all over the world. Again I encourage you to watch the Silk Road show on Channel Asia it is a real eye opener. The only winner is China.  

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8 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Maybe you could channel your avatar with a medium. I am afraid even he would not have an answer for this one. If you read my post above about the refurbished Chinese factory coming to Ohio and its wage scale that is pretty well it for jobs with a 2005 pay schedule maybe even 2000 that will come to America. The glory days are over. These jobs pay $15 to 20 an hour to start and the Chinese are not known for overpaying people. They are presently also building a string of factories in Greece (they are opportunists) and the Greeks are unhappy with the wage scale and non union clauses. They want to get their made in Greece Chinese products into the EU and this is just another avenue of entry. They are doing this all over the world. Again I encourage you to watch the Silk Road show on Channel Asia it is a real eye opener. The only winner is China.  

Greeks and work in the same sentence?! It's about time.

Edited by gemini81
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On 11/23/2016 at 5:56 AM, webfact said:

“ TPP is meaningless without the United States.This would disturb the fundamental balance of benefits, which is also why re-negotiation is impossible.” Abe said.

Yes it would put a stop to more good paying jobs being sucked out of the USA. Small players benefit big players loose. Sadly these big trade deals have already done a lot of damage and cannot be repealed without a lot of effort and the Donald knows this. His machine gun like promises were hurled out to see what would stick. Aged people voting surely must know all these promises are hype and little else and the proof is now playing out watching Trump in his first day. Older voters have run the election gamut before and seen the aftermath of failure time and again.  Elizabeth Warren has a good video out dissecting the Donald's first moves. She is a real pistol the real deal. 

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15 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Maybe you could channel your avatar with a medium. I am afraid even he would not have an answer for this one. If you read my post above about the refurbished Chinese factory coming to Ohio and its wage scale that is pretty well it for jobs with a 2005 pay schedule maybe even 2000 that will come to America. The glory days are over. These jobs pay $15 to 20 an hour to start and the Chinese are not known for overpaying people. They are presently also building a string of factories in Greece (they are opportunists) and the Greeks are unhappy with the wage scale and non union clauses. They want to get their made in Greece Chinese products into the EU and this is just another avenue of entry. They are doing this all over the world. Again I encourage you to watch the Silk Road show on Channel Asia it is a real eye opener. The only winner is China.  


15 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Maybe you could channel your avatar with a medium. I am afraid even he would not have an answer for this one. If you read my post above about the refurbished Chinese factory coming to Ohio and its wage scale that is pretty well it for jobs with a 2005 pay schedule maybe even 2000 that will come to America. The glory days are over. These jobs pay $15 to 20 an hour to start and the Chinese are not known for overpaying people. They are presently also building a string of factories in Greece (they are opportunists) and the Greeks are unhappy with the wage scale and non union clauses. They want to get their made in Greece Chinese products into the EU and this is just another avenue of entry. They are doing this all over the world. Again I encourage you to watch the Silk Road show on Channel Asia it is a real eye opener. The only winner is China.  

The Chinese playbook is simply "The Art of War".  Play upon the weaknesses of others.  It's simple, but devastatingly effective.

I will watch this documentary.  I have already bookmarked it.  As I am still relatively young, I'm not into learning Chinese.  I guess I'll have to live in USA town, where people will still understand me.

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