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Passenger van operators want to return to Bangkok's Victory Monument


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5 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

Why not a bus station at victory monument?. n build proper bus stops where there is a proper alighting n boarding bay n proper bus lanes where passengers can only alight or board from .


For eg look at Singapore.


Unlike Singapore, most of not all these government low highing reforms are not carefully plan but rush job, perhaps to distract the public from government failures in other major reforms. 


For instance, this move from Victory Momument was never properly plan with inputs from commuters, the van owners and the businesses around there. We recognized that there was a bad congestion due to the disorganized and chaotic manner the vans do their businesses. There must be reasons why Victory Momument was convenient for commuters. I don't think any of these were considered. Agree with you that the authority could have study the location and work out a place around there that is suitable and have the police enforce strict rules for delinquent van drivers. There are many businesses put out of work due to this kind of knee jerk decision. The same goes to getting vendors of the pavement. I know a lot of families that are severly affected in their income. This list of unplanned knee jerk initiatives include beach chairs, land eviction etc and the poor will always be holding the bad end of the stick.

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Well in that case let's stop the big buses to, I think you will find there are more deaths caused by them then the minibuses


While we are at it let's stop cars and motorbikes from using the roads also


The minibuses death rate is a very small % of the road death rates in Thailand, big buses, cars and motorbikes make up a larger % so I really don't see your point?


If you go to somewhere daily and your journey time is increased by 2-3 hours (combined there and back) wouldn't you consider stopping travelling unless you really needed to go there?



Edited by darrendsd
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My daily commute time to work has decreased by about 1.5 hours/day due to the greatly reduced congestion at Victory Monument. But I think I will still be commenting to work if they bring them back and my commute time increases by two hours as a result. 


But seriously, we all understand your point, and some of us disagree, but facetious suggestions and comments insulting other posters' intelligence really does not lend to a constructive debate on the issue.

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Of course it will cost jobs, if minibus companies are forced to close that means the drivers will lose their jobs, that is pretty obvious and there is no guarantee them drivers will get new jobs driving the big buses 
Read one of the articles I posted, passengers to one of the border towns down to 600 a day from 2400 a day previously, have they all suddenly started to use the big buses or trains? Of course not
The facts are their but some people choose not to read them or don't want to read them

Like i would trust those figures. The guy is biased of course.
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6 hours ago, robblok said:

Like i would trust those figures. The guy is biased of course.


If he/the minibus companies are losing business of course he is biased


They have asked the PM to be moved back, if his claims are false the move will be refused, the PM will send teams out to investigate, if his claims are false what do you think will happen?


If business had remained the same or got better since the move do you really think they would be asking to be moved back?




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If he/the minibus companies are losing business of course he is biased
They have asked the PM to be moved back, if his claims are false the move will be refused, the PM will send teams out to investigate, if his claims are false what do you think will happen?
If business had remained the same or got better since the move do you really think they would be asking to be moved back?

Yes i think his claims are false. They can always make excuses for the difference if they get investigated.
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46 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes i think his claims are false. They can always make excuses for the difference if they get investigated.


Ok as I have said I have seen this drop with my own eyes


 Can prove that passenger numbers have NOT dropped since the move?

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Ok as I have said I have seen this drop with my own eyes
 Can prove that passenger numbers have NOT dropped since the move?

But you cant prove they are not using other modes of transportation. You arecassuming they stopped travel and stopped spending money on travel. That is an unreasonable assumption. I am happy for all the motorist around that area. Been there myself too it was hell now its better. IMHO this move is great.

Not your opinion or that of the minivans they are losing out after having made it hard for countless motorists before.

Lets agree to disagree.
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