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Minivan with completely bald tires stopped - but driver is allowed to carry on


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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

This is a joke right?  Please tell me it's a joke, not even the Thai police could be such fools.  They vehicle should have immediately been slapped with a defect notice, put straight of the road and the driver fined for using a vehicle that doesn't comply with the standards of registration.  The defect notice can't be removed until everything is fixed and a roadworthy certificate obtained.

Where do you think you are - this IS Thailand or did you think you're in OZ ?

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OMG.  When will the RTP learn (or be forced by this county's leaders) to do their job properly? This posting shows the total incompetence and idiocy of the RTP and their lack of common sense in carrying out their duties - one of which is to reduce the road toll. They should be ashamed of themselves. I wonder how one of those police at the checkpoint would feel if that van driver had ended up killing or maiming a member of the policeman's own family?


Open plea to PM and the Minister of Police - enforce your regulations or dismiss (not to an inactive post) those who do not or will not! You are killing your own people :post-4641-1156693976:

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The insert photo clearly shows this tyre is not only bald but down to the underlying fabric. But that's OK - probably another 1000 km before completely worn thru'. and a danger to life and limb.

Unbelievable Thailand. 

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Once more the RTP reinforce their reputation for ineptitude.  They have become a laughing stock throughout the civilised world yet they are laughing all the way to the bank.

When will Government seize the nettle and disband the Kwaistone Cops?

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1 hour ago, taichiplanet said:

i was sitting at an inspection station (Dtor Ror Or) waiting for my bike to get the certificate so i could renew the registration, there were cars and pick-ups being passed that had broken lights, bald tyres and belching smoke. Besides police not enforcing the laws there should also be inspections of the inspection centers, and heavy fines.

I think that's something like what the terms third and first worlds imply, Rome wasn't built in a day and this is Thailand.. 

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The only way they can stop this stupidity is to impose an immediate fine on any transport company that is involved in an accident of 10M baht/incident, in addition to paying all expenses for victims of the accident and paying compensation to all dead victims families. Bullshit walks and money talks, that's the only way to stop this.

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The stop and check of this Van was shown on the TV news this morning. The driver had that sly "haven't I been a naughty boy , I've been caught" smile on his face. The police didn't seem too bothered. The tyres looked to be down to the canvas in places. According to Best Beloved the driver was allowed to go because he would replace them that evening, after his scheduled three round trips from Chonburi to Bangkok! He should be OK, he had lots of amulets hung around his neck.

I've only once travelled in a public minibus. I was terrified. I won't go in one again, and give them a wide berth on the road.

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17 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Bold tiers? Mai Pen Rai.. 25 people died horrifically in one accident? Mai Pen Rai,

400 plus dead this holiday season, Mai Pen Rai, I'm ok, it's not going

to happened to me....

There is probably a need for a very high ranking "whatever" to have a major part of their family wiped out in a senseless road accident , and only them might we see some meaningful action undertaken - now that's a maybe and maybe 's count for bugger all in LOS.

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Let's hope the power of social media sees that incompetent pointing policeman out of a job!!


That vehicle should have been impounded immediately, did they not think to make him use the spare tyre, was there a spare tyre available, how about all the other tyres????

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5 hours ago, macduff said:

The police need better training

The cop's behavior isn't related to training...the guy is just stupid and doesn't care...most fat people know to diet, they just don't want to...the cop just gives 0 f@@ks about the safety of people...

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Just shows that no matter what the PM or the Police Chiefs say, THEW RTP have little or no care for the PUBLIC THEY SERVE. I hope the police are identified and fired for Gross Dereliction of duty. Or perhaps the driver offered a months wages to the officers, either way it is a disaster.

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13 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:


My God, I really can't take much more of this country.

If it wasn't for my commitments here, I would be out of here like a shot.

Had enough.


The problem you have I believe is that you haven't adapted or trained your mind to accept the way things are here, we cannot expect Thailand to be like home, apples and oranges, just enjoy the ride, and when you cannot take it anymore, look for a ride more suitable, like the carousel, me personally, I like the roller coaster, keeps me on edge, but I don't expect any better of the Thai's.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Everyone is amazed at the horrific accident that killed 25 people.

Thousands are watching clips on FB and YouTube and in the news, crying, devastated families and yet no one should be surprised when this is allowed to happen.

Did he get the tyres changed or is he still driving up and down at excessive speeds endangering the lives of innocent people? No need to reply ...... we all know.

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I recall in Aus years ago ... if your tread was less than the thickness of a match head, they cops threw the book at you ... BIG fines and a couple of days to change the tire(s) then a yellow sticker was attached to the windscreen and an appointment was made for you to attend a vehicle inspection centre were the sticker was removed if the tire had been replaced ... the only problem was, the inspectors then went through the whole vehicle picking up numerous other 'faults' ... cost me a fortune, but at least my vehicle was safe to drive ... such a simple process ... but I guess B. notes would be handed out to the inspectors for every fault found allowing the driver to continue on his way ..... sheeesh !


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