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The Last Book You Read

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Fighting White Pajamas by Robert Twigger is a true story about an expat studying Aikido in Japan.

The best book that I've read for a long time, and one sports magazine called it the best book about sport in the last 25 years!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"The Adventure of English" The Biography of a Language

by Melvyn Bragg

It actually reads like an adventure story

That sounds interesting, I love books about language and its development (weird, I know :o) Bill Bryson wrote a very funny and interesting one, Mother Tongue.

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"The Adventure of English" The Biography of a Language

by Melvyn Bragg

It actually reads like an adventure story

That sounds interesting, I love books about language and its development (weird, I know :o ) Bill Bryson wrote a very funny and interesting one, Mother Tongue.

Hi sbk,

Here's me thinking I'd read all of Bill Bryson's books, that one must have slipped past some how. - Still reckon his yarn about walking around England was the best.

Can't recommend Melvyn Bragg's book enough as it really is a good fun read about the history of the English language from about the 5th century upto the present. The language has a life of it's own and continues to grow.

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The War of the World Twentieth-century Conflict And the Descent of the West

by Niall Ferguson

Almost finished with it, next will either be Spook Country by William Gibson, or Siddhartha A New Translation by Hermann Hesse.

Or...I might just go ahead and read that last Harry Potter book :o

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Gas Turbine Heat Transfer and Cooling Technology

reading since end of 2004. not yet finished.

After you do get around to finishing it, try "The Ashley Book Of Knots". With over 7000 knots that should keep you tied up for awhile.

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If you like historical intrigue:"The Ruby in her Naval" by Barry Unsworth.

Thurstan finds himself at odds with the world (partly of his own making)which becomes more and more Kafkaesque.

It proves you can't please all the people all of the time and it is a good short novel

:o Wiley Coyote

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Reading for pleasure

Just finished Duncan Bannatyne "Anyone can do it"

Currently reading - "The smartest guys in the room" - about Enron - fascinating

Bill Bryson - his new one about growing up in the USS in the 50's - hilarious belly laughs

For my Studies

Books on Financial and Management Accounting

Micheal Porter for strategy - well they are looking at me from my bookself

Kotler, Baker and otehrs for Marketing

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