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Singer-songwriter Peter Sarstedt dies aged 75


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23 hours ago, bendejo said:


It is pretentious with all its name dropping.  But that is the point, it mocks the vapid values of "my lovely."  Missing from the lyrics listed is the part about children begging in the street, when she's faced with real  things.


I remember this from 1969 when my friend picked up the album.  I don't think I've heard the song since 1970.  I don't recall it getting much airplay in the US.  I'm surprised anyone remembers it.



Hmmm, we'll all look forward to hearing YOUR Next Million Selling Song.... any time soon?


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Just listened to it , nothing special . 1969 was the year that gave us David Bowie and Space Oddity .


I think I will just continue remembering the great ones.



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15 minutes ago, balo said:

Just listened to it , nothing special . 1969 was the year that gave us David Bowie and Space Oddity .


I think I will just continue remembering the great ones.


But then we all have different tastes in music and although I never considered it "great", to me it was well written and "captivating".


As for different tastes, look at the mix of hits in this 1969 compilation.......



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I had an English girlfriend who was friends with him and mentioned him often. That's how I recognized the name. I don't think I have ever heard the song in question until I played the you-tube linked above. That is a very sparse version(acoustical). I'm assuming the studio version was different. As to the quality.. well, it fit the era.

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10 hours ago, balo said:

Just listened to it , nothing special . 1969 was the year that gave us David Bowie and Space Oddity .


I think I will just continue remembering the great ones.



Good for you.. no one is forcing you to listen to anything.


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I'd never heard of the song, so took a break to go to utube.  Barely lasted over the minute.  What a ghastly song!!!  It is out of date, but even so!!!!

If you were born after 1970 don't listen to real music.

This song is still in my 100 top list.

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