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Election may be held 19 months after constitution is activated


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Election may be held 19 months after constitution is activated

By The Nation



Deputy PM Wissanu.


IT COULD take up to 19 months after the new constitution takes affect before the next general election will be held, Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam said yesterday.


IT COULD take up to 19 months after the new constitution takes affect before the next general election will be held, Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam said yesterday.


He said the “roadmap” to the next election would start counting when the new charter was promulgated.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30303598



-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-01-07
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5 hours ago, dominique355 said:

What happened to the 6 + 4 + 6 +4 rule the General has promised the Thai people?


Not a total untruth! 

6464 is the year the next election (may) be held.

You might not be here. 

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Makes sense as the NLA IDs were dated until 2020.


The NCPO supremo originally said October. 2015. Of course, he also said there wouldn't be a coup.



I believe that most people understand the situation well. I just want to ask for cooperation from the minority. With common understanding, we will move forward towards full democracy,” he added.


"Full democracy".


He's here all week.

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You can no longer believe anything that comes out of this country

would rather lie than tell the truth

or they do not know what the meaning of truth is


If I was an expat here I would be thinking of moving fast


before they get the idea of ransoming your freedom


anything to make money


Man this lot stink rotten to the core

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So there will be elections this year then! This year being deemed to be er TAT have just given us one of their unusual number of months and the winning number is 19 months, so "this year" is now deemed to be 2018 around October time which gives us a bit of slippage time and all depending on the constitution ratification, the world looks on as it holds its breath and hopes that the election does not clash with the next US elections.

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19 months?   So now it's going to be the end of 2018, at the EARLIEST?   More likely get pushed back to sometime in 2019, or maybe even 2020.    Oh well, many were saying maybe 2020 anyway.

Thailand.  What a joke.  Pathetic, is really the only word that comes to mind.


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If Fidel Castro said this about elections America would call him a dictator. Rest my case Anyway we have stable government Road safety is the best in the world Farang are made most welcome In Thailand Economy is strong Tourism is thriving Every one has a job so why are we all complaining about the government

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

He said the “roadmap” to the next election would start counting when the new charter was promulgated.

Promulgated had to look this one up not used to such big words from politicians. The answer is   publicize, spread, communicate, propagate, disseminate, broadcast, promote, preach; The word preach really stood out for me. It takes time I guess to do all of the above. 


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This was always the plan. Right after the coup, they put up signs that said "longevity, stability, prosperity 2558-2563 (2015-2020)" in Thai. I remember when the media was being hard on Prayuth the first few months, he made some under the breath comment to the effect of "you'd better get used to me."

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I just half to laugh The Thai people will accept this because they have no backbone

No sense of Unity 

This is a joke 19 months after the constitution is done What number constitution is this now 7 or 9

Its worth the paper it is printed on How long will this constitution last for 



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Thailand is a 'patrocracy.'   Yes, I made the word up.  'Pater' for 'father' ....also the root of patrician, patricide (to kill one's father), patrimony, paternal, and the Spanish word, "patron" which is what you call your mafia boss, unless you want to lose your kneecaps.


Thais need to be told what to think.  The junta is in place to tell them. 



Edited by boomerangutang
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8 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Every day a new election day/month/year is called out.
The whole thing is no longer credible.   Amateurs.


'Amateurs' is not a word which comes to mind when describing the junta leaders.


Other, more accurate descriptive words come to (my) mind, all of which are unprintable here on Thai Visa.

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38 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

I just half to laugh The Thai people will accept this because they have no backbone

No sense of Unity 

This is a joke 19 months after the constitution is done What number constitution is this now 7 or 9

Its worth the paper it is printed on How long will this constitution last for 




Actually I think they accept it because to protest against it means prison or being shot dead.

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9 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

That image... 

2017... any advance on 2017.. any advance.. Do I hear a 2018.. 


2018 over there in the corner.. 2018.. mid 2018 ?? yes a mid 2018 down in front.. 


2019.. do I hear a 2019... 

Make it 2020, it is such a nice round figure....

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3 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Every day a new election day/month/year is called out.
The whole thing is no longer credible.


We are seeing a true con man in action and only allowed to do so because the majority of the people are too spineless to stand up for themselves and the Thai education system has ingrained in them to believe what they are being told without questioning.



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1 hour ago, Reigntax said:


We are seeing a true con man in action and only allowed to do so because the majority of the people are too spineless to stand up for themselves and the Thai education system has ingrained in them to believe what they are being told without questioning.



I know that poster JAG will be on here to point out with a great deal of validity the hardline stance taken against dissent. However if some kind of stand is not taken, in my opinion the Thai people can forget any form of representative democracy for the next generation to come. It is really highly depressing...

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"Election may be held 19 months after constitution is activated"


Or Not.............


Just depends on what the chubby nanny decides or..........

If by some chance the people of Thailand themselves grow a pair & take their country back :whistling:

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