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Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for


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16 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I am not so sure that he isn't draining the swamp.  I have nothing against rich, successful people who love their country. I was a great admirer of John F. Kennedy and truly believe that he wanted to help the little guy.  I understand that it is the democrat's talking point, but that does not make it true.

Gingrich stated this but now seems Trump is saying he still wants to.  Interesting comments here:





During his campaign, Trump repeatedly vowed to "drain the swamp" -- leading chants of the phrase at his rallies -- part of an anti-establishment, anti-Washington message that was predicated on rooting out corruption and bringing an outsider's perspective to government.
But since the election, the phrase has been turned against Trump with biting irony.
Critics have used it to assail Trump's high-level appointments of Wall Street and DC veterans, like former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin as treasury secretary and Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Ron Klain, a former Obama administration official, tweeted, "Sure, Drain the Swamp. Congrats to all you outsiders who thought that Hillary Clinton was too establishmen



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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I am not so sure that he isn't draining the swamp.  I have nothing against rich, successful people who love their country. I was a great admirer of John F. Kennedy and truly believe that he wanted to help the little guy.  I understand that it is the democrat's talking point, but that does not make it true.

Especially ones who have given so much evidence of possessing sterling characters like Steve Mnuchin and  Gary Cohn.

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Comparing Bernie Madoff and Trump:


Similarities. Both..... 


>>>  are based in NYC. 

>>>  are elderly white men

>>>  live ostentatious lifestyles

>>>  make tubs of money by cheating people

>>>  have no political experience

>>>  avoid paying taxes, and avoid being taken to task for many years.

>>>  lie daily

>>>  have rich friends

>>>  are great at buttering important people up - who can do favors for them.




>>>  One got busted and is doing jail time.  The other hasn't yet been busted.

>>>  One got fined and was forced to partially pay back the people he cheated.  The other is still fancy free and smiling broadly.

>>>  One is a gentleman in mixed company.  The other is a pussy grabber.

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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Comparing Bernie Madoff and Trump:


Similarities. Both..... 


>>>  are based in NYC. 

>>>  are elderly white men

>>>  live ostentatious lifestyles

>>>  make tubs of money by cheating people

>>>  have no political experience

>>>  avoid paying taxes, and avoid being taken to task for many years.

>>>  lie daily

>>>  have rich friends

>>>  are great at buttering important people up - who can do favors for them.




>>>  One got busted and is doing jail time.  The other hasn't yet been busted.

>>>  One got fined and was forced to partially pay back the people he cheated.  The other is still fancy free and smiling broadly.

>>>  One is a gentleman in mixed company.  The other is a pussy grabber.



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3 hours ago, iReason said:


Flat out wrong.

And blatant misinformation.


What he has is, nearly a billion dollars of debt. 

And possibly more...



Wrong again. Forbes estimates 4.5 BILLION.


The billion-dollar question about Donald Trump’s wealth has been answered, according to Forbes.

The magazine unveiled its annual list of the wealthiest Americans Tuesday and the real estate mogul didn’t make the top 10, or even the top 100.

The Republican presidential front-runner, who regularly boasts his worth is $10 billion or more, ranked 121st on the list with a net worth of only $4.5 billion.


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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong again. Forbes estimates 4.5 BILLION.


The magazine unveiled its annual list of the wealthiest Americans Tuesday and the real estate mogul didn’t make the top 10, or even the top 100.

The Republican presidential front-runner, who regularly boasts his worth is $10 billion or more, ranked 121st on the list with a net worth of only $4.5 billion.


Try reading the article I provided before you embarrass yourself again.

And you'll realize the con-man does not have many millions of dollars of assets at his disposal.

Oops! Too late...


Can't dispose of anything for himself until he pay's off the billion he's in the hole for.


Or, I suppose he could find a way to go bankrupt.



Although nice to see that you agree that the con-man has been lying endlessly about being worth 10 billion... :thumbsup:

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43 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong again. Forbes estimates 4.5 BILLION.


The billion-dollar question about Donald Trump’s wealth has been answered, according to Forbes.

The magazine unveiled its annual list of the wealthiest Americans Tuesday and the real estate mogul didn’t make the top 10, or even the top 100.

The Republican presidential front-runner, who regularly boasts his worth is $10 billion or more, ranked 121st on the list with a net worth of only $4.5 billion.


What ever he's worth, you just proved he lied....again.  Lovely person.

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3 minutes ago, iReason said:


Try reading the article I provided before you embarrass yourself again.




Maybe YOU should read it. He has many millions of assets no matter how you try to spin it. From your link:


Trump surely has plenty of real income beyond that $20 million, but given the importance of the partnership properties, it’s hard to see how his total income, as normally defined, gets beyond $100 million, let alone five-times that number.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Please point out a politician that has not lied - starting with the one that he ran against.

Don't deflect.  This isn't about other politicians.   He just doesn't care.  And his supporters don't seem to mind.

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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Probably because they know every politician lies. It kind of ruins the talking point. That is why it does not especially bother me.

You're deflecting again....and it's not all about you.  This is the president-elect.

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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong again. Forbes estimates 4.5 BILLION.


The billion-dollar question about Donald Trump’s wealth has been answered, according to Forbes.

The magazine unveiled its annual list of the wealthiest Americans Tuesday and the real estate mogul didn’t make the top 10, or even the top 100.

The Republican presidential front-runner, who regularly boasts his worth is $10 billion or more, ranked 121st on the list with a net worth of only $4.5 billion.


A guy living close to me has about 200 M Baht of assets, several houses, fast car and all of it is owned by ....the banks. If the banks called in his loans today he would be on his ass selling lottery tickets to make a living. Trump is in EXACTLY the same position. He owns nothing, the banks own it all. He is a grade A conman

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong again. Forbes estimates 4.5 BILLION.


The billion-dollar question about Donald Trump’s wealth has been answered, according to Forbes.

The magazine unveiled its annual list of the wealthiest Americans Tuesday and the real estate mogul didn’t make the top 10, or even the top 100.

The Republican presidential front-runner, who regularly boasts his worth is $10 billion or more, ranked 121st on the list with a net worth of only $4.5 billion.



The TRUTH as spoken by his daughter. I wondered where this interview had gone. She is talking about the year 2003 !!! Here is someone so far out of touch it is beyond belief, apart from the poster of the quote above.


This is the Donald that can relate to the normal person and care for those US citizens in need!! Here he explains to his daughter why the homeless guy on the street has more money than he does!




Just in case you missed it in the shock, the text reads



“I remember once, my father and I were walking down 5th Avenue, and there was a homeless person sitting right outside of Trump Tower. And I think I was probably nine, ten something like this, it was right around the time as the divorce. And I remember my father pointing to him and saying ‘That guy has $8 billion more than me.’ Because he was in such extreme debt at that point. And me thinking ‘What are you talking about?’ He was sitting outside of Trump Tower, and I didn’t understand. I just thought about it a year or two ago and thought it interesting. It makes me all the more proud of my parents that they got through that.”


!! looks for speechless smiley.

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Here's a link to an article show how Trump's probably economic program is going to hurt those Americans he promised to help. One particularly ominous thing was a new posting on his website which says he's going to "modernize" medicare.  What is there about Medicare that's old fashioned and need to be modernized?  It is not insignificant that his nominee to be HUD director and his nominee to be budget director both support privatizing Medicare. 


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15 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

“I remember once, my father and I were walking down 5th Avenue, and there was a homeless person sitting right outside of Trump Tower...And I remember my father pointing to him and saying ‘That guy has $8 billion more than me.’ Because he was in such extreme debt at that point...


Pointing to a down and out homeless guy and calling that guy richer while going into his opulent office. Even when he's flat broke, Trump can't help being a dick. 

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7 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Pointing to a down and out homeless guy and calling that guy richer while going into his opulent office. Even when he's flat broke, Trump can't help being a dick. 


More like ironic. He was confessing his problems to his daughter. The guy really can be funny. 

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8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I think you would defend Trump if he was caught banging a corpse.


To be fair, the corpse was a "10" and half his age, minus 7 years.


*also, you're being disrespectful of Melania.

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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Well, I think there was nothing wrong with that remark from Trump. He was telling her he was broke.
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         Except Trump was lying though his teeth, which he does every day.  The tramp sitting on the sidewalk probably hadn't been able to bathe for 20 days, or eat more than a meager meal every two days.  Trump has never missed a meal in his life.  When he was getting in trouble for ripping off investors, banks and contractors, the banks made him promise to limit his spending to $220,000 a month.  That's was the lowest Trump got. So  he's a flat-out lying s.o.b. to say he was ever poorer than that tramp on the sidewalk.   I have never lied to my daughter.  That's just one of 100 reasons why I'm a better person than Trump.

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


More like ironic. He was confessing his problems to his daughter. The guy really can be funny. 


An ironic dick is someone like Colbert in his previous role as a Bill O'Reilly wannabe. Trump was just being a dick, his default self.

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         Except Trump was lying though his teeth, which he does every day.  The tramp sitting on the sidewalk probably hadn't been able to bathe for 20 days, or eat more than a meager meal every two days.  Trump has never missed a meal in his life.  When he was getting in trouble for ripping off investors, banks and contractors, the banks made him promise to limit his spending to $220,000 a month.  That's was the lowest Trump got. So  he's a flat-out lying s.o.b. to say he was ever poorer than that tramp on the sidewalk.   I have never lied to my daughter.  That's just one of 100 reasons why I'm a better person than Trump.

Still, the tramp had nothing, Trump had debt.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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