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9 month pregnant Farang guys in Pattaya?


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20 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

Sorry to hear that. Several years ago on Australian radio they had a weekly one hour program with a top doctor. The topic was health as you age. This quite renown doctor said his biggest problem with patients as they aged was trying to convince them that tea and biscuits did not constitute a meal. He said he tried in vain to get his patients to eat a substantive meal. You are what you digest as we age we need more of certain nutrients than we did in our younger days. Please try and spend some time online and find out about functional medicine it could add several healthy years to your life. 

I do not think that one cup, or in my case, mug of tea with two sugars ( the packets of "Lite" sugar)  and half the calories, and a couple of biscuits will do any harm.

Have you heard the saying that "a little of what you fancy does you good" apart from smoking, I think there is a ring of truth to it. 

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There's a number of medical conditions where the only real outward symptom is a large or swollen abdomen, to most people it appears the person lacks exercise, eats too much or drinks beer all day. Not so in many cases, fatty liver and kidney problems both cause swollen belly and but only blood tests and ultrasound scan can confirm, both can be life threatening so not always best to assume only alcohol or sloth is involved.

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6 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Seems a lot of these guys forgot what it means

to take care of yourself, eat the proper foods and

exercise.  Also a little growing gracefully wouldn't 



Have you considered that many just don't care? I've seen a lot of health fanatics a lot unhappier with their lives than many of these less healthy specimens. It doesn't matter how healthy we are, we're all going end. Being too health conscious causes a lot of stress those other guys don't have. I know one guy as described in the OP - he's a very jolly fellow who really enjoys life... more than I do with a 6-pack.:smile:

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I see so many.  It really is epidemic.  Maybe just more visible because of the beach and the bars around Beach Road.

Even sadly some quite young guys, yes with the Chang tank top "bullseye" on it.


Really will anyone give a candid response?  Or perhaps ask a friend?  What does it feel like on a daily basis carrying around a gut like that.


I'm thinking it's gotta be super uncomfortable and at times painful.  Love to get some feed back.  Thanks.




What does it have to do with you? Their bodies, it's up to them what they do with it. 



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1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

I heard on the news the other month that Australia will need to build some amputation factories instead of regular hospitals due to all the amputations required by sufferers of type II diabetes.


Seriously, most amputees probably had decades to correct the condition and they are generally the ones who gave up. That's the advanced final stage. 

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2 hours ago, paulbj2 said:

My weight is down by 5 Kg (11 pounds) since the beginning of November, only another 13.5 Kg to go to reach my target weight 70 Kg (11 Stone = 154 lbs) which will give me BMI = 23.4.

The best diet I ever had went by the name of Dengue fever :)


6 kilos in ten days...plus a headache that would have flattened Oliver Reed!

Edited by evadgib
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On 12/28/2016 at 3:12 PM, robblok said:

People made their own choices.. not going to complain about how they look. I only complain about those who say they do everything to lose weight but can't (while its obvious they make no effort at all). If people are happy they way they look and have no health issue's let them be. Though I hate it if I got someone like that next to me in a plane restricting my movement. 


I like your comment about doing something about it.. because that really is it.. people have to want it otherwise its sure to fail. Only when I was totally repulsed with the way I looked did i change it. Before that point i preferred to eat and drink (alcohol)) whatever I want and feel good about it. 


Six or seven years ago I ballooned to 204 pounds.  My clothes didn't fit, i wasn't too proud of my looks, I huffed and puffed, avoided mirrors and my tool wasn't so sharp.  I 'acquired' a younger (much) girlfriend at the time and when she went on a two month trip I went on a diet and excercise routine and lost 16 pounds in six weeks.  Alas, she is gone now but I have kept the weight off and in 2016 I lost several more pounds and weigh in at 180 now.  Feel much better, look much better, clothes fit and my tool is sharper as well.  Lots of benefits to keeping fit.  Bicycle, weight training and proper(mostly) diet.

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35 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

Funny thing is women like tubby telly tubbies probably because they dont they will get such a hard time in the sack. Carryying (some) excess weight while not healthy will never be as life threatening as smoking .

Just read an article that state women like a man with a 'Dad bod'; a slight tummy.  Evidently a sign that he is settled and secure.  I quit smoking in 1978; best thing I ever did for myself.

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9 hours ago, dcnx said:

When you have a big tool, ya gotta build a shed over it. ;-)


So you were given something for free and think it's an achievement, that doesn't leave much room for confidence in your talent or ability to use it, then, does it?

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I was very lucky. I have asthma and if I even put on a few pounds I can have problems so I have to keep it off and exercise regularly to keep it at bay. If I look at chocolate I put on weight so I could get very big. Means I have to be very restrictive with my diet.  Didn't think I was lucky as a kid with asthma but now I see the benefits.    



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2 hours ago, bermannor said:

giddyup, You haven't obviously traveled the world a lot. Many more peoples outside Germany still believe today that Hitler was a good guy.

Well, my passports (on my 5th) show visits to over 60 countries, so no, not a lot, but where are all these people that think Hitler was a good guy? You mean like the Palestinians?

Edited by giddyup
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1 hour ago, denby45 said:

I was very lucky. I have asthma and if I even put on a few pounds I can have problems so I have to keep it off and exercise regularly to keep it at bay. If I look at chocolate I put on weight so I could get very big. Means I have to be very restrictive with my diet.  Didn't think I was lucky as a kid with asthma but now I see the benefits.    



I have asthma and COPD and I used to be very overweight. You can eat chocolate but only good quality dark chocolate. No need to be restrictive with your diet, just eat healthy food as you can eat all you want if its healthy food. The hardest part is sorting the healthy food out from the unhealthy food. All the food in fast food outlets is not really food, its Frankenfood. Most of the stuff in supermarkets is unhealthy processed crap. Stick to meat fish eggs and vegetables. Not too much fried stuff. Cut down on dairy and try and cut out bread. Try swapping spirits for beer but no soft drink mixes. Mix spirits with water. I have found the Paleo diet the best as it allows bacon and eggs every day. Good luck.

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23 hours ago, Briggsy said:

Just listen to the news. The obesity epidemic is very real and is advanced in Western nations. Just today, the BBC headline for UK news is that 80% of middle-aged Brits are overweight. Take a wander round anywhere in Britain. Fatties everywhere. Ever caught a flight from BKK to Manchester? Round is the new normal.

Mancs won't touch a Mars bar unless it has been deep fried in a chipshop. 

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21 hours ago, joeyg said:

Nice to hear a proactive response and life change.  I think you've made my point as well.  No excuse for letting your body look like it's going to explode besides laziness and craziness. IMHO.

Why not,it is their body,up to them.They are not here to please you,only themselves.After all it is the only thing we own that they can't take from us.

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9 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Seems a lot of these guys forgot what it means

to take care of yourself, eat the proper foods and

exercise.  Also a little growing gracefully wouldn't 


They know they can still get a nice looking woman and be fat,so no need to worry about it.They don't worry about future health problems til it's too late.

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6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

You cannot compare the UK and probably the USA with Thailand, where it gets ridiculous here is that so many of these big fat guys go to Pattaya, rent a bargirl dress up in wifebeaters, covered in Tattoos, then stroll about looking like the cat that got the cream, and are so stupid they don't realise that everyone is laughing at them including their rental bargirl.


But these girls will soon stop laughing when their big fat Farang gets on top of them.

You don't get it,the big fat guy doesn't care what other people think.He is having the time of his life and good luck to him.

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5 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

You don't get it,the big fat guy doesn't care what other people think.He is having the time of his life and good luck to him.

I think you very well may have a point there, he will be having the time of his life until the money runs out.

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