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Trump begins backing off campaign vows on Clinton, warming


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Here's another claim Trump is backing off of:

Donald Trump Raises Prospect of Keeping Ties to His Firms

Donald Trump indicated Tuesday he was unlikely to disentangle himself from his business empire as fully as he previously suggested, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest while president.

Mr. Trump and his representatives said during the campaign he would have nothing to do with his businesses if he became president, promising a “total and complete separation.”

On Tuesday, Mr. Trump told the New York Times that “the law’s totally on my side” and that “the president can’t have a conflict of interest.”


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Trump's main campaign promises were to ban all Muslims (albeit "until they knew what the hell was going on"), building the wall with Mexico paying for it and jailing crooked Hillary.


Now I know all his defenders will say that it was just campaign bullshit and he didn't mean it but...  Those were the specific promises that he was elected on and so far he is back pedalling rapidly.  I know you have to be pretty dumb to fall for the Trup campaign rhetoric but it was those dumb voters that tipped the scales in his favour. 

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1 hour ago, mettech said:

He ain't going to be president for long before he get impeachment or a full force revolution  among Americans.

He's very scary. But impeachment is hard. He's already made it clear he really will RULE us in an authoritarian style. He's got millions of goons to support him. It's already a "soft" civil war mentality among Americans. I'm not optimistic. Very dark days. 

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3 minutes ago, bubblewrap said:


If you say so.  Mussolini is dead for a start.

Agree to disagree. I find our exchange low level and not of value to continue. I and many Americans feel very threatened by trump. You don't. It's a divided nation. 

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Ah yes Donald the election is now over and you can drop all the blowhard rhetoric/charade that got you elected. You can drop the pre-election shell now and step out into the sunlight of truth that is if you even have a clue to what that is as you seem still seem clogged up with hype in your pipe. Ah yes the gloves came off when you had your little head to head with the media last night and told them how biased they were against you. Your ego is going to be the end of you yet. Did just Fox News get you elected? I see they threw their agreement of secrecy that they gave you out the window and blabbed the truth. Sure made you look like well you know Mr. H. Once you have achieved all the dirty work that Congress wishes you to do it will be "Man overboard". No one will throw you a life preserver. 

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The Trump presidency has split the USA and it is very worrying.  It is also indicative of greater problems in the world generally where we are all in uncharted waters.  Whatever happens in the USA in the near future will have an effect on the rest of us in one way or another.  Anyone whistling a happy tune at the moment should be shot!

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Agree to disagree. I find our exchange low level and not of value to continue. I and many Americans feel very threatened by trump. You don't. It's a divided nation. 


When Repubs don't like a candidate they do not play a victim card, they just say they think the candidate is an *-****. 


Democrats always need to be a victim to make their own position more important.


I watched about 10 minutes of video from the pipeline protest and the protesters commentary was constantly this victimhood.  


Like all Americans, whatever your particular issue is, your personal safety cannot be legislated away. Physical assault is illegal in all 50 States and the District of Columbia and will continue to be so. 





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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

The Trump presidency has split the USA and it is very worrying.  It is also indicative of greater problems in the world generally where we are all in uncharted waters.  Whatever happens in the USA in the near future will have an effect on the rest of us in one way or another.  Anyone whistling a happy tune at the moment should be shot!



Where ya been buddy? The USA has been split for a couple of Presidencies now. 


What good does a sad tune do ya? 


"Don't worry. Be happy."

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23 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:



Where ya been buddy? The USA has been split for a couple of Presidencies now. 


What good does a sad tune do ya? 


"Don't worry. Be happy."


Most countries are split into political sides and democracy is formed on that basis.  The split in the USA has been growing for some time, I don't think anything would argue with that.  The call from Trump now is to heal the wounds and bring the country together, much as the way Clinton was saying the same.  The problem is that Trump is actually doing the opposite. and with his wish list it just makes it impossible for the nation to draw together. What the world needs more than anything at the moment is a stabilised USA and not one with a loose cannon in charge.


My reference to whistling a happy tune was not specific to America, none of us have anything to whistle about at the moment.

46 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Democrats always need to be a victim to make their own position more important


I agree that the anti-Trump gang (which is far more than just the democrats) are feeling more like victims than the Trumpsters. Unfortunately you are all victims of a grave mistake that will likely have a dire effect on all of you're lives.


I hope I am wrong, for all of your sakes.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


When Repubs don't like a candidate they do not play a victim card, they just say they think the candidate is an *-****. 


Democrats always need to be a victim to make their own position more important.


I watched about 10 minutes of video from the pipeline protest and the protesters commentary was constantly this victimhood.  


Like all Americans, whatever your particular issue is, your personal safety cannot be legislated away. Physical assault is illegal in all 50 States and the District of Columbia and will continue to be so. 





No, they patronize lying web sites and accept nonsense as the truth. Fake news sites make lots of money off of Republican gullibility. They've tried it on with Democrats, but oddly, no profit in that.

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" A top adviser said Trump is now focused on matters that are essential in setting up his administration, not on comments he made during the heat of the campaign. "

One possible translation - he said anything he felt like during the campaign, as long as he thought it would win votes. Now he is getting ready to be a president.

Another possible translation - he is now starting to understand the limits on his power, and he is just starting to realise that he has no real power, and the big corporations are going to tell him what he can and cannot do.

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11 hours ago, Opl said:

Trump is a businessman. He told anything possible and contradictory to get elected- to be able to fill his pockets and fill those of his friends. The lobbies he claims to fight are now returning to Washington to grant his favors.

The country is in the fog because Trump can change course at any time. He will listen to each adviser between thirty seconds and a minute and make decision, listening to his guts.

His promises to renovate infrastructures to boost employment -  were already in Obama's boxes but  Republicans were blocking on principle. Ironically, Trump could realize this project Obama was politically unable, for lack of majority.


Agreed but let's be clear... Trump is a business-conman. :sick:

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2 hours ago, bubblewrap said:


You mean you can't get me in trouble with low level?  I know where you're coming from okay.  Amen.


Whoa. Got some interesting BAGGAGE there, eh, buddy?:crazy:

Bases loaded. 

Count is 3 and 2.

Fast ball down the middle. 




Ignore List.


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5 hours ago, dunroaming said:

The Trump presidency has split the USA and it is very worrying.  It is also indicative of greater problems in the world generally where we are all in uncharted waters.  Whatever happens in the USA in the near future will have an effect on the rest of us in one way or another.  Anyone whistling a happy tune at the moment should be shot!


Just more proof how nasty Clinton fans really are. You can't always have your own way.

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