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horrid vdo ad for circ soliel- stop it now please.


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I am getting a repetitive VDO ad for circ soliel appearing frequently without me clicking on anything. I have to close it every time. This is the WORST sort of advertising TVF has ever participated in.

Stop it, NOW, please.


BTW, the banner for RIP the King at top of the page obstructs my username. It needs to be moved to the left a bit, please.


In a more happy vein, I discovered that the reason for the excruciatingly slow speed of TVF that I was experiencing was because I was using Bill Gates stupid I E. Since I discovered Edge on my computer ( only good thing about W10 ) everything is fine regarding speed and useability. Now, if you can get rid of that horrid VDO ad life on TVF will be great.



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Since that ad came on, TVF has got slow and I can't do anything when the ad is visible. Comes on very frequently.

IMO it is scumware, and I hope it is gone when I come back on here. It's impossible to enjoy the TVF experience when a stupid ad keeps coming on and locking my computer up. Obviously I am not the only victim of this atrocious ad.

It needs to be sorted soon and NEVER repeated.

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If you have an older computer or a slower internet connection I think it would make normal usage of this website unusable.


I am lucky enough, that I have at the moment an OK connection...but still feel disturbed, because this add stays over the text which I would like to read. Because I have a smaller screen......

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EXTREMELY irritating. It pops up every time I change pages. I am not going to tolerate this for much longer. It is possible to load up any website with so much clutter that potential users stay away. That is what you have now done here.

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I started up my trusty old Avast SafeZone Browser.


A pop up came straight up, asking that ThaiVisa wants permission from me to allow Desktop Notifications. 


I clicked 'deny'


5 minutes have passed ( at 21:23 AESDT) - so far, so good...


UPDATE EDIT: at 21:36


17 minutes have passed, and I see my Chrome etc still cops the Solei, but the Avast safe Browser is not affected


I also note that HM's RIP Banner is also missing from the Avast browser


I have been running the multiple browsers side by side:

Chrome with Solei & Avast NO Solei.jpg


Edited by tifino
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 It also bypasses ad blockers along with new advertising channels.


Which is a very good reason for me to stop visiting ThaiVisa.com.


Please disable that terrible 'scumware' advert for Cirque de Soleil.



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56 minutes ago, tifino said:

I started up my trusty old Avast SafeZone Browser.


Ok so I have to download Avast safe browser now ,   GREAT !!!! 


1 hour ago, Tech Doctor said:

Its being tested for impressions at the moment, it will last a few days.


You must be joking right ?  Who's idea was this ?  Fxxx this forum . 


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2 hours ago, Tech Doctor said:



Its being tested for impressions at the moment, it will last a few days. The ad auto disappears if you do not click it. It also bypasses ad blockers along with new advertising channels.



What does tested for impressions at the moment  mean?

This ad is a mistake.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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6 hours ago, Maestro said:



There is a good description of "impressions" in the context of online advertising here:

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


I read that and as usual with things written by computer people I have no idea what they were talking about.

However, it seems that if the ad appears a zillion times with or without my actually wanting to see it they make lots of money, whereas if I have to click on it to see it and don't they don't make money.

If that is right I hope we are not going to have any repeats, because it was making me crazy.


So far, not seen the scummy thing, HURRAH. Hope that isn't speaking too soon.

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