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What do you do here that you'd never (probably never) do back home?


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4 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

Driving on the left hand side is my idea of driving on the wrong side of the road....:passifier: Sorry to disappoint your sense of justice.


Hahaha...way to shut down the troll!  That idiot has just been going through this thread, picking fights with everyone based on their responses.

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3 hours ago, georgemandm said:

What are you saying , give me a break if someone things thailand is a better place to work then were they come from most be bad back home .

Because I would not work in a 3 rd world country at all , unless I am being paid to work here from my country back home .

Good you stay at home better for everyone. This 3rd world country doesn't need you.

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6 hours ago, docspinoff said:

sounds like Thailand has no hope of getting any better. if most of the comments by members talk about them selves braking the laws . how are the Thai people going to learn to do anything different !

It's not against Thai law to stand on the back step of a speeding songtheaw, or have people in the back of a ute.

If the people of Thailand needed people from nanny states to educate them, they are doomed anyway.


Other things I do here I wouldn't back home are have a huge cinema auditorium all to myself, or shop in a decent mall, or eat a bought meal that costs sod all.

Best of all though, is I could spend my holidays staying in an ensuite room on the sand on a beautiful beach with an exotic slim beauty with flawless coffee coloured skin and long black hair.

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- Fall in love & be loved & be happy, for the rest of our lives &, we hope, eternity

- Regard road rules as indicative only

- Never relax behind the wheel

- Never drive over 100kph

- Drink wine cooler

- Drink instant coffee

- Build a large mansion on 4/5 of an acre

- Play with small children

- Be surrounded by - and happy to be with - a large mostly illiterate or functionally illiterate family

- Happily live on a farm in the back of beyond

- Fall in love with assorted ducks, chooks, geese, turkeys, dogs, fish and brahmans

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

Can you not give comments on things you don't agree with without being nasty about it?

Oh for goodness sake lighten up boy get a life. The man is trolling through the thread just passed a bit back. so trot off and play your games elsewhere please I don't frighten easily.

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18 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Eat street food, drink street coffee.

Snake on a stick, squid legs, meatballs, all in plastic bags with buckets of chili sauce, sticky rice and mango, washed down with a street coffee, AND at any hour, anywhere!!  It doesn't get any better than that.

Nanny state Australia has ridiculous 'health' laws

And you Sir must have a cast iron guts.


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8 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

And you Sir must have a cast iron guts.


 Very very true.

and in the future he will have lots and lots of problems with his guts and will go back to his so called nanny state Australia for free hand outs , and for his bad health.

australia dose not have  ridiculous health laws is has some of the best health  Systems in the world .


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13 hours ago, georgemandm said:

 Verin very true.

and in the a nuifinreithe will have lents innd lots inf problems with his guts and will go back to his so called nanny state Australia for free hand outs , and for his bad health.

australia dose not have  ridiculous health laws is has some of the best health  Systems in the world .



My understanding of the consequences of eating food unhygienically prepared (the Ingredients are the same wherever It's prepared) Is that 'belly problems manifest themselves at the time, or soon after.  So far, the only place In Asia I've ever fell Ill Is the cleanest place Ion the planet, with high standard hygiene, was Singapore....In a 5* hotel!!  Once on airline food, business class food!!  That's It.


I think you male a fool of yourself suggesting I'll 'go back to my nanny state', etc., for treatment.


I live between a few countries, and pay may way.......handsomely In Australia.  I have preivate health Insurance and DO NOT use the public system.  You really make yourself an easy mark when you foolishly lead with your chin.  In my former business, making foolish assumptions, with no basis, can lead to unwanted, even nasty consequences.


You're right about Australia having good healthcare, and even better If you can pay, as It should be.  The laws are archaic not permitting street food vendors as In SE Asian countries.


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On 10/12/2016 at 1:21 PM, Shiver said:

 I was quite prepared to spend my life alone and don't mind my own company, so at least I wasn't leaking desperation, and honestly quite surprised that anyone could add such value to my life (not without its fair share of pain at times I must add, when the going got tough)


1) It works both ways, you are also adding value (BIG TIME) to her life, never forget that


2) When the going gets tough, remember who is boss, never allow a female to tell you otherwise, you are BOSS !


3) Loads of fish in the sea, and she must always know that when she raises her head to strike 555

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Started to walk back to my hotel with an absolutely gorgeous gorgeous woman hanging off my arm after a big night on the piss, small talk on the way, " I man " she said, in a softly spoken voice, oh, I'm Michael; no no no, she said, " I man " again in that softly spoken voice, yes, yes, and I'm Michael, no no no, she stopped me in the street, moved back a little and again said, " I man", with a frustrated look on her face and pointing down to her groin area and grabbing a handful of her jeans, saying, I have c-ck, well that didn't last long did it, that was before I knew what a ladyboy was, unfortunately not so for my mate...lol, mum's the word I keep telling him, but everyone back home knows, that was my 1st trip to Thailand, still a bloody good story 555

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