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Rape of Aussie tourist in Bangkok: More details emerge as hunt for Thai rapists intensifies


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6 minutes ago, Vermor said:

They are the consequences of violence amongt the poor people ... because it all start with education... And you probably know that "poor people" tried to immitate the rich people...so when you see a rich asking to a poor to "kho thot his car", he just make this behaviour acceptable among those poor minded...
A thai raping a white drunk girl ?! not a big deal like it was a rich thai woman...
As you see on the comments, this is the fault of the girl because she get drunk... That's what I mean...


Um.... no.... I don't see on the comments that this is the girls fault.


i see some people claiming that.... but more disclaiming that.


regardless of ones state of  conscienceness... ( drunk, drugged, exhausted, asleep, location, fallen over a cliff and become paralyzed, beaten senseless etc etc), taking advantage of another person, without consent, is dispicable.


as is defending it in any manner.

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11 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


The only thing they can prove is that whether intercourse took place, how can they prove rape ?

Maybe pissed, consented, then changed her mind.

It would not be the first alleged rape case in the world. 

Guess you think she must have liked getting her clothes ripped off in a bushy outdoor area and having sex with two strangers. 

Get real 

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13 hours ago, The manic said:

She did not deserve it but she did not look after herself. She was stupid to get so drunk and drink herself unconscious .  Quite disgraceful behaviour in fact. But stupidity does not deserve such punishment.


<deleted> is wrong with you?? Rape isn't "punishment." It's an intensely violent criminal act. And to imply that she deserved some kind of punishment for being young and drunk does't even freaking matter. Can't believe some of the posts I'm reading here. 

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25 minutes ago, farcanell said:


 taking advantage of another person, without consent, is dispicable.


as is defending it in any manner.

So we agree that it s not only rapist and murderer... that's what we see everywhere in the world... Nord taking advantage of South...without consent.
"economic competition" ( and abuse and corruption that goes with it) is the cause ( or the source) of "physical violence".

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2 hours ago, sweatalot said:


You are so wrong. There are a lot of alleged rape. German statistics say it might be over 50 %. It is so easy for a woman to pretend being raped and get innocent men into prison. If you dont' believe me I can give you plenty of sources (unfortunately in German) Nut I don't believe women in other countries are much different,

When in doubt, I'd rather side with the victim!

You may go on, defending the rapist!

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14 hours ago, The manic said:

She did not deserve it but she did not look after herself. She was stupid to get so drunk and drink herself unconscious .  Quite disgraceful behaviour in fact. But stupidity does not deserve such punishment.

disgraceful behaviour in both men and women is becoming the norm these days especially although not only, in the English speaking world, it seems that the word freedom goes hand in hand with falling standards and a lack of discretion. 

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15 hours ago, daveAustin said:


Not smart, but unfortunately there are certain quarters here that will read that and say she deserved it... much like the esteemed PM and his distasteful comments on pretty women not being safe in bikinis.

Right! Definitely not smart, but it gives no one the right to rape somebody. The people here that, as you say, are saying or going to say that she deserved it should just think over there small little pathetic narrow minded lifes.

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On Friday, December 09, 2016 at 9:12 AM, Thaiwrath said:


The only thing they can prove is that whether intercourse took place, how can they prove rape ?

Maybe pissed, consented, then changed her mind.

It would not be the first alleged rape case in the world.


So according to you, what happened to her is ok then?  Wow, you must be quite the scumbag. How can you possibly condone this?


She was stupid to be out alone at 3am in a strange city and blind drunk, but this should still not have happened to her.  She did not deserve to be attacked, no woman does, or man, for that matter.


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12 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


The only thing they can prove is that whether intercourse took place, how can they prove rape ?

Maybe pissed, consented, then changed her mind.

It would not be the first alleged rape case in the world. 

Off course. You must know a lot of 21 year old women that likes to have sex with their tuk tuk driver and his friend in a dark corner of the street and them have another woman finding them and bringing them to the hospital. Do you realize how strange that sounds?

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6 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

The unfortunate truth is that any woman walking alone at night/early morning in any country is a target robbery, rape and the worst, murder. Thailand is not alone in this crime.

This thread is about a story in Thailand.


What happens elsewhere is irrelevant. 

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

Tell the unfortunate women that!

Not the point of my point.


Tired of the 'this happens everywhere' line of deflection I see in threads such as this.


And yes I am equally tired of seeing posts saying this scumbags actions are typical of all Thai men.

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19 hours ago, OldBag said:

No matter how often women are told to stay sober, to stay away from strange men, to buddy up, to dress conservatively, women are raped. Even when women say “no,” women are raped. They are raped when they don’t say “no” too.

There are ways that rape can be prevented, though and they have absolutely nothing to do with a woman’s dress or her behavior. The only people who can prevent rape are men. A meme that’s going viral across social media shows a list of “Ten Rape Prevention Tips” that are sure to stop rape dead in its tracks. If every single man followed these tips, there would be no more rape.

1. Don’t put drugs in women’s drinks.

2. When you see a woman walking by herself, leave her alone.

3. If you pull over to help a woman whose car has broken down, remember not to rape her.

4. If you are in an elevator and a women gets in, don’t rape her.

5. When you encounter a woman who is asleep, the safest course of action is to not rape her.

6. Never creep into a woman’s home through an unlocked door or window, or spring out at her from between parked cars, or rape her.

7. Remember, people go to the laundry room to do their laundry. Do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.

8. Use the Buddy System! If it is inconvenient for you to stop yourself from raping women, ask a trusted friend to accompany you at all times.

9. Carry a rape whistle. If you find that you are about to rape someone, blow the whistle until someone comes to stop you.

10. Dont forget: Honesty is the best policy. When asking a woman out on a date, don’t pretend that you are interested in her as a person; tell her straight up that you expect to be raping her later. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the woman may take it as a sign that you do not plan to rape her.



If that was supposed to be tongue in cheek, you MISSED the mark.


If you were being serious,  I am speechless at the stupidity.

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

Not the point of my point.


Tired of the 'this happens everywhere' line of deflection I see in threads such as this.


And yes I am equally tired of seeing posts saying this scumbags actions are typical of all Thai men.

My point is that it is difficult enough for a lone woman who is sober let alone one who is drunk. And again, if it happens in places where there is law enforcement what chance do they have here?

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13 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


The only thing they can prove is that whether intercourse took place, how can they prove rape ?

Maybe pissed, consented, then changed her mind.

It would not be the first alleged rape case in the world. 

Under the law, the same in Thailand as in many other countries, if a woman is intoxicated, any man or men that have sexual intercourse with her are considered rapists. She has no need to prove rape, only needs to prove that sexual intercourse took place while she was under the influence of alcohol. Because the law says; that a drunk woman in not within her senses to consent to sex. So if a guy pulls a drunken woman at a club, bar or anywhere and has sex with her, even if it is the woman who initiates the sex and later she claims the man took advantage because of her drunken condition, then the man is a rapist.


There have been cases when married women or those with boyfriends have been drunk, got carried away with the moment and had sex on the night either with one or sometimes more than one guy they have met on these nights out and then later cried rape to protect their own reputations or interests.

So watch out guys.

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7 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

My point is that it is difficult enough for a lone woman who is sober let alone one who is drunk. And again, if it happens in places where there is law enforcement what chance do they have here?

Read previous reply I gave you.

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Agreed, NO justification for raping a woman, nor deserved, but with a little common sense, and heeding well published warnings, the chances could be reduced dramatically, 


Don't get drunk


Don't accept drinks from unknown travelers,  and watch your drink at all times


Don't walk alone, particularly at night.


I hope the perpetrators are found and severely dealt with, and importantly, that the poor girl recovers well.

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1 hour ago, Vermor said:

So we agree that it s not only rapist and murderer... that's what we see everywhere in the world... Nord taking advantage of South...without consent.
"economic competition" ( and abuse and corruption that goes with it) is the cause ( or the source) of "physical violence".


Wow... that was a quality bit of cherry picking diversion... well played.


However, this thread is about rape, not economic competition, enabling you can buy a cheaper toaster, or political competition, where one person should have one equal vote.


but, your points are valid, hence oversight committees and consumer watchdogs in the "west", where monopolies are also banned.... so your clever divert gets a (qualified) yes.... the individual circumstances would need to be examined before I would agree 100% 

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14 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


The only thing they can prove is that whether intercourse took place, how can they prove rape ?

Maybe pissed, consented, then changed her mind.

It would not be the first alleged rape case in the world. 

Nor would it be the Ist case where the offender claimed consent which had not been given

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17 hours ago, seahorse said:



I don't think anyone will say that she "deserved it" but she could have avoided it.


Safety tips for women travelling alone


The realities of women travelling alone


Female travel safety


Are you joking me that is just a bs  statement she could have avoided it .

so a man that gets a little  drunk is that ok .

no woman in the world should be  subject to  rape because she has had a little bit to much to drink.

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42 minutes ago, akentryan said:

I hope she was on the pill. Wouldn't be a very nice souvenier to take home. The hospital should have DNA (two or more?) shouldn't they? 


This would be a perfect example in the pro choice argument about abortion

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The lovely Thai culture. As I say  taxi tuk tuk what ever. There is no strict background checks. Actually there's not even  a reputable law agency or government. Best advise is stay from male Thais at night. Even if they are caught which I doubt the punishment will be laughable. Just like the regime laughable. 

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