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Family suspect cover up in death of American expat in Hua Hin


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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

His black eyes and a cut to his head were most probably caused by him falling as he died . The scrathes to his legs were from a few days previously and they bare unexplained (Maybe a motorbike accident , dogs?)

  Black eyes a cut to the head do not cause death

 The School also didnt want bad publicity about one of their teachers going AWOL and drinking fighting and dying

No on has claimed that he was either fighting or he had been beaten by anyone .

   He had scratches on his legs from unknown,, he had a heart attack , fell over and hit his head



10 minutes ago, sanemax said:



My comment was directed to NanLaew, as I have already told you 3 times already, I consider the dialogue between you and me pointless, and the subject is:mfr_closed1: 

However, when someone "cherry picks" part of your, or any one else's comments unfairly, I feel morally bound to point it out to that person, and the very fact that you do not even acknowledge that, and just go back on the offensive again goes some way to explain my standpoint.






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10 minutes ago, sambum said:


My comment was directed to NanLaew, as I have already told you 3 times already, I consider the dialogue between you and me pointless, and the subject is:mfr_closed1: 








   Listen, you can either talk to me or you dont talk to me , all this "someone" "A certain poster" gets confusing, especially when you quote me and reply to someone else .

  You can either talk to me or you dont, you cannot have it both ways .

I would just like to point out that there have been no reports of him fighting or having an altercation with anyone , someone did state that he had a fight with someone or he was beaten and I replied to that assuming it was true, but when I looked back through the thread , there was no mention of him having any altercation with anyone, they must have made that up and I believed at the time that it was a true statement and that is why I replied to it

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23 minutes ago, sambum said:


However, when someone "cherry picks" part of your, or any one else's comments unfairly, I feel morally bound to point it out to that person, and the very fact that you do not even acknowledge that, and just go back on the offensive again goes some way to explain my standpoint. 




   If you make various different points in one post, some irrelevant , I will just delete the irrelevant bits and reply to a certain point that you made , nothing has been taken out of context and I have made my opinion quite clear on all aspects of this story.

   If I have already replied to a point that you made and you make the same point again, I feel that theres no need for my to reply again

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Listen, you can either talk to me or you dont talk to me , all this "someone" "A certain poster" gets confusing, especially when you quote me and reply to someone else .

  You can either talk to me or you dont, you cannot have it both ways .

I would just like to point out that there have been no reports of him fighting or having an altercation with anyone , someone did state that he had a fight with someone or he was beaten and I replied to that assuming it was true, but when I looked back through the thread , there was no mention of him having any altercation with anyone, they must have made that up and I believed at the time that it was a true statement and that is why I replied to it

OK - you're now on "Ignore"! That should solve the problem!

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11 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

Of course you have conclusive proven facts to back all this up otherwise you would not be posting it !!! correct.


11 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

Of course you have conclusive proven facts to back all this up otherwise you would not be posting it !!! correct.

Ahh... Grass hopper: You have much to learn...while ignorance reigns supreme

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4 minutes ago, sambum said:

OK - you're now on "Ignore"! That should solve the problem!


  Although you will be in quite a difficult situation, when you want to reply to one of my posts , but you cannot because you are pretending to have me on ignore :)

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10 minutes ago, gemguy said:


Ahh... Grass hopper: You have much to learn...while ignorance reigns supreme

Ah another attempt to dodge the origional question, by an attempt to discredit the question asker, in a rather silly attempt to cover the fact that indeed you do not have  proof of your posting. A simple NO sorry would have been sufficient. grasshoppers food easy prey indeed

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Jesus, they just beat him to death like a stray dog. Is this going to go on and on?

Why are the Farangs not awaken to the fact that they don't like you there, otherwise why the hell they beat up Farang as if it is a normal thing to do, and with the blessing of the police who keep saying it is suicide or natural death, heart attack and threaten to do harm to people who want to investigate further.

Thailand certainly doesn't love Farang that's for sure. My sympathy for this gentleman who died such a cruel death.

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11 minutes ago, madusa said:

Jesus, they just beat him to death like a stray dog. Is this going to go on and on?

Why are the Farangs not awaken to the fact that they don't like you there, otherwise why the hell they beat up Farang as if it is a normal thing to do, and with the blessing of the police who keep saying it is suicide or natural death, heart attack and threaten to do harm to people who want to investigate further.

Thailand certainly doesn't love Farang that's for sure. My sympathy for this gentleman who died such a cruel death.


   I am not sure whether you are serious or trolling .

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:


    And no doubt that this would be yet another case of a Foreigner being murdered in Thailand, had Pitty Sing not informed us of the facts .

   The RTP s investigation standards may not be up to Western standards , but journalism is also a reason for peoples misunderstandings, shoddy reporting . Stories are not followed up and I get the impression that journaalist will turn up to a crime scene and ask the first policeman that he sees what happened and the policeman will just say what he thinks probably happened and this is reported as a fact .

  We only get to see one media report of a death and theres usually just minimal information in those reports and so people try to work out what happened and come to the wrong conclusion .

  Yes, there have been some suspicious deaths , usually on the islands, but to say there have been 100 s of felangs murdered is a gross exaggeration

Yes, hundreds have been murdered over the years ..as in the last 36 years since I first came here multiple times and then living here since 1986 while there is always a foreigner of varying nationalities ending up dead and adding to the list of foreigners who are murdered but never investigated properly as to how they died while "heart attacks" and "suicides" and sometimes "accidents" are the usual standard reasons as to how they died.......while murdered is seldom mentioned unless they have caught the perp who did it with his pants down around his ankles...more or less.

I personally know of 2 people who were murdered while I knew them both...while one was killed by hired hit men and one fell into the wrong group of low life's and started doing Heroin with them and one girl in particular that he fancied.

His lifeless body was found floating, tits up with X's in his eyes, in a Bangkok canal while his bank account had been drained.

That one was never investigated at all ..nothing...as in nothing at all, while they, the police,  just let it fade away....since 1987.

No exaggeration at all my friend ...but, you believe what you want while remaining ignorant of the facts and or your surroundings is your prerogative.



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On 28/11/2016 at 5:26 AM, sanemax said:


   I am not sure whether you are serious or trolling .

I am being serious, not that I have prejudice against the Thais, I am from Asean country I am not Farang.  For the last 2 years I have been reading regularly on "Farang Death"(record of farangs who died either murdered or suicide) and also on Thaivisa.

I just couldn't help feeling sorry for the Farangs who died for nothing you know what I mean. As a normal human being you do feel sympathy for other human beings who are being treated badly and also murdered.  You can't go around saying, "Well, you know this is Thailand". That's wrong, very wrong.

  Don't you feel sorry for the Rohyinga's refugee (muslim minority) who got raped, torture and killed by the Burmese soldiers.?. I don't know what Aung Sung Ki is doing, other than collecting her Nobel Prize.

  A world without humanity, is it going to start in your life time?

I really felt like telling Thailand to Fvvk off.


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28 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Ah another attempt to dodge the origional question, by an attempt to discredit the question asker, in a rather silly attempt to cover the fact that indeed you do not have  proof of your posting. A simple NO sorry would have been sufficient. grasshoppers food easy prey indeed

And the original question you asked was about as Dumb a question as Dumb can ask while you actually imply that you doubt foreigners are murdered here in Thailand while you are in need of some statistical concrete proof....Like DUH.......I guess we should ask the police ..right?

The police basically want to ignore the death while the police saying that the death  is / was a suicide is their standard "correct" answer that they commonly use and relative to the many questions they can not answer to or reluctant to answer to or just plain lazy to answer to and needing to be answered...but seemingly satisfactory for you.

For many others...not good enough.

Can I surmise if it was your brother, you would be satisfied with: "Suicide" .....End of story ..End of investigation.


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10 minutes ago, gemguy said:

And the original question you asked was about as Dumb a question as Dumb can ask while you actually imply that you doubt foreigners are murdered here in Thailand while you are in need of some statistical concrete proof....Like DUH.......I guess we should ask the police ..right?

The police basically want to ignore the death while the police saying that the death  is / was a suicide is their standard "correct" answer that they commonly use and relative to the many questions they can not answer to or reluctant to answer to or just plain lazy to answer to and needing to be answered...but seemingly satisfactory for you.

For many others...not good enough.

Can I surmise if it was your brother, you would be satisfied with: "Suicide" .....End of story ..End of investigation.


I asked for concrete proof of your statement on your other post which you obviously can not furnish. Assumptions and rumor do not constitute fact

 I never once mentioned I was satisfied with the conclusion again assumption on your part. So I ask again do you have concrete proof of the statement you made. I would say No as you seem very reluctant to furnish it. Calling people dumb to justify your lack of proof also leads me to belive it's just your assumptions. How can asking a question on proof lead you to belive I think there are no farangs murdered in Thailand 55555.  My goodness you have a very active imagination don't you.

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17 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

I asked for concrete proof of your statement on your other post which you obviously can not furnish. Assumptions and rumor do not constitute fact

 I never once mentioned I was satisfied with the conclusion again assumption on your part. So I ask again do you have concrete proof of the statement you made. I would say No as you seem very reluctant to furnish it. Calling people dumb to justify your lack of proof also leads me to belive it's just your assumptions. How can asking a question on proof leeds you to belive I think there are no farangs murdered in Thailand 55555.

Prove what to you?????

What do you need proven to you that you can not figure out for yourself while others know what's going on without having their hands held and having it explained to them.

Geez........Like I owe you an explanation just so you can refute what is already known by others by way of  "your" opinion.

The question is: How long have you been living here in Thailand ?? Because if you have been here for a long enough time you know what goes on here and no need to doubt what goes on ...while it is not obvious to most and seemingly not obvious to you.

The mans death is very suspect while suicide is very a questionable reason as to how he died.

If they had of said:  He slipped and cracked open his head on the bathroom floor after having a shower in a bathroom having very slippery tiles when wet, then that would be more plausible than suicide....as people slipping and cracking their heads open is an occurrence that happens often enough...while some die when that happens.


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3 minutes ago, gemguy said:

Prove what to you?????

What do you need proven to you that you can not figure out for yourself while others know what's going on without having their hands held and having it explained to them.

Geez........Like I owe you an explanation just so you can refute what is already known by others by way of  "your" opinion.

The question is: How long have you been living here in Thailand ?? Because if you have been here for a long enough time you know what goes on here and no need to doubt what goes on ...while it is not obvious to most and seemingly not obvious to you.

The mans death is very suspect while suicide is very a questionable reason as to how he died.

If they had of said:  He slipped and cracked open his head on the bathroom floor after having a shower in a bathroom having very slippery tiles when wet, then that would be more plausible than suicide....as people slipping and cracking their heads open is an occurrence that happens often enough...while some die when that happens.


Ok pointless debating with you it's obvious you can not supply the evidence to back up the post in question.

Thank you.

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19 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Ok pointless debating with you it's obvious you can not supply the evidence to back up the post in question.

Thank you.

Like I said.........Ignorance is abundant.

There is no debating with guys like you who ask for evidence, for concrete proof, on a subject like this because you will always refute it, as that is your end game..to simply refute any proof based on your all knowing "opinion" while you can not provide concrete "evidence" to the contrary to my previous post  that you question.....and only you

So,  do not answer this post as you already said it is pointless to answer ..so do not answer back.....lol


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6 minutes ago, gemguy said:

Like I said.........Ignorance is abundant.

There is no debating with guys like you who ask for evidence, for concrete proof, on a subject like this because you will always refute it, as that is your end game..to simply refute any proof based on your all knowing "opinion" while you can not provide concrete "evidence" to the contrary to my previous post  that you question.....and only you

So,  do not answer this post as you already said it is pointless to answer ..so do not answer back.....lol


Have I refuted anything No beacuse there is nothing given to refute. I have given no opinion as to what happened all I asked was your proof for the statements you made on the post in question. But rather than just say I have none you insist on trying to turn my asking into some sort of one upmanship. Again calling people ignorant and other things. I do not need to supply any evidence to refute your statement. The supply of evidence rests with you to confirm your statements. After all it was you that wrote and posted it.

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Back to the subject: i think some questions need to be answered in the investigation,he had  rented room in Cha Am area so why was he staying in a hotel in Hua Hin?, has anybody in the bar area there seen him during the time he was missing so to clarify if he was on a "bender" and maybe find out if injuries were from a fall or from a fight of some sort.

Was he a heavy drinker? Does the hotel have cctv proof that he was bruised etc days before he was found?

There are strange circumstances around his death which seems to be why it is not so cut and dry...why did he leave his room unlocked and go missing,not answer his phone etc.....seems like someone in a troubled place hence suspicion when found dead a month later.....i would have thought he would have spoke to someone he was close to about his troubles..maybe not!

By the way i personally know of someone who was killed by police in a hotel room in Pattaya and staff there were told to keep there mouths shut..no investigation and reported as accidental death......no i cant prove that here but i know it happened and my friend had a friend of his found beaten to death in his condo room and was reported to police who said to his family he died of natural causes even though he had his teeth smashed in and his expensive jewelry  and atm card missing........my friend thinks was done by boyfriends of bar workers where he got very drunk every night and told many he was loaded...that bar was shut the day after he was discovered! i find that a bit strange and that cctv at the condo was already erased by the time my friend got a chance to look.......so how many times has this happened here? many many  and this is why people dont take the word of the cops...life is cheap.

This may be an accidental death and may not.......a more thorough investigation needed and not normally done due to laziness ..in my opinion.


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We don't know what happened, you will always see the great protectors on this forum of anything Thai especially RTP and the RTP bashers, WE have got both extremes in here now.

This guy certainly seemed to have issues. His cuts and bruising could of been from the fall after his heart attack, same happened to my old Nan.


RIP to this guy.



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On 11/27/2016 at 5:16 PM, OMGImInPattaya said:

No contact with his family for 10 years...obviously came to Thailand to "get away from it all and start over." If it was an unnatural death, it's most likely he go involved in financial dealings with shady characters or a personal relationship with a shady person (people). I don't see why a family member in America, who obviously wasn't close to him is getting all exercised at his death; and surely nothing will come of it from 10,000 miles away. As the recent case of the Aussie death in Surin, it took years of footwork and the expense of lots of money to find the killers...and this in a case where the cause of death was clear. Best to let sleeping bodies rest in peace.


Well thankfully some families out there do care despite being lost in Thailand for 10 years etc,i would not of thought the general attitude of families was to give up on their siblings just because they choose to live a life in another country,it's credit to them and goodluck to them." To let sleeping bodies rest in peace" I guess thats what these corrupt authorities would like eh??

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9 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

Have I refuted anything No beacuse there is nothing given to refute. I have given no opinion as to what happened all I asked was your proof for the statements you made on the post in question. But rather than just say I have none you insist on trying to turn my asking into some sort of one upmanship. Again calling people ignorant and other things. I do not need to supply any evidence to refute your statement. The supply of evidence rests with you to confirm your statements. After all it was you that wrote and posted it.

No one here on this Forum is obligated to supply you with anything while you deserve to be called ignorant for even asking for anyone to prove anything to you.

What???... You are now the Judge, the Jury and the Hangman of TV .com and everyone here is obligated to supply proof to you when you demand it to satisfy yourself.

You are now butt hurt?

If you did not understand nor believe what I posted then you are considered  "ignrorant"...on that particular subject concerning just how many foreigners have been murdered here in Thailand while the police basically ignore the details and evidence when a foreigner dies here in Thailand and then commonly call it a suicide or accident or overdose or heart attack.

Yes many hundreds of foreigner have been murdered here in Thailand while the police seldom if ever properly investigate or follow up on the deaths of those foreigners.

If you do not know about this or understand it then you are "ignorant" about this particular matter while asking for proof from anyone is just plain dumb as where is one supposed to get the truth that would persuade the likes of you...seeing as you adamantly doubt it anyhow concerning the truth that is commonly swept under the carpet by the police.

Ignorant is a word used to describe people who do not know abut something and not a derogatory word and means you do not know, while obviously you do not know or you would not be demanding proof.

If you want proof then look it up yourself on the internet and you will find it on your own.

There is my proof....the internet...the proof is on the internet ...............look it up and you will find loads of information about foreigners dying here in Thailand.



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9 minutes ago, gemguy said:

No one here on this Forum is obligated to supply you with anything while you deserve to be called ignorant for even asking for anyone to prove anything to you.

What???... You are now the Judge, the Jury and the Hangman of TV .com and everyone here is obligated to supply proof to you when you demand it to satisfy yourself.

You are now butt hurt?

If you did not understand nor believe what I posted then you are considered  "ignrorant"...on that particular subject concerning just how many foreigners have been murdered here in Thailand while the police basically ignore the details and evidence when a foreigner dies here in Thailand and then commonly call it a suicide or accident or overdose or heart attack.

Yes many hundreds of foreigner have been murdered here in Thailand while the police seldom if ever properly investigate or follow up on the deaths of those foreigners.

If you do not know about this or understand it then you are "ignorant" about this particular matter while asking for proof from anyone is just plain dumb as where is one supposed to get the truth that would persuade the likes of you...seeing as you adamantly doubt it anyhow concerning the truth that is commonly swept under the carpet by the police.

Ignorant is a word used to describe people who do not know abut something and not a derogatory word and means you do not know, while obviously you do not know or you would not be demanding proof.

If you want proof then look it up yourself on the internet and you will find it on your own.

There is my proof....the internet...the proof is on the internet ...............look it up and you will find loads of information about foreigners dying here in Thailand.



Understood you have none and after doing a Google search you could find none. insults by the way are the lowest form of wit. Which says everything I need to know about you thank you.

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19 hours ago, gdgbb said:

No, I don't think that 'zero investigation' would have been the way to go, and it wasn't.  Enquiries were made, an autopsy was performed and the investigation is not yet over.

Perhaps you have some inside information,   The way I read the article it sounded like the decision of natural causes was made very quickly.  And that the nonexistent investigation ended there.   You mean they haven't found any possible connections from the fingerprints and DNA samples lifted at the hotel room yet. I believe his Embassy dropped the ball three months ago, a current investigation should be leveled on those who made the snap decision as I'm just guessing that the physical evidence has been destroyed, contaminated and ignored.

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4 hours ago, Grubster said:

Perhaps you have some inside information,   The way I read the article it sounded like the decision of natural causes was made very quickly.  And that the nonexistent investigation ended there.   You mean they haven't found any possible connections from the fingerprints and DNA samples lifted at the hotel room yet. I believe his Embassy dropped the ball three months ago, a current investigation should be leveled on those who made the snap decision as I'm just guessing that the physical evidence has been destroyed, contaminated and ignored.

"Perhaps you have some inside information...You mean..."


I don't have inside information I just read what is available from the media (and that means more than that which Thaivisa re-publishes) and, no, I didn't mean anything that you speculated about!  The officer in charge of the investigation has been quoted as saying the investigation is ongoing.


Embassies cannot get involved in Thailand's legal system so there is no way that the US Embassy could have even had a ball to drop.


Your last sentence says a lot, perhaps you shouldn't be "just guessing" and speculating?

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12 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

"Perhaps you have some inside information...You mean..."


I don't have inside information I just read what is available from the media (and that means more than that which Thaivisa re-publishes) and, no, I didn't mean anything that you speculated about!  The officer in charge of the investigation has been quoted as saying the investigation is ongoing.


Embassies cannot get involved in Thailand's legal system so there is no way that the US Embassy could have even had a ball to drop.


Your last sentence says a lot, perhaps you shouldn't be "just guessing" and speculating?

Well I'm sorry that I only went of this article, so you do have more information than I had here.

      The US embassy has every right to check up on their citizens here, I never said they could tell Thailand what to do about anything, but if you think Thailand would not gladly except their inquiry you are sadly mistaken. I believe the cops would have done a much better job investigating it too had an embassy rep been around.

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8 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Well I'm sorry that I only went of this article, so you do have more information than I had here.

      The US embassy has every right to check up on their citizens here, I never said they could tell Thailand what to do about anything, but if you think Thailand would not gladly except their inquiry you are sadly mistaken. I believe the cops would have done a much better job investigating it too had an embassy rep been around.


I only have more information, as you put it, by your own choice, why would you want to restrict your access to information to that which is posted here?


"The US embassy has every right to check up on their citizens here..."

I didn't say that it doesn't have that right and so far nothing has been said to indicate that the Embassy's right were infringe on.


"... but if you think Thailand would not gladly except their inquiry you are sadly mistaken."

If you're referring to an Embassy getting involved in a Thai police investigation then of course the RTP would not gladly except [sic] (you do mean 'accept', yes?) it's enquiry and an Embassy would never do it.  That's not an Embassy's purpose.  So I'm not sadly mistaken.

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37 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


I only have more information, as you put it, by your own choice, why would you want to restrict your access to information to that which is posted here?


"The US embassy has every right to check up on their citizens here..."

I didn't say that it doesn't have that right and so far nothing has been said to indicate that the Embassy's right were infringe on.


"... but if you think Thailand would not gladly except their inquiry you are sadly mistaken."

If you're referring to an Embassy getting involved in a Thai police investigation then of course the RTP would not gladly except [sic] (you do mean 'accept', yes?) it's enquiry and an Embassy would never do it.  That's not an Embassy's purpose.  So I'm not sadly mistaken.

Well I don't have the time to search every issue, and if you or anybody else have to be fully informed of an issue before talking about it I wouldn't want to have much time around you.

                      I only stated that "I think" the US embassy should look into these matters a bit to see that things are being taken care of, maybe they do, but I don't think so.

                     Yes Thailand would gladly " accept"   the US inquiry into the matter and as I have already stated of course they would not be allowed to be part of any police work. Or allowed to stand in the way of any.

                      Looking out for the well being of its citizens sure is a part of the Embassy's purpose. Who would the president call if a US reporter were kidnaped here. The Thai police department?  How would the ambassador know anything about it if he didn't find out from the Thai authorities by asking for and gathering information any way possible.

                You also have not shown anything that makes me believe that they had a good investigation at all.  The statements made in the beginning saying that they were satisfied that this was a natural death. With no mention of fingerprinting, DNA, or any other possible murder evidence gathered I still suspect none was gathered.  Maybe we will find out later.


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13 hours ago, Grubster said:

Perhaps you have some inside information,   The way I read the article it sounded like the decision of natural causes was made very quickly.  And that the nonexistent investigation ended there.   You mean they haven't found any possible connections from the fingerprints and DNA samples lifted at the hotel room yet. I believe his Embassy dropped the ball three months ago, a current investigation should be leveled on those who made the snap decision as I'm just guessing that the physical evidence has been destroyed, contaminated and ignored.

This and other factors is what I keep on telling people about.

Basically the Thai police do not want to open up a whole can of worms and go about thoroughly investigating the evidence concerning "another" dead foreigner.

Proving that a foreigner was murdered and could very well have been done by a Thai person is not good for business ..so to speak.

I can easily surmise that the police tow the line and do what they are told to do from higher up and told to wrap up the case and quell the publicity.

It is the way it has always been while I do not think it will change much.

Not many cases are vigorously pursued by the police while most of them just fade away without anyone being held accountable.

Back in 1997 a German client of mine asked me to visit him at his hotel to say hello and discuss some business.

In his room he showed me the latest copy of the German magazine publication Der Spiegel.

He pointed out an article that was written about the German Foreign Affairs Ministry notifying German Airlines and German based tour operators and air flight ticket agents and vacation booking agents requesting them to notify German citizens booking for travel to Thailand to be forewarned about how many foreign people on vacation in Thailand  were dying under unsolved and very questionable circumstances and reported by the police and for the record reported as suicides or accidents or heart attacks....a lot of heart attacks

In the article it point out how many questionable deaths had occurred from 1993 to 1996 and how they were left unresolved and not investigated by the Thai police.

If I recall the correctly the number  was 154 Foreign nationals had died in the 3 year period while 126  were German citizens and far more than other nationalities and hence the reason why the German foreign affairs ministry was forewarning German citizens about the many unresolved deaths of German citizens having traveled to Thailand

Of the 126 German citizens reported dead, 109 of them were reported dead in the sea side resort city of Pattaya....as in 90 percent of them. 

The rest  of the deaths were made up of Americans and Australians and British and 1 Canadian and  a few Asian nationalities also.

My client told me he used to go to Pattaya many years before but no way he was ever going again....as he was disgusted by this while asking me how can they ( the authorities ) say all theses unresolved deaths are suicide or heart attacks or accidents....while he called "Bullshit"

The article was pretty explicit while it begged the question: What are the Police doing about all these deaths???.... while the article answered its own question by pointing out NOTHING...or certainly very little while very perturbing considering the numbers involved.


Then...about 1 year later I am reading the Bangkok post and there is a very lengthy news paper article written about a Pattaya based gang of girls / women who were caught out and exposed for drugging people to death...as in dead...tits up with X's in their eyes dead....while the victims were most commonly found dead in their hotel rooms by the hotel staff after a period of time.

In the article it pointed out that the gang consisted of around 15 to 20  girls and women,  both young and middle aged who would drug their victims with enough sedative to kill them and then rob them and then bring the money and or credit cards or valuables back to the Gang leader, who was known to be a Chines man and based out of Hong Kong and possibly connected to Triad societies in Hong Kong ..but never proven as he quickly fled the country when the gig was up.

The first girls that were caught out and arrested confessed to the police telling them that all the girls involved would share the proceeds and they made an average of 40 to 60,000 baht per month doing their part.

It turned out that the Chinese man gang leader would incorporate Indian and Pakistani nationals that had over stayed their visa and having difficulties obtaining enough money to leave Thailand so the gang leader used them to search out foreign tourists that looked like they were big spenders and drinking a lot and having the time of their life in Pattaya.

When the scouts found a worthy mark and it was confirmed the mark was spending money freely and drinking a lot and getting drunk, after following the mark for over a 2 or 3 day period, then the scouts would report that a mark was "good to go"

Then, one of the many "pretties" or "lovelies" would be put on to the mark ...where the pretty or lovely would have a chance meeting with the happy go lucky tourist mark and find himself in the company of a "nice girl" who says she fancied the mark and goes about befriending the mark.

Then the mark was now in the company of a nice women who was taking care of him and sleeping with him and having sex for "free" while the mark would be figuring he had hit the jack pot while she would make sure the mark is well taken care of and make sure he was continually drinking and enjoying himself ..but kept oblivious to the fact that he was being observed and set up while watching how much money he would carry on himself and the amount of valuables he owned or credits cards and how much money he would draw out of the ATM or bank account and observed over a period of several days.

Meantime the relevant info was being relayed back to the big boss who would finally decide that the time was right.

The girls would then be furnished with a very strong sedative and instructed to make sure the mark was good and drunk and ...have one more drink before going to sleep.... "honey" ...while the drink was liberally laced with the sedative or "knock out" drug.

The end result ...heart seizure from the combination of alcohol and the type of sedative administered in amounts far more than recommended by any doctor and considered safe ..rather known to be deadly....and one more foreigner found in his room dead with all their money and valuables gone while the police would say, for the record, the man had a heart attack and someone??? had removed his valuables and cash from the room ...but no one was ever convicted or arrested and no follow up.

Eventually one guy did not die as planned and found the girl that had drugged and robbed him and made a major issue over it and one thing lead to another and the gang was exposed.

But this went on for 5 years while the police were told the girls rotated and went back home 1 or 2 days after they had done their deed and collected their share of the shared proceeds and then come back after 2 weeks or so and do it all over again, is what the police were told by some of the girls that were pressured to confess.

This was going on during the time period of 1993 to 1997  that my German client pointed out in the Der Spiegel magazine article that he showed me.

A coincidence ??? I think not


Edited by gemguy
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