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CIA says Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House


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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Or he would have lost the popular vote by a lot more if not for the Deep South.  This kind of arithmetic is so self-serving. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and by a lot. Get over it.


Oh I'm well over it. It's the folks that have taken it so hard that they lost that they have to make up for it blaming Putin that are not over it.

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"So exactly how is this sinister hack supposed to have influenced the election? Oh, that’s right, it revealed that the Democrats conspired with the press to make sure Trump would be the pick because they thought they could demonize him and beat him easily. Then they conspired to stop Bernie take California and cheated to give that to Hillary to the point the head of the DNC had to resign."




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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I know we have Russian members that post here.

I'm curious about the Russian man on the street opinion about this credible charge that Russia backed trump in an active way.

My guess is that the typical Russian man on the street:

-- Believes Russia was involved (regardless of denials by Putin ... what else would he say ...)

-- Agrees that Russia backed trump and shares that bias

-- Is happy that trump won, as he's perceived as a friend of Russia and someone that buys into most of Putin's propaganda (which Russians may not see as propaganda, but same difference)


Strong confirming evidence -- trump's pick for Secretary of State, without a doubt a very strong friend of Putin.



-- Is PROUD that the Russian nation under Putin is now so powerful that it could do this, and get away with it

Russians ... are my guesses spot on?




I can give you some answers from a good Russian friend who is a professor there in his 60s.


He asks me what is going on with Clinton, Trump, etc. because he has no idea and does not trust news from the government or other Russian sources. He will not discuss Putin directly on the phone or Email for fear, and says he is known as "the one who cannot be named". (Lol, just like the Thai)  When he does slip up he can have some powerful words against the powers that be.


In other words, what happens in the US is the least of his concerns. I doubt the average man on the street can take much time  from life's struggle to worry about Clinton/Trump. Most Russians I've known over the years are rather pro American, which make some sense  when you think about it. 


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14 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Oh I'm well over it. It's the folks that have taken it so hard that they lost that they have to make up for it blaming Putin that are not over it.

So the CIA is taking it hard that they lost?

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15 minutes ago, Linzz said:

"So exactly how is this sinister hack supposed to have influenced the election? Oh, that’s right, it revealed that the Democrats conspired with the press to make sure Trump would be the pick because they thought they could demonize him and beat him easily. Then they conspired to stop Bernie take California and cheated to give that to Hillary to the point the head of the DNC had to resign."




I guess Martin Armstrong making assertions is your idea of proof. In fact he's a crank and a crook.




All 16 government intelligence agencies and at least three private security firms have independently investigated the security breaches and concluded that the Russian government — in the words of the U.S. Intelligence Community — “directed” the hacking “to interfere with the US election process.”



Edited by ilostmypassword
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Did the Russians also involve themselves in the Wisconsin and Pennsylvania votes, which gave Trump the presidency and have now been certified as Trump victories?


My oh my, the Russians got there in place of Hillary, you have to hand it to them they're pretty smart to get into all those small salt of the earth hard working people, counties!!

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CIA refuses to provide any proof. Only that this entity cites that entity whose sources claim....blah blah blah. More importantly, they don't deny the validity of the emails regarding pedophilia and other activities. That's the real issue. Who cares who the messenger was, the message is the important issue.


Having worked for the govt in the US and with all levels of law enforcement including two and three letter agencies, I can tell you this is a smoke screen of propaganda. Attacking the messenger is propaganda 101. One of the first but very amateur attack strategies used to discredit someone when you cannot discredit their information. They cannot deny these emails are real, so they complain about where they came from. That is totally irrelevant.


Look at the statements by the CIA....many vague references. This statement is garbage.

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I like this from Newt Gingrich.

" Think about it, Barack Obama is now saying that his administration was so incompetent that they stood around sucking their thumb, while Russian's hacked into an American election because of the utter incompetence of the Obama defense system"

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40 minutes ago, rabas said:


I can give you some answers from a good Russian friend who is a professor there in his 60s.


He asks me what is going on with Clinton, Trump, etc. because he has no idea and does not trust news from the government or other Russian sources. He will not discuss Putin directly on the phone or Email for fear, and says he is known as "the one who cannot be named". (Lol, just like the Thai)  When he does slip up he can have some powerful words against the powers that be.


In other words, what happens in the US is the least of his concerns. I doubt the average man on the street can take much time  from life's struggle to worry about Clinton/Trump. Most Russians I've known over the years are rather pro American, which make some sense  when you think about it. 


I really should have clarified I was asking about PRO Putin Russians. The kind that consumes Putin controlled hyper nationalist Russian media and doesn't question it. A professor that sounds to be rather a dissenter wouldn't fit that. 

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  What's patently obvious is that the liberal crybabies are purposely using the term "election process".....when the correct term is campaign.  There is probability (in my mind, anyway) that Russia may have attempted to interfere in the campaign - there is zero evidence that anyone attempted to interfere in the actual election itself.  (See: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, et. al.)  


  But, since the whiny, in denial Snowflakes still can't handle the fact that Queen Hillary wasn't anointed, they have to come up with these asinine schemes to try to overturn a legal, bonafide election that THEY LOST.  


  Link:  www.ohboohoo.com



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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The original post was removed so no-one can reply further but it is interesting that a self-professed IT professional (and 'banker') now just repeats any old thing that Trump tweets from the crapper at 5am.


We now have to Iive in the world where these fools believe their own Trump inspired BS.


Before making a insulting comment regards me, try comprehending my post. Same applies to those who 'liked' your post.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

So, what you are saying is that the Russians absolutely hacked HRC's server and know everything that the US was doing while she was Sec. State. I seem to remember her claiming her server had NOT been hacked. A lie?

I've put up many links showing where Russia hacked computers systems in the US over the years.  Never said anything about Hillary when she was Sec. State.  Easy to Google this and see all the instances and why the US powers to be are quite upset.  For good reason....

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36 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

CIA refuses to provide any proof. Only that this entity cites that entity whose sources claim....blah blah blah. More importantly, they don't deny the validity of the emails regarding pedophilia and other activities. That's the real issue. Who cares who the messenger was, the message is the important issue.


Having worked for the govt in the US and with all levels of law enforcement including two and three letter agencies, I can tell you this is a smoke screen of propaganda. Attacking the messenger is propaganda 101. One of the first but very amateur attack strategies used to discredit someone when you cannot discredit their information. They cannot deny these emails are real, so they complain about where they came from. That is totally irrelevant.


Look at the statements by the CIA....many vague references. This statement is garbage.

The Russia hacks have been confirmed by the FBI as well as independent security companies.  No smoke screen here.  Russia did hack email servers.  What the intent was, is not 100% known.  But the hacking was real.  And has happened before.  A quick Google search will show you that.

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Before making a insulting comment regards me, try comprehending my post. Same applies to those who 'liked' your post.

Certainly not directed at you but to the poster you were quoting. His post removed. Had to read his right wing rubbish for a long time. I regard you as one of the good ones fighting ignorance with facts. Apologies if I gave the wrong impression

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

I guess Martin Armstrong making assertions is your idea of proof. In fact he's a crank and a crook.


Don't know the absolute intricacies of Armstrong as a trader and programmer  but I've read he was incarcerated for 7 years for contempt of court and he never did release his codes. His belief is centred on universal  pi cycles  using a super computer analysing  multiple economic data not based on Armstrong's own opinion. The computer predictions were bang on with Brexit  and Trump and I made a lot of money even though I'm not a subscriber so I don't really give a rat's arse what you or Wikipedia say or think.

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4 hours ago, rabas said:
Reuters Exclusive:
Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources.
Seems that many ntelligence agencies are standing down form the CIA 'claim'  that Putin intended help Trump. No intelligence agency in their collective right mind would ever make claims about what is in someone's heart. Only a politician would phrase such a thing, one that has executive control of the CIA. More politics, same, same. 

Standing down from the claim Putin intended to help Trump.  But not standing down from the claim Russia did the hack. They're firm on that one.  This won't go away soon.  Luckily.

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Weaponized information.

"What’s different this time around is that the Russians leaked cherry-picked excerpts of these stolen files to WikiLeaks, which passed them on to the scoop-happy mass media. In short, the Russians didn’t merely engage in “passive intelligence collection”; they weaponized what they collected. They didn’t merely hack files to learn about U.S. politics; they then strategically planted damaging bits from those files in order to shape U.S. politics."


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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

The Russia hacks have been confirmed by the FBI as well as independent security companies.  No smoke screen here.  Russia did hack email servers.  What the intent was, is not 100% known.  But the hacking was real.  And has happened before.  A quick Google search will show you that.

I did see the "evidence" and it wasn't valid at all. BTW, I'm trained by the same three letter agency you quoted (among others), I know a little about how they operate. Since you are such a google fan, search for "Fusion Center" for a tiny, tiny tidbit about my background. You don't have to tell me about US govt fabrications, been there and done that. If that's who you are believing, you are lost from step one.


Next thing you'll be citing is CNN or BBC. Hahahahaha.....

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"A retired Army intelligence officer on Monday dismissed the idea that Russia was working to ensure Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, and said that theory makes no sense because Russia doesn't gain anything from a Trump victory.

"The Russians would not benefit from a President Trump," said retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, on WMAL radio Monday. "There's no upside for a President Trump in the Russian influence in the world."


"Why would you want to change running the table with Hillary Clinton in charge, picking up where President Obama" left off, he asked. That's an apparent reference to Russia's move against Ukraine, and its continued effort to frustrate U.S. goals in Syria, moves that have not prompted much of a response from the Obama administration beyond diplomatic warnings."


Rest of story - Washington Examiner

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6 minutes ago, NeverSure said:
42 minutes ago, Andreas2 said:

Is there any information or evidence publicly available, that the "DNC server" was hacked at all and which information from there was used to help DJT to win the election?




But yet the headline reads:


On 12/11/2016 at 6:55 AM, rooster59 said:

CIA says Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House


This is the thing that aggravates me. 

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Q: There is a higher than usual possibility that Russian's military agency GRU has meddled against USA during presidential election. 

Do you wish to know the truth what really happened?
A2: NO

What ever your answer, please explain why. This applies also to our little russian trolls. 


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Of course they did.

It was like putting a bull in the China shop, they saw an opportunity to try to damage the U.S.

Whateer the cost and hassle to do it, it was worth the effort for  Putin to make a try at it.

Whather it worked or not, that's a different matter.

The Russsians wouldn't missed such an opportunity to disrupt the system.

They are not fools.

They never give a sucker an even break.



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