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Trump begins backing off campaign vows on Clinton, warming


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30 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:


Just more proof how nasty Clinton fans really are. You can't always have your own way.


Clinton fan? you won't find one here.   It is all about the dangerous world Trump is developing.  Fortunately he is breaking most of his promises and as long as he keeps backtracking the USA just might make it through the dark days to come.


Once we  knew it was Clinton versus Trump  for the presidency then we knew that  America was in serous trouble but my god was that an understatement!

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Clinton fan? you won't find one here.   It is all about the dangerous world Trump is developing.  Fortunately he is breaking most of his promises and as long as he keeps backtracking the USA just might make it through the dark days to come.


Once we  knew it was Clinton versus Trump  for the presidency then we knew that  America was in serous trouble but my god was that an understatement!

So far so good, Stock Market is soaring, good people being appointed to the Cabinet. Don't shoot please.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, they patronize lying web sites and accept nonsense as the truth. Fake news sites make lots of money off of Republican gullibility. They've tried it on with Democrats, but oddly, no profit in that.


Well I can only speak for the people I know but I do not know any Republicans who fit your description.


They happen to be well grounded people who recognize BS and do not accept it as truth. 


I would guess I know far more republicans than you and these same people are far more inclined to confide to me their more personal thoughts and let their guard down since they know my own position than any Republican would openly say amongst a Democrat.


All this nonsense about fake news being the reason hillary lost is simply the continued refusal of the left to admit to themselves they could have lost so they have to find somebody or some reason they can lay the blame. The simple fact is many people did not like hillary and did not like where obama had put them over the past 8 years. There were no fsle news sites required. They formed their opinions by the price increases in their insurance policies and by what the MSM reported to them about obama, the BLM, and seversl other issues dear to their heart. 


Sure you can find some whacky Trump supporter in a red, white and blue cape and stick a microphone in front of them and they will say goofy things. If that makes you feel better to think we are all like that then what can I say--you are in denial. 


You say Trump supporters look to lying websites and accept nonsense as truth. 

They would respond hillary lies all the time and would not even know truth if it bit her in the backside. And they have come to that conclusion by what she has said herself and has been reported on major news networks...not some false news stories.


How many women voted for Trump again? And you thouht she had that demographic in the bag. They were all smart when you expected clinton votes but overnight they became idiots who follow fake news. Too funny.



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9 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

So far so good, Stock Market is soaring, good people being appointed to the Cabinet. Don't shoot please.


Guess why ...money goes to money

Donald Trump’s administration is going to be a bonanza for bankers. Populist rhetoric masks a bonanza of deregulation and tax cuts

Trump has an actual policy agenda that he is running on — and that agenda is incredibly favorable to bankers. He wants less regulation of banks and lower taxes for hedge fund and private equity managers.




Edited by Opl
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At the end of the day, if during Trumps campaign he would have been vocalising all the issues as they are from the position he has now back tracked to, then he never would have got his following and he never would have been elected. Now he is just saying everything that his opponents said and has stepped back from some of the actions his most ardent supporters wanted to see, and why they offered him their support. This is set to be a fail before it starts.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

At the end of the day, if during Trumps campaign he would have been vocalising all the issues as they are from the position he has now back tracked to, then he never would have got his following and he never would have been elected. Now he is just saying everything that his opponents said and has stepped back from some of the actions his most ardent supporters wanted to see, and why they offered him their support. This is set to be a fail before it starts.


And his taking all those extreme positions has created a frenzy amongst Democrats and probably resulted in so much worry that its knocked years off their lifespans and all for nothing. 


At the end of the day it just means a Republican victory. Same old. Same old. 


Which is why I have said all along a vote for Trump is simply a vote for the Republican platform. 


Highly informative post on waterboarding, BTW. The videos were very insightful. I was surprised though that when it was over they did not cough up large amounts of water. 


I would think cardiac arrest would be a real concern at those sessions. Would a defib always be on hand?

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

At the end of the day it just means a Republican victory. Same old. Same old.


Could end up as that which rather defeats the objective because they may have well just have voted for one of the other loser candidates. In effect it would be the republicans getting in through the back door

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:


Could end up as that which rather defeats the objective because they may have well just have voted for one of the other loser candidates. In effect it would be the republicans getting in through the back door


Obviously many would have prefered one of the other candidates; however, Trump had the strongest support AND he had momentum. 


At the end of the day, the momentum retook the WH with a Republican Party win. 

That was the end goal so I disagree with your post.

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Well I can only speak for the people I know but I do not know any Republicans who fit your description.


They happen to be well grounded people who recognize BS and do not accept it as truth. 


I would guess I know far more republicans than you and these same people are far more inclined to confide to me their more personal thoughts and let their guard down since they know my own position than any Republican would openly say amongst a Democrat.


All this nonsense about fake news being the reason hillary lost is simply the continued refusal of the left to admit to themselves they could have lost so they have to find somebody or some reason they can lay the blame. The simple fact is many people did not like hillary and did not like where obama had put them over the past 8 years. There were no fsle news sites required. They formed their opinions by the price increases in their insurance policies and by what the MSM reported to them about obama, the BLM, and seversl other issues dear to their heart. 


Sure you can find some whacky Trump supporter in a red, white and blue cape and stick a microphone in front of them and they will say goofy things. If that makes you feel better to think we are all like that then what can I say--you are in denial. 


You say Trump supporters look to lying websites and accept nonsense as truth. 

They would respond hillary lies all the time and would not even know truth if it bit her in the backside. And they have come to that conclusion by what she has said herself and has been reported on major news networks...not some false news stories.


How many women voted for Trump again? And you thouht she had that demographic in the bag. They were all smart when you expected clinton votes but overnight they became idiots who follow fake news. Too funny.



About people being unhappy with their insurance.  Both Kaiser and the Commonwealth society did surveys of people who actually use Obamacare as opposed to the general public. Their approval ratings even in 2016 are at about 70 percent, just a few points behind how people feel about employer provided insurance.  I think Republican strategists know this and will arrange things for Obamacare to disappear after the 2018 election at the earliest. There's going to be a lot of angry people once it's eliminated. And if the Republicans actually do go ahead and privatize Medicare as Paul Ryan wants- I can't believe that the could be that stupid - I think that will finally turn even white working class voters against them.

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Obviously many would have prefered one of the other candidates; however, Trump had the strongest support AND he had momentum. 


At the end of the day, the momentum retook the WH with a Republican Party win. 

That was the end goal so I disagree with your post.


Talking in terms of it being a game with an 'end goal', the campaign was like a typical NFL season where there are favorites, outsiders,  explosive offences, weak defenses and injuries. Sometimes the least likely mid-season 5 and 0 slow-starter peaks late enough to triumph in the playoffs, get to the Superbowl and take it home while the bookmakers favorite implodes somewhere along the road. The winners have the momentum at the right time and the losers lose traction. Hillary had equal momentum and traction right up until the FBI's non-inquiry, she lost her momentum and was pipped at the post. It was hardly the resounding mandate for change that people on both sides allege it to be.

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17 hours ago, dunroaming said:

The Trump presidency has split the USA and it is very worrying.  It is also indicative of greater problems in the world generally where we are all in uncharted waters.  Whatever happens in the USA in the near future will have an effect on the rest of us in one way or another.  Anyone whistling a happy tune at the moment should be shot!

Mr. P here wants you to whistle a happy tune so that he knows your in tune with the program. China has the Silk Road (what a joke) and Mr. P. his road map. 

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Some Trump supporters here claimed all these promises and statements were just campaign trail talk. Fair enough. That's pretty much what those opposing Trump said back then and onward. But during the campaign, and up until Trump actually flip flopping, many of Trump's supporters rejected them as being anything but a plain deceleration of intentions. All the imagined explanations, excuses and rationalizations are in contrast to the the previous confidence displayed.


So yes, it is what politicians do. All the time. Thing is Trump's selling point was that he was no ordinary politician. And yes, it would be merciful not to confront certain Trump supporters claiming they figured him all along with their previous posts. You've been had, there's no shame in it. That's what people like Trump do, and he's good at it. This is not a told-you-so moment, but more of a wake up call for things to come.


Trump not caring about small potatoes (as someone put it) because he aims to concentrate on running the country? A good one, I'll give you that. That's the same guy finding the time and feeling the need to engage in tweeter commentary dealing with actors and political satire shows.


Trump not actually having the authority or the power to order such investigations? That's not what he said earlier, that's not what his supporters chanted all through the campaign.


As for the comedy gold about only people complaining about Trump's backpedaling being opposed to Trump - well, yeah, we're not that emotionally invested in maintaining Trump's good image. The take that he's untrustworthy and that many of his statements are bogus was present from the start. We are not complaining about his backpedaling, we are pointing out it plays out as predicted. If "complain" is relevant at all, it is with regard to Trump's constant backpedaling and flip flopping creating an atmosphere of uncertainty. That's not a good thing.

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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Is this not exactly what he promised during his campaign and his supporters loved it. Doubt if they're so happy now.


His campaign was all about decisive slogans, which provided a sense of direction and simplicity. What happens now is the opposite. It is a good question whether and when supporters will develop a buyer's remorse.  

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