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It seems like Thai Visa has a substantial number of people concerned about how others look, dress, live etc. Why the concern? Why not concentrate one one's self? What does it matter how others thing, dress, live etc?

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27 minutes ago, gregdtx said:

I've just lost 25 kilo in 11 month and it was hard but the pregnant look has gone  I have changed my diet a little. I try not to drink alcohol before 6 ( in the uk ) and I have stopped eating after 6 has worked for me feel better look better and have loads more energy which helps me lose more weight.    Hope this helps anyone give it a go


Its a bit of a cycle.. you get fat.. less energy eat more get fatter then when you lose the weight you gain energy, confidence and so on. Problem is in keeping the weight off. Because it really takes a permanent change. You can't go back to what you did before because that is the way you got fat. 


I got fat by overeating and drinking (I always exercised.. but it just can't correct a bad diet). Once I had my diet in check (already exercised the resulting body transformation was great). Now I am tempted at times to overeat as I do love food however I just think back on how I was and it usually goes away. But if you exercise a lot you get more insulin sensitive and can handle carbs and other things better its ok to once in a while let go. 


Problem is we are not all created equal, some lose fat easy others don't (we can all lose it just takes more effort to lose it and keep it off). I have dated petite girls that ate as much as I do and not get fat. It annoyed me at times exercising this much having so much muscle and still can't eat as much as some of those girls. Then again I build muscle easy (ok needs hard hours in the gym but it come easier as for some). We all got our genetics and we have to live with them. But nobody HAS to be overweight (certain sick people excluded)

24 minutes ago, bermannor said:

In some countries, those having it, it is called a "public opinion".

Even nicer when he has 40 kg Thai beauty on the low line.

Majority of Germans thought Hitler was a good guy. So much for public opinion.


"Really will anyone give a candid response?  Or perhaps ask a friend?  What does it feel like on a daily basis carrying around a gut like that."


I have a friend who is a bright guy, hard working, and 450 lbs, at one time. Of course he struggled with many different diets, failing time and again. He is a big guy and has genetic issues too. Sure, there were emotional problems that led to over eating as well. And if you are genuinely concerned about his pain, which was quite substantial, much of it came from the cruelty of others. So, try and be kind and compassionate to others who are battling with issues you might not face. 


There is an epidemic of obesity, and it is saddest amongst the children. If you have a real interest there are some good documentaries on how this all came about, 80% of supermarket items have added sugar and not of the natural type, but that has been produced in labs [fructose etc] - - when the demand came for low fat foods, taking out the fat left no flavor and so sugar was added. This sugar is 8x more addictive than cocaine and it is everywhere. 


If you are just taking a shot by calling them nine months pregnant, and then trying to sound compassionate afterwards by feigning curiousity...


Well, my 450 lb friend is now under 300 lbs and is working to help others less fortunate in a professional capacity [not weight]. He is a kind, considerate caring human being, and no matter his weight issues, a wonderful person. And not someone who would be mean to others. 

7 hours ago, kannot said:

Up to them  if  they dont cost anyone or thing any money or problem, look at it this way you can live life eating what you want whenever  you want and enjoy  it or eat a   limited  amount and live 10 years  longer, its their choice............im 27 stone.170kilo .376 pound and 5feet  short.....still get on the bike alright


It looks like 170 kg for both of you, you & the bike that is?


People just love to point fingers, especially on this forum. Look how young and beautiful I am, and look at that poor, fat, old geezer over there. I know who I feel sorry for.


Back in 2003 I had a large stallion barrel. I dieted the hard way. Since then I have learned the easy way. Exercise is not the answer. Carb intake is. The best way to lose weight is Paleo or the Ketonic diet. Paleo is so easy especially when you consider you can have bacon and eggs every day for breakfast. Just eat meat fish and vegetables. Pork is ok but not fried. No bread, no dairy, no beer. No high fructose corn syrup (its in just about every processed food). Drink spirits mixed with water, no soft drinks or store bought fruit drinks, make your own.


I,m just happy that at my age (late 60,s) I,m in good health, led a very sporting life earlier and my weight is proportionate to my height,I see plenty of guys here in LOS carrying far too much weight than is good for them, struggling to walk any distance comfortably yet they have the strength to puff on cigarettes,their lifestyle their choice but not for me,Mr Perfect? no far from it....... just sensible :thumbsup:

8 hours ago, kannot said:

I'm 27 stone.170kilo .376 pound and 5feet  short.....still get on the bike alright



the miracles of PhotoShop...

19 hours ago, mogandave said:

And how about all the wrinkly old farts thinking they're all buff and whatnot wearing tank-tops?





there is no end to the skinny , over tanned , teeth whitened , knobby kneed , fleshy  , skin hanging from arms old farts that actually consider themselves 

quite the catch .  hansom men , one and all .


1 minute ago, mikiea said:

there is no end to the skinny , over tanned , teeth whitened , knobby kneed , fleshy  , skin hanging from arms old farts that actually consider themselves 

quite the catch .  hansom men , one and all .


Says the Brad Pitt look-alike.

7 hours ago, sead said:

And your age is?

Old enough to know common sense and still young and fit enough to ignore it sometimes :cheesy:

7 hours ago, mikiea said:

there is no end to the skinny , over tanned , teeth whitened , knobby kneed , fleshy  , skin hanging from arms old farts that actually consider themselves 

quite the catch .  hansom men , one and all .


If it weren,t  for the fact that many ladies over here call them "hansum men" your point would be valid,but how could so many young attractive ladies be so wrong..........maybe you are a little peeved about never hearing the thai femail mating call of "hey sexy man-one drink please"........:cheesy:


2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Seems a lot of these guys forgot what it means

to take care of yourself, eat the proper foods and

exercise.  Also a little growing gracefully wouldn't 


Or people don't care what other people think. They are happy with there life style. Who is anyone else to judge how people look and what they eat or how they exercise. 

really if you care that much about other people's choices and how they look you have problem.

1 minute ago, Stardust314 said:

Robblok you  can die  before than that fat "boys" on beach road.:smile:  proof is google and also my life experience. http://vietnamnews.vn/society/312364/cancer-to-kill-young-more.html#WfwzJ0LlrbCWLSTQ.97  vietnam or th   Or  sportsmen die young cancer       



I believe you :saai: (i can use google too to prove a point, it all depends on the source. and yours are not really holding up) But why should i prove that to you. Deep down you know it yourself but just don't want to admit it and your looking at excuses. I feel sorry for you. 


I prefer real evidence from studies and those have shown fat people die younger. Even if older.. the quality of life sucks, diabetic, ED problems to name but a few. 




Anyway I could care less about fat people, they made their choices and set their priorities. I just have different ones and am happy with my choices. No need to follow what I do because of me. Everyone is in control of his own life and if you want to be fat so be it. Often its not a case of wanting to be fat but enjoying the lifestyle that leads to getting fat too much (understandable). 


I prefer to eat healthy and exercise and not be as fat as I was. It sure gives me a lot more energy, and i look a lot better in my clothes then I did before. Anyway as long as your happy with your life who cares. I am happy with mine. 

21 hours ago, robblok said:

My dad was like that, he lost a lot of it (not all) But he told me it felt so much better not carrying all that weight. When I got fat (not that fat) i felt bad did not want on pictures and so on. I really felt like a fat pig (and it was not even that bad).  I guess it really got a lot to do with self image. 


I don't doubt that the real heavy ones have health problems too, can't be good for the joints and so on. But its often a matter of priorities and they made their choice i respect that. I could be fat and eating whatever and whenever I want with no regard for the future or lean and taking care of my diet and exercising. Just choices people make. 



Yes accept the fact people are getting more obese, but some people  have a genetic flaw and can not help being this way.
In addition, yes sometimes feel a lot slimmer with some of these guys around, but realize still  well overweight.
However, it must be pointed out that really slim guys can also get severe illnesses.
As you say  robblok  it is down to choices and yes also for some the need to cut down, due not only for health reasons, but of course the large losses on the exchange rates etc etc and more monies needed for Family, while receiving a frozen State Pension.

Just now, jwest10 said:

Yes accept the fact people are getting more obese, but some people  have a genetic flaw and can not help being this way.
In addition, yes sometimes feel a lot slimmer with some of these guys around, but realize still  well overweight.
However, it must be pointed out that really slim guys can also get severe illnesses.

Genetic flaws are just excuses.. we have not evolved a lot in the last 100 years and before the was no obesity. So our genes are not different from back then when there was no obesity. So genetics don't play a part as large that we can't stay lean. Sure it cost some people (me among others) a lot more effort to stay lean then others. But nobody has to be obese (unless you truly have a disease)

2 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

Who needs a 6 pack when you have a barrel.

Quite often the girls prefer the 6 pack guys who spot a 6 pack don't have to pay for it, those with a barrel can use money to overcome this problem. So if you have money and don't mind being loved for it then sure a barrel is no problem. 

1 minute ago, robblok said:

Genetic flaws are just excuses.. we have not evolved a lot in the last 100 years and before the was no obesity. So our genes are not different from back then when there was no obesity. So genetics don't play a part as large that we can't stay lean. Sure it cost some people (me among others) a lot more effort to stay lean then others. But nobody has to be obese (unless you truly have a disease)

Yes agree with you and that was my point someone with diseases.

3 minutes ago, jwest10 said:

Yes accept the fact people are getting more obese, but some people  have a genetic flaw and can not help being this way.
In addition, yes sometimes feel a lot slimmer with some of these guys around, but realize still  well overweight.
However, it must be pointed out that really slim guys can also get severe illnesses.

There is no such thing as a genetic flaw. There is a so called fat gene but it has to be switched on. Rarely can a medical reason be blamed for a fat belly because there are none. Pig genes maybe but they too have to be fed. 

20 hours ago, WhamBam said:

Each to their own.


There is always one who has to comment / complain about how other people look.

In most cases it is down to the owner of the body as to whether they are comfortable with it or not. If they are not then they have the option of doing something about it.


For many they get larger as they get older and their metabolism changes. Others have limited mobility and find it harder to exercise.


Yet it is little different from the USA or the UK and other countries where there are many obese people about - men AND women. Do you go into forums there and complain about the size of people?

You cannot compare the UK and probably the USA with Thailand, where it gets ridiculous here is that so many of these big fat guys go to Pattaya, rent a bargirl dress up in wifebeaters, covered in Tattoos, then stroll about looking like the cat that got the cream, and are so stupid they don't realise that everyone is laughing at them including their rental bargirl.


But these girls will soon stop laughing when their big fat Farang gets on top of them.


This reminds me of a stunt pulled by an insurance company some years ago....


Insurer: "Our BMI chart says your xx KGs overweight, That'll be £ (twice as much!) please!"


Me: "Whaaattt? I neither drink nor smoke! How many of you 'normal' customers can match that?"


A kidney prob went undetected for 30 years and lead to unexplained weight gain but is thankfully now being reversed. Cardio vascular wise I'm fine, not least through regular excersise, but I'll always be a tellytubby although did manage to keep it down prior to the age of 40 as I was a soldier and always on the move.


Perhaps the OP could answer my question to insurers and also reveal his age? :)

20 hours ago, robblok said:

People made their own choices.. not going to complain about how they look. I only complain about those who say they do everything to lose weight but can't (while its obvious they make no effort at all). If people are happy they way they look and have no health issue's let them be. Though I hate it if I got someone like that next to me in a plane restricting my movement. 


I like your comment about doing something about it.. because that really is it.. people have to want it otherwise its sure to fail. Only when I was totally repulsed with the way I looked did i change it. Before that point i preferred to eat and drink (alcohol)) whatever I want and feel good about it. 


"Though I hate it if I got someone like that next to me in a plane restricting my movement". 

In all the times I have flown, that has never happened to me, if it did, I would just nicely ask a flight attendant if he could moved to another seat, if not, I would just put my forearm on my seat and tell him I have bought and paid for my seat, and only I will use it. 

2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

In all the times I have flown, that has never happened to me, if it did, I would just nicely ask a flight attendant if he could moved to another seat, if not, I would just put my forearm on my seat and tell him I have bought and paid for my seat, and only I will use it. 


You are paying the airline to transport you from one place to another, only thing you own on that plane is your personal belongings.

21 hours ago, robblok said:

My dad was like that, he lost a lot of it (not all) But he told me it felt so much better not carrying all that weight. When I got fat (not that fat) i felt bad did not want on pictures and so on. I really felt like a fat pig (and it was not even that bad).  I guess it really got a lot to do with self image. 


I don't doubt that the real heavy ones have health problems too, can't be good for the joints and so on. But its often a matter of priorities and they made their choice i respect that. I could be fat and eating whatever and whenever I want with no regard for the future or lean and taking care of my diet and exercising. Just choices people make. 



My Dad also and he died of it.


The biggest single health issue caused by overweight is significantly life shortening, Type II Diabetes whose onset is very, very frequently linked to a high Body Mass Index coupled with a sedentary lifestyle. 



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