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Trump assails recount push, claims millions voted illegally


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1 hour ago, freebyrd said:


How does an illegal immigrant vote for anyone if they aren't legally registered? And as someone else said, why would they take such a risk? It was the other illegality that Trump was surely referring to (?) that I commented on.

It is their born in the USA children who are voting.Some sites push the line that they are illegal too.

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All this dead guy/illegal alien/bussing voters in talk, on both sides, indicates a baseline lack of confidence with the voting system.  You can't argue it exists to gain temporary advantage, then not address it programmatically. 


Voter ID would infuse accountability and transparency, and shore up overall confidence in the process.  The Dems' own slogan, "One person, One vote", unwittingly, and ironically, supports Voter ID. 


If the Dems can craft and institute ACA (ObamaCare) on a national level, against opposition, in large part to benefit the same relative minority they refer to in the Voter ID argument; moreover, whip out an order for the IRS enforce it with economic punitive measures on 330 Million citizens Nation-wide, then surely they can handle helping and/or compelling this relatively small number of people to get a bloody ID card.....many of which probably have one already in order to receive benefits.


The fact there isn't a uniform, National ID card program in place in the "World's Most Powerful, Affluent, Advanced Democratic Nation", and that we are flopping and twitching about elections like an incompetent, corrupt banana republic, is a national embarrassment. 


Perhaps we should go back to basics, like we have elsewhere, and boast about so proudly. 


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7 hours ago, JAG said:

He would have won the popular vote if all the illegal votes were discounted!


The Big Lie?  (first of many).


Goebbels was rather better at it.


All"movements " need an enemy within to struggle against, it gives them an excuse for action.


The Nazis had the Jews,  Stalin had the bourgeoisie ,  Castro  had the CIA agents, perhaps Trump will have the "illegals"?



you forget to mention hillary and social injustice and the military industrial complex best enemy money can buy; terrorism


hitler scapegoated the jews as did stalin the bourgeoisie.


are you saying the cia threats against castro were not real?


as far as # illegals and dead people that voted hrc only time will tell

Edited by atyclb
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'In 2012, Trump called the U.S. electoral-vote system a “disaster for democracy.” And in his first sit-down interview after the election, the real estate mogul told CBS News’ “60 Minutes” that his opinion hadn’t changed. “I would rather see it where you went with simple votes,” Trump said. “You know, you get 100 million votes, and somebody else gets 90 million votes, and you win.”

But in a pair of subsequent tweets, Trump declared that the Electoral College “is actually genius” because it empowers smaller states. (He then reversed himself again last week in a New York Times interview, in which he said he’d “rather do the popular vote,” and that he was “never a fan of the Electoral College.”) Trump also claimed on Twitter that he would have “won even bigger and more easily” if the U.S. presidency were determined by the national popular vote as opposed to the Electoral College.


Thus, the Buffoon in Chief/Pied Piper of stupid and his flock of Trumpeters rolls on.  God help 'Murica... (and the rest of us)

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Here's one, american stinker, oops americanthinker. It is your typical, garden-variety right-wing site, created by and for fact-challenged people who believe that liberalism is the root of all evil, and that jesus' h. christus personally hand-delivered the U.S. Constitution to the founding fathers.

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7 hours ago, coma said:

Bias reporting ? Maybe. But considering he is the President elect he should NOT even be going close to the subject of electoral fraud. A. He doesn't need to. And B. it gives the media the minuscule opening they need to mix words and make him look like a fool to many gullible constituents.


I guess people [ the losers ] are looking for electoral change before the next election in four years. And this is a good' way to drum up support for that change.

He is not just looking like a fool he is also behaving like a fool. if he continues to behave like this and also not distance the presidency from his personal business dealings i think that their is a very good chance that he will be the second President to be impeached, and i say this not as an American but as an Englishman looking in from outside

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Federal court: Voting districts drawn by Wisconsin Republicans unconstitutional

'The maps drawn by Republican lawmakers in control of every branch of state government five years ago tipped the scales to favor one party. The ruling can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.'


Wisconsin's Republican Attorney General is planning to appeal of course (to the Supreme Court) - and this is where it all hinges - on Donald Trumps supreme court appointees...  Then can do the same in every Republican controlled state,  but with complete impunity... (and no, I do not agree with any Dems gerrymandering electoral boundaries either).


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8 hours ago, JAG said:

He would have won the popular vote if all the illegal votes were discounted!


The Big Lie?  (first of many).


Goebbels was rather better at it.


All"movements " need an enemy within to struggle against, it gives them an excuse for action.


The Nazis had the Jews,  Stalin had the bourgeoisie ,  Castro  had the CIA agents, perhaps Trump will have the "illegals"?


And what would Hilary have had - the middle class, the ordinary people screwed repeatedly by her banker pals.


Trump might not be the answer but neither is Hilary Wall Street

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32 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

He is not just looking like a fool he is also behaving like a fool. if he continues to behave like this and also not distance the presidency from his personal business dealings i think that their is a very good chance that he will be the second President to be impeached, and i say this not as an American but as an Englishman looking in from outside


Nixon, Clinton (that right the spouse of the defeated Democrat candidate who lies to the American government and and people under oath). They have something in common. Ring any bells?

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

Misinformation.Obama said children of illegals who i presume where born in the US can vote,not illegals.


That would be the Obama that supports Black Lives Matter but ignores persecution and profiteering of Native Americans.


Clearly a man of ethics.

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3 hours ago, iReason said:


Dunno. I have no idea.


What's your take? :whistling: 

A conspiracy? (in your mind?)

Pray tell, give us your data on the subject.

Instead of spurious speculation...


Don't see a conspiracy. Simply the very wealthy "establishment" that supported Mrs. Clinton hiring a stalking horse. One who clearly is willing to do someone else's work for a price.

Maybe the Greens leader will also go on some highly paid speaking events? Or even promised a cabinet appointment, say on climate change, should they undermine the result and manipulate dubious Hilary in.

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32 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Nixon, Clinton (that right the spouse of the defeated Democrat candidate who lies to the American government and and people under oath). They have something in common. Ring any bells?

Yes i was thinking about Nixon who was voted in for a second term while he was being implicated in Watergate as he is no longer the President I do not think Clinton can be impeached now,  please correct me if i am wrong 

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40 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


And what would Hilary have had - the middle class, the ordinary people screwed repeatedly by her banker pals.


Trump might not be the answer but neither is Hilary Wall Street

You mean like supporting an increase in the minimum wage? Something Trump is opposed to. And if she were President, she would certainly rewrite the rules so that so called "managers" people who earn between rougly $24.000 to 48,000 would be eligible for overtime now that a judge has stayed that rule.. And she wouldn't be repealing Dodd-Frank which keeps the hedge funds and banks from plunging us into another financial disaster. And she wouldn't be backing a huge tax cut for billionaires. And I don't think she would be making noises - as Trump has done - about decreasing the benefits of Medicare.   

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8 hours ago, whybother said:


Clinton didn't request the recount.

Who is to say that for sure? Her minions told the green minions that there is something in it for them if they do the requesting. She and Bill are true puppet masters, no telling what strings they have decided to pull.

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8 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

If Trump had the lack of self discipline I don't think he would be a billionaire and be in the position of president elect. I don't particularly agree with everything he says but he shoots straight from the hip and that is one thing liberals can't stand.

Except of course with his background and "small loan" he received from his father that achievement becomes less impressive. His business record is far from pristine too....

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4 minutes ago, LeilaLee said:

Except of course with his background and "small loan" he received from his father that achievement becomes less impressive. His business record is far from pristine too....

Turning a few million into a few billion is impressive in my opinion.

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4 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Turning a few million into a few billion is impressive in my opinion.

It is all debt and the banks own everything he has (including the Russians and Chinese). One debt is financing another. In terms of cash in the bank Trump has very little. If the Banks called in all his loans and debt tomorrow he would be penniless. 

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


And what would Hilary have had - the middle class, the ordinary people screwed repeatedly by her banker pals.


Trump might not be the answer but neither is Hilary Wall Street


Not being the answer is one thing, Trump seems capable of making things even worse.

Obviously some feel the same way, in reverse.

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8 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Turning a few million into a few billion is impressive in my opinion.


The bulk of his wealth came from NYC property his father left him, NYC real estate prices went through the roof not long after.  You'd be better off looking to his father if you want to be impressed., 

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50 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Who is to say that for sure? Her minions told the green minions that there is something in it for them if they do the requesting. She and Bill are true puppet masters, no telling what strings they have decided to pull.


We can be sure that you have nothing to support the version you present as fact.

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9 hours ago, whybother said:


Why wouldn't the Democrats be involved in checking that the recount is done correctly?  There is a lot that goes into validating votes that needs people from all sides to verify.


I'm pretty sure all representatives from all involved parties will be present. Including Trump's people.

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Who would have thought that the circus would still be going on?  Trump just can't keep his mouth shut.  The recount is one thing but by him now claiming that millions voted illegally he just keeps the media fed with more headlines.  Doesn't he realise that he doesn't need to keep campaigning now?


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10 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

If Trump had the lack of self discipline I don't think he would be a billionaire and be in the position of president elect. I don't particularly agree with everything he says but he shoots straight from the hip and that is one thing liberals can't stand.


Trump is a sociopath which is quite the opposite from "shooting straight from the hip":


Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.


Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.


Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.


Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.


You would do well to learn to identify these things ...there is more to the profile, you could look it up ...keep watching, keep learning!!

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