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Blindfolded British couple found hanged in Cambodia with their hands tied together and 'a suicide note blaming the NHS for failing to deal with their mental health problems'


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A British couple have been found hanged in Cambodia with their hands bound
Couple were reported as originally being from Sunderland and Camberwell
They blamed the NHS for failing to address their mental health problems in apparent suicide note


A British couple have been found hanged in Cambodia with their hands bound together and an apparent suicide note blaming the NHS for 'constantly letting us down'. Friends of the couple said they found their bodies swollen, their eyes blindfolded and mouths gagged. 

The couple, a 36-year-old man from Sunderland and his wife, 28, from Camberwell, in south London, had moved to the seaside town of Sihanoukville, in south Cambodia. Cambodia newspapers reported their landlord, named as Ian Goodwin, as saying they were due to leave their rented room on December 29 but did not have the money to pay for their accommodation. 

In the apparent suicide note, recovered by police, it read: 'Alternatively, you could save on shipping and have the cremation done here in Sihanoukville. It's a beautiful place and we never wanted to leave, but we understand and this will be the choice of our family. 'We are sorry, but hopefully we will find peace from depression, bi-polar, Aspergers and the NHS which has constantly let us down.

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My God that is truly sad. Hope they finally find some peace.


That letter is quite articulate for local criminals to write so who knows what went down. Guess it's easy enough for the man to hang the woman and then hang himself.



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Sad case if true, but can someone explain how the NHS can assist a couple in Cambodia ?

If you receive no help in UK is your first thought...." i know, let us fly half way round the world, then commit suicide".

Sorry, something does not fit in....


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Seems they had the cash for a holiday despite their "disabilities". Sounds like the usual brigade who expect the Govt to solve all their problems. Social welfare, free healthcare and too much support has stripped the backbone from a whole generation. If you want hardship go back to the days of the poorhouse or even the world of our grandfathers. No choice but to work, suffer and struggle then. But people got on provided for themselves.

Now you have backache or a nut allergy, get a disabled sticker for your car and live the life of Riley on the social.


Edited by Pdaz
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2 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Seems they had the cash for a holiday despite their "disabilities". Sounds like the usual brigade who expect the Govt to solve all their problems. Social welfare, free healthcare and too much support has stripped the backbone from a whole generation. If you want hardship go back to the days of the poorhouse or even the world of our grandfathers. No choice but to work, suffer and struggle then. But people got on provided for themselves.

Now you have backache or a nut allergy, get a disabled sticker for your car and live the life of Riley on the social.



They did go back to that earlier world of "work, suffer and struggle"


They went to Cambodia.


It is also exists in Thailand.

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From the parents of the young lady Imogen Goldie: (28)




Imogen's dad Mark Goldie posted on Facebook tonight: "With deepest regrets and unbearable sadness I received the tragic news that my daughter Imogen left this world on her birthday 2 days ago.

"A singer songwriter who was far too sensitive for this world.

"She struggled to cope with it's harshness and finally gave up.

"She was only only 28. I cannot find the words at the moment."

Imogen's mother, Diane, has launched a crowd funding page to help her get to Cambodia with her youngest daughter "to cremate my darling Imogen".

"After the tragic news that my daughter was found dead on her 28th birthday by suicide in Cambodia, I'm looking to raise the funds quickly to help raise airfare to take her sister there to cremate her and bring her ashes home," she wrote on the crowd funding page.

"This cruel system failed both my daughter and her husband, Robert , leaving them to find solutions to their mental health issues by their own hands .

"Will you help me bring my baby back home please?"





I would hope that is sufficient to end the speculation regarding this couple's deaths. 

Edited by gomangosteen
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2 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Seems they had the cash for a holiday despite their "disabilities". Sounds like the usual brigade who expect the Govt to solve all their problems. Social welfare, free healthcare and too much support has stripped the backbone from a whole generation. If you want hardship go back to the days of the poorhouse or even the world of our grandfathers. No choice but to work, suffer and struggle then. But people got on provided for themselves.

Now you have backache or a nut allergy, get a disabled sticker for your car and live the life of Riley on the social.



Good to see the Christmas spirit still alive and well among the expat community.


I just only hope that neither you nor any of your buddies who clicked on the "Like this" button ever become aflicted with Asperger's or bi-polar disorder and are forced to rely on the NHS - slowly but surely being privatised by the current regime - for help. 


That that two young people felt so helpless and desperate that they are driven to take their own lives rather than soldier on in shared mental torture is not only a peersonal tragedy but an indictment of the way the sixth richest nation in the world treats its sick and needy.


At least they managed a glimpse of a place which, touchingly and misguidedly, they took to be a paradise on earth before abandoning it for the reality which awaits us all.

Edited by Krataiboy
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If it really was suicide why did they have to put on such a show with the blindfolds, gags and bound hands which would arouse suspicions of foul play?. It's as if they deliberately have tried to hurt family and friends more with the way they committed suicide. They must have planned this before they left the UK as they didn't seem to have enough money, weren't their family suspicious?.

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Strange Thai Visa posting a link to the Daily Mail when it is blocked in Thailand, had to use a vpn to read the article. The couple are getting slated in the comments section and below is a pic of them from the Daily Mail which probably helped the commenters bias.


The couple have been named as Robert Wells, 36, from Sunderland, and his wife Imogen Goldie, 28, from Camberwell, south London

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4 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Seems they had the cash for a holiday despite their "disabilities". Sounds like the usual brigade who expect the Govt to solve all their problems. Social welfare, free healthcare and too much support has stripped the backbone from a whole generation. If you want hardship go back to the days of the poorhouse or even the world of our grandfathers. No choice but to work, suffer and struggle then. But people got on provided for themselves.

Now you have backache or a nut allergy, get a disabled sticker for your car and live the life of Riley on the social.


Even in the U.S., which Europeans think is some kind of Dickensian labor house, there are hordes of lazy white welfare cheats who get money and food stamps and subsidized housing, then they sit around and bitch about minorities getting welfare. Just look at (an albeit fictional character) Tony Soprano's ne'er-do-well sister Janice, who got "full disability" cheques from the state of Washington because she finagled a little case of carpel tunnel syndrome (which she probably made up anyway) into a major catastrophic disability. Not just fiction!

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1 hour ago, sandrabbit said:

Strange Thai Visa posting a link to the Daily Mail when it is blocked in Thailand, had to use a vpn to read the article. The couple are getting slated in the comments section and below is a pic of them from the Daily Mail which probably helped the commenters bias.


The couple have been named as Robert Wells, 36, from Sunderland, and his wife Imogen Goldie, 28, from Camberwell, south London

They don't look like sure bets for suicide to me. They just look like a couple of self-absorbed backpackers.

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2 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

Strange Thai Visa posting a link to the Daily Mail when it is blocked in Thailand, had to use a vpn to read the article. The couple are getting slated in the comments section and below is a pic of them from the Daily Mail which probably helped the commenters bias.


The couple have been named as Robert Wells, 36, from Sunderland, and his wife Imogen Goldie, 28, from Camberwell, south London


Never ceases to amaze me that the people who complain that the system does help them are also the people who don't wish to join in with "the system" 

If I had blue hair etc etc I wouldn't have a job. They had family and were able bodied. All they needed was a kick up the arse. Get a job, work hard the same as everybody else. If at 15 I'd told my Dad I was depressed he would have told me a good days hard work was the perfect cure.

Here I am 36 yrs later still working 15-18hr shifts with no weekends off. Away from home for weeks, no contract, no redundancy, no paid leave. Never been unemployed and never received anything from the public purse apart from being born in a nhs hospital and 11yrs of school. 

So many people these days seem to think the World owes them a living. 


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7 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Sad case if true, but can someone explain how the NHS can assist a couple in Cambodia ?

If you receive no help in UK is your first thought...." i know, let us fly half way round the world, then commit suicide".

Sorry, something does not fit in....



I agree I don't think that the NHS can be held responsible but as we do not know the truth about their story it is pointless to guess.  Blindfolded with hands tied seems that you are just making things harder if your intention is suicide.  I also think there is more to this but as I said we will never actually know.

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6 hours ago, Pdaz said:


Never ceases to amaze me that the people who complain that the system does help them are also the people who don't wish to join in with "the system" 

If I had blue hair etc etc I wouldn't have a job. They had family and were able bodied. All they needed was a kick up the arse. Get a job, work hard the same as everybody else. If at 15 I'd told my Dad I was depressed he would have told me a good days hard work was the perfect cure.

Here I am 36 yrs later still working 15-18hr shifts with no weekends off. Away from home for weeks, no contract, no redundancy, no paid leave. Never been unemployed and never received anything from the public purse apart from being born in a nhs hospital and 11yrs of school. 

So many people these days seem to think the World owes them a living. 


You are working 18 hour shifts with no weekends off... away from home, with no contract or redundancy... or holiday entitlement?   If that is 'the system' then something is wrong with it!!!


Poor you... .find yourself a better job maybe? 

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3 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

You are working 18 hour shifts with no weekends off... away from home, with no contract or redundancy... or holiday entitlement?   If that is 'the system' then something is wrong with it!!!


Poor you... .find yourself a better job maybe? 

was the same as Pdaz but it paid for my life in Thailand, it burned me out though.

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Always amazes me Why so many non Asian people come to SE Asia to commit suicide. Kind of insulting to your hosts.

As to this Couples apparent rather bizarre suicide. And their blaming it on the British Welfare System and NHS.

Welfare Systems were set up to help Citizens get back on their feet when through no fault of their own sickness, injury or unemployment temporarily robbed them of their ability to fend for themselves. Unfortunately due to Social meddling and lax attitudes many in Our Societies see it as their right to suck at their Mother lands teet add infinitum.

These are the fallout of too lax a system. Assistance we should all expect. A way of life you have to earn.

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That Entitled Generation of Kids justify Thailands love of Border Runs ,90 day Apple to Head Master,showing money in bank to some youngster in an office, Pictures of yer bloody house of all things .if you flew to Asia years ago it was on Private funds ,not Welfare Handouts taken working folk via Taxation.Good Ridance to the parasites,let tax money go to those with industrial injuries,and Military hurt defending the freedom those idle bums abuse

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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4 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

Always amazes me Why so many non Asian people come to SE Asia to commit suicide.


It is not that many. We just get to hear about them as they are unusual.


The UK has around 6,000 suicides per year, or 16 every day, mostly they are not reported in the press.

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1 minute ago, 12DrinkMore said:

The UK has around 6,000 suicides per year, or 16 every day, mostly they are not reported in the press.

I suspect official figures like these. Some suicides will be dressed up as something else to "spare the family". When euthanasia is eventually legalised I'll be interested to see if it's its own category or whether it gets lumped in with the suicides. However my bet is that a number of unreported suicides nowadays relate to informal euthanasia - drowned in the swimming pool, that sort of thing

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1 hour ago, Ace of Pop said:

That Entitled Generation of Kids justify Thailands love of Border Runs ,90 day Apple to Head Master,showing money in bank to some youngster in an office, Pictures of yer bloody house of all things .if you flew to Asia years ago it was on Private funds ,not Welfare Handouts taken working folk via Taxation.Good Ridance to the parasites,let tax money go to those with industrial injuries,and Military hurt defending the freedom those idle bums abuse

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

how to spell: write this 100 times:

''I will WEAR  black''....

''good RIDDANCE to the parasites''

your post just about makes me want to throw up.

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20 hours ago, Pdaz said:


Never ceases to amaze me that the people who complain that the system does help them are also the people who don't wish to join in with "the system" 

If I had blue hair etc etc I wouldn't have a job. They had family and were able bodied. All they needed was a kick up the arse. Get a job, work hard the same as everybody else. If at 15 I'd told my Dad I was depressed he would have told me a good days hard work was the perfect cure.

Here I am 36 yrs later still working 15-18hr shifts with no weekends off. Away from home for weeks, no contract, no redundancy, no paid leave. Never been unemployed and never received anything from the public purse apart from being born in a nhs hospital and 11yrs of school. 

So many people these days seem to think the World owes them a living. 



Where did you get your degrees on psychology? The Patton School by chance?

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