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Israel vows to work with Trump to undo Iran deal


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Israel vows to work with Trump to undo Iran deal 


WASHINGTON (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling President-elect Donald Trump a strong supporter of Israel, and says he wants to work with Trump to undo the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration and other world powers.


"I know Donald Trump," Netanyahu told CBS's "60 Minutes" in an interview that will air Sunday night. "He feels very warmly about the Jewish state, about the Jewish people...there's no question about that."


Netanyahu said there are "various ways of undoing" the 2015 deal, in which Iran agreed to limits on its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions on its oil industry and finances.


"I have about five things in my mind," Netanyahu said, declining to go into further detail.


Trump has been harshly critical of the nuclear deal, and Netanyahu tried to block it.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-12
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Well lets hope with all the back peddling that Trump has done, he definitely back peddles on this one as 'undoing' this deal would result in the complete destabilising of the entire region, which is of course what Netanyahu wants. Tread very carefully Mr Trump.

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40 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well lets hope with all the back peddling that Trump has done, he definitely back peddles on this one as 'undoing' this deal would result in the complete destabilising of the entire region, which is of course what Netanyahu wants. Tread very carefully Mr Trump.

The Middle East is already completely unstable. The Russians are now in, after the West had worked hard to keep them out for 60 years. (remember Aswan dam?). Iran has always been the only  powerful country in the region  with aspirations  of controlling the region, hence their long history of state sponsored terrorism. If you want some insight to the Middle East, look at a map of Iran. Who are they now 100% surrounded by.  US allies, friends, and US Navy.




Edited by rabas
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49 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well lets hope with all the back peddling that Trump has done, he definitely back peddles on this one as 'undoing' this deal would result in the complete destabilising of the entire region, which is of course what Netanyahu wants. Tread very carefully Mr Trump.

Difficult to destabilize an area that's been fundamentally unstabilized for the past 1000 + years.....


6% literacy sitting on a big pool of oil $$$$$  (the industrial world needs) & poppies for sale controlled by radical fanatics is about as controllable as shifting sands of their deserts....

Edited by pgrahmm
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27 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

Difficult to destabilize an area that's been fundamentally unstabilized for the past 1000 + years.....


6% literacy sitting on a big pool of oil $$$$$  (the industrial world needs) & poppies for sale controlled by radical fanatics is about as controllable as shifting sands of their deserts....

Really? For the past 1000 years. Your lack of knowledge of history is laughable.  Iran alone has existed as a nation for about 2500 years. Unstable indeed!

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36 minutes ago, rabas said:

The Middle East is already completely unstable. The Russians are now in, after the West had worked hard to keep them out for 60 years. (remember Aswan dam?). Iran has always been the only  powerful country in the region  with aspirations  of controlling the region, hence their long history of state sponsored terrorism. If you want some insight to the Middle East, look at a map of Iran. Who are they now 100% surrounded by.  US allies, friends, and US Navy.




.Iran is 100% surrounded by US allies?  Are you saying that Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan are U.S. allies? You must have a very different definition of "ally".

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37 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

.Iran is 100% surrounded by US allies?  Are you saying that Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan are U.S. allies? You must have a very different definition of "ally".


I said allies, friends, and US Navy.


Military relations between Pakistan and the United States have been present since the two established diplomatic relations in 1947. The United States' military relations with Pakistan have been consistently close and it has sometimes been referred to as "America's most allied ally in Asia".


Iraq and Afghanistan are pretty obvious since we have had military presence in both, Ground troops were withdrawn from Iraq by 2011 but we still have military relations with them especially for air and special forces operations against ISIS.


Turkmenistan is a declared neutral country with stated ambitions to have good trading relations with the US and Turkey. Of course they must be cautious because of there proximity to Russia.


My point is that relations with the countries surrounding Iran are of strategic importance, and not accidental.

Edited by rabas
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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

.Iran is 100% surrounded by US allies?  Are you saying that Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan are U.S. allies? You must have a very different definition of "ally".


As far as Pakistan is concerned..... Afghanistan is full of Nato soldiers and stations. 

The real power of Iran is not only the location of the country  but the huge number of Iranians living in other countries, who could remain Iranians. In case of any major disturbance, they will set themselves in action.

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3 hours ago, rabas said:


I said allies, friends, and US Navy.


Military relations between Pakistan and the United States have been present since the two established diplomatic relations in 1947. The United States' military relations with Pakistan have been consistently close and it has sometimes been referred to as "America's most allied ally in Asia".


Iraq and Afghanistan are pretty obvious since we have had military presence in both, Ground troops were withdrawn from Iraq by 2011 but we still have military relations with them especially for air and special forces operations against ISIS.


Turkmenistan is a declared neutral country with stated ambitions to have good trading relations with the US and Turkey. Of course they must be cautious because of there proximity to Russia.


My point is that relations with the countries surrounding Iran are of strategic importance, and not accidental.

Wow! Iraq is an ally to the USA but not to Iran?  What planet are you from? 

You think the Afghanis want to have problems with Iran? I think the Taliban is one enemy enough for them.

America's relations with Pakistan are very strained thanks to Pakistani support for the Taliban.

Turkmenistan is neutral and doesn't want problems with Iran any more than it wants problem with Turkey and Russian.

And Turkey, which actually prohibited the US from using their bases there to fight the Iraq War, isn't going to risk any problems for the sake of the USA.

Nor are any of those countries neighboring or close to Iran with the exception of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAR.  

Iran has nothing to fear from the vast majority of its neighbors who don't want to be enlisted in another disastrous American venture in the Mideast.

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5 hours ago, rabas said:

The Middle East is already completely unstable. The Russians are now in, after the West had worked hard to keep them out for 60 years. (remember Aswan dam?). Iran has always been the only  powerful country in the region  with aspirations  of controlling the region, hence their long history of state sponsored terrorism. If you want some insight to the Middle East, look at a map of Iran. Who are they now 100% surrounded by.  US allies, friends, and US Navy.




Strange ! Iran is probably the only country in the middle East that has never tried to invade a other one !!!

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well lets hope with all the back peddling that Trump has done, he definitely back peddles on this one as 'undoing' this deal would result in the complete destabilising of the entire region, which is of course what Netanyahu wants. Tread very carefully Mr Trump.

Beware of wise men bearing gifts. This guy could paint you into a corner. 

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44 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Wow! Iraq is an ally to the USA but not to Iran?  What planet are you from? 

You think the Afghanis want to have problems with Iran? I think the Taliban is one enemy enough for them.

America's relations with Pakistan are very strained thanks to Pakistani support for the Taliban.

Turkmenistan is neutral and doesn't want problems with Iran any more than it wants problem with Turkey and Russian.

And Turkey, which actually prohibited the US from using their bases there to fight the Iraq War, isn't going to risk any problems for the sake of the USA.

Nor are any of those countries neighboring or close to Iran with the exception of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAR.  

Iran has nothing to fear from the vast majority of its neighbors who don't want to be enlisted in another disastrous American venture in the Mideast.


My planet?


On my planet, I've been to and worked in Iran, interfaced  with government agencies, and was even the director of a substantial Irani company for many years. They are mostly a very fine and friendly people and I still have good friends. I once had the dubious honor of sitting next to the cousin of Ebrahim Asgharzadeh     who took over the US Embassy, if you remember. He was one of a group of Iran parliamentarians with whom we dined. When they saw I was the only American at the table they laughed and said, oh you really need to sit next to this guy. 


Where do you get information from on your planet?

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39 minutes ago, off road pat said:

Strange ! Iran is probably the only country in the middle East that has never tried to invade a other one !!!


Um, where did you get that information? Iran (also known as Persia) has tried to invade almost every neighboring country.




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1 hour ago, rabas said:


My planet?


On my planet, I've been to and worked in Iran, interfaced  with government agencies, and was even the director of a substantial Irani company for many years. They are mostly a very fine and friendly people and I still have good friends. I once had the dubious honor of sitting next to the cousin of Ebrahim Asgharzadeh     who took over the US Embassy, if you remember. He was one of a group of Iran parliamentarians with whom we dined. When they saw I was the only American at the table they laughed and said, oh you really need to sit next to this guy. 


Where do you get information from on your planet?

Anyone who believes that Iraq is a stronger ally to the US than it is to Iran is clearly clueless no matter what his or her alleged experiences.

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6 hours ago, rabas said:

sometimes been referred to as "America's most allied ally in Asia"

A phrase first coined by Pakistani five-star general and President Mohammad Ayub Khan in his autobiography "Friends Not Masters," first published in 1967. A lot has changed in the region since then.

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Netanyahu and Trump are kinda birds of a feather, or at least have enough common ground with regard to style and views. Dunno that the Iran deal can be changed, seeing that it's signed by other countries besides the US, and involves international bodies. It is unlikely that the US will be able to make all parties accept amendments to the agreement, so what's left is either the US reneging or taking extra unilateral steps (which probably amount to the same thing). Some posters are bound to to dismiss this and assert it only the US view that matters - hopefully no need to explain how and why this is off mark. 


In terms of ME stability, the deal reached was, probably, the best available without risking a conflagration, or seeing the sanctions on Iran wither away. I have no illusions that it's a perfect agreement, but seriously doubt that Netanyahu got even one relevant realistic idea how to make it better, never mind five. For the most part, his own generals and chiefs of security, seem to be pretty much of the opinion that the agreement is a result, and that alternatives could be worse.

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11 minutes ago, billd766 said:


At least for the last 2,000 years anyway.


They are nowadays militarily involved in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and to a lesser extent, Yemen. Not invasions per se, but not exactly keeping to their own borders.

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The way I see it, is that the Middle East are countries that are mostly if not all

Muslim, with Islam as their religion. The same for a bunch of countries in

Africa,  where there is also a lot of unrest, corruption, crime, and fighting.

  What other countries have fighting and ISIL or some other Islamic terror

group fighting.  Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and some others.

Isn't Pakistan  having  their troubles with terrorists as well.  Corruption

reigns in so many of these countries,  and when their population becomes

refugees  and such, does this not just spread the corruption?



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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

The way I see it, is that the Middle East are countries that are mostly if not all

Muslim, with Islam as their religion. The same for a bunch of countries in

Africa,  where there is also a lot of unrest, corruption, crime, and fighting.

  What other countries have fighting and ISIL or some other Islamic terror

group fighting.  Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and some others.

Isn't Pakistan  having  their troubles with terrorists as well.  Corruption

reigns in so many of these countries,  and when their population becomes

refugees  and such, does this not just spread the corruption?



Mmm let's connect tomatoes and carrots just because we can.

The way I see it all western countries want to steal ressources or buy them at really advantageous prices.

It seems all western countries are mostly catholics or protestants. It seems thos countries are all greedy for oil, uranium, rare soil...

It seems most of these countries go to wars in middle east for false reasons. It seems most of the times it is a disaster, it seems sometimes we go based on lies like in Iraq. It seems most of the western coutries like ot be at war but not on their soil. It seems those western countries sell 90% of the weapons in the world....



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Oh  David   and you  think  that  the Middle East  and  the eastern  countries are  all   angels!  Really?   Are  a lot  of  the  refugees  these days  from all   the western  countries? Do  you think  that India  is  a great  non  corrupt country  innocently  building  coal  fired power plants, polluting the air  the way  they  do.  How about  countries  like

some  in  South America  that are  so  corrupt that  even though  they  had  it good with producing oil  when prices were  high  but  now are  almost  bankrupt now.   I know this has nothing to do with the greed  of the USA or  other western countries  that  you  apparently  hate, but,, really?  Makes  me  wonder  is this  your  real  name?

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13 hours ago, Morch said:

They are nowadays militarily involved in Syria ... Iraq

So what?

Iran military assistance in Iraq and Syria in fighting and expelling ISIL - same presence as the US, UK, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Jordon, etc.

Iran is not present in Yemen except in the form of military supply backing Shia rebels fighting Sunnis backed by Saudi Arabia.

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