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3 California mosques receive letters threatening Muslims


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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I suspect these are false-flag operations...like many of the other reports of harassment since the election.


1 hour ago, coma said:


Could well be the "Anti-Trump" resistance. If it is them they may well do more than just topple the Trump administration with their careless, self centered tactics.


Let me guess....you both heard it from someone?

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3 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Meanwhile churches are being destroyed and muslims continue thier hate campaign against non muslims.  The poor bastards get a letter,  tell someone who cares.

This is about Americans. Are you suggesting American Muslims deserve this kind of abuse?

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In Canada  there is a group of Muslims  who have  their own neighbourhoods in a city  but  that  is not enough.  Now they want their own school to teach  their children the Islam and Muslim way,  and they want to teach  about the Sharia law as well.  Do  you  know  what  comes  next?   Certainly no  attempt to mix  in with  Canadian democracy!  that is for sure.  Multi cultural countries are  having  a lot  of  difficulties  these  days!


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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:
In Canada  there is a group of Muslims  who have  their own neighbourhoods in a city  but  that  is not enough.  Now they want their own school to teach  their children the Islam and Muslim way,  and they want to teach  about the Sharia law as well.  Do  you  know  what  comes  next?   Certainly no  attempt to mix  in with  Canadian democracy!  that is for sure.
Multi cultural countries are  having  a lot  of   difficulties  these  days!

Do you have any catholic schools in Canada?

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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It's interesting that some TVF members are wringing their hands with the prospect of a rising orange colored Fascist, but are quick to chastise others for their fear of religious fascism.


Equality and treating each other with mutual respect is a lovely idea, but it is a thin veneer of conditioning which runs counter to the reality of human nature and instinct. 


Muslims aren't a race/ethnicity, but do present themselves as one - a homogeneous (although it's not), religious culture with strong beliefs, propaganda and like other religions, a mandate to expand and dominate.  When they reach a majority, and coalesce, the new minority wonders what in the hell just happened.  Ask the indigenous "American" people, they'll tell you all about it. 


It seems so extreme but human history is riddled with this repeating scenario.  Anyone who tries to convince you it's different this time for reasons they are incapable of illustrating, and who flings around social control words like racist and bigot, should be regarded with suspicion.

Edited by 55Jay
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On November 28, 2016 at 3:35 PM, Jingthing said:

I got your point.

Here's my point. 

American Muslims shouldn't be demonized based on their ethnicity or religion. 

Criminals / terrorists of all kinds, yes, demonize all you want.

trump has whipped up this hatred and now his most obnoxious racist supporters thinks it's open season on all kinds of MINORITIES in the USA.

Well, guess what, people are organizing to RESIST that madness. 

We're not going to take it sitting down. trump may be president elect, but MOST Americans think he's unfit to be president (including, bizarrely, the majority of trump voters), didn't support him, and didn't vote for him. Take that in your burrito and chew on it. 

I don't like what the KKK represents either,  I see little difference between their thinking and muslim thinking.  We will at some point come to the conclusion that the muslim faith cannot mingle with other faiths. Nor different factions of their own. When they publicly denounce the parts of the Koran that talk about other faiths in a bad light then I may think a bit differently. All people are racist too, those who say they are not are also liars.

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On 11/28/2016 at 0:35 AM, Jingthing said:

American Muslims shouldn't be demonized based on their ethnicity or religion. 


 I agree with you. However, Trump is out to stop Islamic terrorism period - not the Muslim religion. It is not his problem that a few bigoted nuts support him because of some imagined agenda that the MSM and the left have promoted to discredit him.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 I agree with you. However, Trump is out to stop Islamic terrorism period - not the Muslim religion. It is not his problem that a few bigoted nuts support him because of some imagined agenda that the MSM and the left have promoted to discredit him.

At the very least, he has constantly WINKED to haters and they feel encouraged and empowered now because of HIM. 

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

At the very least, he has constantly WINKED to haters and they feel encouraged and empowered now because of HIM. 


IMO, the only haters he has worked at are the ones specifically against Islamic terrorism and illegal immigration. I have no problem with that.

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On November 29, 2016 at 11:03 PM, Ulysses G. said:

 It is not his problem that a few bigoted nuts support him because of some imagined agenda that the MSM and the left have promoted to discredit him.


An excellent definition of a core Trumpeteer.

The Deplorables. :thumbsup: 

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On November 30, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Ulysses G. said:

IMO, the only haters he has worked at are the ones specifically against Islamic terrorism and illegal immigration. I have no problem with that.


No. Not exactly.


Short memory? Or selective as usual?


"A total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" 

All 1.6 billion of them.


That's what this ignorant bigot said.




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6 hours ago, Morch said:


Notice that the headline of the article quoted specifically says "back-pedals", which you habitually deny.


I do not deny. I simply don't care if he changes his policies to make them more sensible or realistic. That is a good thing IMO.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

Politicians should be willing to alter their positions when it makes sense. 


ME: Trump's major appeal was that he wasn't a politician.

UG (presumed): I wasn't buying into that.

ME: :coffee1:

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

Still am not buying that. He just a different kind of politician and only liberals seem upset about it now that he has won. They are the ones who are whining about him slightly altering some positions, not his supporters.


Nope, this was predicted long before he backpedaled. It was countered by Trump meaning what he says as he says it.

The point which you misrepresent, as usual, got nothing to do with "whining", but with pointing out the uncertainty inherent in Trump's statements and views. It is not a good thing when a POTUS's word is always tentative. Surely not the decisive POTUS advertised.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

This is all based on YOUR very biased interpretation of Trump supporter's views of course. It is pretty obvious that YOUR concerns are not bothering most of them.




I'm not even mentioning views, simply recounting things posted on this forum, and things said on rallies and such. That yourself, or other Trump supporters are not concerned about Trump's flip-flopping and its possible implications is obvious.

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Would that be the same kind of fake bigotry that the MSM has contrived to smear Trump in order to prevent him from winning?


2 minutes ago, Slip said:

I have noticed a massive increase in the bigotry on this board in two stages- the first coincided with Mr Trump's entry into the American political circus, the second with his electoral victory.  


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