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Gen Preecha defends undeclared house


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7 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


In short, a very very expensive house unaffordable for a salary man like Preecha. Hard for any bank to loan base on his salary. Unless he got highly valued collateral which again brings to question as to how a salary man acquire those assets. Maybe from inheritance after splitting between siblings. 

No problem his big brother co-signed for the loan. Yes dear Thai's that is how the military head honcho's retire. Grape poppers wanted. 

Edited by elgordo38
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6 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

Yu'p he's up to his o'l antic's agian it seems. But big brother will be there as to defend him and any that want to push for answers will get the same answer they got last time, stop asking questions, followed by this is not helping, I am the hero of anti corruption.

Junta huggers,   well reckon they'll be missing in action as normal...  Hello out there fella's you want to defend this one also???


Damm red shirts...

Easy on the junta huggers. They have been getting sandbagged lately by their heroes. Some have deserted the junta and become tree huggers. Seems that the actions of trees is more predictable. 

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7 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

Looks like everyone is judge and jury here . The land in that area is not expensive


And building a home in that area by yourself will run about 5 million


Not out of reach for someone like that 


Give it time the truth will come out

Just a minute till I stop laughing. This guy building a house by himself especially the one in the picture for 5 million bahts. Sorry have to take a laughter break again. Free thinkers wanted!!

Edited by elgordo38
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4 hours ago, smutcakes said:


Who has been jailed for corruption? Investigations, investigations, committee's more committee's, nearly 3 years now with unlimited power without recourse- where are the prosecutions, the reform? Nothing. 


How long do you think it takes in Thailand to bring a court case?


The courts are still dealing with cases from when Thaksin was in power and that was 10 years ago.


Firstly a complaint has to be laid with the police


They investigate it to see if it is possible to bring to bring it to the court..


Next the police have to collect all the evidence and agree that the prosecution will succeed.


Next is the longest and hardest bit as the police have to prove to the courts that the perpetrator is guilty and the perp is allowed to bring as many witnesses to court as he likes (just like Yingluck) and if he is found guilty then the judges make a ruling.


Next his lawyer will appeal to the next level of court and ask for bail. That can takes several years and if that court upholds the lower court verdict his lawyer will appeal to the Supreme court which will take years more. That also assumes that witnesses for the prosecution don't die of old age, forget their testimony, get sick or are nobbled in any way or the statute of limitations runs out.


But first of course someone has to file the complaint.


The timeline is anywhere between 2 and 15 years at a guess.


Edited by billd766
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2 hours ago, smutcakes said:


Or they could simply do something. Like make it illegal for top police and military to be paid by private companies as 'advisors'. They wont stop it though as they all have similar perks.


So nothing as severe as Phillipines, there is plenty of low hanging fruit here should they wish to take simple steps.


Don't forget to add elected politicians being paid by private individuals and companies as well as by the state will you. You wouldn't want to have double standards for them now, would you?

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4 hours ago, robblok said:


Yes I like what the current government is doing against corruption (far more than other governments) But this stuff of giving his brother and nephew a free pass makes them as hypocritical as all the others. 

What is it that you like about what the current govt is doing against corruption?

Seems to me all it's doing is settling scores with the Thaksinites and giving a free pass to itself and its allies. 

Gross hypocricy.


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29 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


In short, a very very expensive house unaffordable for a salary man like Preecha. Hard for any bank to loan base on his salary. Unless he got highly valued collateral which again brings to question as to how a salary man acquire those assets. Maybe from inheritance after splitting between siblings. 


That is true but looking back to Thaksin, his wife was a rich woman in her own right from her family side, as he was from his family.


Preecha and his wife could in fact be fairly rich from their families money.


That in theory should have shown up when he declared their assets originally. This house has been built since then so in theory at any rate it will show up on the next one.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:


Yes, now that that he got caught, he's going to declare

it and other assets, it was said that the fish stinks from the head....


By law he has to declare his assets within a 12 month period of retiring so he's got until September 2017 before anything starts stinking.

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3 hours ago, scorecard said:


Yawn yawn yawn.  Did you recheck the now ages old playbook again this morning?

Why is it that you seem only to have a problem with people expressing themselves RATHER than condeming the PM's broth for yet agian breking the rules of disclosure, He hs done it in the past and still doing it today, WHY are you not calling on the great exterminator of corruption to have him removed and fully and independantly investigated? or you support his being protected by his brother yet agian??? 

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4 hours ago, scorecard said:



Further, this guy should have enough brains and common sense to do things by the book and not make troubles for his brother and for the reputation of his wider family. Especially when it comes to land ownership and correct documentation.

A brainless fool!


So far, and as far as declaration of this house is concerned, the "brainless fool" (your words, not mine) has done everything by the book.   Unless you can point out where he's erred?

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51 minutes ago, billd766 said:


How long do you think it takes in Thailand to bring a court case?


The courts are still dealing with cases from when Thaksin was in power and that was 10 years ago.


Firstly a complaint has to be laid with the police


They investigate it to see if it is possible to bring to bring it to the court..


Next the police have to collect all the evidence and agree that the prosecution will succeed.


Next is the longest and hardest bit as the police have to prove to the courts that the perpetrator is guilty and the perp is allowed to bring as many witnesses to court as he likes (just like Yingluck) and if he is found guilty then the judges make a ruling.


Next his lawyer will appeal to the next level of court and ask for bail. That can takes several years and if that court upholds the lower court verdict his lawyer will appeal to the Supreme court which will take years more. That also assumes that witnesses for the prosecution don't die of old age, forget their testimony, get sick or are nobbled in any way or the statute of limitations runs out.


But first of course someone has to file the complaint.


The timeline is anywhere between 2 and 15 years at a guess.


Its nice to know that they are thorough

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2 hours ago, Thailand said:

Tip of the iceberg no doubt,he won't be alone in his arrogance.


Tip of the TV iceberg, no doubt, you're not alone in your arrogance, not to mention your ignorance. 


Here's a quote from the OP...“Gen Preecha has to declare assets to the NACC a year after his retirement from the Defence Ministry [last September]".

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50 minutes ago, billd766 said:


That is true but looking back to Thaksin, his wife was a rich woman in her own right from her family side, as he was from his family.


Preecha and his wife could in fact be fairly rich from their families money.


That in theory should have shown up when he declared their assets originally. This house has been built since then so in theory at any rate it will show up on the next one.

It certainly showed up in his 2014 asset declaration as the OP makes very clear.

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18 minutes ago, aussieinthailand said:

Why is it that you seem only to have a problem with people expressing themselves RATHER than condeming the PM's broth for yet agian breking the rules of disclosure, He hs done it in the past and still doing it today, WHY are you not calling on the great exterminator of corruption to have him removed and fully and independantly investigated? or you support his being protected by his brother yet agian??? 


Why are you, and many others here, condemning him when, as far as this house is concerned he hasn't broken any disclosure rules?

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13 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

Yu'p he's up to his o'l antic's agian it seems. But big brother will be there as to defend him and any that want to push for answers will get the same answer they got last time, stop asking questions, followed by this is not helping, I am the hero of anti corruption.

Junta huggers,   well reckon they'll be missing in action as normal...  Hello out there fella's you want to defend this one also???


Damm red shirts...


What a small memory you have. Look at the cross section of posters who commented about the previous issues: lad's building firm, contract, use of military assets etc etc.

Don't see anyone on here defending corruption. But still see a diminishing few trying to pretend the Shins were just a little bit corrupt.


What's worrying is the way all these things got and will get nonchalantly brushed aside with more emphasis on attacking the messenger system rather than addressing the actual problem. 


No news is good news as they say!



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The problem is some of these, now how do you say this as a newbie I see what you write so HI/SO think they are. People forget there are other courts in the world that can try and convict them, but alas better standards than Thai jail. one will mess up soon. I just wish these people would understand that taking the money for yourself deprives the country of a future, as seen by less tourists and business investment. But one thing is for sure you cannot take the money with you when d day arrives and those who will fight over what you left will have forgot you in 2 years. The word education comes to mind here.

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but the man is talking around the issue.  Even if he declares the asset, which he clearly seems to have avoided, so what?  Who processes the asset list?  Who cares?  The military is in charge so no civilian can do much complaining about it.  Just listing an asset to an internal organization doesn't do a darn thing.  How did he acquire the property?  Was it a gift?  Did he have money to buy or build the house?  Where did that money come from?  Oh Thailand.

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10 hours ago, George Graham said:

Give us a list...

If you give me a list of those jailed in YL her time. Have fun, I am not going to do your work for you. If you look at all the land that has been reclaimed and all the corruption cases done the previous PTP governments can't hold a candle to it. However as i stated before by not going after their own they are just as hypocritical as the previous government. But at least they did more about corruption.

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