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Conway defends Trump over hacking statements


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2 hours ago, midas said:


CNBC political reporter friend of Hillary and Democratic party sychophant John Harwood took to Twitter last night to ask the question

"Who do you believe America? Wikileaks, or US Intel Officials?"

The response, which emerged from his immediate following which one would surmise, should gravitate toward Harwood's liberal ideology and thus respond in a way Harwood expected, was yet another slap in the face for the establishment's perspective on how the world should really run.:giggle:






"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."?

William Casey (CIA Director) 1981

There are still people who think man never made it to the moon. LOLย  This last election proves the average person will believe anything.ย 


I saw a poll where Trump supporters still believe Trump won the popular vote.ย  Gullible and uninformed.ย  Big time.

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4 hours ago, midas said:


CNBC political reporter friend of Hillary and Democratic party sychophant John Harwood took to Twitter last night to ask the question

"Who do you believe America? Wikileaks, or US Intel Officials?"

The response, which emerged from his immediate following which one would surmise, should gravitate toward Harwood's liberal ideology and thus respond in a way Harwood expected, was yet another slap in the face for the establishment's perspective on how the world should really run.:giggle:






"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."?

William Casey (CIA Director) 1981

I went to the internet to track this allegations down. The only sources I could find were fake news sites.

And as for that ridiculous poll you posted, where did it come from? I suspect just some right wing website.

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On 1/3/2017 at 9:44 AM, craigt3365 said:


He thinks he knows more and is smarter than everyone else. ย That's why he didn't know that Russia invaded Ukraine and took Crimea. ย Trump said in a recent interview, "Russians won't go into Ukraine. You can take that to (the bank) ....wherever you want to take it to."


Ever time I see his photo or hear him speak, a little part of me wants to puke. ย He will be to America what mildew is to damp parchment.ย 

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4 hours ago, midas said:


CNBC political reporter friend of Hillary and Democratic party sychophant John Harwood took to Twitter last night to ask the question

"Who do you believe America? Wikileaks, or US Intel Officials?"

The response, which emerged from his immediate following which one would surmise, should gravitate toward Harwood's liberal ideology and thus respond in a way Harwood expected, was yet another slap in the face for the establishment's perspective on how the world should really run.:giggle:






"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."?

William Casey (CIA Director) 1981


Well Midas, I'm going to put you in the category of those who gulp down fake news for breakfast.ย 


BTW, when a person is a boss, it behooves that person to build confidence among the people who work under him. ย Trump is doing the opposite re; US intelligence factions. ย Thus far 17 US intelligence organizations have concluded that the Russkies swayed the election in favor of Trump. ย Concurrently, Trump is dissing all those agencies and all the people working within their ranks. ย What's next? ย Trump denigrating all US military personnel? ย  Oh whoops, sorry. ย Trump has already been doing that, by saying the US military is weak, unprepared, ineffective and that he (Trump) knows more than their top generals.


Who will he denigrate next? ย the president? ย whoops again. ย Trump's already done that, by saying Obama is the worst president ever and that Putin is a much better leader.


And what will 'America's greatest jobs president' (his own words) do for journalists and jobs in news outlets. ย He's already told his sheeple how he hopes and predicts the greatest newspapers in the US will fail (why? because they don't praise him). ย ย 


He's a 'jobs president' like I'm the best pole vaulter in the world.

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54 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I went to the internet to track this allegations down. The only sources I could find were fake news sites.

And as for that ridiculous poll you posted, where did it come from? I suspect just some right wing website.

John Harwood does have a twitter account.




And admitted this tweet ended up in RT. LOL

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Loch Ness Monster: ย  For decades, millions of people believed it. ย Even after the original prankster showed how he did it (with a little floating model), nearly all those duped people still believed it.


Crop Circles: ย For decades, millions of gullible people believed it. ย Even after the pranksters showed how they went out at night with a 2x8 with ropes - to make the designs, still, nearly all those duped people continue to believe crop circles are made by aliens.


Donald Trump's lies: ย 'Obama is a Muslim Kenyan' is only one of dozens of stupid lies that Trump has dumped on easily-fooled US rednecks. ย Even, after 5 years, when The Divider said Obama is an American, ....his dim-witted sheeple continueย to believe it. ย Then there are dozens of additional lies, and added lies every week - all of which are believed by his idiotic fans, and which helped him get elected (along with Putin's maneuverings). ย 


Where is the low point for Trump's fans? ย It keeps getting lower and lower. ย Trump may be draining the swamp, but he's gleefully employing all the scum that's being exposed.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Loch Ness Monster: ย  For decades, millions of people believed it. ย Even after the original prankster showed how he did it (with a little floating model), nearly all those duped people still believed it.




ย  ย Regarding the Loch Ness Monster, many people were skeptical at that time, not many really believe it existed .

ย  ย It has since been shown that it was actually an elephant swimming under water, an elephant from a travelling circus which was in the area at the time and it was taking a bath in the loch ness .

ย  ย No one actually believes it now, just a few locals keep the story going in an attempt to attract tourist to the area

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

ย  ย Regarding the Loch Ness Monster, many people were skeptical at that time, not many really believe it existed .

ย  ย It has since been shown that it was actually an elephant swimming under water, an elephant from a travelling circus which was in the area at the time and it was taking a bath in the loch ness .

ย  ย No one actually believes it now, just a few locals keep the story going in an attempt to attract tourist to the area


That's the first I've heard of a swimming elephant being the L.N. monster. ย Did you make that up?


A number of years ago, an old timer showed how he fooled the millions of easily-fooled people (Trump supporter types) around the world. ย It was such an elementary ruse. ย Yet how many tens of millions of dollars have been spent over the decades to surmise whether there's actually a monster in the loch?


And, am sorry to say, you're wrong about the # of people believing it's true. ย Many. ย Probably around 70% of the millions of people who've heard about it, believe it. ย The # is probably higher for crop circles. ย Regarding the point I was making about Trump supporters: ย About 93% believe the daily pap he dribbles out of his Tweets.




Edited by boomerangutang
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26 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

That's the first I've heard of a swimming elephant being the L.N. monster. ย Did you make that up?




ย  ย  You are going on about gullible people and you still dont know that the LN Monster was an elephant !!!!!!!!!!


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