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Trump's Cabinet: 'Draining the swamp' or diving right in?


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Before the election the anti-Trumpsters warned to be careful what you voted for.  Well now you get what you voted for so let's see how that pans out.  So far he has failed on all promises but it is early days and we still have the wall pledge to hold onto.









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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Before the election the anti-Trumpsters warned to be careful what you voted for.  Well now you get what you voted for so let's see how that pans out.  So far he has failed on all promises but it is early days and we still have the wall pledge to hold onto.









Actually, Trump has been saying that it won't all be a wall, but a fence in many places.  Of course, there is still his promise to make Mexico pay for it. Maybe it will end by being just a chain link fence and Trump will lend Mexico the money to finance it?

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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Before the election the anti-Trumpsters warned to be careful what you voted for.  Well now you get what you voted for so let's see how that pans out.  So far he has failed on all promises but it is early days and we still have the wall pledge to hold onto.


D. Trump has not failed on all promises .... not those he made to himself , being President is going to be very lucrative for Trump and family



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Good by Democracy

Hello Plutocracy ,  The wealthier presidential cabinet in history, the foxes minding the hens!

A couple of definitions:

government by the wealthy.
  • a country or society governed by the wealthy.
    plural noun: plutocracies
  • an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.
    Somewhere I read the following definition of  politics;
    The art of telling someone to go <deleted>#^ then selves in such a way that they say , thank you!
    If that's correct, then I would have to consider Trump a master politician. 



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26 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, Trump has been saying that it won't all be a wall, but a fence in many places.  Of course, there is still his promise to make Mexico pay for it. Maybe it will end by being just a chain link fence and Trump will lend Mexico the money to finance it?


I know this is stating the obvious but Trump and his gang need to switch their brains on concerning the wall.  Given the amount of tunnels used to get from Mexico into the US you don't build a wall you dig a trench.  Wide enough and deep enough to eradicate tunnels  or long jumpers. Duh!

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- In 2008 Mnuchin convinces the billionaires George Soros and John Paulson to buy $ 1.55 billion for the Bank of California's bankrupt IndyMac, specializing in subprime mortgages.
Mr. Mnuchin succeeds in obtaining from the FDIC bank regulator that he assumes almost all the losses in case of default of payment of the customers.
- Renamed OneWest, the establishment quickly returned to profits at the price of all-out evictions. According to the site Foreclosureradar, the seizure rate of OneWest was 59% in 2009 against 54% in other banks. According to Think Big Work Small and IamFacingForeclosure, these expropriations were also intended to collect the guarantees provided by the federal state, which was always rejected by Mr Mnuchin. His partners and he will resell OneWest in 2014 for $ 3.4 billion, more than double their initial stake, to the CIT group of which he became a shareholder.

- A coalition of Californian associations (California Reinvestment Coalition) has just seized the authorities to denounce the "discriminatory" practices of former OneWest towards blacks and Hispanics. "

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37 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Before the election the anti-Trumpsters warned to be careful what you voted for.  Well now you get what you voted for so let's see how that pans out.  So far he has failed on all promises but it is early days and we still have the wall pledge to hold onto.










Trump hasn't taken office yet.  How on earth has he "failed on all promises."????  Are you people under the influence of some kind of controlled medication?  

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36 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, Trump has been saying that it won't all be a wall, but a fence in many places.  Of course, there is still his promise to make Mexico pay for it. Maybe it will end by being just a chain link fence and Trump will lend Mexico the money to finance it?


Maybe it will be one of those "invisible" fences that are used to keep dogs from running out of the yard. Each Mexican resident will be forced to have a "shock chip" installed into their spine at the base of the neck (it will be standard procedure for each new born). This chip will send a nasty jolt of energy directly into the nervous system once an illegal gets within 10 meters of the invisible fence. Also, all current illegals in the US will be outfitted with such a chip before they are deported across the border. As an added bonus, each chip will have GPS locator functions to track them anywhere in the world. Any attempt to remove the chip will result in instant paralysis.


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46 minutes ago, Opl said:


D. Trump has not failed on all promises .... not those he made to himself , being President is going to be very lucrative for Trump and family




Talking about lucrative, don't look now but it appears Obama has built a sizable nest egg for himself.  The Trump's are already wealthy from being a stellar businessman.  I wonder where Obama's money came from?


We already know where Crooked Hillary acquired all her wealth.  It's call the Clinton Foundation.  That is one of the largest scams of the century.  You just can't make stuff like this up. 

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5 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Maybe it will be one of those "invisible" fences that are used to keep dogs from running out of the yard. Each Mexican resident will be forced to have a "shock chip" installed into their spine at the base of the neck (it will be standard procedure for each new born). This chip will send a nasty jolt of energy directly into the nervous system once an illegal gets within 10 meters of the invisible fence. Also, all current illegals in the US will be outfitted with such a chip before they are deported across the border. As an added bonus, each chip will have GPS locator functions to track them anywhere in the world. Any attempt to remove the chip will result in instant paralysis.



You might consider putting that bong pipe your smoking away and take a nap.  You can rest assure, Trump will build a wall, and will give the border patrol the tools they need to stop the flow of illegal immigrants flowing across our borders.


The only thing stopping Trump from doing that right now is Obama, who unfortunately is still encouraging illegas to enter the U.S.



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13 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


Talking about lucrative, don't look now but it appears Obama has built a sizable nest egg for himself.  The Trump's are already wealthy from being a stellar businessman.  I wonder where Obama's money came from?


We already know where Crooked Hillary acquired all her wealth.  It's call the Clinton Foundation.  That is one of the largest scams of the century.  You just can't make stuff like this up. 


Now D. Trump can compete with Putin when talking about how to turn Presidency into a milk cow.


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32 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


Trump hasn't taken office yet.  How on earth has he "failed on all promises."????  Are you people under the influence of some kind of controlled medication?  


I don't recall Trump supporters having issues with criticizing HRC for things she supposedly would have done had she won the elections. Trump's statements, flip-flopping, conduct and cabinet appointments are all out there - if I understand you correctly, these are to be ignored?


15 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


You might consider putting that bong pipe your smoking away and take a nap.  You can rest assure, Trump will build a wall, and will give the border patrol the tools they need to stop the flow of illegal immigrants flowing across our borders.


The only thing stopping Trump from doing that right now is Obama, who unfortunately is still encouraging illegas to enter the U.S.




Obama is "still" encouraging illegals to enter the US? What's that about?

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31 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


You might consider putting that bong pipe your smoking away and take a nap.  You can rest assure, Trump will build a wall, and will give the border patrol the tools they need to stop the flow of illegal immigrants flowing across our borders.


The only thing stopping Trump from doing that right now is Obama, who unfortunately is still encouraging illegas to enter the U.S.



Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl in a "60 Minutes" interview set to air Sunday night that he still plans to build a US-Mexico border wall.
And asked if he'd accept a fence instead of a wall, Trump said: "For certain areas I would, but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I'm very good at this, it's called construction." Trump added that "there could be some fencing."


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1 hour ago, CMNightRider said:


You might consider putting that bong pipe your smoking away and take a nap.  You can rest assure, Trump will build a wall, and will give the border patrol the tools they need to stop the flow of illegal immigrants flowing across our borders.


The only thing stopping Trump from doing that right now is Obama, who unfortunately is still encouraging illegas to enter the U.S.




You're funny.

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3 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

Wow, I hear a lot of whaling, sobbing, and hysterical rants coming form these posts.  I'm surprised anyone would bother reading anything Julie Pace or Josh Boak would author, other than left-wing wackos.  Oh wait, never mind, I see all the negative posters fall into that category.


On a positive note, Trump made a call to the Carrier manufacturer CEO and talked him out of moving the Indiana business to Mexico.  Trump hasn't even took office yet and is making good on his promise to keep manufactures in the U.S. instead of leaving for other countries.  Apple's CEO has even been talking to Trump about possibly moving manufacturing out of China and relocating to the U.S.


So far Trump's cabinet picks are stellar, unlike his predecessor who relied on yes men that avoided busting Obama's bubble he resided in.  You guys should be able to relate to that, since many of you reside in the same bubble.


Anyway, it won't be long and America will have a real leader that will make America great again.  God Bless America and the free world.  


You feather merchants can rest assure the Islamic terrorists are having some sleepless nights thinking about what's coming there way.  Trump has balls like coconuts whereas Obama's balls resembled bee bee's.  


Okay, you guys can go back to your hysterical rants and non-stop weeping and sobbing.   



Another metric: Trump would have to do one Carrier-sized deal a week for 30 years to save as many jobs as Obama's auto bailout

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3 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


Trump hasn't taken office yet.  How on earth has he "failed on all promises."????  Are you people under the influence of some kind of controlled medication?  


Not controlled medication, just a thought process that doesn't swallow bulls*it too easily.


You are right that Trump is not in office yet and he has already started filling the swamp instead of emptying it, pledging to not go after Hillary and flip flopping all over the place.  Just think what will happen when he takes office....

Edited by dunroaming
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Wall Street Wins Again as Trump Picks Bankers, Billionaires

"Hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson was feeling happy Wednesday morning.

It would suit Tilson just fine if voters who backed Trump because he promised to rein in Wall Street are furious now that he’s surrounding himself with bankers and billionaires.

“I can take glee in that -- I think Donald Trump conned them,” said Tilson, who runs Kase Capital Management. "


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5 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Now if it is the former then there must have been a lot of gullible, naïve people out there to believe that rhetoric and if it was the latter then there must have been a lot of gullible, naïve people out there to actually vote for him.   Take your pick


Gullibility is just part of the equation. It's already been shown how publishers of fake news can make up to $35k/week - and their target audience are right winger dough-heads, because they're so gullible. 


Yet, old fashioned stupidity and crassness are also factors (in why Trump is so popular).  Remember the TV show; All In The Family....  a main character was a prejudiced always-angry, ignorant, outspoken elder white male character.  It was a popular TV show for the same reasons that Trump is popular. Apparently, there is something endearing in watching ignorance and prejudice and red-faced anger played out.   

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I liked All in the Family because it made fun of those that deserved to be made fun of and I liked to see Archie have to eat his words time and time again. In reality, although it served a purpose, it wasn't funny because those types are still with us and they "elected" a fascist that could give a damn about the Constitution or the former United States of America.


For those that refuse to see the truth, you've been scammed and you ain't seen nuttin' yet. The orange fascist is just filling the swamp with the most deplorable alligators he can find and for those that sowed the wind, reap the whirlwind.


Oh, btw nightrider is one of those words that still has the same meaning it did many, many years ago. While those that claim to not be racist, bigoted, homophobic, misogynist, fascist supporters, if you voted for the orange fascist, the glove fits.

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Oh dear more disappointing statements from the president elect. He was chatting to the Pakistan Prime Minister and I quote

"The president-elect described Nawaz Sharif as a “terrific guy” and said he would “love to come to a fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people”.  Bit odd to say that about the Muslim capital of the world and it's leader don't you think? 

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Oh dear more disappointing statements from the president elect. He was chatting to the Pakistan Prime Minister and I quote

"The president-elect described Nawaz Sharif as a “terrific guy” and said he would “love to come to a fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people”.  Bit odd to say that about the Muslim capital of the world and it's leader don't you think? 



Just politics. If Trump can get Pakistan to be more cooperative with the West, what  does a little flattery hurt?

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8 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:



Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl in a "60 Minutes" interview set to air Sunday night that he still plans to build a US-Mexico border wall.
And asked if he'd accept a fence instead of a wall, Trump said: "For certain areas I would, but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I'm very good at this, it's called construction." Trump added that "there could be some fencing."



Sure seems to offend ardent liberals, but most of us could care less if the wall has some fencing in appropriate areas. Both keep illegals OUT. :smile:

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20 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I'm trying valiantly to think of any things that Trump could be good for, and it's a tough mental assignment.


Hold onto this thought.........You & yours were 100% wrong before as we suffered your predictions on the election

Now it is more than likely you are again wrong...As such you can look forward to 4...8? great years


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I have been saying that many Trump supporters will feel the same way about him, as I felt after voting for Obama for his first term as president. I was shocked that he abandoned so many of his positions and promises within mere months of taking office. It appears Trump is now doing this PRIOR to taking office. His supporters are going to be devastated when they find out who this man really is, and how little he meant what he said. 


Having said that, his conservative supporters must be quite happy at his picks so far. They have been about as far to the right as he could have possibly gone. So much for reconciliation, and moderation. 


What is most astonishing, is that after lambasting the lobbying industry, giving hope to even some moderates and centrists like me, he is now selecting picks and advisors from the midst of that sewer.


WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump, who campaigned against the corrupt power of special interests, is filling his transition team with some of the very sort of people who he has complained have too much clout in Washington: corporate consultants and lobbyists.

Jeffrey Eisenach, a consultant who has worked for years on behalf of Verizon and other telecommunications clients, is the head of the team that is helping to pick staff members at the Federal Communications Commission.

Michael Catanzaro, a lobbyist whose clients include Devon Energy and Encana Oil and Gas, holds the “energy independence” portfolio.

Michael Torrey, a lobbyist who runs a firm that has earned millions of dollars helping food industry players such as the American Beverage Association and the dairy giant Dean Foods, is helping set up the new team at the Department of Agriculture.









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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



Just politics. If Trump can get Pakistan to be more cooperative with the West, what  does a little flattery hurt?


Thought Trump supporters were generally against PC and all for straight-in-your-face-talk? Wasn't that part of Trump's supposed appeal?

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Sure seems to offend ardent liberals, but most of us could care less if the wall has some fencing in appropriate areas. Both keep illegals OUT. :smile:


I doubt that you can actually support the "most of us" bit. And as usual, dodging the point - the gap between Trump's salesmanship statements and those coming afterwards. Sure, you were on to it from the start. Right. 

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Well if he does get that legislation banning congressman and senators from becoming lobbyists and....goes after the Clinton Swamp...Great. In the meantime. I guess he is meeting with the non brain dead billionaires trying to get the country running for a profit.

I'm anxiously awaiting to see who he appoints as Ambassadors... some proff in the pudding there.

As for now, he seems to be trying to surround himself with brains and experience.....Good Bye Ambassador Kennedy.

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


Thought Trump supporters were generally against PC and all for straight-in-your-face-talk? Wasn't that part of Trump's supposed appeal?


I don't know. I just prefered him to his opponent. I am pretty happy about what he has done so far though.

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9 minutes ago, Morch said:


I doubt that you can actually support the "most of us" bit. And as usual, dodging the point - the gap between Trump's salesmanship statements and those coming afterwards. Sure, you were on to it from the start. Right. 


I don't whine about hamburgers looking different in advertisements either.

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