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90 Day online will no longer be available.

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My next reporting date was the 5th of this month. Went online to apply on the 22nd last month. Swiftly got the 'Pending' reply. But waited and waited trying everyday and could not get it 'Approved'

Phoned 1178 an111 for The Thai Visa helpline, just told me to keep on waiting.

Went to Kap Choeng today (wrongly ) as it happened (see other post re Buriram Expat residents) to renew my yearly extension and my 90 day report.

This is when they told me I go to the wrong place.

Showed them my online application with 'Pending" on it and asked why I could not get it 'approved'

The immigration officer stated that too many problems with web page (we know that) and the decision was made to suspend the service and are now waiting for a new program/web page.

He expected this to take about a year!!


Immediately I rang the hotline and repeated what I had been told they said they have not been informed of this.

When I arrived at the Buriram Immigration office I was told exactly the same thing. Even got my Thai wife to have the conversation in Thai to make sure we understood properly.

So tend to believe what I was told.

Anyone know anything different then reply.


There is no notices to that effect displayed anywhere, in fact Kap Choeng has a big sign on the door still saying how you can do online reporting which is what was given out before.


Once again there seems a lack of communication from head office to both the offices around the country and the call canter..


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Just now, ubonjoe said:

I have seen nothing official about it ending. I doubt very much it will be canceled.

I accept what you say.

I can only go on what I have been told by two 'reliable' sources, who should know what is going on. but when have you known good communication in Thailand.

I hope I am wrong on this.

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I used the service with no problems here in Ubon Ratchathani, until I left the country and returned.  With a new entry/departure card, the system could no longer process me.  I've also "heard" that getting a new passport will also prevent you from processing your 90 day as the system never gets updated.  The key word here is "heard", for I have no real evidence that the system never gets updated other than it did not recognize my new passport number.

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Tried to use the online reporting for the first time 2 days ago, with Safari and Firefox, I'm a Mac user... could not go past the first page.


Came across a post on this forum of someone that recommended Windows and IE. With my dual boot system, fired up Windows, went to IE and in a few minutes completed the whole process, no hiccups, only a few seconds between going from one page to the next. Just 30 minutes ago.


Don't know how long for getting approval, but so far quite painless...knock on wood

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6 minutes ago, mosan said:

I used the service with no problems here in Ubon Ratchathani, until I left the country and returned.  With a new entry/departure card, the system could no longer process me.  I've also "heard" that getting a new passport will also prevent you from processing your 90 day as the system never gets updated.  The key word here is "heard", for I have no real evidence that the system never gets updated other than it did not recognize my new passport number.

It could be that something was incorrectly entered when you entered the country. Getting the message to contact your local office means your record could not be found.

Getting a new passport means you cannot use the online reporting until you leave and re-enter country using it.

The database the system accesses is crated by an entry to the country. An immigration office cannot access it to change anything.

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5 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Who uses IE these days? Windows 10 doesn't, you get Edge. Just back from Phitsanulok Immigration to do 90 days. In and out within 5 minutes. Thanks

Edge will not work with online reporting. But IE does come with Windows 10. Just click settings on Edge and you will see a selection for IE.

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54 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Who uses IE these days? Windows 10 doesn't, you get Edge. Just back from Phitsanulok Immigration to do 90 days. In and out within 5 minutes. Thanks


Last report, grilled about my work permit and job 1 hour that should have been 5 minutes "in and out" like you.  Installed Vitual Box and then windows on my Mac for the sole purpose of reporting online and avoid another hour of grilling next week now I read this.  Unreal.  Time to research by mail filing I guess. The hoops to jump through just to contribute to this countries economy get higher and higher literally every week.

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

Who uses IE these days? Windows 10 doesn't, you get Edge. Just back from Phitsanulok Immigration to do 90 days. In and out within 5 minutes. Thanks

Skype does, IE 11 is required for the new Skype setup (of course there's workarounds).

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

Who uses IE these days? Windows 10 doesn't, you get Edge. Just back from Phitsanulok Immigration to do 90 days. In and out within 5 minutes. Thanks

I used IE do the 90 day report about 30 days ago on Windows 10. You don't see IE by default on Windows 10, but it is there. You just have to search for it.


And based on my experience only IE works these days. I used to be able to use the IE Chrome add on. But last time the only thing that would work was IE.

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

They should shut down all the ninety day reporting and make it once a year.

I agree. Really a waste of time for them and us....and I doubt the bad guys report anyway. I don't know what country they base this on. It certainly isn't the USA, you just enter and disappear into the hinterland. I lived there for 42 years on a Green Card, and the only time anything changed was when they came out with the new digital Green Card. The first time I returned using it I was directed with my luggage to a special room which had about fifteen unhappy looking people like Chinese etc. waiting, after five minutes I asked the IO officer would this take long because I had people waiting. He was surprised to hear that and got my passport from the bottom of the pile, asked how I entered the country 30 years before...I answered and I was out the door leaving the unhappy ones behind.

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Its all very well the people saying they USED the service- the point is that whilst it is being re-vamped you WILL NOT be able to use the service once it goes down.


Posting about the past is irrelevant.

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1 hour ago, connda said:

Pity they don't scrap 90 day reporting altogether.  

Although some people regard it as an irritation its hardly a great inconvenience and allows a certain amount of control over whether people are who and where they say they are.


If you're doing nothing wrong what's the hardship? I just plan a trip to immigration to tie in with other things.

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On 12/7/2016 at 5:44 PM, glegolo said:

Pity though.....A nice service and option to be able to report online.. Lets hope for the best and a quick new web-page then..



Appreciate your optimistic attitude BUT may I inquire as to just HOW LONG you've been living here?

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15 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Who uses IE these days? Windows 10 doesn't, you get Edge. Just back from Phitsanulok Immigration to do 90 days. In and out within 5 minutes. Thanks


Unless you are using a version of W10 denoted (N), every version has IE 11 installed.


C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (in most cases)

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15 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


Unless you are using a version of W10 denoted (N), every version has IE 11 installed.


C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (in most cases)

Easy to find on Edge just click settings.


IE select on Edge.jpg

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15 hours ago, ThaiWai said:


Last report, grilled about my work permit and job 1 hour that should have been 5 minutes "in and out" like you.  Installed Vitual Box and then windows on my Mac for the sole purpose of reporting online and avoid another hour of grilling next week now I read this.  Unreal.  Time to research by mail filing I guess. The hoops to jump through just to contribute to this countries economy get higher and higher literally every week.


Please don't think that your miniscule contribution matters, get over yourself, you are not worth a jot to the Thai economy.

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7 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Easy to find on Edge just click settings.


IE select on Edge.jpg


Yep, with my way, find it once, open it and pin to quick launch. But everyone to their own.


Horses for courses as they say.............................;)




(Notice there is no Edge pinned)................:smile:

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26 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

Yep, with my way, find it once, open it and pin to quick launch. But everyone to their own.

I seldom use Edge or IE so it makes no difference to me. Chrome works for me and for the 90 day reporting site IE Tab on it works good.

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