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Tourism Authority trying to lure back Chinese tourists


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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Fascinating how government idiots and inbred elites think that business is just so easy.  They feel they can turn it on and off like a tap.  The truth is customers are hard to keep and easy to lose. 


It will be interesting one day to see how and who the zero RMB tours affected adversely.  It will go down in history in tourism studies as what a government should NOT do.  Using words like "exploit" and "lure" are poor choices too.



True that. But, they will also discuss how Thailand lost the golden egg of Western tourism too. Those tourists, unlike most Chinese tourists, spent anywhere from $100 a day, to over $1,000 a day. They brought real money into the country, and in exchange, were treated with utter and complete disregard, scammed, disrespected, and abused. Eventually, most said no more. Thailand thought the country was something very special, and that nobody would ever say no, or find alternative places to visit. The fact is that there are countless other spots, that offer better service, more expertise in food and beverage (especially wine), reasonable import duties to sustain a luxury goods market, better training, and far better english skills. Thailand simply lost sight of the big picture, and had very little vision, with regard to big spending tourists, who need to be catered to, instead of scorned.  


So, what happened? The Western tourists started to decline in number, and the genius minds at the TAT decided it was time to "lure" the Chinese. They came. But, they did not spend much money. Hotels, restaurants, gift shops, jewelers, galleries, spas, massage shops, bars, and countless other businesses suffered, and will continue to suffer from this extreme myopia, on the part of the officials in charge of tourism. Oh well. Can't say they were not warned. 

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1 hour ago, hansnl said:

No, China wants all the money paid by the customers, in their own pockets.

Additionally the "squeeze" received from Chinese operators in Thailand, Thai or Chinese, is the extra bonus.

Got nothing to do with Chinese speakers, it is all, and only that, about profit, profit, profit and profit.

Ohh, don't forget the squeeze.

Old and venerated Chinese business practice.

Thais don't like the Chinese in my city purely because they are business minded people who own most of it.thais are either hard workers who will stay hard workers for the rest of their lives or on the gravey train of brown envelopes.what country around the world don't all the money and profits for themselves.its just Chinese are good at it.

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3 hours ago, Toany said:

This must be a first.  TAT admitting that tourist figures have dropped



It would really make all our days if the lady Minister was to use words like ' fell by, reduced, declined " etc.

C'mon Popcorn make my day !

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So, they are pushing for an expansion of tourism "in this final quarter".   Has anybody told them that there is less than one month left?  There would have to be a substantial boost in December to have a really positive effect on the whole quarter.


TAT seems to think that you can start a promotion today and that potential customers can just drop everything overnight and book a flight to paradise tomorrow.  Many people who visit Thailand have to work for a living and have to give their employer adequate notice for a planned vacation and that normally takes more than a few hours.


There do appear to be signs of panic, emphasised by the PM's intervention with his 6% "order", even though he must be exhausted from all his physical exertions over the past two weeks.

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3 hours ago, The man from udon said:

Thais don't like the Chinese in my city purely because they are business minded people who own most of it.thais are either hard workers who will stay hard workers for the rest of their lives or on the gravey train of brown envelopes.what country around the world don't all the money and profits for themselves.its just Chinese are good at it.


The Chinese take their studies seriously. The Thais do not. The Chinese work their butts off. The Chinese are very smart. And inventive. And resourceful. And creative. And some of them think outside of the box. They do not own so much by accident. Their success is not an accident. Their ambition is extraordinary. Can the Thai people acknowledge some of that, and give the Chinese credit for it? Will they? Even if they do, will they do anything about it?

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Well 2016 is almost over and  I see how desperate  Thailand has

become, now dropping the tourist visa fees.  How about just

making it possible to visit Thailand for 3 months without a visa.

Smarten up TAT  you can all do better!  I just wished I could talk to

the Thailand PM for 10 to 15 minutes.


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On 02/12/2016 at 9:52 AM, madmitch said:

Thailand may have banned Chinese tour guides in theory but there are hundreds working in Phuket alone. At least there were; many are currently without work due to the large decrease in the number of tour buses. 


Interesting how many articles and comments on the subject have appeared in the past couple of days; it certainly seems that the powers-that-be are concerned about tourism numbers.

Hundreds of tour guides from China working in Phuket. How would you know that? Just curious.

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On 12/2/2016 at 5:02 AM, Thechook said:

Is the drop because of the so called shady tour operators and chinese guides or is it because thailand has banned chinese tour guides.  maybe the chinese prefer thier own language speakers


TAT trying to control who sells package holidays to Thailand, preferring Thai over Chinese agents!  

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45 minutes ago, George Graham said:

Hundreds of tour guides from China working in Phuket. How would you know that? Just curious.

Because they stay in local guesthouses when their guests are staying in the big hotels. The 30 small room hotel nearest to the Hilton Arcadia in Karon is literally full on many low season nights and the only customers are guides, both Thai and Chinese. The overspill is then taken up by other small hotels and guesthouses in the vicinity. 


This is one tiny part of Phuket and I know this is also the pattern elsewhere. Extrapolate this and you'll come up with hundreds.


I should, however, be using the past tense, as guides are now thin on the ground as the Chinese tours have been decimated....for the time being.

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I don't think Thailand would recover to the same numbers ; like HK they snubbed the Chinese and now paying the price for it as most have moved on

The government tourism agencies are pushing Myanmar next as a tactic to get closer to Aung and also get spending in the country as so much has been invested in the hotels infrastructure etc

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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2 hours ago, DuckDach said:

I don't think Thailand would recover to the same numbers ; like HK they snubbed the Chinese and now paying the price for it as most have moved on

The government tourism agencies are pushing Myanmar next as a tactic to get closer to Aung and also get spending in the country as so much has been invested in the hotels infrastructure etc

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Hong Kong is Chinese

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