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Trump calls UN “sad” club after vote on Israeli settlements


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2 hours ago, alanrchase said:


Ebola comes under WHO.
Africa is populated by Arabs?



In the Darfur region ethnic Arab militias were deeply involved in killimgs. Though Sudanese Christian tribes have also been involved with intertribal mass murder in South Sudan. Other countries made significant contributions to the Ebola crisis, yes overseen by a UN agency, e.g. UK with US$600+million in funding and hundreds of personnel.


Unfortunately some of the UN Peacekeepers accused of abuse were from the Canadian Armed Forces

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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


Ebola. Absolute and utter failure. Had it not been for the intervention of the US and Canadian governments Africa and western Europe would have been under quarantine and  seen millions dead.  China and Russia, the Arab world, did nothing and contributed nothing.


 Sex crimes. The UN has refused to take action against its peacekeeping units and personnel involved in wide scale  sexual abuse of children and others in Africa. It is the  a pressing issue that was  covered up by the UN until it could no longer be suppressed.


Darfur. The UN stood by as the  Arabs  undertook a genocide against  black Christian Africans.


Syria. The UN's 2 top slime lords, Russia and China vetoed  the condemnation of  Assads' massacres including targeting of civilians.


Cholera epidemic in Haiti.The UN caused the death and sickness of tens of thousands when its personnel from Nepal introduced cholera. No apology or restitution was made.


You forgot Rwanda 

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1 minute ago, asean said:

You forgot Rwanda 


Aided & encouraged by Christians who have admitted guilt and have asked for 'forgiveness'.


Rwanda genocide: Catholic church sorry for role of priests and nuns in killings


The statement acknowledged that church members planned, aided and carried out the genocide, in which more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by Hutu extremists.



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Many folks on this page seem to feel a lot of apprehension about the coming Trump presidency. I wonder how many of them are Americans and  how many of those bothered to vote, which if they live here, could have been done online, or through the mail. Seems to me, a Clinton victory would have been even more dangerous, with NO chance of of any change of direction. Just more status quo and the continued sell out of America.

Good reasons to be very afraid of trump's foreign policy. Dudes if you just wanted to elect someone unpredictable and totally unprepared for the job it may as well have been ... me.


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2 hours ago, alanrchase said:


Ebola comes under WHO.
Africa is populated by Arabs?


Arab/Muslim populations in Africa,  many nations are also Arab.



Ebola comes where it wants too.

WHO, the world health organization, is under the UN.


Edited by rabas
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2 hours ago, alanrchase said:


Ebola comes under WHO.
Africa is populated by Arabs?



Haha. Seriously?  WHO is a UN agency, controlled by the UN. Officially part of UN Development Group. The reason the response was so bad was that the UN staffed the African offices using nepotism and cronyism. Unqualified people were  in charge of the response. Relatives of officials were given the UN jobs. Big salaries paid by foreign donors were wasted.


Have you ever looked at a world map? Egypt is the largest  North Africa  arab country. 3rd largest nation in Africa with just under 100 million. Ever hear of Algeria? Tunisia? Libya? Morocco? Mauritania? Sudan? Somalia?


Let this be a lesson to those who mock the  ignorance of Thais. 

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump is a clown. Occasionally he says some true things just like a stopped clock sometimes say the right time.




Do you remember the Peter Sellers satire where the White House gardener's "home spun wisdom" was suddenly thought brilliant thinking?


Well Trump is like that - 40% of the time. The other 60% - oh dear. 

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes very dangerous and will no doubt make the USA less important.


I realise this is dangerous communist talk. But.


Why would it be so bad if the USA became less important? The USA already have the #1 military and economy in the world. You won.


Fighting foreign wars (usually taking sides in a civil war) and "winning" economically (by giving Wall Street tax funded bailouts whenever needed) is helping who exactly?


I could live with a "less important" USA with a wealthier working-class and middle-class.

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2 hours ago, John1012 said:

I find it highly amusing how there is so much negativity towards Trump shown here. He is a positive force, not owned by any interest group. He is successful, rich and white. (Maybe that's the problem). He seems to be  racially colour blind, showing no positive discrimination, only hiring those that he deems to be competent to carry out his agenda. He is Christian, seemingly a problem these days in this world where offending the followers of the death cult is taboo. As to the election, if you deduct all the non US citizens, multiple votes and dead people he would certainly have got a majority of the 'popular vote'. If you discount California he absolutely would have won the popular vote. His wining has offended the politically correct liberal morons who followed the corrupt inept Democratic leaders. I am quite looking forward to Jan 20th when he can actually legally start bringing the USA back from the abyss of becoming  inconsequential in world affairs. He seems like an American patriot preparing to work for all decent legal citizens, regardless of race, not trying to emulate Tiger Woods instead of staying in the office and working.



You are more bullish on Trump than I am, but you make some very valid points.

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Just now, John1012 said:

As to the election, if you deduct all the non US citizens, multiple votes and dead people he would certainly have got a majority of the 'popular vote'.

If you discount California he absolutely would have won the popular vote.


Just making BS up are ya?


Rather than just rambling on with unsubstantiated gibberish, why don't you show us the proof of your claims?


You can't, because there is none.


And, "Discount California"? What on earth is that supposed to mean? :wacko:

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5 hours ago, John1012 said:

I find it highly amusing how there is so much negativity towards Trump shown here. He is a positive force, not owned by any interest group. He is successful, rich and white. (Maybe that's the problem). He seems to be  racially colour blind, showing no positive discrimination, only hiring those that he deems to be competent to carry out his agenda. He is Christian, seemingly a problem these days in this world where offending the followers of the death cult is taboo. As to the election, if you deduct all the non US citizens, multiple votes and dead people he would certainly have got a majority of the 'popular vote'. If you discount California he absolutely would have won the popular vote. His wining has offended the politically correct liberal morons who followed the corrupt inept Democratic leaders. I am quite looking forward to Jan 20th when he can actually legally start bringing the USA back from the abyss of becoming  inconsequential in world affairs. He seems like an American patriot preparing to work for all decent legal citizens, regardless of race, not trying to emulate Tiger Woods instead of staying in the office and working.



2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


You are more bullish on Trump than I am, but you make some very valid points.

Like  calling Trump a Christian? That's not ludicrous?

Or the claim that Trump would have won the popular vote if not for non US citizens, multiple votes and dead people"? Fake news much?

And what does "not trying to emulate Tiger Woods instead of staying in the office and working" mean?

And the poster is definitely a class act as evinced by his phrase "politically correct liberal morons."


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6 hours ago, MadDog2020 said:

Single state with Jerusalem as the capital is the only solution.  No more Palestinian BS.  If you want to be part of the government form a political party and join the government to make you nation a better place.


Other than not many on either side are interested in the above, or that it wouldn't last longer than this topic - no problems whatsoever.

Well...not really, plenty of other related issues, but why the spoil such a bold, decisive comment.

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5 hours ago, John1012 said:

I find it highly amusing how there is so much negativity towards Trump shown here. He is a positive force, not owned by any interest group. He is successful, rich and white. (Maybe that's the problem). He seems to be  racially colour blind, showing no positive discrimination, only hiring those that he deems to be competent to carry out his agenda. He is Christian, seemingly a problem these days in this world where offending the followers of the death cult is taboo. As to the election, if you deduct all the non US citizens, multiple votes and dead people he would certainly have got a majority of the 'popular vote'. If you discount California he absolutely would have won the popular vote. His wining has offended the politically correct liberal morons who followed the corrupt inept Democratic leaders. I am quite looking forward to Jan 20th when he can actually legally start bringing the USA back from the abyss of becoming  inconsequential in world affairs. He seems like an American patriot preparing to work for all decent legal citizens, regardless of race, not trying to emulate Tiger Woods instead of staying in the office and working.



not owned by any interest group.


Or possibly is an interest group on his own. That is if you discount all them bothersome conflict of interests issues.

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On ‎27‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 8:51 PM, nkg said:

Well, he's right. The UN is a talking shop with almost no real power. And the people who take part in the charade are extremely well compensated.

Would anyone actually WANT the UN to have "power"? I certainly don't. The UN was set up as a "talking shop" so is fulfilling its purpose. However, the veto makes it a mockery.

Anyway, as to Trump, I am disappointed in his response, but hopefully he won't be excessive in his support of Israel.

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