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Poland: anti-foreigner protests turn violent after fatal stabbing


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Poland: anti-foreigner protests turn violent after fatal stabbing

Alasdair Sandford




ELK: -- Riot police have clashed with protesters in Poland amid anti-foreigner sentiment in a northeastern town, after a young local man was stabbed to death on New Year’s Eve following a row at a kebab restaurant.


A Tunisian national – said to have worked as a cook at the restaurant in Elk – has been charged with killing the 21-year-old, who has been identified only as Daniel.


Amid the ensuing protests, the restaurant’s windows were smashed, demonstrators shouted anti-foreigner slogans and the police were attacked. Police say they made 28 arrests.


“The detained people were the most aggressive in the crowd. They remain in custody. Each of these incidents will be dealt with separately. These people have to answer for their actions,” said police spokeswoman Agata Kulikowska de Nalecz.


The prosecutor, Wojciech Piktel, said it was unclear what had started the row at the restaurant, but it appeared that the man who was killed had taken two drinks and left without paying. The Pole – said to have been accompanied by another young man – was chased by staff from the restaurant before being stabbed twice. At least one firecracker was reportedly thrown.


Reports say police arrested several people over the killing. A local councillor has been quoted as saying that those held were people of North African origin who managed the restaurant, the Prince Kebab.


The following day, people began gathering in front of the restaurant. Video uploaded to social media shows two men breaking windows, to applause and cheers from the crowd on the other side of the street.


Reports say police kept their distance at first, but later tried to move people away from the restaurant. The clashes took place on Sunday evening.


The mayor of Elk, Tomasz Andrukiewicz, has appealed for calm, attributing the violence in his town to the anti-immigrant mood prevailing in Europe.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-03
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I foresee more and more of these attacks across Europe. Hopefully the liberals and lefties will finally own up to what most sensible people know and that is the immigration policy across the EU, has been an absolute farce, doesn't work and will continue to cause chaos until the policy is reversed.

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        Similar but different. I just watched some videos of problems-with-immigrants in Sweden. It appears as though problems are brewing in Poland also.  At least the Poles realize there's a problem.  Many of the Swedes interviewed didn't even acknowledge a problem, even though they lead Europe in # of rapes (by Muslims, of course) and in # of 'No-Go' regions - areas where even local police won't enter because they've been commandeered by N.African and Middle Eastern tough guys.


        Here's one way gang rapes take place in Sweden:  A group of Muslim men will surround one or two pretty girls.  The guys on the inside will rape, while the guys on the outside form a human shield.  Perhaps the men switch places as the raping continues.  It's happened so often at music concerts that some bands refuse to even perform in Sweden.  Let's hope that horrible trend doesn't spread to other European countries.

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9 minutes ago, Franz11 said:

It seem to me that you are an immigrant in Thailand. You are just too lucky that Thais are kind enough not to kick you out.

We are guests here. We pay our way. We behave or are thrown out. Unlike too many immigrants in Europe.

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59 minutes ago, chrissables said:

We are guests here. We pay our way. We behave or are thrown out. Unlike too many immigrants in Europe.

I just searched on Thesaurus but couldn't find "guest" as synonym of immigrant ...

I am also unaware of misbeheaving Poles in Britain. All of those I met were educated hard working people, doing the jobs that you Brits don't want to do.

The thruth is that lots of your lot are insular, racist inward looking people.

Edited by Franz11
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21 minutes ago, Franz11 said:

I just searched on Thesaurus but couldn't find "guest" as synonym of immigrant ...

Semantics. The point as know is here people who come to live here must obey the law, if caught breaking it they have the right and often use it to throw you out of the country.


In Europe, too many abuse the system, put nothing in and take all they can. And the left wing political courts give them human rights, which seem to be above those granted to the locals. Along with rarely throwing out wrong doers. Thailand in this case has it right. Pay, behave and you are welcome. Don't, you are not welcome.


That stupid Merkle has caused so much angst by inviting all with no checks. She should imprisoned for for the deaths and rapes her policy has caused.

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1 hour ago, Somtamnication said:

Oh the irony. Now they know how the Brits feel about the Poles.

There is more irony to it:


In 2011, Poland received the full freedom of movement as a citizen of the EU. However, their number in Germany alone has been increasing for some time. In the meantime, every tenth inhabitant with an immigration background comes from the neighboring country.


And these people protest against foreigner?

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

        Similar but different. I just watched some videos of problems-with-immigrants in Sweden. It appears as though problems are brewing in Poland also.  At least the Poles realize there's a problem.  Many of the Swedes interviewed didn't even acknowledge a problem, even though they lead Europe in # of rapes (by Muslims, of course) and in # of 'No-Go' regions - areas where even local police won't enter because they've been commandeered by N.African and Middle Eastern tough guys.


        Here's one way gang rapes take place in Sweden:  A group of Muslim men will surround one or two pretty girls.  The guys on the inside will rape, while the guys on the outside form a human shield.  Perhaps the men switch places as the raping continues.  It's happened so often at music concerts that some bands refuse to even perform in Sweden.  Let's hope that horrible trend doesn't spread to other European countries.

That's a virtually fake statistic about rapes in Sweden. I think technically it's called an artifact. Well before the Muslim influx Sweden led in number of reported rapes in Europe. Not because it actually had more rapes, but because the Swedish were much more likely to report and recored instances of rape.

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37 minutes ago, Franz11 said:

I just searched on Thesaurus but couldn't find "guest" as synonym of immigrant ...

I am also unaware of misbeheaving Poles in Britain. All of those I met were educated hard working people, doing the jobs that you Brits don't want to do.

The thruth is that lots of your lot are insular, racist inward looking people.

My brother's wife is Polish and for a while had a (lucrative) gig translating for the police. There are plenty of Poles misbehaving in Britain, just as there are plenty of hardworking, friendly and decent Poles also in Britain.

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2 hours ago, Franz11 said:

It seem to me that you are an immigrant in Thailand. You are just too lucky that Thais are kind enough not to kick you out.


There are only a small amount of us here , we have not overun the country and on the whole we behave , we bring our own money , we usually marry local girls and in that way integrate , also we dont try to change the people living here to adopt to our way of life , and demand that they let us carry on as we did back in our cesspits of a country .

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1 hour ago, Franz11 said:

It seem to me that you are an immigrant in Thailand. You are just too lucky that Thais are kind enough not to kick you out.

Please note: I never came to Thailand looking for work and in such great numbers that it undermines the local worker. Nor did I come here to impose my ideaological way of life on Thais. The Thai economy just benefits from bring currency into the country rather than sending it home.

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2 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Oh the irony. Now they know how the Brits feel about the Poles.


You can't compare the two ... Polish are hard-working people, and do the jobs that the British are too lazy to do. 

Reason why the Caribbeans would brought over to the UK in the 50's, and the same reason why the Poles were brought over. Perhaps if the government forced people to work instead of scrounging from the over-generous welfare system, the need for immigrants wouldn't be necessary. 


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Thanks to these EU clowns these things are happening now also in a country where never ever there were racial tensions. I'm saying it over and over again, North Africans and Muslims don't belong in EUROPE! Throw them out. Wonder how Mister Tusk, the infamous "EU President" and Polish himself will think about this evolution. Might be possible if this continues all over the EU people will take the law more and more in their own hands, and I really can't blame them. If you allow to settle 1 Muslim family in a street, with or without kebab..., and in a matter of weeks there are 100 of them!!! Wake up Europeans, time to act through a variety of elections is still the best way but it's getting slimmer and slimmer with things like this happening.

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That's a virtually fake statistic about rapes in Sweden. I think technically it's called an artifact. Well before the Muslim influx Sweden led in number of reported rapes in Europe. Not because it actually had more rapes, but because the Swedish were much more likely to report and recored instances of rape.

Yes, it's true that in Sweden we tend to report rapes, as well we should.
But before the enrichment of our country of men who don't understand that young women's idea of consent don't involve being molested by a gang of total strangers, the amount of such rapes have increased alarmingly.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

immigration policy across the EU, has been an absolute farce, doesn't work and will continue to cause chaos until the policy is reversed.


You mean reversed like a cat into a bag or genie into a bottle?


It can never be reversed, even if you sent "them all back" you might as well suggest doing it on unicorns. Exactly whose beach or island are you going to dump all those pregnant, sick, too young, too old, too lacking in information people? Exactly how are you going to send back tens of thousands who are already in and off the radar?


Remove all political correctness, liberalism, socialism, left-wing thinking, humanity, morality and.. you still have a problem.

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3 hours ago, Squeegee said:


You mean reversed like a cat into a bag or genie into a bottle?


It can never be reversed, even if you sent "them all back" you might as well suggest doing it on unicorns. Exactly whose beach or island are you going to dump all those pregnant, sick, too young, too old, too lacking in information people? Exactly how are you going to send back tens of thousands who are already in and off the radar?


Remove all political correctness, liberalism, socialism, left-wing thinking, humanity, morality and.. you still have a problem.

I agree and was being pertinent and argumentative. You could have an amnesty to repatriate people, ensuring that life in the west was not profitable for them to stay. No doubt the liberals and lefties will scream at me for that thought.

Anyway I believe that the next year and two are going to bring more and more problems down to the immigration open door policy in the EU. Merkel should be held in the Hague for what she has done.

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Just for clarity, you are all referring to Muslim migrants or all migrants. Please tell all ?

Mainly yes ,as most of the country's that people are leaving seem to be of that faith,personally I have no problem with the majority of Poles etc who come to the west as they integrate,however that does not go for the Rumanian gypsies and their like as they also just come to scrounge, I am sure you will now say I am "racist" Islamaphobic" and a lot the other left wing ,bleeding heart words,well who cares? Not me

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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33 minutes ago, i claudius said:


Mainly yes ,as most of the country's that people are leaving seem to be of that faith,personally I have no problem with the majority of Poles etc who come to the west as they integrate,however that does not go for the Rumanian gypsies and their like as they also just come to scrounge, I am sure you will now say I am "racist" Islamaphobic" and a lot the other left wing ,bleeding heart words,well who cares? Not me

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk


Not me. I am rather anti Muslim. I have no problem with any Europeans. (Yes I understand the exceptions but you get the drift). I will get accused of all sorts of things for saying that but it's how I feel.


I should explain that I haven't always felt this way. I was pro Muslim during the Balkan wars. I read the Independent for goodness sake.


No, I just don't care for their social mores and customs; their apparent unwillingness to integrate.


If I was a genuine refugee I would ditch all the religious hocus pocus and do my damnedest to fit in.


Nothing racial about this. Ironically I was watching professor Brian Cox this evening. He made the point that humans from 200,000 years ago had the brain capacity to learn and act upon everything we know.


BTW, Angela acted out of common humanity; she got it wrong but I don't think she should be pilloried.


How to fix all this now? Goodness only knows ? 

Edited by Grouse
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11 hours ago, Grouse said:

Not me. I am rather anti Muslim. I have no problem with any Europeans. (Yes I understand the exceptions but you get the drift). I will get accused of all sorts of things for saying that but it's how I feel.


I should explain that I haven't always felt this way. I was pro Muslim during the Balkan wars. I read the Independent for goodness sake.


No, I just don't care for their social mores and customs; their apparent unwillingness to integrate.


If I was a genuine refugee I would ditch all the religious hocus pocus and do my damnedest to fit in.


Nothing racial about this. Ironically I was watching professor Brian Cox this evening. He made the point that humans from 200,000 years ago had the brain capacity to learn and act upon everything we know.


BTW, Angela acted out of common humanity; she got it wrong but I don't think she should be pilloried.


How to fix all this now? Goodness only knows ? 


I am afraid that it cant be fixed , the door was opened and cant be completely closed , and the problem is that the ones who are already in the west will breed and breed ,never integrate and one day it will end in a civil war , i hate to say it but the world as we know it is doomed , with 7 billion of us in the planet , breeding constantly we will just run out of everything eventually , so glad i was born in another time ,but i do think my grandchildren will live in a far worse world than we ever imagined when they get to my age . such a shame .

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On 1/3/2017 at 8:33 AM, Franz11 said:

It seem to me that you are an immigrant in Thailand. You are just too lucky that Thais are kind enough not to kick you out.


Do the illegal criminal migrants who paid people smugglers to illegally enter EU countries have to show a certain bank balance, level of earnings, or combination to stay?


If you enter Thailand illegally you will be fined, possibly jailed and almost certainly deported. Not so in the EU.

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On 03/01/2017 at 9:23 AM, Franz11 said:

I just searched on Thesaurus but couldn't find "guest" as synonym of immigrant ...

I am also unaware of misbeheaving Poles in Britain. All of those I met were educated hard working people, doing the jobs that you Brits don't want to do.

The thruth is that lots of your lot are insular, racist inward looking people.

Yeah well maybe you are lucky as I have met a load of " misbehaving" poles, one of which cost me personally £10k in repairs to my house that he and his family had trashed. Nothing insular or inward looking about that is there?


presumably you are not of the master race so your observations concerning "you Brits" is irrelevant anyway.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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