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I had a similar experience when I was the OP's age. Two doctors, one in Paris and the other in Singapore, attributed it to muscular strain. They gave me muscle relaxants and told me it would clear up on its own, which it eventually did.


 Just a warning for Thailand. I had numbness in my thigh  which went to quite significant pain when I was walking. I had it checked by a nerve specialist at one of the best hospitals.  He used an electrical probe all over my legs to see what was going on and eventually told me I had a pinched nerve in my groin that would need surgery to fix it.  I said I'm certainly not going to have surgery for this amount of pain to which he replied alternatively you could lose weight.  I did lose weight and the pain Went away.  That was more than 10 years ago and the pain has never come back. 


I am not in Thailand, I am in the UK, I already have an appointment with a Neurologist set but its in March next year, I haven't tried acupuncture for it yet, but will try it, I really will look into an MRI scan privately. 


I don't really have aches and pains around the pelvis much, its mainly in 1 spot, the pubic bone area, and sometimes groin, its hard to describe the feeling other than a horrible annoying discomfort kind of feeling, not sharp pain.  and the occasional aches/pains in groin.


I travelled far to see this chiropractor from Portsmouth all the way to Manchester, I have spent nearly 800 pounds on x ray, sessions, accommodation, food etc.. I've had 13 sessions with him,  I think I should go back home now, my case is more complicated than I thought.


I am a skinny guy,  don't need to lose weight. 


I am not a specialist but I am going on with life with reluctant pain from nerve being pinch into my lower back and it is being felt true my leg and foot so a year or so ago I had a really hard Thai massage with a lot of pain from it and the next day pain was gone for about two years but it is returned and I learn to love pain it help.

Good luck with your health.




First let me tell you I have been almost exactly where you are now.  At your age I also screwed up my back to the point that I was on physiotherapy and could not do my job to the fullest and I was a military clerk.




I wish there was a magic pill that I could tell you to get but there isn't.


Meds to calm the nerves while it may seem is the best thing it is not.  As you are aware your nerves are what tells you when you have over done it.


Chiro is not much better than REAL Thai massage.  It can not fix or repair your issue.  Yes they can try to put things in place but that will not help for the long term.


What you need to do at this point is a few things.





Find some friends that understand what you are going through and use them as support.  This is where you find out who your best friends are.  You are looking for the person that you can call at any time and they can sensibly talk you out of anything of advise you.


Get your GP to make you an appointment with a specialist and for the MRI  you need it.  Nothing else is going to show what the issues are although I have a pretty good guess. Get the Dr to prescribe pain meds that are not habit forming.  There are a lot out there.


When you see the specialist find out all the answers a word to ask about is Laminectomy. Doctors in Canada, the US and UK do not like surgery because it involves going near the spinal canal.  I got it done here in Thailand and it resolved my pain completely.


For what it is worth here is my educated guess.


The accident screwed up your back and caused problems that would have developed over time.  Your sexlife and desire for marathons aggravated it to the point that it has had enough.


Take it easy relax keep sex to positions that do not require a lot of movement or twisting and get well









Back pain will manifest in your outer hip. In between your jewels and leg ( crouch ) will be hip problem. There is a difference. Understand how your nervous system works ( hard wired ) . That was my problem in understanding the pain generated. If it goes on and you don't take care of it it could render you in a walker. Understand your symptoms and get a qualified opinion. Waiting for six months to see a specialist? <deleted>. The glory of socialized medicine. What a crock. Pay out of pocket and get it done. 



You speak about accident



And the accicdenr can still be the cause



Micro bleelding causes that the blood comes  in you body and in then is coverteed to what is nornally a crust on the outside.


This is to small to see and find.

And will come bacl and back and can take more then 10 years before all os gone

Because the crust cause new micro bleeding.


So wheb have sex

Not too active and becarefull.


All it needs is times and rest




Yeah, I know that close minded individuals are going to jump in and make uneducated comments but don't bother with insignificant stuff. 

Energy healing is an art, more effective than any medicine or any other useless waste being pushed by the "healthcare" industry. 

You don't even have to be there in person to get it done and it's certainly cheaper than the outdated hospital practices. 

I have no affiliation to them, I simply know that it works. 


I had an spinal MRI done in Sri Racha to diagnose my back issues. That will show if your vertebrae is chaffing the spinal chord, as well as sclerosis, and some other issues. From the X-ray, it looks like your L5 zigzags, and with pelvic thrusting you're getting inflammation that's compressing nerves against the bone.  In my experience, traditional Chinese medicine was the best anti-inflammatory, along with acupuncture and cupping. And I've seen many specialists and therapists. Big yoga ball will also help stretch and strengthen your spine. If you can't get TCM, try strong doses of Curcumin (extra strength turmeric), fish oil, and oreganol. In UK you might be able to get edible pot, and look for a high CBD strain which will help with pain, tension and spasms. Good luck, and stick with the reverse cowgirl position until this is sorted out.

What a vulgar post. Putting details of your sex life on a public forum?


Classless gimp.

I actually thought it was a bit weird as to why mentioning he banged a Thai hooker 3 times in one night and a UK slapper many times would help with the diagnosis? The words active sex life would do lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


thanks for the responses, I of course haven't had sex since this all started back in late June, and don't plan to any time soon, I just got back to my home, my parents are going to help me out financially with paying for a private MRI.


KINGSTONKID -  thank you for your reply, it sounds like it most likely is this, a local chiropractor who wouldn't treat me and told me to get a MRI said the same thing.

I'll look into acupuncture, luckily there is a local TCM place 5 minute walk from me, though its 45 pounds per session.  


here is a quote from the letter a local chiropractor wrote to my GP



Following yesterday’s conversation with Jack, I decided not to conduct a physical examination but to refer him directly to yourselves for further investigation. There are many of his symptoms that are out of my scope of practice and are better suited to general medicine. I am however concerned about the possibility of a lesion affecting the lumbar spinal canal following the bicycle accident in December 2015, which has only become symptomatic following physical exertion at a later stage. I have viewed the xray on his mobile phone which is non-diagnostic but would suggest a possible anterior tilt or translation of L5/S1. The presence of saddle anaesthesia is my main concern. I have suggested to him that further examination of this area via MRI may be necessary to rule out or diagnose and cauda equina irritation.


On 12/3/2016 at 4:22 AM, Bonobojt said:

thanks, but I would describe my main symptom as discomfort and not pain, I think a MRI is the next step  



It's nerve damage !!  Please listen to me and you could save some time for recovery .  I went through back pain and the pain radiated down my left leg ,  it was coming from my L5 and L4 spine , so the nerves that caused my pain . It was revealed on my MRI that a fragment from the spine touched the nerve,  I went through hell for months.   The doctor at the spine clinic in Bangkok wanted to do a simple surgery to remove the fragment but I decided to wait .

Why ?  Because I was recommended to try a high dosage of Vitamin B  B1 - B6 and B12 .  I am not joking here. A high dosage of vitamiin B will repair the nerves , and they will find other ways to connect.  You can just google it. 


I was pain free after 6 months on Vitamin B . Most important is B1 and B12 , be careful with B6 as it could cause other problems .   






8 hours ago, mcfish said:

I actually thought it was a bit weird as to why mentioning he banged a Thai hooker 3 times in one night and a UK slapper many times would help with the diagnosis? The words active sex life would do lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Active sex life could mean twice a year for some TV members.

18 minutes ago, dentonian said:


Active sex life could mean twice a year for some TV members.


And the reason you are smiling is?... tonight's the night!

On 03/12/2016 at 2:25 PM, NanLaew said:

If the Chiropractor doesn't admit defeat and refer you to "a top flight ortho/back surgeon", he's not 'top quality' at all. Most of them are quacks IMHO.


It looks like having intercourse aggravates the condition so if you must indulge, do it with less... intensity? Three times a night? Also think about what position you are in for the majority of intercourse and if you must have a thrash, do NOT do what you usually do position-wise. For example, if you are mostly a 'missionary man' then get on your back and get her on top... or vice versa.


And some counseling for the developing depression. You are only 25 and far, far from the lowest point of your rather short life. There's 70 year-olds in the queue ahead of you so be polite.


If you drink, suggest you stop till you manage the discomfort, my late brother had a bad bike accident, busted up pretty badly, plates in arms, leg, two broken discs, led him too drugs, the illegal kind because pain killers eventually wore off, so the illegal drugs and alcohol was his new pain killers, not a nice way to go, he has now been resting since 10 July 2008.


Go for the MRI, keep searching, and as NanLaew suggest, flat on your back if having the old 1,2,3, but watch out, because 4 gave me a heart attack 555

19 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

I am not in Thailand, I am in the UK, I already have an appointment with a Neurologist set but its in March next year, I haven't tried acupuncture for it yet, but will try it, I really will look into an MRI scan privately. 


I don't really have aches and pains around the pelvis much, its mainly in 1 spot, the pubic bone area, and sometimes groin, its hard to describe the feeling other than a horrible annoying discomfort kind of feeling, not sharp pain.  and the occasional aches/pains in groin.


I travelled far to see this chiropractor from Portsmouth all the way to Manchester, I have spent nearly 800 pounds on x ray, sessions, accommodation, food etc.. I've had 13 sessions with him,  I think I should go back home now, my case is more complicated than I thought.


I am a skinny guy,  don't need to lose weight. 


Will send you a PM of a pelvic specialist I know in Aus, you can send him a message of what your experiencing and I am sure he will provide you with his view.

8 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

There are many of his symptoms that are out of my scope of practice and are better suited to general medicine. I am however concerned about the possibility of a lesion affecting the lumbar spinal canal following the bicycle accident in December 2015, which has only become symptomatic following physical exertion at a later stage. I have viewed the xray on his mobile phone which is non-diagnostic but would suggest a possible anterior tilt or translation of L5/S1. The presence of saddle anaesthesia is my main concern. I have suggested to him that further examination of this area via MRI may be necessary to rule out or diagnose and cauda equina irritation.





This is the answer that makes the most sense.


What you have in fact done is pinched the nerves in your spine and no acupuncture, physio, meds or anything are going to fix this.  It can only be repaired by surgery.  Time does not heal all wounds nor does medicine.


Here is the list of things that I did until i came to Thailand and got told that surfery could be done.



Lumbar stretching

light duties



in activity

meds up to and including some pretty heavy drugs.

Spinal injections

bed rest




back pain management courses


The only solution was to get a laminectomy that cleared the pinching and replaced part of my back with 2 titanium rods.  However, this is not the be all and end all in itself.  You are going to have to change your lifestyle as once ou screw up your back it will always have issues if you take it for granted.


its so frustrating, back when this all started in Thailand I actually went to see a Neurologist at BKK Chiang Mai Hospital, she offered me an MRI and I decided to not do it back then as it was a lot of money to spend on something I wasn't sure I even needed at that time, oh how I wish I could travel back in time, would of saved a lot of money and would know the problem now, and wouldn't have Tinnitus !


I got Tinnitus after a friend in Vietnam recommended a chiropracticish massage for my groin discomfort, I was also having pains down my arm at the time (now I know why, because my upper back was messed up as seen on an x ray) so it ended up being full body massage, everyday for 2 weeks, 12th day, massage around neck, something must of went wrong and I got the dreaded Tinnitus, should get a MRI on my neck also but I can't afford to pay another 400 for the neck scan.


getting slight sharp pains in my groin area today, can't how much bad luck I've had this year.


as for back surgery, of course my case might be different to yours, it feels like a last resort solution or quite extreme, for a 25 year old to need back surgery, I have heard bad things about people still having problems after back surgery and regret it,  I also know that it can help people, lets just see what the MRI says first.


I'm a traveller, that is my passion and goal in life, to travel, so I don't want that to end because of back surgery or something.


I should say that my actual back is not too bad, yeah I get the odd low or upper back pain but I am not bed ridden, I can work, lift slightly heavy things, walk around etc..


yes I work in pain but nothing too extreme, my main complaint is this pubic bone/groin discomfort which is frustrating to live with somethings and appears to be nerve pain coming from my lower spine.

8 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:

got an MRI booked at a private hospital not to far from me for 330 pounds later this evening. not a bad price for the UK.

All the best with that. Is there a specialist lined up to review the results included in that price?

2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

All the best with that. Is there a specialist lined up to review the results included in that price?

update: will have to cancel that MRI for tonight, yes it makes sense to see a Neurologist first and then get the MRI scan and he will review the results


have an appointment booked with a private Neurologist next week for 250 pounds,  but I'm given 1 month to pay it.

not as fast as Thailand, would of liked to see him sooner considering its private and I'm paying but better than waiting months and months I guess  

18 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

got an MRI booked at a private hospital not to far from me for 330 pounds later this evening. not a bad price for the UK.


Make sure you gat a copy on CD so you can discuss with other medical practitioners, it is the easy to copy the CD


16 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

update: will have to cancel that MRI for tonight, yes it makes sense to see a Neurologist first and then get the MRI scan and he will review the results


have an appointment booked with a private Neurologist next week for 250 pounds,  but I'm given 1 month to pay it.

not as fast as Thailand, would of liked to see him sooner considering its private and I'm paying but better than waiting months and months I guess  


Remember if Neurologist says it is urgent, get that in writing and make the NHS pick it up immediately, even if it means going to your MP,


Remember even if you are a traveller you can still vote as I do from Thailand, and have access to your MP, this is additional insurance in case of problems in UK

3 hours ago, al007 said:


Remember if Neurologist says it is urgent, get that in writing and make the NHS pick it up immediately, even if it means going to your MP,


Remember even if you are a traveller you can still vote as I do from Thailand, and have access to your MP, this is additional insurance in case of problems in UK

I believe its urgent, I'm a young guy, tingling on testicles and perineum is a sign of compressed nerves or something, makes it more urgent, the fact that I've had this since end of June too and its not gone away, is a bad sign, its effecting me mentally, that's a bad sign, the fact that things like Cauda Equina are being mentioned, that's a bad sign, though my chiropractor told me my symptoms don't fit entirely with that as I haven't lost bladder and bowl function.


if drunk people can use A&E then surly a guy with possible serious Nerve issues can use it 



went to A&E, explained my problem to a nurse and she said its not an Emergency issue but I can see a doctor, told the doctor the problem and again, basically was told, they cant do anything for me as I'm not considered an emergency, she said I don't have Cauda Equina as I have bladder and bowel control and can walk, so that's good to know, and said I need to see my GP,  surprisingly managed to see my GP today and she said lets just focus on 1 thing at a time and see a Neurologist first and see what comes from that. 


She said it sounds more like a Nerve issue as I've had this pain & discomfort for 6 months. She said my Pudendal Nerves might be squashed. 



Quote from Wickipedia ref Pudendal Nerve Canal, also know as 'Alcock's Canal'.



The pudendal nerve is difficult to visualize on routine CT or MR imaging, however under CT guidance, a needle may be placed adjacent to the pudendal neurovascular bundle. The ischial spine, an easily identifiable structure on CT, is used as the level of injection. A spinal needle is advanced via the gluteal muscles and advanced within several millimeters of the ischial spine. Contrast (X-ray dye) is then injected, highlighting the nerve in the canal and allowing for confirmation of correct needle placement. The nerve may then be injected with cortisone and local anesthetic to confirm and also treat chronic pain of the external genitalia (known as vulvodynia in females), pelvic and anorectal pain



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