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No experience needed: Trump taps Carson for HUD secretary


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16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sure thing, dude, if you're looking for a brain surgeon, he's your man.


This pick is just idiotic.


If it was a democratic president that had picked someone so unqualified, would trumpists be singing the praises. No way! 


Welcome to trumpland and his toxic, divisive KAKISTOCRACY. He's not even trying to be president for ALL Americans. 



We get it!  There is nothing that Trump has done, is doing, or will do, that will meet with your approval.   Please do tell us how Obama tried to be President for ALL Americans.  I have been through a good number of presidencies and America has never been more divided than it became over the last eight year, and it was over the last eight year's not just since Trump got elected. Obama had his agenda, right or wrong, and that was more important for him than being President for All Americans.   Obama's legacy = "the great divider"


Liberals crying at their loss, rioting over their loss.  It's shameful. Get on with it.  Let someone else give it a try for the next four years. Anyone who thinks the world is coming to an end over a change in President is a true looney toon.

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Horrible pick. Horrible president elect.




Donald Trump says he wants to fix cities. Ben Carson will make them worse.

Metropolitan areas do have problems. Does Trump have any idea what they are?


We don’t know much yet about how Carson will run HUD, but his lack of experience with urban policy, his bromides about socialist planning, his indifference to fair housing and his calls for individual bootstrapping don’t bode well for the future of metropolitan America. And in a climate of privatization and deregulation, championed by the country’s new real estate developer in chief, Carson’s inexperience could be a serious liability.




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Trump might not be your president but he's MY president.  Live with it and learn to cooperate for the common good.  We racist, xenophobic, misogynistic and sexist deplorables are sick of your non-stop whining and bitching.  In my lifetime, I've had to work for people whom I didn't admire or respect.  I learned to do my job and not disparage my leaders.  The hysterical complainers should learn to do the same.  Mr. Trump was legally and legitimately elected to lead the country.  Our responsibility now is to follow and support him to the best of our ability.  Lots of important work needs to be done.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:


In a perfect, virtual reality world, we can choose, argue about and remove all winners and appointees before they are ever installed in their positions. We won't have to be right, because none of it will have ever happened. 

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14 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

Trump might not be your president but he's MY president.  Live with it and learn to cooperate for the common good.  We racist, xenophobic, misogynistic and sexist deplorables are sick of your non-stop whining and bitching.  In my lifetime, I've had to work for people whom I didn't admire or respect.  I learned to do my job and not disparage my leaders.  The hysterical complainers should learn to do the same.  Mr. Trump was legally and legitimately elected to lead the country.  Our responsibility now is to follow and support him to the best of our ability.  Lots of important work needs to be done.

There is no requirement in the U.S. system (yet, anyway) to support a leader that you vehemently oppose for principled reasons. 


Of course he will become "my" president but I see that in the way a hemorrhoid would be "my" hemorrhoid.

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He sleeps really well. 


Speaking of really bad trump picks (almost all of them) perhaps this one takes the cake:




But to put it plainly, Michael Flynn is a crackpot.


Here’s why this is so important. The national security adviser’s job is to coordinate policy between the multiple agencies whose work touches on national security — the Pentagon, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and others — and make sure that the president has the best, clearest, and most accurate information with which to make decisions. For a President Trump’s unique combination of ignorance, inexperience, and impulsiveness, it’s particularly vital to have a national security adviser who can encourage calm and thoughtfulness, and not be distracted by what’s irrelevant or downright false.

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13 hours ago, Trouble said:

The title of the AP article says it all.  Is this an article reporting fact or opinion.  Maybe it's an editorial.  It is certainly not journalism.


Would you feel differently about it if the title implied that Carson had relevant experience, when in fact he does not?

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The media are rabble rousers and have been since William Randolph Hearst's Yellow Journalism precipitated war-mongering Teddy Roosevelt's attack on Cuba with the lie about the bombing of the Maine. 

For Jingthing: It is one thing to be a member of the loyal opposition and oppose things which are against your principles but is quite different to be obstructionist and oppose everything an administration tries to do. The former respects the spirit of democracy; the latter does not. 

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On 12/6/2016 at 8:34 AM, Pimay1 said:

That I believe. He will be the only secretary of the department of HUD to have actually lived in government housing. Certainly a step in the right direction. I wish him well.

I have brushed my teeth twice a day for most of my life. Hey, I'm qualified to be a dentist. I drive a car. I'm qualified to be an automotive engineer.  I've taken medicine. Why, I'm virtually a doctor. And not just a doctor. I'm pretty handy at carving meat with a knife. Therefore, I'm a surgeon. I think I'll apply for the medical vacancy left by Ben Carson.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I have brushed my teeth twice a day for most of my life. Hey, I'm qualified to be a dentist. I drive a car. I'm qualified to be an automotive engineer.  I've taken medicine. Why, I'm virtually a doctor. And not just a doctor. I'm pretty handy at carving meat with a knife. Therefore, I'm a surgeon. I think I'll apply for the medical vacancy left by Ben Carson.

Be my guest.

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10 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

The media are rabble rousers and have been since William Randolph Hearst's Yellow Journalism precipitated war-mongering Teddy Roosevelt's attack on Cuba with the lie about the bombing of the Maine. 

For Jingthing: It is one thing to be a member of the loyal opposition and oppose things which are against your principles but is quite different to be obstructionist and oppose everything an administration tries to do. The former respects the spirit of democracy; the latter does not. 


It is one thing to be a member of the loyal opposition and oppose things which are against your principles but is quite different to be obstructionist and oppose everything an administration tries to do. The former respects the spirit of democracy; the latter does not. 


How would you characterize the dynamic between the GOP and Obama's administration?


I don't think all of Trump's appointments are off (for example, Mattis, Priebus), I'm not even that much against his stance with regard to the PRC, or discontinuation of certain dodgy US foreign policy hallmarks.


Many of Trump supporters seem to have trouble accepting the level of resentment the man generates, and that a lot of what he is, supposedly, stands for, runs pretty much against people's principals. Labeling it all as indiscriminate obstructionism is a cop out. But an understandable at that - guess the same applied in reverse during recent years.


And non of it makes Carson any better suited for the job.

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1 hour ago, DogNo1 said:

It is one thing to be a member of the loyal opposition and oppose things which are against your principles but is quite different to be obstructionist and oppose everything an administration tries to do. The former respects the spirit of democracy; the latter does not. 


Funny, I think I heard the same argument about the GOP for the past 8 years from the Democrats. What was it that they called the GOP? Oh yeah, the party of "NO"!


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3 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

The media are rabble rousers and have been since William Randolph Hearst's Yellow Journalism precipitated war-mongering Teddy Roosevelt's attack on Cuba with the lie about the bombing of the Maine. 

For Jingthing: It is one thing to be a member of the loyal opposition and oppose things which are against your principles but is quite different to be obstructionist and oppose everything an administration tries to do. The former respects the spirit of democracy; the latter does not. 

The ENTIRE GOP was obstructionist to the Obama Administration...even if it was a policy they previously supported! Gimme a freaking break PLEASE with this tired asinine  tunnel vision Refucklican BS! :post-4641-1156693976: :sick: PUKE!

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I consider the Republican's complete lack of cooperation with Mr. Obama's administration to be undemocratic and unacceptable.  The country really can't survive such divisiveness.  I hope that we will see the diminishment of identity politics and an increase of focus on the issues.  We need democratically-minded people who understand the need to cooperate on issues. We will all suffer if there is a continued lack of cooperation.  To quote Skeptic7, we don't need more "asinine tunnel vision."  We need the broad mindedness that leads to cooperation.

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When Bush Jr. took over from Clinton, the Clinton team tried to warn Bush of the danger posed by Al Qaeda.   They also had chatter about a potentially very big terrorist event.   


The Bush team pretty much ignored the warnings.   The result, of course, was 9/11.   


Tump & Co. will not be able to tweet their way out of everything.   Hopefully, everyone won't have to suffer from their foolishness.


Carson, by the way, is probably the least qualified person imaginable to deal with HUD.   


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10 hours ago, Morch said:


Would you feel differently about it if the title implied that Carson had relevant experience, when in fact he does not?

I would feel good about an article that just reported the facts and just the facts.  Opinion belongs on the editorial page. Editorial pages used to have opinions of both sides of a particular issue.  My view of journalism that it should include the 5 w's (who, what, when, why, where) and how.  Journalism used to provide the information so an individual reader would have facts and make his own conclusion. That is certainly not the case in news today.  Whether it is MSNBC, FOX,  CNN or the newspapers, fact is gone and opinion is vicariously supported. That is what I objected to as it seems it is not a news piece but an opinion piece.  No objectivity in the article whatsoever no matter which side of the issue you are on.  If that was the case it should have been labeled as an opinion story.  It was not.

Edited by Trouble
edited typo
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2 hours ago, Credo said:

When Bush Jr. took over from Clinton, the Clinton team tried to warn Bush of the danger posed by Al Qaeda.   They also had chatter about a potentially very big terrorist event.   


The Bush team pretty much ignored the warnings.   The result, of course, was 9/11.   



Pure conjecture. Bill Clinton had the chance to kill Bin Ladin, not Bush.



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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Pure conjecture. Bill Clinton had the chance to kill Bin Ladin, not Bush.



It's not conjecture and whether he could of or could not have gotten him.   The Bush administration was warned of the imminent danger and did not aggressively continue the trail.  They dropped the ball.   But we are drifting off the topic.


The point is that the Trump administration is following the same arrogant and might-makes-right method of doing things.   The transition should a seamless process for the everyday functioning of the gov't.   It's not.   Carson is completely unfit to handle HUD.   

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20 minutes ago, Credo said:

It's not conjecture and whether he could of or could not have gotten him.   The Bush administration was warned of the imminent danger and did not aggressively continue the trail.  They dropped the ball. 


Politifact rates your charges FALSE. Bush had no advance warning of an attack on the USA.

Carson is a brilliant man and he will have plenty of help. He will probably do fine.




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5 hours ago, Credo said:

When Bush Jr. took over from Clinton, the Clinton team tried to warn Bush of the danger posed by Al Qaeda.   They also had chatter about a potentially very big terrorist event.   


The Bush team pretty much ignored the warnings.   The result, of course, was 9/11.   



Here is exactly what you said. You blamed 9/11 on Bush. Ridiculous.


As to Ben Carson, his medical expertise could help as far as pushing for quality housing for low-income people and improving health conditions.



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25 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Here is exactly what you said. You blamed 9/11 on Bush. Ridiculous.


As to Ben Carson, his medical expertise could help as far as pushing for quality housing for low-income people and improving health conditions.



As anyone who is even barely sentient will recall, Ben Carson was the only candidate who posed a serious challenge to Trump in general ignorance of the issues.

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