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Prawit admits election may be delayed 'if risk of damage'


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1 hour ago, Eligius said:

Yes, he might need a 'coup' to save a coup!


Well yes, it's happened before in Thailand where the general in charge of the government held a bloodless coup to overthrow his own government.

The military has never shown much interest in doing what a country’s armed forces are supposed to do —protect the nation from external threats. The hapless Royal Thai Army even managed to come off second best in a brief 1987/ 88 border war with tiny impoverished neighbour Laos. 

The officer corps spend their time manoeuvring to form cliques, waiting for their opportunity to sieze power and help themselves to the benefits which flow from their newly won positions of absolute power.

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18 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

I wonder what Trump will have to say when he takes over the US presidency; "Tie who?"




I suspect you're knot too far off the mark with that assessment !!! 



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2 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

Just a little more testing of the waters.

No worries fella's the buffalo's won't suspect a thing...

We promise election in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,  ummmm  well when we are good and ready and have had our fill, and anyone complianing about it is just causing troubble and there will be Attitude adjustments, section 44, and defermation and computer crimes as well with a dash of LM for good mesure to fit,  fix, shut them up.  hehehehehe, suckers......!


The cycle in Thailand has become so familiar it seems normal a coup is staged, the constitution is abolished, coup makers grant themselves an amnesty, a new constitution is drafted, new elections are held, the newly elected government is perceived as increasingly corrupt, a crisis ensues; the next coup is staged, and so on.

A final reminder to all the junta fanboys of the past couple of years, most of whom have now fallen silent.

if you want to know what is going to happen in the future, you really only have to observe what has happened in the past.

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3 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

It would be good if he could specify what damage could possibly be caused by holding an election ?


In the end, the soon to be finished constitution already ensures any damage can be easily fixed...


the 'damage' is that in the fair and free elections to come the government that is elected (freely and fairly) is not the one that they want

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

THE GOVERNMENT could delay holding an election if it would cause damage to the country

Are we that far already that a DPM can publicly say that a free and fair election would cause damage to a country? 

Thailand has had 25 general elections and 19 coups d'état, 12 of them successful. As a result of these coups the country is in the current mess. As long as the military is not banned from any political interference, elections are a senseless farce.

Democracy means: a government elected in a free and fair election, of the people, by the people, for the people. This rule out any forced overtaking by people with guns and tanks.

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Minister of Soggy Excuses.


That's like a dad saying to his kids:  You don't get your 30 baht allowance this week, or next week, or the week after that.  Why?  Not sure, but maybe it's because you'll probably buy something you shouldn't.  ....or maybe it's because you'll be naughty.   I don't know, I'll think of some excuse, and I won't lose any money.  Fair enough?   There, I knew you'd agree.   You have no choice.

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Great guy! Britain should have delayed the referendum because of risk of damage...., the US should have delayed the elections because of riks of damage.......
Perhaps we should forget about democracy altogether, because of the risk of damage.

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3 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"if risk of damage"

A new excuse for why not to hold the promised election that first was set to 2015 and than moved to 2016 and now to end of 2017 (but maybe not with a result that year)?

Kind of a woman I lent money to, only B3000.  She had a lot of excuses too:  bad luck, lost of job, her sister kicked her out of the apartment for being to negative.  It is pretty obvious that the junta is making them selves comfortable at the expense of the Thai people.  Sure we will see him and the rest in track suits ever Wednesday afternoon for a long time to come

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Playing for time while they trot out as many populist policies as they can resurrect from previous government plus a load of their own in the hope that when they form their own political party they will win the vote and retain power without the use of force.


Pipedream . They should just ' stick to their guns ' and forget the charade.

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12 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

the 'damage' is that in the fair and free elections to come the government that is elected (freely and fairly) is not the one that they want


Yes, that's part of the equation.  If you were to ask him (except we're lowly farang, and he's a VIP, so it's near impossible for us to ask him anything), .....he would mumble something like, "It's for stability of country."


That sort of answer has some credence, but let's scratch the surface and see why Thailand suffered such trauma with Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts and the Army and the Shinawatres, ......for so many years.


A root cause is;   The teeming masses voted for Thaksin.  They thought, because Thaksin was very rich, that he would make them all rich also.  They also thought Thaksin was too rich to ever be subject to influence by offers of money.   Thai voters were dead wrong, and the problems stemming from Thaksin are still reverberating today.   P.S.  Trump is the American Thaksin.

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Yes, that's part of the equation.  If you were to ask him (except we're lowly farang, and he's a VIP, so it's near impossible for us to ask him anything), .....he would mumble something like, "It's for stability of country."


That sort of answer has some credence, but let's scratch the surface and see why Thailand suffered such trauma with Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts and the Army and the Shinawatres, ......for so many years.


A root cause is;   The teeming masses voted for Thaksin.  They thought, because Thaksin was very rich, that he would make them all rich also.  They also thought Thaksin was too rich to ever be subject to influence by offers of money.   Thai voters were dead wrong, and the problems stemming from Thaksin are still reverberating today.   P.S.  Trump is the American Thaksin.


Obviously you only know a little of recent Thai history.

perhaps if you cared to educate yourself and go back through time and start in 1932 following the events of all the governments that have ruled here, you would realise your post is just a little short on fact and perspective.

Thaksin is just another bogey man put up by the elite to justify their continuing stranglehold on the nation.

There have been several, from communists, Japanese spys, anti-monarchists, ideologically wrong ( anti-Thai) conspiracies ans so on.

Always the same outcome though, the same groups, the elites, end up taking power.

Good luck with your reading.

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18 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Yes, that's part of the equation.  If you were to ask him (except we're lowly farang, and he's a VIP, so it's near impossible for us to ask him anything), .....he would mumble something like, "It's for stability of country."


That sort of answer has some credence, but let's scratch the surface and see why Thailand suffered such trauma with Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts and the Army and the Shinawatres, ......for so many years.


A root cause is;   The teeming masses voted for Thaksin.  They thought, because Thaksin was very rich, that he would make them all rich also.  They also thought Thaksin was too rich to ever be subject to influence by offers of money.   Thai voters were dead wrong, and the problems stemming from Thaksin are still reverberating today.   P.S.  Trump is the American Thaksin.


Obviously you only know a little of recent Thai history.

perhaps if you cared to educate yourself and go back through time and start in 1932 following the events of all the governments that have ruled here, you would realise your post is just a little short on fact and perspective.

Thaksin is just another bogey man put up by the elite to justify their continuing stranglehold on the nation.

There have been several, from communists, Japanese spys, anti-monarchists, ideologically wrong ( anti-Thai) conspiracies ans so on.

Always the same outcome though, the same groups, the elites, end up taking power.

Good luck with your reading.

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Oh  great  arm chair quarter backs,  just wondering.  Did  any

of  you  remember 2 governments  ago.  I  was  in Thailand  when

the  Reds  and Yellows  were  at  each others  throats,  and someone

buggered off in a jet to escape jail.  What  no  recollection?  Shame,

as it seems  that some of  you  want Thailand to return to those days.

Do not  for  one  minute  forget  that  the  Thai  people are still wearing

black  for  a  very  serious  reason. If Thailand  does not want  to maybe

get a true  democratic government on this  next attempt, well  they can

certainly slide back into what they  had  in  the  past. Try  remember that

if you all cannot remember anything else.  I would  rather see another

delay  instead  of  another  mistake.

Just my personal opinion of course


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Speaking as an American, yes, elections can definitely cause damage:shock1:, but if you're going to try to be a democracy, you've still got to have them and not delay them forever. 

When a country allows for a coup. Which is against any law, in a democratic country. And after the new election the Generals which committed the coup are not arrested and tried for Treason against the country. It is not Democracy.

But Thailand is still a young Democratic country. Remember the USA had a Civil War, 100 years after declaring their independence.

And good luck to all Americans; it will be an interesting next few years.

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