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US Embassy Bangkok appointment Catch-22

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Jomtien Immigration suggested I go to US Embassy for a pension income affidavit to boost my dwindling baht in Bkk Bank, enough to support a retirement "visa", if I may call it that.  


Researched this on TV, sounds like a practical plan.  


So I got on my iPad and tried to make an appointment at US Embassy in Bangkok.   My details given, an appointment form appeared, with instructions to print it and bring it to the Embassy.  Hmmm...  I have no printer.  To an internet shop, where the guy could only print from his machines, not from my iPad.

So I tried using his computer to make the appointment.  Uh-oh, Embassy website informs me that I already have an appointment, and that I will need to cancel it before I can make another.  Problem is, in order to cancel, I had to provide the appointment password.


Well, in another attack of This Modern World on this hapless baby boomer, my iPad somehow managed to lose the appointment form, along with the password.  I searched History;  I searched Recent Tabs....  nothing, nada.  The precious password was gone.


Without it, I could not cancel--an error message stopped that.  Their "email" form to contact them was useless, as it demanded technical computer settings that I have no idea about.  I tried twice without success.  Without canceling, I could not make another appointment.   


Any suggestions?



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Not sure what to do now, but in the future.....print to a PDF, and save it on your IPAD. Then at least you never lose it, and can print it somewhere else later on, when/if you get your printing situation figure out. Can email it if needed to someone else, or whatever.

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2 minutes ago, thailien8 said:

Can anyone translate "print to a PDF"?  I was born well before this techno era.

It's a file format of the pages you want to print.

With that PDF you can print it physically later by sending the PDF to a printer. 

So print to PDF simply means print to a PDF file, rather than to a printer.

You can open PDF files in Adobe Acrobat reader which is free and it will look just like the pages you printed to.

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Dear JT

You are my TV hero.  Can I offer to buy you lunch in any Indian restaurant with WiFi, 

if you can walk me slowly thru what you have kindly described?

I know from experience that I could not do this on my own.

It would be a pleasure to meet you sir.

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If you are staying at a hotel or condo tou may be able to copy that appointmtment message to an email using cut and paste on your computer.

Then send the copy to your hotel or condo reswevation email site, and ask them to please ptint the email for you.

I've done this before as I also have no personal printer on my laptop

I use the residece contact printer wher I live.

Usually the hotel or condo will charge a few Baht, less than 10 Baht to print you a copy.

Put your email address on your email as the cc address to get uourself a printed copy.



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Just go to the embassy without the appointment  printout. Tell the guard you made the appointment but lost the printout due to computer problems. He can then check the list of appointments for that day and then let you into the compound.

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